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RS 44 10=40 INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 8178-1 Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Exhaust emission measurement — Part 1: Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions Moteursakemstfs& combustion intro ~ Mesuage des missions de (12 'Bchogpoment. Part 1: Mesurage des emission do 02 et de prteuls a bane asso 180 8176-1:1996(€) Contents 1 Scope 2 Necro references 3 Detiions 4 Symbol an sobrvione 4 Syme and subsots 42 Symbols and abbreviations forthe emis eomeonents 43 Aobevations . Tost condtions 5:1 General equiromonts 52 Engin test contons 83. Power S54 Engine aint system 155. Engine exhaust systom - $58 Cooling system 87 Luenieg ot 6 Tosttuee 7 Measurement eqoment ad data tobe menses 74 Dyramometer specication 72 Besaust gas fw 2 Accuracy 7A Determination ofthe sbseous components 75 Pereulte determination 8 Cottration of he anata irsrumonts 8 nvosucton 82 Catration gases Boe eco wwwrsssesrenuna|d " 2 ® ” ” ” Sasa ated nr aie sail opal ile maybe pind ted artery ayaa Sic rnc mcuang ope {Gv Font 60° Chs121 Gonove 30° Senrard iso 180 6178-1:1996(E) 183 Operating procedure for snsysere and sampling syst 84 Leakage est 185. Colbeten rocodixe 186 Vetiicaton of te clration 87 Eticiony test ofthe NO, converter 88. Acjustment ofthe FID 89. Intererece effets with CO, CO,, NO, and O, analysers 810. Calbraton ntarvala 9 Calbraion ofthe pareuate messurng system 91 Gove 92 Flow maseuoment 983 Checking he auton ratio 84 Checking he pari few conditions 95 Caltratonintovels 10 Reming coniins test cyctas) 11 Testun 1121 Proparaton ofthe sarong fers 112. Instalaion ofthe measuring eavioment 1113. Staring the dlution sytem and tho engine 114 Acjesimar of he dation rio 118 Determination of tt points ‘118 Checking of the snore 117 Tost eyes 18 Rechecing te anaysors M18 Test root 12 Data evaluation for gaowous ane patculteorisions 121 Gesoous emissions 122 Panicalte emissions 18 Calesation of the gaseous emisions 18.4 Determinaion of the exhaust ga flow 182 Dylwetcomection heseae BER ESE SEL SSSR SS SRR FRR RTS 178-1:19961€) * 986 ‘e1s0 180 8176-1:1996(6) EA Transfer tube heating examele 133 NO, corecton for humisty and temperature. 2 Hoot arsor caleulaton F Biiogaphy 2 ‘184 Calelation of the erision mass flow rate 185 Colelation of the specific omissions 14 Calelation ofthe partite emission UA Partoulet coracton factors 142 Paral fw dition system 143 Ful fow dltion stom 44 Caleaton ofthe particulate mass lw ate 1145 _Calelaton ofthe specific emissions 148 Ettectve weighting factor 115 Determination ofthe gaseous omissions 15.1 Malo exhaust compononts C0, C02, HC, NO, Op 152. Ammonia ansyis 183. Methane seas 48.4 Methanl enajsie 185. Formaldehyde aati 16 Determination of the prtculetes 6. Diution ester gagesesareeesseee ee 162. Partculst sampling stom a e668? ‘Acute be tat ns mse ow nd ot conbuin SP Sonmston 1B. Equipment and aus to be inte forth tst to dotrine, gine power (eee ago 83 and 175) 3 © Etfciony calculation and correction fr the non-methane Syrocaton outer measunng method 6 1D Formulse for the calvatio of the coetients uv, win 18.487 DA For ides! gases st 273,18 K (0°) and 101,3 KPa a 2 Forresl gases st 0°C and 101,3 KPa o D2. Gonwal ere othe cin of concertos at, E Host elelton transtr te) 8 me 180 8178-1:199646) e180 Foreword |SO [the Intemational Organisation for Stacrdston) i @ wordvide ‘eserton of rations stands Saces (SO member bose. The Wate Of preperngIntmatinsl Stevan cormaly caries out traugh 130. fechnics’commiees, Ener memoer booy Inerested fs subject fo ‘ehich a teshncal committee har been estblsned hse the Fgh to be ‘reared ont contin, aca nnztor, dormers and nongorertmentl, ir fason wth 150, ago tke patti olaborates cosely wih the itenetonl Elewvolchnial Cormsson TieCl on at mates of elactatecmnics!standarsaton Dat Intemational Standards adopted by the technical committees ae freustos tothe member bodes for voting. Pubeston as an ternational tonsa’ reqites approval by st east 75% ofthe member bodes casing aver Irtemational Standard [SO 8178-1 was prepared by Technical Commitee ISOMTE 70, intena’ combustion engines, Subcommites Sc 8, Dxaust bis omasion measurement 150 8178 consists of the follwing parts, unger the genera te FRearosatng intemal somtuston engines ~- Exhaust emission meas. = Part 1: Testbed measurement of gaseous and partcuat exhaust — Part 2: Messurement of gaseous and particule exhaust emissions = Par 3: Defnions and mathods of messurement of exhaust gas ‘Smoke under saad state conations — Pare 4: Test eyes for dferoct engine applications — Port 5: Test tots = Pore 8: Test report = Pat 7: Engine famiy determination — Par 8: Engine group determination = Part9: Test bad messuroment of exhwst gas smoke emissions fom engines used inno roxd mobile machinery Annexes A,B, Cand D form a integra part of ts prt of ISO 8178. An rexae E and Fre for ifermeton on INTERNATIONAL STANDARD © 1S0 180 8178-:1996(E) Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Exhaust emission measurement — Part 1: Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions 1. Scope Tis par of ISO 8178 spactias the messurament and evshatin mathods far geazaus and paiulte exhast ‘omission from recerocating intemal combustion engines (RIC engines) under steady-state conditions on test bad, necossay for determining one weighted value fo sch exaust oss poluat. Verous comerations of engine lead an speed rect ferent engine eppliations (see ISO 8178 ‘This pa of 'S0 8178 is sppleabe to AIC engines for mobi, vansportabe and statonsty use, excidng engines for moter vehles primey designe for oad use. Ths part of ISO 8178 may be ened 16 engines used en festvenoving machines, generating sets and for other eppeatons. In limited instances, the engine can be tested on the test bod in accerdanco with ISO 8178-2, the fell test ocumont. This can ony eccur with the aprooment of-he pares inated. It should be recognized tat data ob- tained uncer these creumstarces may not agfeo completly with previous of Tutue cata obtained under tho [tusprea of tn pa af 80 198. These, Hi rocemmnaried tat tor opto be eroresed ony with engine Baits very ited quantities such a very lrge maine er generating set engines. For engines usd in machinry cover by aditionalrcurements (eg. occupational heath and seety regulations, regulate for powerplant} acatinal ast conatens and space vation methods may SPD ‘Wher itis not possible to use a testbed or whee information ie requled onthe actual emissions produced by [an sonca engine, the ste tat procedures and ealvstion methods apectied in SO 81762 are appropriate, NOTE 1 This pat of 1808178 ented for us a 9 measurement postive ta determing the geseous ae priate fmissen loves a IC enges fe nauiomate usa. is cupase ss pote 8 map of ar ongne's rss chastatcs iin Prog we of i ropar waiting acters, on We ad as a aeaton of at engn's emia ees under vers Seoteators. The ericson rests oo axed n nts gare ot Mowat Rou and epecat te Mase ate amiss rau ot wor crop Athoug th par of 80 8178ia designed for nor-uteetve ngs it shares many nie with arcu tnd ptrow emission manures at fav boon nate far ny yrs tr onreed ones One te ot ‘Siar et sree nya go pnctioss hail Son mats carat seco rerio of 1985 180 8178-1:1996(E) 2150 ‘2d ator hea at tk engines inthe USA. nether othe rocadu fr etect messuremont ofthe gasoous emissions in the undluted exeust ges, a¢ eutertly specified forthe catfieaon of heavy ty tuck engines “pan and Europe. ‘Many of the procecires described below are detled accounts of laboratory methods, sinea determining an ‘omissions value equres performing a complex set of indhicual measurement, father then obtersng 2 angle ‘reasured value, Thus the ressts btanod dapend ae mach on te proces of performing the measurements 8: they dopond on the engin ar test metod Evaluating amizsons trom offroad engines is mee complicated than the seme tatk for enond engines ue to ‘the divers of ff-cad appleatins, For example, ovoad aplenons primary consist of moving alse trom one ‘anothor on a paved oaaway. Tha cneiraints of the paved feadways, maximum acceptable pavorant sd maximum allowable rade of fuel, rarow the scope of on-oad vehide and engine sizes. Offread an ‘ines and vehicis include a wider range of saa, incudng the ongines that powe’ the equipment. Many of the ‘engines are large enough to preclude the appicaton of test equipment and methods that wore coeotsbe for ‘nfoad purpoces. In cases whore the appicatin of dynamometer snot possible the tests shal be made t ste or under eppropite concitons, 2. Normative references ‘The folowing standards conan revisions which, trough relerence in ths text, constiute provisions oft pat of 150 6178. Bt tno tme of publeston, tne ection indeed vee vic. Al stands are sboct oroiion, on partes to eoreemants based on this part of ISO 878 are encourage fo invetigate the possi of apphing the ‘ost reset edions of the standard indeato below, Members of IEC ane (SO main registers of curenty ‘i Intornational Senda, 150 2046.3:1989, Reciprocating interns combustion engines — Performance — Pat 5: Test meseuements. 180 5167-11991, Measurement of fis iw by means of pressure coronal devices — Part 1: Once plates, roms and Venturi tabes inserted n eur clossectoneanduts rang ful, 150 572521994, Accuracy (tuaness and precision) of massurement methoss ond resus — Par 2 Basie ‘method forthe determination of epesibity and veproauclty of a standard measurement method. 10 81762», Reepracoting intent combustion engines — Exiaust emission measurement — Part 2: Moas- ‘oment of gasecus and particulate exhaust emissions 5 150 8178-4», Racjrecaing intral combustion engines — Exhaust emission measurement — Part 4: Test ‘eyeles for afrent engine apoications. 180 8178-5-—, Recrecating intl combustion engines — Exhaust emission messurement — Part 5: Test fle 's0 a17e6— report Aeciroeating itorral combustion engines — Exhaust amision measurement — Part 6: Test SAE J. 1181-1988, Methane messurement using gas evemetoorpby, SSAE J 1996:1989, Chemie! methods for the measurement of noneoguised dos emissions. 1 Tobe petites, e180 180 6178-1:1996(E) 3. Definitions For the purposes ofthis prt of ISO 6176, the folowing dafisions app 3.1 particulates: Ary mtr colectd on a specifies fiter medium ater dung exhaust gases with can tered air ata tomporature of les than or equal to 325 (52°C), 03 measured ata point immediately upstream ‘ofthe proary fir ta ie primariy exten. condenseahydrocattona and sulfates, ane besocited water, NOTE2 _Partedsts defend nhs pro 50 6178 e sbstentay diet in comet an welgh om paket (ast sanod dec) tom he undid eshasst gos ung eat er meod (og 150 9090, Peieutes masse {55 desobadin ts par of 508178 sconce proven abe etlecve lor fol sufur vas up oO % ‘32. partial flow dilution method: The process of separating # part ofthe aw exhaust gases fom the total ‘xhatst few, then mang with an appropriate emaunt of diton a pror to pobsng hough the parclote sr pling titer (se 1811, gues 10 tT. 33. full ow dilution method: Tho xocee8 of ming dlton a wih ho total eeu flow per to separating 2 iracton of the luted haus tcam for nai. NOTES iis commen n many fubfow dton systems tte the tacon of prod exaust g3E6s 2 Second Une ton aptptota sre tmpartures ate pareuse Ma se 18.12, hue 10, 4 lnokinetic sampling: The process of contoling the fw ofthe exhaust some by minting the mean "sample vlosity atte prabe aval othe exhaust steam mean velocity 35 nomisokinetic sampling: The pxccees of coniting the ow ef the exhaust semplaindapendent ofthe fshaust stream velcty, 35 multiple iter method: Te proces of using one pi of fiters for each ofthe nvidia test ols modes ‘the modsl weighing factors are accounted fr ater sampling during the dala evaluation pase ofthe fet. 27. single filter method: The process of using one pi offers for ltt cycle modes. Modal weighting fac {ors must be accounted for dunng the pariouatesamoing phase ofthe test ye by adusting sample low rate andr saling tn. NOTE This metiod dltes at satel tention be gen to samping sueton ed fw rts. ‘38 specific emissions: Ernissions expressed on the base of brake power es defied in 3.8. NOTES for many em yn in ihe spe of tn ptt S070 aan wh wl be td ot ene |whan it isnot sooroorte to tost the engine in the contons as defined in annex 8, 2.9, the engine an tranmision forma sng intagral unt, tha eng can arly bo testa wih thor autres fe. In ths ease the Sramometer songs shou be determined in sccoranco with 53 and 11.5. The surly lssos should not ‘icood 5% of the rraximum observed power, Losses axceading 5 3% must be approve, prt tha test, By the parts invohed. 