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Tyler Barnes
Before you start:
-Gather 2 basketballs
-Order people single file behind the 2 people with basketballs
-Review how to shoot a basketball
Set up:
You will need 2 basketballs and have people single file behind the 2 people with
How to play:
-First player with a ball shoots the ball
-Then the second can shoot
-If the second player scores before the first player does than the first player is
-If the first person scores first then they pass the ball to the next player in line
-Repeat until someone is eliminated, then reset with 2 people at the front of the line
having balls
-Continue until only one player is left
Group size:
Large group (10+)
Age group:
Ages 9-15
2 Basketballs
Development goals:
To develop good shooting skills and to learning to do so in a quick manner
Skills practiced:
Shooting a basketball

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