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Rebecca Kristine Lindsey

University of Minnesota
Department of Chemistry and the Chemical Theory Center
Twin Cities Campus

(612) 625 0781


Ph. D. Chemical Physics University of Minnesota (UMN), Minneapolis, MN

Adsorption, Partitioning, and Uptake of Solutes in Chromatographic and Surfactant
Systems; Advisor: J.I. Siepmann


M. S. Chemical Physics University of Minnesota (UMN), Minneapolis, MN

Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography: A Molecular Simulation Study; Advisor:
J.I. Siepmann


B. S. Chemical Engineering Wayne State University (WSU), Detroit, MI

Concentration: Molecular Engineering and Nanotechnology; Research Advisor: J.J. Potoff

Awards and Honors


Journal of Materials Chemistry Poster Prize at the Foundations of Molecular Modeling

and Simulations (FOMMS) meeting
NSF travel grant to attend multiscale molecular modeling workshop (PASI-3MS, Uruguay)
3rd place at the annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Student
Conference for poster presentation on energetic materials remediation research
WSU Ernest B. Drake Leadership Scholarship
WSU Honors College Research Grant (two-time recipient)

Research Interests

Understanding solute/solvent interactions at bulk and micro-phase interfaces

Nucleation and self-assembly
Algorithm development for enhanced sampling in molecular simulations
Program design toward automation of force field fitting
Solving challenging scientific and engineering problems


R.K. Lindsey, J.L. Rafferty, B.L. Eggimann, J.I. Siepmann, M.R. Schure,
Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo Simulations of reversed-phase liquid
chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 1287, 6082 (2013).

R.K. Lindsey, D.R. Stoll, P.W. Carr, and J.I. Siepmann, A New Approach to Column
Pair Screening for 2D-HPLC, under review by industrial sponsor.

R.K. Lindsey and J.I. Siepmann, Automated Determination of Bonded Potentials

for Complex Molecules Using a Monte Carlo Approach Combining
Configurational-bias Sampling and Simulated Annealing, in preparation.

R.K. Lindsey, M.R. Schure, and J.I. Siepmann, Green Separations with Superheated
Water: Understanding Retention Mechanisms in Reversed-Phase Liquid
Chromatography, in preparation.

Publications (continued)

R.K. Lindsey, S.N. Jamadagni, D. Eike, P. Koenig, and J.I. Siepmann, Polar and Nonpolar Solutes in Non-ionic Surfactant Bilayer Systems: Loading and Structural
Changes, in preparation.

R.K. Lindsey, S.M. Charan, S.J. Keasler, and J.I. Siepmann, Deeply Supercooled
Unary and Binary Lennard-Jones Systems: Vapor-liquid Coexistence and
Surface Tension, in preparation.

Nov. 2015

R.K. Lindsey, S.N. Jamadagni, D. Eike, P. Koenig, and J.I. Siepmann Partitioning of
Organics into Surfactant Bilayers AIChE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah

Nov. 2015

R.K. Lindsey and J.I. Siepmann Determination of Bonded Potentials for Complex
Molecules Using a Monte Carlo Approach Combining Configurational-bias
Sampling and Simulated Annealing AIChE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah

July 2015

R.K. Lindsey, M.R. Schure, P.W. Carr, and J.I. Siepmann Chromatography: From
Atoms to Columns Foundations on Molecular Modeling and Simulation Conference
(FOMMS), Mount Hood, Oregon

May 2015

R.K. Lindsey, and J.I. Siepmann Partitioning of Organics into Surfactant Bilayers
Midwest Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Conference, Ames, IA

May 2015

R.K. Lindsey and J.I. Siepmann Partitioning of Organics into Surfactant Bilayers
Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering (IPrime)
Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

Nov. 2014

R.K. Lindsey, M.R. Schure, and J.I. Siepmann Green Separations with Superheated
Water: Understanding Retention Mechanisms in Reversed-Phase Liquid
Chromatography AIChE Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia

Nov. 2014

R.K. Lindsey, D.R. Stoll, P.W. Carr, and J.I. Siepmann, Predictive Screening of
Column Pairs for Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography AIChE Annual
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia

May 2014

R.K. Lindsey, D.R. Stoll, P.W. Carr, and J.I. Siepmann, Simulating Chromatographic
Systems University of Minnesota Chemical Theory Center Seminar, Minneapolis,

June 2014

R.K. Lindsey and J.I. Siepmann, Determination of Bonded Potentials for Complex
Molecules Using a Monte Carlo Approach Combining Configurational-bias
Sampling and Simulated Annealing Midwest Thermodynamics and Statistical
Mechanics Conference, Chicago, Illinois

Curriculumn Vitae

Rebecca Kristine Lindsey

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Presentations (continued)
May 2012

R.K. Lindsey, S.M. Charan, S.J. Keasler, and J.I. Siepmann, Saturated Vapor
Pressure and Liquid-Vapor Surface Tension of the Supercooled Lennard-Jones
Liquid Midwest Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Conference, Minneapolis,

May 2011

R.K. Lindsey, K.A. Maerzke, and J.I. Siepmann Assessing the Accuracy of
a Combined TraPPE-UA/EH Approach for Substituted Arenes Midwest
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Conference, Wheaton, Illinois

Nov. 2009

R.K. Lindsey, and J.J. Potoff Quantum Chemical Characterization of Candidate

Insensitive High Energetic Materials AIChE Student Conference, Nashville,

Technical Skills
Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics methods, enhanced sampling techniques, electronic
structure calculations (Gaussian and NWChem), data mining, Fortran (77,90,95), C/C++,
MPI, Matlab, Python, Julia, and shell scripting (bash,awk, etc.)
Affiliations and Societies

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

UMN Chemical Theory Center
Chemistry Department Diversity Committee
Association of Multicultural Scientists
Women in Science and Engineering

[Graduate Student Representative]

[General Officer]

University Service And Outreach

Prefixed number indicates the number of years event was participated in

2010 - 2014




Women in Science and Engineering: Cool Chemistry

Association of Multicultural Scientist: STEM Academy
Exploring Careers in Engineering and Physical Science
Math & Science Family Fun Fair

WSU AIChE Student Group Vice President

WSU Linux Users Group Vice President

Curriculumn Vitae

Rebecca Kristine Lindsey

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