39 brake power: The cbsoried power messured at te crankshaft ots equivalent the engine being esipped ‘nly th he standard aunlaries naceseary for ts operon onthe fest beg (see 63 and annex), uf 3.410. auxllaries: The equipment snd devices Sstd in annex 8 e180 180 8178-1:1996(6) oD {80 8178-19960E) 4 Symbols and abbrevistions bo eorirg oa Unt 441 Symbols and subscripts ‘eee, | sin topos Sanew “|_| Pecan raed he msm rae Tre fest eae Seed * a = ome mas | tae | Erissins ass tow ata an wae, | | me | Paice sap mas of he tons colated 9 Se a aT a ms Moc | ma. Mos fe atten or am sessd eo. the pare aog ae 0 ne ee 7 in| om | Pesca ssp ss coeced a cone | cor | Backoundconected conentaton sen 7 Mow | os | Nasot chile " ee ee roaue ae Mau | min | Matto! he cue east soelepssed tun be arcu sarong tits | kp cn, | 6 | Coneetaton ath ute coment emia! om Yvon 1% | | Stanton pur ores of ter in ey pr |p | oiwen ter 1 ry | m | Toalasemete pase ie war |e | ees a oer 9 ya pra tt aia |e | eee eee we Aine | fe | Bet act ty srg We ttn contitions ‘0 1%] | Drverowphe pete ad Te ee wvaemen wer P| P| Uninacie ate sner ww Sen ere ne cram ance cain : ax | Pa | Dest ove sya fr tantra by | fa | A | it ete fatter extast foweeuston ny bass 1 1 | Mousse er ces por ath te anne ur tat cons: | fn | A | Fst spectitacorw0d ore sets of wat cocanttens or ay 1 tone bee 118 cnenttors rr | en | Pats ensson onwh fou | Re | Fae spec tere ast ow etn on wet bss 1 Prom | tor | Pate as ow te ‘ah Garo | ae | fae sit mss ow rae on ey bass on @ | ry [Dien ato . 1 ams | coe | eke ass foe te on we is ca + | | Pat of aot tte oes site probe an ait po 1 Gain | san | Daten a as ow te on wet bass an | | Rae misty he ina * erm | nx | Ean ved etait os rs ow eon wet bass on te | | Rtas burisya esbaton si * Geom | aon | Est ease Row te on wot ees oh | a | Rloresperse tr 1 Com | a | Psion te ton toy | m_| FO repone fcr or meal 1 Grom | tax | Dies exaust sess wae on wat sts oh 5 | | omanomete stig ww GAs, | 6 | as ersion ivan seer deg compouna sone 1 | | Aisotetemoseue of te inake a x 1m, | | poco homie rte ae tu | | Aas cepa empertice x | my | sob ham fe sono sho Ta | Ta | Attokteetwere tinseste combina: 238K) K a eee oto Te | 1 | posoine terse oft erin si K rrceat_ | He | Hrogsm con rato roti. Tou | Ter | Abst ineose fetes tnpare K 1] + | siete deen indi ado 1 ano | ou | hike sr sohne Hoe ton ey nin Fes | | Harty coecton fectar fr NO fr eae egies 1 Yon | Gime | bake a one to on wer ss wn evar |_| Hamish coneton fcr to NO, fr osolnn pel enaines 1 Via | Ma | Volare ct ten asm pisos rou He pate sample tas |? | | Hamat corsston oso parts 1 Yar | shox | Dltin soe ow ton tbat wp ow | Ku | oy t0 wet comet otf tte a 1 Vern | aie | Eas od at sve flow at on wet bass oe oa | Ka | Or wet conesten ater easton at 1 ono | aoe | Ext oe von tow te on is nip fou | Ke [Dry wetcorecon er fo he ted nus gas 4 enn _| dom | Ena oa lun Fw ren wt Bas ok Fu__| Ke | By tension ster forthe eat 1 180 8178-1:1996(E) e150 Symbol pezonteg Tem Unie eee | sm ropulatoes Vow ‘Votana fe dud eahast corp passed trough He paedsi Sng Vow | dau | Dlsed axa ox vane Hon ta on wet basis my | | Wirth fcr 1 Wi [in | Etcive weighing ter 1 1) Aczrang 180 37 on Quoiis duis 2) 107 gt, ctleustono NO, nd partite ham earecton cto 3). Caraspond to yo PSY Nest arbi enston| 3 dios iSO 3046. 1) Corespon t,o PX ttt pressure in arbor! conor of PY Gast tol pressure im aves condone) 42. Symbols and abbreviations for the chemical components ACN Acetoile a Carbon 1 eauivalent hyekocarbon cH ‘Methane Ge bane Coy Propane CHAO Methanot co Carbon monde co, Carbon dose DNPH Diniropheny!hyaxine DOP Det phthalate He Hydrocarbons HCHO Formaldehyde Ho Water NH Ameria NMHC Nonmetnene hkceabons No iti oxide NO, Nittogen dioxide No, ‘Onis of nitrogen N40 Diniogen oxide oO owygen RME Rapeseed cil maxhoster so; Susur dose . 50; Sul exe 180 180 8178-1:1996(E) 43° Abbreviations: CAV Cita fw vertu CLD Chamianinascant detector CXS Constant velume semoling ECS Elscrochamical sensor FO Fame ionization detector FIR Four tansfarm infrared analaer ce (Gs chromatograph HCLD Heated cheriuminescent detector HID Heated far ionization detector HPLC High pressure qu ceeratograph DIR Nondspersveintares antes NMC Non-mathane cuter POP —_—Positve dsplcement pume PMD Paramagnete detector Pr Prrtiultes WD Uavottaoteter ZROO Zirconium dioxide sensor 5 Test conditions 5.1 General requirements [Al volumes and volumetric Faw ato abo relat 1 273K (°C) nd 101.3 Pe 5.2. Engine test concitions 521 Test condition parameter ‘The absolute temporatur T, ofthe engine intake aie expressed ia Keli, and the dy atmosphere ressure py ‘expressed in Jo, shall bo mossured andthe parmetrf shal be determines secordng to the flowing eo Nw nea nny perme duped onli ee «(8 )-(ae)" ® Teta amp len ergs th ot cg a (8) (aie) Formulae (1 and (2 are dential withthe exaust emitonlagisition from ECE, EEC and EPA, @ For naturally aspirated and pressure charged spark ignton gine the parameter shall be determined according tothe felling «(a) (8 Iso e179-1:199616), 2180 and shat be between 0.98 and 1.07. 5.22 Test vataity For tat tobe recogni 9 val, the parameter, should be such that 0.906 fe 1.02 o Uf, fr evident crnical reasons, itis not possible to comply wit this quirement. f shall ba betwoen 033 anc 110? In‘hie case the pareulete omieion, PT, shal be coated according to 1412" coracion of the gaseous ‘emissions shal ot b appod. 52.3. Engines with charge air cooling “The temperature of th cooing mesm and the terpersture ofthe charge ai hal be recorded ‘The cooing system shal be set with the engine eporating atte reference speed anc lsd. The charge ai te Doroure and cose” pressure drop shallbe set to within t 4K end 4 2 HPs fespectvely, of tho manufacturer pecticaton. 53 Power ‘The basis of specie emissions measurement is uncoacted brake power Certain suxsaries necessary en forthe operation of the machine nd whieh may be mounted on the engine ‘Should be moved forthe test. The flowing noomplate lit is gen ae an example = Br compress for brakes: — power steering comressoe = sr condoning comressot = pumps for byes acute For further dotals S86 3.8 and annex 8. Where auiivias have not been removed the power absorbed by them a the test speeds shall bo detarined ‘order to ealouata the dynamometer satings in accordance with 116 5, Engine air Inlet system ‘he test engine shal be equiped with an arin estar Upper lit specie bythe manufacture fora clean a Siow Tor respective engine appieatens. conting 29 ane resticton within 10 % ofthe Tor ho eng operating concons ging maximum For 2-stoke soak inton engines, a system representative ofthe installed engine shall be use, 55 Engine exhaust system The tat engine shal be equiped with an exhaust system presenting an exhaust back pressure within £10 % ofthe upper Imi spectied bythe manufacturer forthe engine operating conditons ging maximum declared power for espactve engine apoeatons, For stoke soarkignton engines,» system representative ofthe installed engine shal be use, e180 180 8178-1:1996(E) ‘pacity to maintain the engine at normal operating temperatures pe: ‘sorbed bythe manuectre sal be use, 5.7 Lubrieating of! Spectctons ofthe ubreating of used forthe test shal be recorded and presented withthe resus ofthe tet © Test fuels Fuel charactors infunce engine eshoust gas emisson, Therefore, the chaecterstes ofthe fu! used forthe test should be determine, recordes and presented withthe resus ofthe tot. Whore fuos designated a5 rot fron fal in ISO 81785 ere used, he roference cade and te ands othe fuel shal be provided. Fal other {et the characterises wo be recorded ae thooe listed inthe appropeate univocal dtashoats in 1SO 61785. ‘The fol temperate shal ben ccordence withthe manfectuxe'srecommendstios. The fuel tempersture sal ‘be massured atthe nat fo tho fuel injecton pump cr as specified by the manuiecutr, snd the locston of ‘measurement eco ‘The selection of the fuel forthe test dapencs onthe pupose ofthe tet. Unless otherwise agreed by the partes th fol shal be selected naccorsince with abo ‘able 1 — Selection of fuel Test purpose Interest parton Fe section Tyee anal 1 Gaston bay Tetrnos tat oe & aed (Covet 2, Matter 2 spor Commer ul ra velrece flit Tessas et 1 Monaleauw 3 appier ‘oneal oa pea by Oe renee 2. Conome or npcto esnredeveopent ‘Ore a more of rautntr: esac eget, Foon ct spa ee To suk ho papoose ast 7) Costar ne mapas shoul ote ta he ons ets cried out we carne el wl ot naeasaiy omy wt ls spctiag when ug teen ud linn 2 sulabierelrence fut net aie ful with properties vary os othe eeorc us maybe sed. The 7. Measurement equipment and data to be measured ‘Th emission of gaseous and saricuate components bythe engine submited for testing shall be messured by the methods dogettoed in claus 15 nd 16 Those cases cesee the recommended aalycel systems or he ‘280008 emissions (elsuse 15) and the recommended patclate luton end samping ystems (clause 18, (ier systems or analysers may be accepted if thoy il equivalont resuts. The detominatin of sytom equ- lancy hal be based ona -sample pat or arg covelaton study between the system under consceation ard ‘one of te eeceptod eystamn of his prt of [SO 8178, “Results” rters to the specie cyee wegned emissions “ale. The corslatan tertng i fo be performedat the same abortory an eat cl, and on the sare engine, The tents shouia be ran concurrent. The test sia tobe use shal be ve apvoprias cycle aa found a (SO 8178 forthe Cl yee 9 found in 'S0 81764, The equlelencyeterion is dened saa 6 % agroement cf the sare a averoge with outlorsexclded fom the database as described in ISO 57252 obtained under the laboratory 180 8178-1:1996(€) e180 col athe engine cantons described above, Tho sytem tobe uta for covrition toting shall be dacared iio othe test and skal be agrood upon y the parties ich For intocucton of a new syst, the determination of equlsleney shall be based upon the exieuion of posta and product, as daseebed in ISO 5725-1 and ISO 67252, “Te following equipment shel be used for emissions tests of engines on engine dysamamates. This pat of 150.8178 does not contain deais of flow, pressure and temperature measuting equpment. Instead, ony the 2o- uray roquiorents of such equipment necessary for condting an emissions test se given i 7.3 7.1. Dynamometer specification ‘An engine aynamometar with adequate chractsities to perform the appropiate test cycle described in 150 81704 shal be used ‘Te instrumentation for torque and speed measurement shall alow the messurement accuracy of he shett power within te gion Eats tional ealelatons may be nacesary. Te accuracy ofthe measuring equement must be such that the maximum tolerances ofthe figures given in 7.3 are not exceeded. 7.2 Exhaust gas flow ‘Th extust gas flow shall be determined by one of the methods mentioned in 7.2.1 107.24 72.1. Direct measurement method Direct measurement ofthe exhaust flow is by flow nozdle or equivalent metering eystam. (Details ara given in Isoster1) NOTE 8 Dict exaust 6 fow measuemant sa feut ask Potavons must be ikon oad measroment eros ‘Whos may oo to erston vale ror. 7.22 iv and fuel mensurement method. This volves measurement of the airflow andthe ful ow. Air tlowmeters an fue fowmeatea with an accuracy a8 defined in 7.3 shel be used ‘The calcution ofthe exhaust gs low isa flows Gon = Gana + Gre. (or et exdaust mass) Yoo ~ Yao + Fro * Ge 1 ory exhaust volume) o Vexay = Vane * Fras Grp for wet exhaust volume) © ‘Values for Fr 8d Pry VEY with the fuel toe {S00 annex A and 'SO 81788), 72 Carbon balance method ‘This involves exhaust mass calcio fom ful consumption and exhaust gas concentrations using the carbon and onygen bares method (ge annex 8 724 Total elute exhaust gas tlw ‘Wher using a ful fow dation system, the total Yow ofthe exhaust Cron Von Sal be measured with @ FOP ‘Or CFV (s08 16121. The accuracy sha confer othe provisions of 92. 1” e180 180 8178-1:1996)E) 72 Accuracy ‘The caliration of all mossurng instruments shal be wacesble tortion! sn international stander and comely withthe requrements given in tables 2 and 3 Toblo 2 — Permissible devietons of instruments for engine related parameters Perrissle deviation ‘Catron teva Ne tm based onan onane’s | tates on on orin's ‘nents ‘nano ales recmum aves 1 [Bone sm 22% 22% a 2 [Toe 22% 22% 3 3 [Ronee am 19% Tae 4 Fst conampion 22n7 53% 6 3 Sec al ansaroten ot pte 49% re ania 6 [a eosin £258 5% . 