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A. The primary responsibility of the Buildings and Architectural Review Committee
is to advise the Board of Directors, in a reasonable and productive manner, on issues
affecting the external design and maintenance of the property. In accomplishing this
goal, the Board of Directors shall assign the Buildings and Architectural Review
Committee with tasks from time to time that may include but not be limited to:
Providing the Board of Directors with recommendations regarding the
architectural standards.
Assist the Board of Directors and Management in the enforcement of
Architectural Guidelines and covenants of the association to include performing
re-inspections on units with outstanding violations.
Perform annual spring inspection and report any covenants violations to
Provide the Board of Directors with recommendations regarding maintenance,
repairs and improvements of the buildings.
Provide the Board of Directors with input during the preparation of the annual
Review Architectural Variance Applications. The Committee has the power
to approve and/or deny all applications that are outlined by the Associations
design guidelines. Any applications in question should be relayed to the Board
with the Committees recommendation.
The Buildings and Architectural Review Committee shall not have the power to
approve any applications or plans for any improvement that violate any of the
express provisions of the Declaration or Bylaws, or any provision of the
Architectural Guidelines without the express approval of the Board of
Perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
Committee candidates and members shall be unit owners in good standing. Good
standing shall be defined as the absence of any liens, privilege suspension, assessment
delinquency, covenants violation, or pending legal action with The Carriages. There
shall not be more than one member of a household serving on the committee at the
same time.
Recruitment of candidates may be done through the newsletter, announcement at the
Annual Meeting, or by any other means deemed appropriate by the Board. The Board
of Directors will strive to ensure that members from varying locations within the
association are represented on its committees.
Interested unit owners must submit a written request for appointment to the
Community Manager. Committee members in good standing are eligible for

The Board of Directors will make committee appointments each year following the
Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors may make additional appointments throughout
the year if vacancies occur. Committee Members are appointed for two-year terms;
however, members appointed to fill vacancies that occur during the year shall serve
out the remainder of the term of the committee member they are replacing.
The Board of Directors may remove any committee member, including the
chairperson, with or without cause, at any time without notice or explanation with a
majority vote of the Board.
The committee may make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the
removal of committee members. A committee member may be removed, upon
written notice from the committee chairperson, for failure to attend three
consecutive meetings without notice or explanation.
Members of the committee may make recommendations to the Board of Directors for
the appointment of a Chairperson. The Board shall appoint the Chairperson of the
committee following the Annual Meeting each year. Other officers of the committee
may be elected by the committee membership. At a minimum, the committee shall
elect a Secretary who shall be responsible for recording accurate minutes of the
committees meetings and submitting them to Management, in a timely manner for
inclusion with the regular Board meeting package. Minutes shall include a record of
the date, time and place of each meeting. Minutes shall also include a record of
committee member attendance and all votes of the committee. The Chairperson, or
Chairpersons designee, shall be responsible for chairing meetings of the committee.
The committee shall meet regularly. The committee shall publish an annual calendar
of meetings. All meetings shall be open to all unit owners. If it is necessary for the
committee to reschedule or cancel a meeting, the committee Chairperson shall notify
Management at the earliest possible time and make an effort to post a notice on the
community bulletin board. The Chairperson is responsible for contacting the members
of the committee regarding rescheduled or canceled meetings. Special meetings or
rescheduled meetings may be scheduled by the Chairperson upon five (5) business
days posted notice stating the reason for the meeting.
The committee may convene into executive session in order to discuss a case prior to
rendering a decision on any enforcement recommendation to the Board or to discuss
alleged violations. The committee shall reserve a time period at its meetings to allow
input from any non-committee members present at the meeting. A majority of the
members of the Committee must be present to convene a meeting or conduct formal
voting procedures. The total number of committee members shall be a minimum of
three with a majority present to establish quorum. A majority vote of the members
while a quorum is present shall constitute a decision of the committee. All voting
shall be conducted in open session.

All committee meetings shall be conducted generally in accordance with Roberts

Rules of Order in a professional manner. Minutes shall be taken at every meeting.
Minutes shall show attendance, issues raised, votes cast by each member present, and
any decisions made by the Buildings and Architectural Review Committee. Minutes
shall be forwarded to Management for inclusion in the monthly report to the Board of
Directors. Approved meeting minutes will be kept on file for review by owners.



The duties of the Chairperson shall include, but may not be limited to, the following:
Monitor and track and maintain ARC membership roster;
Develop the annual meeting calendar;
Prepare meeting agendas; Preside over meetings;
Provide each ARC member an opportunity for input;
Ensure ARC members and those attending the meeting are treated fairly and
with respect;
Assign ARC members tasks as necessary;
Submit meeting minutes to the Board of Directors as stipulated above;
Serve as the liaison with the Board and represent the ARC at the Board of
Directors meetings.
Ensure the ARC is performing duties as detailed in this resolution, including all
routine and non-routine inspections, and as otherwise may be requested by the
Board of Directors.

In the interest of ensuring strong communications between the Board of Directors and
the Buildings and Architectural Review Committee, it is expected that the committee
Chairperson, or the committee member who is his or her designee, will attend each
regularly scheduled business meeting of the Board of Directors. The committee
representative will present committee recommendations, update the Board on the
status of pending committee tasks, request assistance from the Board, as needed, and
answer any questions the Board may have regarding committee assignments. The
committee is expected to maintain regular communications with the designated Board

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