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Time allowed 1 hours

Total Marks 100
[N.B- The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Questions must be answered in English. Examiner will
take account of the quality of language and of the way in which the answers are presented. Different
parts, if any, of the same question must be answered in one place in order of sequence]
1. Distinguish between void and voidable contract

2. What are the essential elements of a valid contract?

3. An agreement made without consideration is void. Discuss.

4. Who may employ an Agent? Who may be an Agent?

5. Describe briefly the various modes by which an agency may be terminated?

6. Define sale and agreement to sale. How is a contract of sale made?

7. Identify five differences between incorporated companies and ordinary partnership.

8. How does dissolution of a firm take place without order of the court?

9. Distinguish between a bill of exchange and a promissory note.

10. When must a banker dishonour a customers cheque?

11. What do you understand by Nothing? What is its content?

12. Explain the object of the law of bankruptcy?

13. Against whom bankruptcy proceedings may be and may not be initiated?

14. What is an Arbitration agreement? What are the essential elements of an Arbitration agreement?

15. What are the rules for a minor in a firm to become a partner? Discuss their rights and liabilities
under partnership Act, 1932.

The End

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