7 [tout afew 2aRm nak oe @ 20 sue cases, tad on teers ‘messremant andor ealeleton metogs. Baca of lad tot laren othe esters clash, he a ‘Gales for anne rams, wed tn aeprat ea, ra be alr un he Slowed alee Son ‘Table 3 — Permissible deviations of instruments for other essential parameters he = Pomissibie deviation ‘alton intervals eso » rents 1 _ [Groat epee 2K ie 3 2 [obras ol onpeaire Fara 2K 3 3 [esas pressure EKO mae 5% 3 4 [net mart eprsione 8% of mee ry 3 © | Eras es worpertre 25K EI5K 5 6 [A niet wrote eo Ea 22K 3 toon a 7_[ Armosphere pose OS orate ory z 6 ake a unity voor £3% Tet epee 1 8 | Fetemperaure 2K EK 3 1a [ Dison tun! rears zise rotsepienie 3 11 [Biko ar har rite 23% ret opiate 1 Ta | Okaed what oe ow TR otras ret eps pil Bow now 1) According 660 30063, 2 Fallfow systems: the CS postive epocrent pure or OF shal be calbated flowing il rstaaten, mee Faonango of necessary wen het by te CVS myst voto Sexe in A n 180 8178-1:1996(6) e180 7.4 Determination of the gaseous components 7.4. Goneral analyser speietions ‘Te analysers shall have « massuring range appropcate forth accuracy required to measure the concentrations of te exhaust gas compensa (7.41.1) fie rosommended tat th aalysers be operated such that the moas- ‘red concentration fle Between 18 % and 100% of ful sele, I the ful scale vlue& 118 pen for PBMC) or loss or if reactout ystems Computers, data logge) tat provide Suffeent accuracy ang resolution Below 18% of fl sale ae used. cancenzations blow 15% of ful sale ae ‘hao eoceptabo Ie this case, edonal clans are fo be rade to ensure the accuracy of he eabraton curves sea, “The eecomagnate compatity (EMC) ofthe equipment shal be t such fel 2 to minimize edition eros, AAA Measurement error . “The total measurement ero, ineuaing the cross eenvy to other gases (S66 8), shal not excoed = 5 % of the teeing or #35 ol ful sal, uiehever ie male For concantatlons of oss than 100 por the meesie- iment ercr sal not exceed 4 pm. 7AN2 Repeatabiity “he repestbiy, define as 2.5 times the standard dovaton of 10 ropoive responses to given caltxtion or pan ge, ust Ge no grester than 41 ef fl aaleconcentaten fr each ange used above 18S ppm fr pom) tt 25% ofeach range wed Below’ TES ppm (or Berl. 7413 Noise ‘Tha snalyer peakto-pank response to 200 and span ges {ul sete ona angea used over any 10-s800nd period shal not exceed 2 5% of AAA Zoro aeift “The zero dit during @ ane nou para shal be lace than 2 % of ful saloon the lowest rango used. The zero = ponte is defined 88 the men fespons, including nose, 0 8 70 ges Gung 3 o-second time itera AAS Span ditt “The span deft ding # one how period sel be las than 2% of ful scale on the owest range used. Sosn is dex {ined aa tha ference botweon the span response ana the 2a responce. The span response is defined as the ‘een response, Icuding nose, t08 span gis during & S0-second tme tava. 742 Gas drying ‘he eptionl gas ying device must hae a minimal stfact on the concentation ofthe measured gases. Chemical om the semoe, 743. Analysers 7.41 te 743.11 deserts the messurement pips 1 bo used. A dete descrinton of the measurement $yotoms is given cause 75. The geese to be meaevred sol be enalysed using the instants gn below. For nonsnes analyses, the use of teearing ecu s permitted. 743: Cerbon monoxide (C0) analysis “The carbon mnoxide analyser shal ba ofthe non dsperive nared INDIR) ebsorption ype. 2 e180 1S0 8178-1:1996(E) 7432. Carbon doxide (CO, analysis ‘The carbon doxde analyser shall be ofthe non-sspersie infrared (NOIR) absorption type. 7433 Oxygen (0,) analysis ‘Oxygen anaes shall be ofthe parmagratic dtercr (PMD), zronium doxids 2ADO) or elecvochamicsl sensor ECS) ype NOTE? corm sous sees ae ot acommands won HC an CO concanitons ae igh ich a or sn burn lpvtoceaones Eacvechomiey sonst al be compensate ie CO, an NO, telaence, 7.43.4, Hydrocarbon (HC) analysis “Ta hyocarton analyser shal be of the hested flame iain detector (HFIDI te with detector, salves ppewark, et. hosted boas fo maintan agus temperature of 463K 10 K(180 °C = 10°C) For methanol used egies the tomperature requraments of 74.3112 964, 7435 Nonmethane hydrocarbon (NIAHC) analysis Depending on he mathe (CH) concenrstion tis mathe & more etevant for gaseous han fo quid fel 7435.1 Gas chromatographic (GC) method Nonsmethans hydrocarbons shal be determined by subtston of ho methane analyecd with a gas chromatograph (Ci condoned et 423 x (150°C) tom the hyocarbons messured acozing e 7.43% 74352. Nonmethane cutter (NMC) method ‘he determination ofthe noneethane fraction shal be pedormed with heated NMC operated ine with heated HFID as per 74.24, The ealultionformisao are ven in annex C. 1436. Oxides of nitrogen (NO,) analysis The oxides of trogen ansiser shal be ofthe chemiuminescant detector {CLD} or heated chomiluminascant detector (HCLO} ype with @ NO4INO convene, moasized on a dr bai. H measured ona Wet basi, @HCLD ‘with converter mamtined above 383K (0 Cl shal be used, provide the water quonch check (S68 88.2.2) is ‘sted 743.7. Sulfur dioxide 150, analysis ‘The $0, conceniaton eal be calculated fom the sul content of the fuel used, sles experience has shown that wag the drect messurement method or SO, doesnot gi mae proce resis NOTE ® The apptatn of he eeu rato lor SO itd oon without sfervatment stars ne case 50, maybe messed msocouares with heater spas msbuchone Siow 0, oasuremer oa it ask as nt ben ly deena fr exhaust roasuemcnts oo aleomant of ts partes vaio eau 743.8 Ammonia NH, anasie ‘Ammon sl be determined with 9 CLD, #8 desribedin 7.4.36 by using wo cferet converters. For the total moun of NO, and NH, 8 high-terperstre converte t 873 K (700 °C) shel be used. For the NO, ony, a lowttomperatur converter of 679K (200°C shal be used. The difeence between these measurements the srnmoniaconcenvaton. This method has» lang resporge time approx 10 mh ‘Arnal a FTIR outer vansform infared analyser may be used in accordance with he instrument sate insuctons. Snes tho tchesogy hae nat been fly domenstated fo exhaust messurements, pe spreement 180 6178-1:1996(E) e180 ofthe patos involved is raqured. The response tie ofthis method is considerably shore than with the double ‘convert rthod, 743.9 Dinitrogen oxide (N,O) analysis A FTIR analysor may be utes in accordance wth the instrument supper’ instructions. Sine the techoloay hes ‘not boon fully domonstatd fr extaust messuteens, aa" apreament of the prise evolved i rogue 7.43.10 Formaldehyde (HCHO) analysis Formaldehyde shal be determined by passing an extaust sample trough an imgingercontaing n seetoniile (ACN sokton of ONPH resgert oc though a sie catidge costed with 2.4DNPH. The sample colected shot be anaveed by 2 nigh pressure qu cemstogrph (HPLC) wsing UV detection st 365 nm 7.43.11 Methanol (CH,OH) analysis . |AFTIR analyser mey te sed in acorcance wah the instrument supper’ instructions, Sine the technology has not been fly demonatisted for exheur measurements, por apfoament ef te patos invoked i equred, A314 Gas chromatographic (GC) method ‘Methanl sha be deterined by passing an exhaust saree twough an ipinger containing deionized water. The pla shall be analysed by a GC wth FID. 743.112. HFID method “Tha HFI carated on propane shal bo operated at 385 K + 10 K12 °C 10°). The methanol response factor ‘must be determined at several concartatons in the range of concentrations nthe sample, according to B34 7.44 Sampling for gasoous emissions “The gaseous omissions sapling robes shal be ited at east 0.5 m or 3 times th diameter ofthe extaust pe _Tvehicnaver isthe ingot — upetteam of he ext ofthe exhaust gs stor ae fe 208 apleable, an sutfelerty ‘lose tothe engine as to once an exhaust gas temperature of last 343 K (70°C) atthe probe, In the esse of multiyindor engine with ¢ branched exhaust manifld, the it of the probe shall be lactod sullen far downstream so a5 10 enou thatthe samba is represerative ofthe average extaust emissions ftom al cysoder. In multcyiager engines having distne groupe of manflss, auch at ma °V" engine con- ‘iguaion, tle permite to segue 2 sample fam each group indivdually en ealodsto on overage exhaust tisson, Other mathade wisn have been shown to colts withthe above metheds ray be sed For exhaust ‘Smssion calcitonin ital etaust macs fw sal Bo use, Ifthe composition ofthe exhaust go i infanced by any exhaust sertostment system, the exhaust sarmle sal be taxon downsveam of his vos. For spark ignition engines the exst sampling probe shouldbe ina high-pressure sie ofthe muffler, bt far ‘tor th exhaust port ae possi, To ensures complts ring ofthe engin exhaust before tarmple extraction, 8 ‘xing chamer ‘may 80 opsenally inserted between the muller ote and the ebm probe, The intemal volume Gf the ming chamber shal be not loss than 70 tenes th cylinder dsplicomert ofthe engine under test anc ‘should be oughly equa dmensons in height wiath and dpth, The beng cham siz shou be kept as smal 3: prcteble und shoud be coups as close as possible 10 the engine. The exraust line lig the ming ‘chamber should extand at eat 810 mm bayond the sample pres lorsticn and bo of sulsent sie to mn ‘bck preasure. The teeratre ofthe Inne srfoe of the bang chamber shill be rsiataned above the caw point of the exaust gases end a minimum temperstue af 65°C is recorenended, For marine sngnes the int of the probe shale oat 2 a to aol ingestion of water vc i ijt ito ‘the exhaust system for he purpose o cooling, tung oF nose reduction, e180 180 8178-1:1996(E) \When ful iw dion systems used for doteminatin ofthe pariculates, the oneeous eiescns inthe ded ‘exhaust gis may aso be doteined. The samoing probes shal be close to the paricuate samping probe inthe {auton tunnel (6.1.2, gure 19, DT and PSP). CO and CO, may aso be Getemined by sampling ita a bag wih ‘subsequent measurement o! the concentration # the semoing be 75. Particulate determination ‘The determinaton ofthe particulates requires a dsr syst, Dilution may be accomotshed by a parts flow sion system oF 8 ful flow luton system, The low capecty of the duton system shell be lage enough to completa eliminate water condersation nthe giion and samping eystome, an maintain the temparsture of ‘ha dlted exhaust eas ator below 325 (52°C) nvmeatly upstream of te iter holders. Oshuricying the ition sr before entaring the dition systom & permed, and espocaly usaf metherolfusad angnas are Under test, or the cluton air humidity is high Dilien a pre-featng above the temperate limit of 50S K {930 °C) recommended ifthe erent temperate is tlow 258 K 20"). However, the sision sir toroerate Sha ot exsoed 328 K 152°C po to the itodicton a the exhat in the don tunnel For a prt flow ciuon system, the parzulte éamplng probe shall be fited close to ard uasteam of the ‘2seous probe as defined in 7.4 and in accordance wih 16.1.1, gure 10 to 18, exaust pipe and sarong robe (EP and SP, ‘The sata flow dition system has to be designed to sli the exhaust strsam iso two factions, he smaller one ‘beng dilutes with ar and sulsequenty sed for pariountemansurement. From tht assert hat he ion ‘ato be determined very acewatly, Dero spiting methods can bs applies whereby the type cf sling used lzttas too sgufeart degree the sampling hardware end procedures fo be used 88 16.1) ‘To determine the mas of he pareustos, @ partcuate sarang system, partults sampling ites, microgram belance anda temperate and humity- controlled weighing chamber ar requited For particulte sarin, wo methods may be copied, ‘The muti iter method dtates that one prof ites ts 75.1.) is used foreach of the test cycle. Tis method allows more lenient sample procedues but uses more fos 12 indvidusl modes of “The singe titer method uses one pair of titers (59 7.51.3) fora modes ofthe cycle. Corsiderte attention shal be eid to samoing tes end lows dung te sampirg phase ofthe test; however, only one pal offers wit be ronuad forthe test exc. 175.41 Particulate sampling fiers 75.2.1 Fiker speciation Fuorocarbon coated gas fire fas o°fuerocarbon based membrane fitrs af raise for croton tats, For speci appeaons atfrent ite matris mey bs Used. iter types shal have » 09 am OOP lacey Dhithltelcotecton efiency of at east 95% st «gs face vetocy between 95 cms era 60 omis. When pet forming coreleton tests between abortores or betwoon a manuacturer and a Fequstory open, fiers of arial quaity shal bo used. 7542 Fite size Parc titers shal nave minimum ameter of 47 mm (57 mm stain ameter Larger titer ae acestable (ooo 75.15) 7513. Primary and back-up fiers ‘The slut exhaust gos shal bo sampled by a par of ers placed in seas (one mary and one bck fit) ‘utng te test sequonce. The boc p itor shat be lestod no mora than TOO rem downatoar a, ond shal not, bein contact with the primary titer. The fitrs may be weighed sepsratly or as a pe with thefts places si soto stain 8, 180 8178-:199616) iso 75.1.6 Fier face velocty ‘Aas face velocity through the fiter of 35 crs to 80 cms shall be achieved. The pressure cop increese between ‘the Bosinning and she nd of te test shi be no ore then 25 Wa 2545 Filter loading ‘The ecommended minimum fit: loading shel be £65 wa (0.5 mal O75 mn) stain 180 forthe snl ar method For the most commen iter ses the velues ae gen In taba For the rutile iter method. the recommended minimum fiter loading for th sum of al fiers isthe product ‘ofthe appropri value in tabled and the equae ot of he total numberof ado. ‘Teble 4 — Recommended minimum fiter leading Recommended stain | Recorimended minimum Fier areca “fumater ‘oan 7 0 13 © 0 23 10 108 38 75.2 Weighing chamber and analytes! balance speifications 752.1 Weighing chamber contions ‘hs temperature of the shember fr Yeon in which the parcuatefites are conditioned and weighed shall be maintained at 285K + 3K (22°C 43°C dung all ter constoring and weighing, The huricty shal be man- {and to Gewpont af 282{5 K £3 K (85°C 4 3 'C) and. resive hum of 45% + 8. 