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Data Stage FAQs

1) How to move a project from development to UAT?

2) Difference between BASIC and NORMAL transformer, when will go for
BASIC or NORMAL transformer.
3) Why we use THIRD PARTY tools in Data stage.
4) In real time debugging stages where we will use?
5) How do you set a default value to a column if the column value is NULL?
6) What are the common errors in data stage?
7) How can we extract data without having any common column?
8) How can you run same job in 1 day 2 times?
9) I want to send sysdate as parameter, so what command should use to call
10) How do you populate time dimentions?
11) How to do performance tuning in data stage.
12) How do you pass parameters, what parameters you passed in project?
13) What are log tables?
14) How do you load dimention data and fact data? which is first,
15) What is audit table? Did you use in your project.
16) Totally how many jobs did you developed and how many lookups did you
use totally?
17) Where the data stored in data stage?
18) When will we use connected and unconnected lookup?
19) How do you clear source files?
20) How do you find a link, if not found?
21) How do you secure your project?
22) How do you handle errors and exception handlers?
23) How many data marts in your project, what are they?
24) How many fact tables are used in the project?
25) How many dimention tables are used in the project?
26) What is parallel extender? Had you work on this?
27) What is cfg file? Each job having its own cfg file or one is needed.
28) I have two tables in one table contains 100 records and other table contains
1000 records which table is master table and why?
29) What is the source you used in your project?
30) Difference b/w ODBC and ORACLE OCI stage?
32) How do you create batches in data stage from command prompt?
33) How many types of loading techniques are available?
34) Difference b/w DRS and ODBC? Which one is the best?
35) What is SQL tuning? How do you do it in your project?
Nipuna Software Solutions

Data Stage FAQs

36) How did you re-concile source with target?
37) What is ISOLATION level? When did you use this?
38) How do you read data from xml files?

Nipuna Software Solutions

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