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Name ___________________________ Galaxies & the Milky Way

Mr. Magnuson Astronomy Notes

1. A galaxy is a huge group of _______________ and other ________________
bodies bound together by _________________________ forces.

2. What are the 3 types of galaxies?

3. Our Sun and solar system are a small part of the


4. Who developed the “tuning fork” classification system for galaxies?

5. How did Edwin Hubble determine that the stars were not in our galaxy?

6. Disk-like galaxies with spiral arms are called ____________________________.

7. Spiral Galaxies are divided into two subclasses:

 ___________________________ (S) – swirls with extended arms page


 ___________________________ (SB) – elongated central region, with

extended arms (it looks like a bar) page 840

8. Elliptical Galaxies are not


9. Irregular Galaxies have


10. If the galaxies are too close together, then


11. The Milky Way Galaxy is a ________________________________.

12. The Milky Way is about ________________________ light-years in diameter

and ___________________________ light-years thick.

13. It takes the sun roughly ______________________ to orbit once around the
Milky Way.

14. The Earth is about _________________________ from the center of the Milky
Way Galaxy.

15. Scientists say that looking at distant galaxies or objects are like looking into the
past… Why?
Name ___________________________ Galaxies & the Milky Way
Mr. Magnuson Astronomy Notes

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