7522 Reference fitr weighing “The chamber (or or) envronment shal be fe of any ambient contaminants such 98 dust) that woul sete ‘bn the partite fits dung thee stabiieaton, Disturoanes to weaghing room spectieabors ab cutned i 515.21 willbe alowed f the curation of he deturbences dows not exceed 20 minutes. The weighing oom shoud Thewt the roqured apacticatons poet erty of persone! inte the wolghing Foor. Ae goat ho unueod rooronoe ‘ites or relerencefiter pare shal be weighed win haute. butpetrabiy at the same bre as the sero fier (oat weighings. They shal bao ha sume site ond matral 6s the sample FST, tne average mass ofthe reference iter or france Fite pail changes betweon sample iter wsighings by note than fe Ge 7 54 for te fit as ol the recommended mnimom fer loading 208 75.15), then al Sample fitrs shal be discarded andthe emission test rpestod tne welgnng tom stabity ceria outines in ae not met, bu the reference ltr (er pai) weighings ‘root the shove eitorin,tho engine manufacturer hs te option of acseping the sample itr masses o,f no. ‘oii the tests, fig te weighing rom corto system and feruning the test 75.2.3 Analytical balance ‘Ta anaes! baonce used 1 determine the masses of al iors shal have a precision (standard deviation of 2oupand a asaltion of 10 g(t dig = 10 ng) Forfitrs ess than 70 mem iometer, the prsinan and resoluion Shollbe? ua end 1 ya. respectively, e180 180 8178-1:1996(6) 782.6 Elimination of static electily effects “To olminate the effects of state electricity, the ftars shal be seutatzed pie to weighing. 2g by @ polonium rneueizer or 8 vie of sar etoct. 153. Additional specications for pertcuate measurement {AX pars ofthe dsion system and the sampling syst rom the exhaust pipe up t the fier holder, which are in canlact with aq and Giuted exhaust gas, shel be designed to minime desoston er atestion of the Prrieltoe Al pate shollbe mde ofelecticaly conducive ators that Go not rect with exhaust gas com ponents, ond shal be elervialy earthed to prevent electosttc eects 8 Calibration of the analytical instruments 8.1. Introduction Each analyser shall be cafevated as often as necessary to fll the accuracy roquemonts of hs pat of ISO 8178, ‘Tha ealration method that shal be usd ie sero teow forth analyse indeatog in 7.4 ‘82 Calibration gases ‘The shel ite of aleraion gases shall be respected “The ser date ofthe eaitration oases stated by the manufacturer shall be ecoded 821 Pure 908 ‘The requiod purty ofthe gases ie defined by the contrinain limits given below. The flowing gases shall be valle fr operation: Puttiod nitrogen: (contamination < 1 pBM, < 1 PPMCO, < 400 ppMCOp < 0.1 ppMNO) Purfiod oxygen: lnurty > 985 % vo. 03) ycrogorholin macure: 40 % 2% hydrogen, blanc hefum) (sontaminsion <1 pBMC, < 400 ppmCO} Put synthetic feontamination < 1 mC. < 1 PomCO, < 400 pErNCO, «0.1 ppmNO (oxygen content 18% 21 5 val) 822 calitnation and span genes ‘Mecures of gases having the following chemical comeeston shat be avaiable: Calle and puted synth 2 coe 8.2.1 CO and putitied isogen: NO, ad pure etiogen the amount af NO; continents calbration gas must nat exceed 5 % ofthe INO content 0, and puri trogen; (CO, and purfed trogen: (CH, and pusifled symhetie a Hy and purified sythoti i NOTES Other gs amass ste slowee row the aes do at ect ith ane neta uf ‘Tha tue conantation of catraton and span gps must be within & 296 af the mins valuo. ll concontrstions of ealbation gas shell oe given ona volume basis halume percent or volume pp The gases used fr ealvation so spen mey also be ebtaned by means ofa gas cider, dung with puted Nz ‘orth puried synthetics. The acesacy ofthe mang device must be such thatthe concenvtion of te dtd talbestion ges maybe deterine tain 2% 183. Operating procedure for analysers and sampling system ‘Tha operating procedue for analysers shel flow the startup and epsrating instructions ofthe instrument ‘manufacturer The minimum requemonts given 84 1 8.7 and 89 shall be scuces Fr ubortory struments ‘uth as GC and HPLC only 8.54 apples, 84 Leakage test ‘system leakage test shall bo partormed. Disconnect tho probe from the exhaust system and plug the end ‘Switen on analyser pump. Aer an inal stsblzaton peod all ow meters should read zero W cot, check the ‘sampling ines ane cect te fal, “The maximum allowable leakage rate on the vacuum sid shal be 05% cf the in-se low rato forthe porn of ‘the eystem being checked. The analjeo Vows end bypass lows may be used Yo estate the nse Paw rates. Another method isthe inradiction of « concentaton stop change atthe becinning of the sarang Soe by ‘switching ffom 2210 to span gas. I after an adequate period of time the reading shows a lower concetvaton Compared tote intoduced concentiion, this pons to eataton or ledkage problems. 85. Calibration procedure ‘85.1. Instrument assembly Cfbrate tho nsrumant assembly and check cellraton curves aginst stand gases. The sere gis How res shale used 68 when sampling exhaust gs 85.2 Warmup time ‘The wap tine shal be according othe recommendations ofthe manufacturer. If rot specif, a minimum of two hours i recornmended fr werming up the araysrs. 853 NOIR and HAD analyser “Tune the NOI araver as neceazary and otimize the combustion fame ofthe HFID analyser 8.1 854 GC and HPLC Cattate both instruments according to g208 toratoypractce and to the recommendation ofthe manufactur 855 Caliration ‘Cabrata each normaly use operating ange Using pul sytheti aor nitrogen, St the CO, CO, NO, HC and O, analysers at 20, Introduce the aperopeteeavation gases ito the ancysrs record he values and estsblsh the catbratin cue according 0 858. Recheck the zero setting and repeat the eabrationprocedue, necessary. w e180 180 8178-1:1996(E) 25.6. Establishment of the calibration curve 85.6. General guidelines “The analyser cabraton curve is estabished by at eos ve cation points foxcluing 20] spaced as unfrmy 4s pail. Te highest nominal concent shal Be og 9 or higher than 90% of fl sca ‘The cabrtion curve is calculated bythe method of least squares. Ifthe resuting polynomial degre ie grster hon 23; the numberof ealtration points for cluded shal 9 at lect equal otis polynomal degree pis 2 ‘The caltration curve must not fer by more than 2% fom the somal value of eecheaitraton point and by more than 1 % of ful soa 280 From the caltation curve and the caltaton psints, is posible to very that the calibration hes been ceired ‘ut corecy. The afore charactisti promotes ofthe anayeet shall be nested, gartoulay = the measuring ange: =the tity — the data on hich the eairation wae caro out {85.62 Calibration below 15 % of full ale “The analyser calation cuve shal be extblahes by stot 10 calbraon pints (exclucng zorl spaced so thet 50 % ofthe calibration pants so blow 10% of fuses. The colbreton cue fs excuated by the method of est squares. The cation cuve must nt ifr by mere than &: 4% from the nomial value ofeach ealation pont and by more than 1% of fll sale at 2a, 85.62 Atomative methods Iv itcan be shown that atomativ tachlogy fa. computer, electronicaly controled range swith, ot) can ve feutaent accuracy, thon these ateratives may ba used ‘86 Verification ofthe calibration sch normaly used operating range shal be checked pir to each analysis in accordance withthe follow pro: acu, hack he ettaton by using 8 xo 988 and» spon om wh aria valu is more hen BO % ou sale oF ‘ha measuing range. 1, fr tha to points considered the value found doos nt cfr by move than & 4% of ful gale from the de- ‘ined reference valuo, the adjustment parameters maybe modifed, Shaul this not be the cese, «new cliraton uve sal be established in accorance with 85.5 87 Efficiency test of the NO, converter “Tha efficiency of the convertor used fr the conversion of NO, into NO is ested ‘igure 874 Test setup Using th test sotup as shown in figure (9 ao 7.4.6) ed the procedure below, the etfiancy of converters, can be tested by moans ofan ozonatr Bien in 87.1 1 878 oe 180 8178-:1996(6) e180 concentration in the sample bag in ppm, as called trom ¢ end 89. Interference effects with CO, CO,,NO_ and, analysers ‘otr than tho one being ansised, gases present in tho exhaust an interere with the reading in saveal ways Posto trferance accus m NDIR snd PMD instarets whore the irtrfor'ng gps gives reef the sare eect 48 the 98s being measure, but to lesser derae. Negative intrerence occurs in NDIA struments due tothe ‘Tera gas broecoring the absorption Sando! the measored gas, and in CLD instaments ci othe stern (as quonching th radon The iteteerce chocks 9.1 and Q9.2 shal be performed porto an ances ‘tal use ara after major sonics iteras 183.1. CO analyser interference check ‘ster an CO, cn interore with tho CO analyse pctoerance. Therefore, # CO, spsn gas having & concentration ‘0f B06 to 100 9 ffl scale of the maximum eneating range used Guting testing Shall bo Basbiad toogh wat st room temperature and the analyser responce recoraaa. Tre enayser response shall not be moe than 1 36 of {scale oranges ems foot above 200 ppm or more than 3 gpm for ranges bein 300 pn, 1832. NO, anaysor quench checks ‘The two gaees of concem fer CLO (ard HCLDI anaysars are CO, and water vapour Quench responses to these ‘gases Fe sopotionsl to te concontaions, and therefore require tet techniques to ceterane the qUeneh at {he highest expected concentrations esperoncod during testing. 83241 CO, quench check Poss a CO, span gas having @ concentistion of 90% to 100 % of fl scale of tha maximum operating range ttvough the NOIR snalyar and record he CO, vale 8¢ A. Then cute approximately 0 % wth HO span gas ‘and passthrough the NDIA and (HICLD, withthe CO, aid NO values recoded 88 Bond C. rospoctney. Shut oH the CO, and pass only the NO span gas tough the (HCLD with the NO valve recoded oD "The quonen, which shal not be greter than 3% ful scl, shall be clulted follows ‘A ts the undiluted CO; concentation measured with NOIR in 3 isthe dtd CO, concanration measured with NDIR in Cis the dtd NO concentration maasuces with ICL in ge De the unautes NO concentration messurs wth (HICLD in ppm. ¢ [Aterative. methods of luting and quantivieg of CO, and NO span gas values, such ss dyna! ‘moangflondng, con be used 180 6178-1:1996(6) e150 892.2 Water quonch check ‘This check agpies to wet gas concentration measurements only. Caution of water quench must consis’ dk lion ofthe NO epan gat with vor vapoue and slg of water vapour concentration of the Mite to tet ea pected dsng testing Fors NO span ges having 2 concentation of 80% to 10D %, pass 0% of full scale ofthe normal operating range ‘trough the IHICLD and recor the NO vau as D. Then Bubble the NO span ges though water at room tar ptture ard pas trough te (HICLD and record the NO value aC. Detorine he anstyser's absolute operating pressure and the water temperature and record a6 and F ezpectval. Dotamina tha mitre’ saturation ve ou pressure tat eoreapands tothe bubble water temperature (F) and aor as G. Calculate the water vapour oncentton iin 8) ofthe masta fll: 1H =100 (018) 10) Colette the expected dtd NO span gas in water vapoun egncentaton {Das folove: y= Dx (1~ HI100) oy For ciel exhaust, the maximum exhaust water concentration (yn $6) expected during testing shal be est- ‘ated under the Sesumoton of fol atom HC Tato of 18:1, om the undiluted CO, span gae concentation (Wass massired 692.1) 9 flows Hy= 094A a Fecord the De and Hy ‘The water quorch, which shall net be gretor than 3%, chal be calculated es fotows: % quonch = 100 «12, CD, (a) a where Dy tthe expected des NO concentration in Pom © is tho diluted NO concentration in pom; yi the maximum water vapour concentration in %: 1H tho acwal watr vapour concentation in %, ole NOTE 10. tiempo fhe NO sp gi tan ina NO, coneetaton ois chk sie tearing n OY ‘ater Ns ot Boon scoured fn th aench ease. 1293 0, analyser interference Instrument response of @ PMD aneyser caused by geses other than cxygen is comparatively sight. The oxygen ‘equvalons ofthe common axtaust gas congituens are shown i abe, ‘Table 5 — Oxygen equivalents A ©, eeuhalnt “ z 6 Cron ae To8a Gabon menos FT Tan i ee, NO) aa Nevonen onde, NOU a7 Ca) =03er e1so 180 8178-1:1996(E) The chaerved oxygen concentration sal be corrected 2y the follwing formula high pracision measurements se 10 be dove: Interference = Equilent % O, «Obs. eone}/100, on Fot 2900 ond ECS araysers, instrument i in aeoeedance withthe instrument suppae ‘8:10. Calibration intervals ‘The analysors shal be eabrated to 8.5 at leest avery Smanths or whenever a system repr or change is made that could uence calaton 9 Calibration of the particulate measuring system 9.1 General Each componont shall bo carted as often 25 recessary to full the accureeyrecurements of this part of ISO 8178. The calortion method to be used i deserved blow for the components ndeates in 7.5 2nd ‘douse 16, 92 Flow measurement The calbraton of gee How meters oF How massurenent instrumentation shal be traceable to intmations! ance rational stands the gas flow is determined by ditferenal ow measurement, the maximum err ofthe ference shal be such thatthe accuracy of Gane whtin 4% sb9 aloo 16.1, cahaust ga aralysr explanations ven below fu 10 18 Irean be calelate by taking the root rmeancquare ofthe errs of each nstumon 93. Checking 1 lilation ratio \When using parcuate sampling systems without an exhaust gas analyser (99 161.1, th dlution ratio shal be checked fr bach new engie instalation with th engoe running andthe use of ether the CO; or NO, cancsr- timion messurement in the rae and dae exhasst ‘The measured dluson rato shel be within + 10% ofthe lution ratio calculate trom CO; or NO, concenraton ‘measurements. At systematic deviatons within hs range, the measured luton ratio can be cored, uang the ‘Slated auton ratio ‘94 Checking the partial flow conditions ‘The range ofthe exhaust gas velocity anche pressure acetone shale checkad and adustadacconing tothe requrerents f 161.1, exraut pipe sxslanstons given bolo Fgurae 10 10 1, # appable 95. Calibration intervals ‘Te ow measurement astumentaton shes be ealted lest every 3 months oF whenever a system rapa cor change e made tat cou nfuence esliation 10 Running conditions (test cycles) “This tom ia deat within 0 81764 id 180 8178-1:1996(E) e180 11 Test run 11.1 Preparation of the sampling filters [At last 1 before she test, each pi of ltrs stl be pacod in 2 cased, but unsosio, Petr sh an placed in ‘2 waighing chamber for stablation. At the end ofthe stabzaton pio, each pio itor sal De wei and ‘ha tre weight shel be recorded. The parof itera shal then ba sored in closed Pet di or oer Peder un ‘aed for txting. If tha pao fters are not used within 8h of tei removal am the weighing chamer, hey ‘must be reweighed before us. 11.2 Installation of the messuring equipment ‘The instrumentation and sample pros shal be installed as raquied. When using @fullow dluion system for ‘faust gas dluion the slip shall be connected to the system. 11.3. Starting the dilution system and the engine ‘The diuton syst and the engine shall be startd ard warmed up unt ll temperatures and pressures have _sabiizd a fu ead and rated spood (for stabizaton citora soe [SO 3046-51989, 42) 11.4 Adjustment of the dilution ratio ‘Te partioute samping system shal be strtd ad allowed torn on by pase fr the sng itr method lotions forthe rite titer method. The paricuate backaround level ofthe lution ar maybe determined by passing tition a twough the parse iter. fitered divien as used) one mensurement mayb dene a any fre eto, dung otter the est tho Sidon sot fiteed, messuromont taken 2 mimi o hoe pints Dt the cele, the begining, the end ada point ne: the mde, ae requred. The average of these valuoe shel be detrnined ‘The elution air shal be set to chain a manimum fr face temperature of 325 K (82 °C) or les at each mode ‘The ttl dition rato shal not be las than & Fot CO, or NO, concentztion controled systems, the CO; or NO, content ofthe dluton a shal be measured at the boginng and at the end ofeach test. The pre-and posttest background CO, oF NO, concantation ‘essuements of tho dluion sy shall be witus 100 ppm and 5 pom of each ther, respectively \Whon using a diut exhaust gas anasis system, th rlavant background concentrations of the gassous com onenta eal be determined by sampling dnton ay into 8 sarping bag over te compte test sequence, Con Tnuove inortng) beceground consontaton may be ‘aon st a minimum of tao pote of the cya. ho bogining the end ad ata point ner the milo and then the average value detained At the roquet of the fongine manufacturer background measurements may be omited. 115 Determination of test points ‘The stings of net estricton and exhaust back pressure shal be aust to the manufacturers upper its, in sceoteance wah 8.4 and 85 ‘The maximum torque values at the specified test speeds shall be determined by experimentation in order to ak cut the torque values forthe spocfis est modes. Fr engines which ra not designed to operate over a spsed ‘ago on # fl load torque cuvo, the maxenum toque a Be test spoeds shal be dear bythe anviatre. ‘The engine setting foreach tat mode shal be clelted using the formu: 5 (0a) hi 15) 2180 180 8178-1:1996(€) where Sis the dynamometer soting in Klowats Pq_is the maximum observed or declared power a the tostsoo0d under the test contions pecfiod by ‘the manulcturet in Kowets, Piste declre total power absorbed by ary anaes fited forthe test and nat required by annex 8 in kaowats: Le he percent torque specified forthe ost made 116 Checking of the analysers. ‘he emission analysers shal beset at ero and spanned. 117 Test eycles OW Tr teat cytes ore detined in 180 8178-4, This takes into account the varstion in engine size and application. 117.4 Test sequence, ‘The engie shall be operated in each mde in the appropriate ye of 150 81784 ‘uring each mode of the test cycle aftr the inal transition period the specied speed shall be hel to win “4.1% of rated speed or 3 min | whichever i greater except or ow ile wich shall bo win the tloranoes ectre by the manatactsrer. The spectied toque she helt <9 that the average over the period Gung wich ‘he measurements are being taken e within +2 9% of the maimum torque athe fost spose 11:72 Analyser response ‘The output of the analysers shal be recréed ona stip char recorder or mossured with an equivalent dota => ‘usin system withthe exhaust gos owing tough the analysers a least during the lst 3 man ofeach mec. beg sampling is epoted forth diuted CO and CO, maasuremant (eo 7.4.4), «sample shal be begged ding ‘the ist 3 min of each mede, and the tag sample analosd and recorded 1 @ 1123 parce samoting Paticlato sampling can be cone by sither he singla itr method or the multe fter method (ee 7.5 Shoe the results ofthe methods may fer shy, the method used must be dacared with the resus For to singe fer mothed the modal weighting fects speci inthe test cycle procedie shal bo taken into sccourt by tating a sample proportionate the exaust mass for esch mode ol he cele. Thi an be atvaves by aching sample few rate, carping time andor luton aio, secoranay, 9 tat te eerion for the effective elgg factors in 14. is met Sampling shal be conducted as ate a possi within ech modo, The eemaiing time per mada must beat east 2Dee: the sil fier method srl least 60s for the mute fier mata, For adios information on test ‘mode duration see ISO 81784. For systems without bypexs carat, the samping time per mada must be at lees 60 s for single and maltpe titer methods, 11.74 Engine conditions 4 “The engine spd and load, intake a trnperatre, fel fow and aio exhaust gs fw shal be messurd at eat meds once the engine has been stabizos 180 8178-:1996(6) 2180 1 the meacuromant of tho exhaust gb flow ofthe measurement of combustion si snd fuel consumption isnot possible these parameters can be ealcuatod using the carbon end oxygen balnce mathod sue 7.23 and fox [Any adstoral te requied for caleltion chal be recorded 208 clause 12, 11.8 Re-checking the analysers ‘Aver the emission os 8 270 gas andthe sare span ges shal be used for rchecking, The test wil be considered ‘eceptabie the cference between the two messing ruts lees than 2 119 Test report “Tha test report should contain the dota given in 180 8178-6 12 Data evaluation for gaseous and particulate emissions 12.1 Gaseous emissions For the evaluation of gaseous emissions, the average chart reading ofthe last 6 sof each mode shall be dete mings, andthe average concentrations (carl of HC. CO. CO;,NO, O;, NMHC (NM mathod), NHy and CHO (FID method) dung each mode sl be datetined fom th everege chart racing andthe covressandng a baton data. The average CO snd CO, concentrations sn the eamping bap i used, chal be determined fom i bag feedings anc the caresponding cxibation data & diferent ype of receding ean be used ft ensures ant fsquvalat ta accuistan, ‘The average background concontrations of the Suton si lone # measured, shall be determing Korn the tag ‘eacegs ofthe clon sof rom the averaged continuous (nonbag) Background reacngs and the coresponding Ccbraton ta, When using impinge arcetidge sarmpéng methods for HCHO and CH,OH, the concentrations icone ed bask: ‘found concertistons (cncy used sal be determined ffom the HCHO/CH,OF quantity m the imoinge or carridges (80 154, figure and 15 5, igue6) 2s determined by GC and HPLC anal, andthe total somple ‘Yolumes through te mange or coties. 122 Particulate emissions. For the evaluation ofthe pariultes, the total sample messes Waxy oF volumes (Vaau) tough the firs shal be recrded foreach mde “The titers shal bo returned othe weighing chamber and conditioned for at least 1h ut not move than 89 hand then washed. The goss mass af he fiers shal be fecrded and tho tare mass fees 11.) subtracted. The Patou mass (Mfr the single fier method M forthe mutipe flter method) the sum of the garulste asses colectd on the primary ang backup Mer If background conection ist be spe, the luton a mess (May) or volume Wy) tough the fer end the pacts mass i) sPal be recorded. more than ode mensuremert fe mage, 2 quota MM, Melby Shu be calelsted foreach single measutemont ana tre average of the values detained 13 Calculation of the gaseous emissions “The roported test rests shal be determined vie the stops dasebed in 12.1 to 135 13.1 Determination of the exhaust gas flow ‘The exhaust 928 How rato (Goons Von Of Vane) Sal be detenninad for each mod according to 72.1 to 723) ole e180 180 8178-1:1996(€) \Whon using a ful flow lution system, the total lute exhaust gas Yow rate (Gren. ron shal be determined foreach mode aecoring 197.24 132 Drylwet correction When epoting Gr Vesa Grn 2 Yon not akeady messured on # wet basis, the meesured concontation ‘shat be converted 1a wet baal Secor tothe fein frmube. cow) yt) oo tabu or rt a= (=F Sle) on For values of Fr £00 table? and SO 81785. NOTE 11 Bosc oxpanatans in equine 178 20 Enno 171s 0 bes 8 he don of he lei fo Fe Defned he way, Fn 8 vl for thawte content of th ent ges in etonhp to the felt to. abe? (08251 conine Bt fF wes for doer fs 115061765 8 show het Fa Jos fo nt depend coe el specs, tala esa sre on the fs to ‘reno te enone ‘nex Aof1S0 81765 contas oul or eluting Fy rm he Magen contr oh el ath ul oo to. uses (17) conser te wate om the combustion ae fo the intake a tobe depend of each cher ado be ‘sropomerinyEaunton {Aas|r/A26 of ths gato ISO 70 shows thatthe two ote ms ae ot corel. Euston (248s he coon ul very eambetsome aan therfore the ave grace! equine (7 tot shoud be {Se They prove very good agreement wher compared wih equsion (2.48) fatha devon of <0. Rin most ase, se Rae. nde 1 or 2 aonistas te forent methods of elt ud Ka" Ty ACHAT x OSX De eomeglO stoma 0) verbo st TOR C0, % cn) fone ( a ) =m ao, Kad on [ cme 7 a rere ata Kaan Kin en 102 y= OA + (uD Sn yam Oe DA Ps OAT a eaters - monet 180 8178-1:199616) 8180 Fos the irtke air fitferent rom the dition) Kut Re ew 1081, Foe Ton + BT © exaxhen Seen @ eR vere My He ar te g water ae yar Ry isthe relative humic ofthe dluton ain pecan 1, Is the relative humiy ofthe inate arin prcen + 'ps ls the satuation vepour pres of the uton an Klopascas: 1% is the saturation vapour pressure ofthe intake ain kopaseas; ‘py isthe total baromote reseue in lonsecl NOTE 12 Formos 1 t [2 provide «vary good agement whe compared wth the eet ba cumbersome formule (6 ana ee nae | 13.3NO, correction for humidity and temperature {As the NO, emission depends on ambient ac conditons, the NO, concantration shall be coected for embint st Temperaute and humiy with the factors ghvon inthe folow’ng formals \t pare involved egres, other oference values for humisy insebd of 10.71 akg may be used end shal be = ported with the result other corection formule may be used if they can be juste or vaitated upon agrement of the partes involve. In the folowing formule 7, coresponcs tothe ambient air terperatuze atthe lt to te FRG and, coresponds 1 the ambient alrite alt to the after NOTE 13. Wter scam acted it the charger a haifeaton is coneloted an isto orl device sn shut {ettte vot be taken ro account or hi envecion, Waa th canes te charge coer we Sang the MEMS ‘fhe cure ae Dold haa ba ake on seu fo hums ctor 8) For dese! engines: Ses TARTS OT) + Bx 2) an wore 4 = 03086 Gano = 00286: | B= ~0,2026p un /Gurm +0.00956 * 7,18 the tomperture of tho ain K: ye hurt of he intake a ng water ar ke yi 622 x Penne 1 4, 0180 180 8178-1:1996(€) 2.8 the rlatve humidity ofthe intake arin gercont: 1's the saturation vapour prossure ofthe inake ain lopacal a1 the total barometric pressure in klopsacis, ‘Fer esol engines with intermediate cooler the following atermative equation may be weed Koes 28) OD TS x Oy ~ 208) + ODOT BE x We — Teena) Woe TOT where Tye [6 te tomportire ofthe Itecosed a Tac 5 the intrcooed al ceerence emperatize — to be spectied by the manctacturr. Foran expa- ration afte other varies, see under a @ For gssoine engines Kgs = 0827 2+ 4,000 10°, ~ 09852 10°? He 2) Foran exlanton ofthe variables, eee under 13.4 Calculation of the emission mass flow rate ‘The omission mass flow rates foreach mode shal be ccusted as follows: 3) For thew adaust gas: © ve cones 6 en Mee = cons Vaso oy ays = ct Ve 2) Forte ie exhaust ges Mags = cone» Gra « Mags = 0 Yor o uf 180 8178-1:1989618) whore im, the background coracted concentration come, cone ~ cone (1 ~ (HDFD) DP~ 138)eomo, + (anecg + ome) «10°4} DF = 134Kono, e180 es) om ‘The values of coctient for nas flow ate (wat, forvolume lon at dy and w, forwolne lw ate (ve!) are given in tabe6. “Table 6 — Cootiionts uv, om a m0 —_| Concentration NO |_soors | _opazess | opnz oss ro i co| ono ees | oeov2s | acon z= er wea [000 478 = 9000 619 em {i on 1519 Tae Tee % i os 1.05 7429) 7629 % ww | ao00se7 [00077 | 8000771 en ‘cH. | 0000855 | —oco0707__| —o000717 som eH [ e001 oor | a0o1 ser | o0or ar som Hr Gon | enor 8 | _ecoras0 | anor a0 fom NOTE —NME cuter math ses ane ¢ 1 The ie coins uw lated for 773,15 (0°) and 1013 Pa oe amoce Dyn eases wher he tt lowed rage of he trace condos scetng 105206 use, and oto wth 2% pestle 2) Th denty of HC isbased upon an weeps cn to hyopen ao of 1,85 135 Caleulation of te specitic emissions “Tho omision shal be cleuttd fr sl nv comoanente in the folowing way Seas Me as, where P= Put Pa ond ‘Megs the mass of ndvial gos e180 180 8178-1:1996(E) ‘The weighting actors andthe numberof medal used nthe above esleution are according tothe provisions oF 1S0 81784, 14 Calculation of the particulate emission ‘Tha parulete emision shal be caleloted ia the atoning way. 14.1 Particulate correction factors 141.1 Pariulate correction factor for humidity [As the patzlete emion of dsl engines depends ar abient sr condtons, the paris concentration shall be corrected for ambant ic humlty wth the fete ives the following orulos, Reference volune for humisty ether than 10.71 glkg may be used and shill be reported withthe rests by fagreemont within th parbes weve. ‘ote corection formule may be used if they canbe jitfed or vacated Ke= 101400193 (H~ 1071)) 0) “ys th hurity of tho ita also uation (25, Rs the relative humidity ofthe intake arin percent ring water perk dry as Hy = (6:22 Rx PA m4 % RX 10") S00 ys the saturation vapour possi of the ako an lope ‘my. 1s the tote barometric pressure in klopscals 141.2. Poriculate correction factor for diferent f canditons For engine type approval (cristo), the atmosphart factor shal be within a band of 0.98 and 1,02 cee 5.2.21 This equfomant is eepedl important for ariel, since the parieulato emission is argaly dependent fn the atmaspher condone foe wthn band G9 and 07, paroulstes shal be coreeted for fh ‘he factr iy Quan inthe flowing formulae, Howrevey, no correction is alowed int 0,98 to 1,02 band For Ear <3 [soe wg -925) so [em (gle 25) oar] facture he ston Ag A a ‘othr carton feetors may be used ard shal bs repoied with the results upon agreement ofthe parts in voted P 180 8178-1:1996(6) e1so 142. Partial flow dilution syste ‘Tha fina reported tast ruts ofthe particulate emission aallbe determines via the following stops. Since various ‘ype of ciuton ata contral may be used, diferent elelaton methods fr Geof Veen S90. A acute {shal be based upon the average vlues of the indvgss ages rng he saming peed 1421 Ieokinetic systems See 16.1.1, figuras 10 and 11 Groen = Gos * 4 a Year = Venn «s) with . Soune* (Goo) comme 9) qn tenon eno) mS Vows? where corresponds tothe ratio ofthe cress sectional areas ofthe soknetie probe andthe exhaust pip: -* «) 14.22. 5ystoms with measurement of CO, or NO, concentration See 16.1.1 gues 12, 141018. For Gera 8 Vey Ute eauatons (2 and (45 9) wre ‘oncy_& the wot concentration ofthe tracer gis in aw exhaust: comp the Wor concentration ofthe wecer gas n te cuted xPaUst cane, 8 the wet concontretion ofthe rece os inthe ction a CConcentations measured on «dry bass shal be converted toa wet basi eccording to 132 142.3. Systems with CO, measurement and carbon balance method See 161.1, Foure13. Fics * Ory Sco = Tare ON 60) wave congo isthe CO, concentration ofthe dled exaust cones the CO, concentration of the dlaton a e180 180 8178-1:1996(€) ‘Concortatins are in vlume percent on wet basis. For values for Fey, 888 table 7, For the cavaton of Fc rom other usb, see 1S0 81786, anna A ‘This equation is based upon tho carbon balance assumaton fearbon stom cupid tothe engine are emited as COs) and determined vs equation ea) and the flowing auton gn Fico as Gen ® Fore goor~ Comeaal mo “Table 7 — Fice and other parameters for some selected fuels (examples) e7T4d]si)o0 Foie ern of Pat fw fm fw fe | rm | te | te | hae | tate ais Beh APY | caer | ere Dist mez [wae | ai | o | 1 seas | area | ane | mone rds | 0 Tae m2 | 138 Tos | 1 | seo | area | 0500) vee us | ie as | vee Wawona | a5 | ve | 0 | woo | 1] saas | vas [ase] eam sas | Ve a5 | 1500 anal mr [ar | © [m7 [1 | sms | open | ~oas | as rds | te as | ter Tancaroo® | eos [wea | 0 | ie | 1] asm] vor [vom] aad tas | Zone 35 | Zovo ome | a7 | ves | @ | 0] 1] aa] voor | 10m] vase 13s | 2a 35 | 256 Baro [ear [wa | 0 | a | + 2am | oam | -om | mar gs | 2503 Bs | Bice 2 olen camgciion: ©; 1.10%: Ny 121% CH, 84 Hi Cy B42: Cy 088%: Gy 022%: Ge 06 9 998 * me ann GH a 124 Systems with flow measurement Seo 16.1.1, figures 17 snd 18 For Gap 308 eguation 8 Gaeta of = 180 8178-1:1996(E) e180 143 Full flow dilution system ‘The rapoted test esuta ofthe partcuite emission shal be determine va the folowing steps ‘i eiculatons shal be basod upon te average values of the inl modes during te seeming petod Gary Grom oe Veoove Vion 6) 144 Coleulation of the particulate mass flow rate ‘The parulete mass flow rate stall be caleuated as follows... For the single fer method Mi, Ge 7 e 6) on ° e @ Ferner mao Fai St eo . ft See 7 (62) Pow Vag” F000 Pasi determiogs over the samging period “The particulate mass flow ate may be beckground corected (see 11.4) a follows, st cyl by summation ofthe svoroge valves of the ndvdual modes during the e180 10 s178-1:1996(6) sews . * (iota “ Eee . 3] 3 o r= 134lfomen, + (ome on) 10°] De = 13am, Cr ominione 6 end on If mere than one measurement is mee, MyM} OF Mou) shal be replaced with (Mag) or TMV. e+ . ti id Weg) or WV 145. Calculation of the specific emissions “Tha panicle erision shal be called in the flowing way. For the singe fter method Pros vr iim o Sty Forth miler nao @ Pas é Ct equation (3 Iso #178-1:1996(E) e180 14.6. Effective weighting factor For ta singe fer method, the effective weighting factor Wye or exch medio shal be caleustd in the following way pn Mens Ci r= Mena Tae cy ee 70) “The value ofthe elective weighting factors shal be within 0,05 ebuolute value) ofthe weighting factors sted int60 81784. ‘ 15 Determination of the gaseous emissions 151 to 16.5 ane figures 2 to 9 conan dataied daserpton® ofthe recommended sampling and analysing syetome, Since varous configurations con produce equvlon resus, exact conformance with hase figures not roauired, Adstional components such aa struments, valves, soleolds, pumps end switches may be used to provide 20 ‘tonal oration and coordinate the function of the component systems. Otnarcompnants, which af@ rot ede to mastain the accracy on cara systems, ay ba excused If her excuson Is basod Upon good er (Geri uapemert. 16.1. Main exhaust components CO, C02, HC, NO,, 2 ‘An anata system forthe determination othe gaseous emissions in he aw or cuted exhaust gs is desried based on the us of: = HFIO forthe measurement of hysrocrbons; — NDIRs forthe messurerent of carbon monoide and carbon cose; — HELO or equiaont forthe measurement of rivogen exe: = PMO, ECE or 2RDO forthe measurement of agen. For the raw exhaust gs (86 figur2, the sample fo al corpanerta may be taken vith one sampng probe oF wath ‘wo sampling prabes located in cose Sroumity ad intaaly spo the ctfeent analyses. Cate taste taken that eo condensation of exhaust component neursng water and suifuie acl) occurs st any pont of the sratical ester For the diluted exhaust aoe (see fghre, the sample for the hycracrbons shat be taken with samping probe ‘ther tan thet used wh the sample for the other components. Care must be taken that no condensston of oust components (reuding water and sulle acd oocurs st any pot of he analvical 5 e180 180 8178-1:1996(E) Figure 2 — Flow diagram of raw exhaust gas analysis systom for CO, €02,NO,, HC and O; 180 8178-1:1996(€) 180 Figure 3 — Flow diagram of cute exhaust gas analysis system for CO, COz, NO, and HC e180 180 8178-1:19961€) ‘Components of figures 2 end 3 General {Al components in the ssmlng ais pith must ba maistinad at the temperatures specfed fr the respective systoms, ‘SPI — raw exhaust gas sampling probe (igure only) Astanless ste stright, closedond, mut-hle probe is recommendod. The inde damater shal net be oteator than the inside cameter of the sarming line. The wal thickness of to probe shall not be grter than 1 mun ‘hare shal be a minimum of 3 holes n'3 ferent adlal panes sited to smple approximately he sare ow. The robe mast extend arose at nat 8% of the darnatar of the exhaust pipe. ‘SP2.— dilute exhaust ges HC sampling probe (igures only) Tho probe sha = be deine asthe frst 25¢ mem to 762 mm ofthe hated sampling Ine HSL — have a 5 me minimum inside domster — be instal inthe dhzion tunnel OT (see 16.1.2, figure 1) at 2 point where the dion sand exhaust gas are wo! mod Vo. apprirataly 10 tanel dameters dovstaarn otha pot where te exhaust ents the — be sufficient distant aia! rom other probes nd the tunnel wal0 8 tobe free rom the influancs of any \wotes or eden: — be hosted so a8 to increas the ges stream temperature to 463 K-4 10K (190 °C-+ 10°C) atthe ext of the robe orto 985 K #10 K(112°C = 10°C) for mothnolfuclled engines ‘SP2 —alute exhaust gas CO, CO,, NO, sampling prebe (figure only) The probe sal — bein the same pare as $P2: — be sutficandy dian rail rom ater probes sd th tune! wal 80 a8 to be foe fromm the influence of any kes or eddies; — be hosted and insulated over its entie length to minimum temperature of 328K (55°C) to prevent wa condensation SLI — heated sampling line ‘The seming line provides gas somo fom single pobe to the split pein) snd he HC analyser. The semping line shal "= have 8S mim minima and 8 13:8 me maximum Ins daar, '~ be mado of stiles soe! or PTFE. 1) For nonmethanabtled engines 1 the tempertue ofthe exhaust gos tthe sample probe is equal to oe below 463 K (190°C), maintain 2 wal temporturo of 463 K-10 K (190°C 10") se mossured at evry separately corre heated soto 1 the temperature of the exist gas at the semping probe I sbove 463 (190°C, msintsin 8 wal ser pecature grater than 459 K 80°C, a 180 8178-1:1996(€) 180 Irsmodatey before the heated fir F2 era the HID, mwintin a gas temperate of 469K 410K (090°C 4 10°. 1b) For methanoifuslles engines 1 the temperetur of the exhaust gas tthe sarang probe is equsl to or below 986 K (112 °C). maintain 8 wal temperature of 385 K+ 1OK(T12 °C 2 10°) as measured at every separately controled heated secon. 1 the tomperatue of the exhaust gis at the sampling probe is shove 386 K (112°C, ainain 3 wall tom- perature greater than 375 K 1102 °C Immeditly before the hosted fier F2 sr the HFIO, msiniin 2 gas temperature of 265 K+ 10K qia-c 10°, HSL2 — heated NO, (and NH, sampling ine “The serpin ne sha: 2 — maintain 2 wal temperature of $28 K to 473 K (85°C 10200“, up to the converter C when using @ cooing Bath B, and upto the analyser when «cooing bath & is not usd — be made of stsness steal or PTFE ‘Since the sarpting ne need ony be heated te prevent condensation of water and suture ac he sampling Hine temperature wil depend onthe suit content of the fs ‘SL — sampling line for C0, (€0;, 03) ‘The ine shall bo mado of PTFE or stainlss too. may be eatad or unhosted ‘8k — background bag (optional: figure only) For the measurement ofthe background concentons 8G — sample bag (optional figure CO and CO, only) For the mesourement af the sample concentrations. Ft — heated presiter (optional “The tompertur sh be the same as HSL! F2— heated for ‘The iter shal extract any slid pats from the ges stole before the arlysr. The tenoeatu shall be the ‘amas PSL’, Ibe tr shal be changed ss needee P— heated sampling pump ‘The puen shal be ected tothe temperature of HSL He Hosted fame ienzation dooctor (HF) forthe determination of the hyekecatbon. Th temzerature shal be kept 151453 K te 473K (180°C to 200 Cl for nonmethgna led engines, snd at 375 K to 996K {102°C t0 122°C) for methanolfueted engines, £0, c0, [NDIA forth determination of carbon monoid and carbon dioxide iso 180 8178-1:1996(E) No CCLD or HCLD for te dotorminstion of he oxides of ritogen. If HCLD fs used t shall bo Kept at temperature (0f 928 Kto 479 K 155°C 10 200°C, c— converte ‘converter shal bo used fr the eat eduction of 0, to NO prior to anes in the CLD or HCLD. °, PMD, ZRDO oF ECS forthe determination of oxygen, 8 — cooting bath (optional) ‘o.coo end condense water fom the axtaust sample The bath sal be maintained at a trnperature of 273K to 277 K(0°C to 4C} by i or rfgarter. tis optlonl If the analyser i rea fom wiser vapour interference a5 determined in 89.1 and 88.2. If watorie moved by condensation, the sample ge terperetre dow pol shall ‘be monitored ether within the water wap or downstream. The sarpla gas temperature or dow polnt shal hot ‘exezed 280 K (7°). Chemical dryer ae nat slowed fr rereving water fom the semole, 1,12, 13 — temperature sensors ‘To monitor te temperate of ™ 0s steam, temperature sensor To monitor te temperate of NO, -NO comer. 5 —tomperature sensor ‘To manor he temperature of the cong bath G1, 62, G3 — pressure gauges “To measure th presse in the samoing Snes 1, R2— pressure regulators To contol the prossur ofthe ar aid the fue, espectiay, forthe HFID, 3, RA, RS— pressure regulators To contol the pressure in the semping nes and tha flow to the analysers. LI, FL2,FL3 — flowmeters To monitor the sample by p888 ow rte, FLA FLS FLE, FLY — flowmeter (optional “To monitor the How rte tough the analyses VI, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6-— detector valves Sutable valving fr aetectng sample, span gs cr ai gt lw tothe analysers. V1, Va — solenoid valve To bypass the NO, - NO converte. ‘V9 — noodle valve ‘osbalence the flow though the NO, NO converte, Cand the bypass. 180 8178-1:1996(E) 2180 ‘V10, v11 — needle valves “Te regulate the flow tothe analysers. \V12, V13 — toggle valves To chain the condensate from the bath 8 14 — selector valve (gure ony) For solecting the sample or background bap 152. Ammonia analysis In casas whare ammonia (NH i present inthe exheust gas or instance from NH sources io SCA — Selective CCataytie Reduction — equpment the high-temperature converter oxidizes NH to'NO and the meeswed value Clee figured) fe the sum of NH, and NO, The lourtemdrature converter es not sukae Nig but reduces INO, to NO. The messurad value “A” foe figured) NO,. The dferonce between C and A coresponds to the [NH value. The system ean be integrated into tho analytical system dasebod in 16.1, figures 2 and 3, by simply Sing @ second converter and two 2way valves V2 a V8 figured) for ow dnesion ino te sempig Ine HSL. Toe selector valve V1 of figueé tonal with the selector weve V3 in igre 2 ond 3. —o retina oO = ae |e 100% D -10, aeons (B) sronssnrenet B-D m, ciet D -teyetet,nesareent CE) = [AD ey eet Figure = Flow diagram ofa converter system for NO/NHy measurement 2150 180 8178-1:1996(€) ‘Components of figures (C1 — high-temperature converter The tomperature of C1 shal be kept at 953 K to 983 K 180 °C to 720 °C). (€2— low-temperature converter Th perature of C2 shal be kept ot 859 K to 599 K 80°C to 320°C, B— cooling bath optional “To coo and condense water fom th exhaust sample. The bath shall be mainained a a temperature of 273K 10 277K (0-C20.4°Cl by coor fafigoraton es optonslif te slvr roo from water vapour ntererrce ‘determined 89.1 are 892. Chemcal dyer eo not lowed or rrmovng wate from the sample, V1 — selector valve To select semple, zor and span gas. V1 is idantcal wit Vn gues 2 and 3 V2, V3, V4, V5 — solenoid valves To doc the flow to the eonveers C1 and C2 end the tp. V6, V7, V8— needle valves To olance the low trough 8, Vio — togale valves To din the ondenssa rm the bath 8 converters C1 and C2 an! the bps Rt — pressure regulator Te contol the pressure in the sampling line and te flow to the analyse. RI i etal with RA in figures 2 ana 153 Methane analysis ‘Te methane (CH) analysis canbe done in two ways. 153.1. Gas chromatographic (GC) method (igure) or ost of ths metnod see SAE J 1151 \Whan using the GC method, a small measured volume of sample i injected into an ans column trough whic itis swept By bn ert eater gas. The cours separates various componerts sesardng to the boing its ao tat tey elute fom te con at ferent tee. They ten pase though @ detector wich gives ah ‘Sectical sal that depenes on thoi coneontation. Tht = nots cntnuovs enayss technue Fox CH an sutornsted GC with a FID shal be used. The exheust oasis sampled inte samping bag fem which pa i takan ana nctod Into the GC. The same separated into to parts [rijel1CO ond NMMCICO,) 1,0) onthe Preps column The molecule sive column Soparates CH, fom the aan CO belore passing ‘he FID. A complete cyte am jection of ne sample fo inaction ofa bacond canbe made i 90 Figure shows 8 typical GC assembled to routinely deterring Cy ‘oter GC methods can ato be used based on goed engineering judgement, 180 8178-1:1996(6) iso so? Fi =? Figure 5 — Flow diagram for methane analysis (GC method) Components of figures PC — porapak column Porepak N. 180/300 ym (5O]ED mesh), length x 2.16 mm ID shall be uted and condoned at east 2 mat 423 K (16D) with carr gas por oil ue, [Msc — molecular sieve column Type 18K, 250/20 um f5}60 mash, 1.220 mm length x 2,16 mm ID hall be used and condones at ast 12 at 423 K (160) Wh eae gas ror oil usa ov —oven ‘To minis columns sr vawos at table temperature for analyser operation, and to wanton the clumns at 423k 180"0. uP — sample ° -Asufcion length of stainless steal ating o ota approximatty 1 em? vlume, — pump To bing the sample tothe ges chromatograph e1s0 180 8176-1:1996(8) D— dryer ‘To remove water and other contaminants which might be present inthe care gas: contain @ molecule seve. HC — flame ionization detector (FD) Te measure the concentration of methane. V1 — sample injotion valve Toinjct the samp. shal be low dead volume, oe tiht and hesabla to 429K (150°), Va — selector valve To select span ga, sample or no flow. V2, V6, V5, V6, V7, V8 — needle valves To set the tows inthe system, 1, RRB — pressure regulators To cont! the flow ae ofthe fl carrr gos, he semole and the, respective. Fo—flow eapitary To contr the rate of sir slow tothe iD. G1, G2, G3 — pressure gauges “To mont he flow ofthe ful carr gas, the sare andthe air, respective. 1, F2, 3, F4,F5— ters Sintered metal 5 9 prevent fit fom entering the pump othe hstument FLA — flowmeter “Te measure the sample bypsss How rte 153.2. Nonmethane cutter (NMC) method (figure) ‘The cuter oxides a hyaoeabons except CH, CH and HO, so that by passng the somple trough the NIC only Chis detected by the HFID. The uel HC samp rin soe 161, Rautes 2 and 3 shale equipped th flow deter system with which to low can be atratvay passed duh oF afoul he ctor. During net methane testing ast vluee shall be abeawved on te FD and recorded Tho cuter shall be characterized ator above 600 X (227°C) ple to tect work ith espoct to its cate fect ‘on CH, snd CH, at HO values representative of extaust stream conditions. The dewpoint sod O, velo the ‘ample exhaust stresm shal be known, The non-methane faction shall net be evaluated for pravculycolected (teggedl samples. Tho elstve response of the FID to Ch shal be recorded fase ana). ” 180 8178-1:1996(6) e180 some Figure 6 — Flow diagram for methane analysis (NMC method) Components of figures 1untc — non-methane cuter To oxlze at hyerocstbos except methane. He Heated lame ionizsion detector {HID} measure the HC and CH, concontation. The temperature shal be kept 459 K to €73 K 180°C to 200) V1 — selector valve ‘To select sale, zo and span gas. VI i deta with V2 in gues 2 an 3. v2, V3 — solenoid valves To bypass the NMC. VA— needle valve To balonce the flow though the NMC end he byp8s. Rt — pressure regulator contol the presi in tho sampling ne and the flow to the HFID. Fi is dential with Rin figures 2 ae 3. FL1— flowmeter To measur sampia bypass flow rte. FL eigen! with FL in figures 2 and 3. e180 180 8178-1:1996(€) 184 Methanol analysis ‘The GC moth (sea figue 7. The exaust semple i passod though two lepcooled impinges psced in sates containing deionized wate. Sampling tie and fw ate sal be such tht recommended CH,OH concentration oa lest mabe reached inthe primary impingr. The CH,OH concentration inthe sooord impingar shal ct be are than 10 % o! the tal ‘srount collected. These reqarerents do hot sep to backround measurements A samo fom ho inpingers is injected int the GC paerbly not ater than 24 hours ater he toe. i isnot possible to perform the analysis within 28 hous tha samle should be stored in a dar cold environment of 277 K to 280K (4 °C to 10 “Chun anayss. CHO fe separate fom he order components and gotected with 5 FID. The GC ie eabates with known amounts of CHO sanded 155 Formaldehyde analysis, See fue, For dois soe SAE J 1996, In tho HPLC (high Pressure Liquid Chromstograph) small mossured volume of the simple i injected into an “rata column though wich tis swopt by ania fal under pressure. Separation, elsion and detecton of the components flow the same general rules as with he GC. Lig tne CC, & 1 not 9 continous als ech rigue ‘The xneust sample is passed trcugh two cecooled impngersplced in series containing an ACN eolton of DNPH reagent or trough sca earidge coated with DNPH, A HCHO caneentaion i he eallacors of at least 1 mg is recommenced A sample from the colctr i jected ito the HPLC pieerably not ater than 24 hours afar tha tas. it isnot possible to pert the analysis within 24houts the sale shoud be stored in a car, cold environment of 277 Kto 289K (4"C to 10°C) und! anayes. HCHO s separated fom the oer cabo component by grant ‘ution figure) and detected with an UV dotacor at S65 mm. The HPLC catrated wih sangaris of HCHO.ONPH desntvos oe 4 Figure 7 — Flow clagram for methanol analyse 180 8178-1:1996(8) e1so Figure 8 — Flow diagram for formaldehyde analysis Components of figures 7 and 8 SP — sampling probe For the raw exhaust gas, a stains stool, saight cosed-end, multhole probe i recommended. The inside d meter shal no 80 greater than the inde ameter ofthe earning Ine. The wal thicknose othe probe shal hot be grote than | mm, There shal be 2 minimum of 3 hols In 2 difarent rsa planes sted 9 Somole ap froximatoly the same few The probe must extend scroes a ast 80 eof th damater ofthe exhaust pipe. The robe shal be fted lose to tha HCJCOINO,/CD,O, sampling probe a5 defined in 74.4 For th dted exaust gas, te probe stl be inthe same sane of the don tunnel DT (se 16.2, fgue19) tthe HC, COINO,JCO, and parulato sampling robes but uiieny distant Hom ether probes end he ute Wal fo be ree fom tha infuenoe of any wakes or eds, HSL — heated sampling ine The temperature ofthe HSL shal e between the mssimum devpcint of the emiure and 39 K (121 °C. Heting cof the HSL may be omites, proved the earplocolecion sytem (i) be close coupled to the SP thereby pre ‘venting ios of sama due to cooing and resting eondencation inthe HSL 1p — impinger (optional for formaldehyde) ‘To cotest the methane! or formaldehyde inthe sample. The impinges should be cooled wth ee oa vetigoratin (CA — carts collector formaldehyde ony; optional) “Te calloct the formalde nthe semple, To coo the imingee D— dryer (optional 5 To remove water rom the same P—sampting pump V1 — solenoid valve To ect the carpet the colection sytem, % e1s0 10 8178-1:1996(E) V2 — needle valve To regulate he sample flow trough the collection system, ‘T1— temperature sensor Temoniter the temparatur ofthe coating bath T2— tomperatur sensor (options To moniter the tmperatre ofthe same, FL — flowmeter (optional) ‘Te measur the sample flow ate tough the collecon sytem. FI_— flow measurement device Ges meter ot other flow instrumentation to measure the flow though the colton system ding the sermling paves. Figure 9 — Schematic represontaton of formaldehyde gradient. lution ” f I iad 180 9176-1:199616), e180 16 Determination of the particulates 16.1 and 10:2 and gute 101021 contin detled dosrntons of the racommendes Ghiton snd samping sy ems, Since various coniguations can produce equvalent results exact conforance wih these figures isnot Feaured, Acitonal commpenents such as mstuments, vavee, solenoids, pimps and switches may be used 19 ‘rovice addcral information and eoordnat the Funcions ofthe component systems. Oe: components, Wein ‘remot seeded tains the acurecyon certain systoms, maybe excused ther exclusions bared pen good ‘engineering judgront. 16.1. Dilution system 161.1, Patil flow dittion system figures 10t0 18) [A duton system is deserved based upon the don of spar of the exhaust seu. Spiting ofthe exhaust ‘lenom and the Tolling Soton press may bo dane by diferent aiuton system types. For subsequent co {ection ofthe petovates, the ene ait exaust gas e ty a portion ofthe Gite exhaust gas passed to the parielate semling system foe 182, fgue 20), The fst method i reteed tows ttl semping type, the sez0°c tethod as aciona sorpting type ‘Tha calculation othe dion ratio depends upon the tye a system used. The folowing ypes er recommend. Iaoklnetic systems (figures 10 and 11) With these systems, the flow nto the transfer tube I mstched withthe bulk exhaust fo in ttms of ges velsty br pressure, tus reqring en vadatirbed ond uniform exhaust fow atthe sampling probe. Ths usualy chloved by using» resoroor end a srt seproac tube upstearn ofthe sampling point. The soit oi then sulgted rom eesy measurable values seh ae tuba Gameters lt should be noted that isokness only used {or matching the fow condone and nt for matching the se distroution. The lta snot type necessary 25 the pail dmension is sma such that te paces fofow the fd steamines Flow controlled systems with concentration measurement (igures 120 16) ‘Wit these systems. a samples ian from the bulk exhaust stream by adjusting the ution a lw and the tot Ute exhaust tow. Tne cauton rao fs detrmined Wom the concerratons of acer gases. such es CO, or NOx ature oscring inthe engin exhaust The corcervatons nthe cut exhaust ges end inthe cuton a ‘be meosutd, wheraas the concanretion inthe raw exheust gee can be either measured desty or detormined {fom fol fl an the catvontalzce equation, f the fuel compos'tan is known The systems ray be controled by the calulted dloton ratio thgues 12 and 1) or bythe ow into te transfer ube figs ¥6 to 10, ‘low contrliad systems with flow messurement (figures 17 and 18), ‘With these syste, sample i taken frm the bulk exhaust svsam by sting the dion a Now end the ttl (Bute onhovet fon. Tne don rata edatorined fom the sfernce of tho two flow rates, Accurate clibration tote low-metrs lave to one anther erequied sinc the relate magntude ofthe to low etes can bed {o signfcont rots at higher dluon ratios (of 15 and abovel. Row contol i very staghforwecd and is msn- {sevd by keeping theta extaust fw rate constant and varying the clon ar flow ate, needed. NOTE 14. Past fow uo systema at eormarl at ony caus hey ave mare cost ffacive tha lw dton ‘NGteme ut ao becase of he mpeasbity of elang ful ow dsb for "eur sna go” ome test onthe test ite and ate, tna bacasn of ate cones fr her engines Inde 0 ese the strantages of pat flaw don syste stenton mast be pido aiding te potent pratians of ‘Coe mee ea i ergo mess onl en Ho tm tare eit r= aon ote spt ato, ‘he systems ecred tat in sonar these etal ans 150 4 2 “4 rongersen eg Figure 10 — Partial flow diltion system with sckinete probe and fractional sampling (SB contol) Raw exun go is wnsted tor fe exhst ie EF to tbe ton tune O ough he eke smotng be Feet tte he a ei tt ec en rt oe {othe probe e measured vt the presnetaredic’ OPT Tha sg starsat the flow cotar theres te suston Sewer Sb to martin torent poss ot aes siha tp che poe. Unser rose onciors, xnust gos vesies MEP and SP ae rte nc the fow tough Pend Te conta acton (split of he exaust gosto The apt ate Geter Hom the rose secona atass oP end IS. Te Ion tw a nmr wath flow essen ee Pa Ton na ete or dilution airflow rate and the spit ratio. “atoms i ee sro w ent Lo ‘igure 11 — Partial flow dilution system with isokinetic probe and fractional sampiing (PB control) aw exhaust asi vansferted from the exhaust pipe EP to the lon tunnel DT through the lscknstic smping robo ISP and th Yanstar ube TT Tho llerentl pressure of tho oxhaust gas between exhaust pipe and inet fo the srobo lg measured with the reasure transducer D>. This signal fs ansratted tothe lw controler FC that contol the pressure Bower 88 to ath a dferonti pressure of reat ho tip othe probe. ns done by tating » smal racton of th cluton sr whose flow rata has akeady boon measured wit the fw meesure- Mort doves FW}, and faeding tt TT by moana ofa pneumatic orien, Under these sonatuons, exhaust ga vo Toots n EP and {SP ardent and the flav through ISP and TT is» constant ration (pdf the exhaust gas flow. The spit at is determined om the cess sectoral areas of E> ana SP. The dan 8 s sucked through Dirby the suction blower, anc tha ow rate ie measuod ath PMI a the ill to. The dzion ratio sca usted from te auton ai fow rate and th sot at. e180 180 8178-1:19961E) George | sgn Figure 12 — Partial flow dilution system with CO; or NO, concentration measurement and fractional ‘sampling Rave exhaust gas is transfered from the exhaust pipe EP to the dition tuncel OT through the sampling probe SP andthe tenses tube TT. The concentrations ofa acer gas [CO, or NO, ate meseued inthe Fw and cites ‘exhaust gases 28 well a in the dliton ar using the extaust gos ehalysete| EGA. These signa are vanerted to the flow conor FC2 thet cantos either the areseue blower Pa or tha suction blower $8 to romtan the ‘dosiee exhaust spt ard dluon vaso = DT. Te dttion rato ealated from the racer gas concentrations ‘he fe sunaust gus the Sted extaust gue nd the ation a. f 180 8176-1:1996(6) e180 e180 180 8178-1:1896(E) snr a oN nensnann tye . aan, uel, ee ey ihmtte ‘ond fractional sampling, 2 SY oe smunesecerstenvesonages rete un setsrinwen temnacea | Satan mdr on a oat eee tn tr eg te nr srratoense srerstmnaratenge Ste uncer teroctnrs | Sina Mca yi a ede ean a Bee arenes noscleeercatecicigns acme | Sauimusen th roommnge hnaeestomn tie nce ewer gtk te Sie rereon hat fab spent mo ereayenn | ‘at Ger ncaa Se err va Sencar eben ccees oceargencteas eLece es | hes en dc ater Sheeran mn Sena ne Biteraatdns'oe tetas katie seas axeeccmrtacee | | phe pancsafewnn peer Aaa pete oma 2 ey Rhea te tanta eymcmtnteterteccl cam tsnadses | bearers tia minal hema egemnniien tb.etO)gyraaensoe ios et Teva ceca nin eee aeioeas aihie Se aecoune gent econ nance prem ak nym ; Saves Segue tee crac ° . 1SO 8178-1:1996(E) 0180 iI Figure 17 — Partial flow dilution system with flow control and total sampling Fay exhaust oasis transfered from the exhoust pips EP to the Gluton tunel OT through the sampling probe ‘SP andthe Uanafer te TT. The tal lw tveugh th tunnel adusted wh the flow contol FC3 ae the ‘Samping pump Pet tha gonicustesarping system fe “igure 20). The luton air fow is corvalle by the Now Yaemamenor ar seme eo Ekim | Pei e aad sR] feet, 3m commnestate | caweeiennes | Geomoaame arte coterie | Saeacsata | Siege * » . shew aants | Secaucosauip® | Paces ca ie SRONGEUISE | SRSA | Sensae Je] be ve : : Sowmmécee” TTL Ste em Figure At — Airfushoxhaust e1s0 Annex B (normative) 180 8178-1:1996(6) Equipment and auxiliaries to be instelled for the test to determine engine power (see also 5.3 and 11.5) a Eaulpment and ware ited for emission tat 1 | erase et antl Yes, standard production sqvpment ‘Cranes emission cont! seer Yes stad production equpment ‘Conl devs oul natant mses | Yes, str podon equipment ‘Neto ter ‘Yes, tris production equipment A int dst work Yet! Ino aleose vest Speeding doco vest 2 hdictonfenina cove of st anol ‘Yes, Sand production equipment. posable to east ine most favre nation 3 [emaatsyctem shasta Yes, stands peduconsamert snmut rants Yes, sanéordpedusionsqupmont conaeing spot vest ‘connoctng nes Yet Stereo: vex Tat pbs Yeon Presse crging doves ‘Yes, sana reduction equpment Foe sp Bun ‘Yes, andad production eavenen® ‘atraton exert corsair Yes stn seduction equipment ecvoncconl stm er flow mat ete | Yes. standart peduon eavprant dpment ior os erioes Presi raise "Yes, anda sedtoneavoment exepecee Yes, tnd eduction equpmert Mise ‘Yes standard prediction savpmert 180 6178-:1996(E) e180 ‘umber auipment and auxtiaios ‘ite fr emison tet @ | Fosisctonsquprent wet and desot| Fite Pure iroessue pve ject Eectonc cana tem, sow meta, te Sovemoeonte item Dara fl stop fr he cone ack se Yes, stand podution or test bed eee Yes, stardardpoausn ts bed equpment Yes stad postin sqapment Yes standard produce equipment Yes, stars poset equpment Yes, standard produce equipment) Yes stad pods eavpment ‘Yes tars produ eqvpment fenangen sepia conto = 7 | Utena eaverent fen te ee Fon cont te we pane “en, ar phon egupment) ‘hermosa ‘Yes. tn pradten eran © [Arezaing cont 1 Fano ower nn “Temeernneoing vce so Eesti eupent| Generator Spark dstbuton sem cor cate Wises Spa pgs cori conto tem icra kook sora rtrd year Yes. stor ptcten exit Yes sind positon eae ‘ee sd psctenoutent ‘eo sn pdt eet Yes, snd pein eure ‘eo snd psn eum ele 0 Pressure argng eqpmant ‘Compressor von ether det by the eae rata by tha est sat Charge a cole (ook panna fan engine ve) oot flow eal ve Yes standard produto equpment Yes: sds pact tbo au No west a 2 ‘Artpattion doce ‘os sanded pedicion qubmant ‘String equprer “eat ed eaupmer) ‘Yes and produton eauent e180 180 8178-1:1996(E) "The compli net stor shal be ited a rovded fore tended ppeaton = wor toca ik an apace et onthe engine owe inte case of tury aeptted souk grton erp wean the snanarire requests tat ths shold be dene Incthercass on equnaant system may bo ud nd aches sos bo made to szorsin thatthe intake pressure does ‘ot fe ey rere tan TOD Pa rom the ues int Sood tha malate! fora an a Tt 2) The comelteexous sytem shal bette a prove te taneepleston — war thar is ik of an spree foc on th ngne power: = ie case of mately ast swt frbon enor ‘nan the anaciue rogues tats shoul be done. In eter cass, on equal sstom may be sted rides the pressure mossured does ot ifr by mere an 1000 Po fom te upper lit spectiond by te mrenufacuret. 5) If sm axhaust bakes neapamted in henge, he Hale ve sal be fae in he uly apn poston. 41 Tye fol foed pressve ray be asd if racssny, to repreducs the pressure sing the partir eriv ap Plcstonparieunty when 3Wel ean” sytem eh 5) Tre tke ve is be cntel vt er he preuat governor af the recten pum. The goveer ofthe fun Feet equomant may contain oe aes hich may afl the aru ot cod fa, 651 The celina cout sabe epeted by the oni war pe on. Cetin of toi may be pocicos by ar exonal rer, such ta he rosie tos fis at ana presse a th pop et ema susan She so ose of te erp Sone ye 7, Tre thermostat maybe ted nto fy open positon {Wan the cooing fn ortower i ts fhe et the pw absoied sh eased 0 he ests. The fn oon ‘ver alli determined a he pada the at etary easton Hom aa chrsostes oy Sass {9 Mri power of he gene: the elec ower othe generator hal lina to thst recess fo cperaton| ‘ot annesones anya pereatie fr eagee epostion if snnacton a bate Pacey, fly Sse tern goo conden sha be wea 12) couige scoot engnes aha be lst with charge cong wheter qu oracle, bu the manusctser pea ts bench Syston may rape ea cooler ater case the measure of power aca poed cel be Frade with te manu posse cop ad he min terete cep of tho engine Bf aces he chrpe Bf Soke (on te test Bench sytem a hoe speci by she manterer 11) These may ela, or amps, emus ecteuatn IEGRLystan, cal Eonar, Nema ese, se: ray arsiply sat ed fal evaporation protecting syle. 12) The powor fr sei er ter string stems salt provided to tho tes be 180 8178-1:1996(€) e180 Annex C (normative) Efficiency calculation and corrections for the non-methane hydrocarbon ‘cutter measuring method (see and 13.4) amie = sctcutter on Rypars)-H&ttheoush cutter) ere * Cy “CH HCH le ELetenery) so(enrough cutter! ii (afficiencyh cu(etsicioncy) = Ty _Botehzough cutter with cH csloss) icleutter on bypass. with Ci, cal.ges) “*"fateattor on bypass. with Cay esl.gsa] iso 150 8178-1:19964E) Annex D (normative) Formulae for the calculation of the coefficients u, v, w in 13.4 D.1_ For ideal gases at 273,15 K (0 °C) and 101,3 kPa For the calculation of uw or NO, fa NO, CO, HC 6 13:4 25H, ga): COs: Ox: Cy ve= 4.4615 « 10" mifconcentation i in pom = 44615 x 10°" mif concentration i in percent ele m= moteur weight ox deny of wet exhaust gas at °C, 1013 KPa 1,286 ain D2. For real gases at 0 °C and 101,3 kPa Forte elevation of ¥, for NM Po * 10 a= dansity of measured gas at °C, 101.3 kPa gin? D3 General formulae for the calculation of concentrations at temperature T and ressure p ® {orien goses as x NO, NOs, CO, COs, Ns, HC coe(p01) “o coe(60mn) 1 where 1 percent = 10 gor ‘mathe molgular weight in rol vm, ts the molecular volume 4 22,814» 10°? rj fr ial gases 180 8178-1:1996(6) e150 % i 1s the reference pressure 101,25 kPa roforence tomperture 278.18 K Tis th temperature in Pte posse ne ani dnt ofthe masses gs gi st 0“, 101.94 conc isthe eas conceatation e180 180 8178-1:1996(E) Annex E (informative) Heat calculation (transfer tube) E.1 Transfer tube heating example ‘The temperature loss inthe transfer tubo (TT) causes themophorstic deposition. The amount of depsition can ‘be caleiated using an equation given by Kelson, ‘cane, the ext paricuateconcanttin; ‘ong, '6 the inet particulate concentration 1, iste ext gas temperance: Tis te et gas tomperatue Forte calculation ofthe host flowin the vansle ube the flloting equation with the explined parameters can be used tis further assumed thatthe vanser tue has @ constant cross socio, ‘2 = thermal aecommecaitioncooticent Ay y= 28 velocity i he tanser tube versed 5 area (cutece of the wensfer tbe = specie heat capi at const: pressure) kg) 4 = ameter a the tana tube lngth ofthe vanster tube 1 = ass flow tals) ‘Nu Nussok number p= 8 pressure tg ms) r= Prantl numbar (@ = est lose ofthe gas flow 6) ‘Re = Reyolis number y= 05 ul trmporture T= wal temperature viscosity ta") 4. thermal conduct of the gas (i K) lr" 180 8178-1:1996(E) e180 = 088 dene ln hoot fw (Wi though the wal surface Num (a dh = 0023 Re Pe (Ditus Booker) were Be = leg Prato p raph Using these equations itis possible to eaicubte the thomal accommodation coefficient a Further, when considering the mass flow in the TT Wn on aged xpis ‘The hast loss ofthe gus between TT input and TT cutpti: Game xT) ‘Secause ofthe energy blancs, the hest flow trough the wall must be equal othe energy loss of the aps Tis means tt o=01hy Using another defnion oF the Nussek number itis possive to find the ference between the wal temperature and the aus temper, Nem (@ xd), —T) 81 For the following example a thmaphoreti deposition of ss tan 5% is assumed and accorcng to «leans > 0.95 n> 082 Tye Tx (0872) 2 Host transfer calculation ss ty dove ue to,se Cee ere imum alevale sample et tampon fr threes epson Tha" 600X057) “8232 svenae 7, = SEES 1 [At bulk overage condor (661.8 KI = density = 083 kg p= 1063 sh K) A= 0.088 5 Wim K) iso rao aya 82m 610° ml ‘tonal information ‘Trantor tubo dometer d= 0012 73. ‘Transtar tubs length = 1,524 m Trantor tubo wal 060 9? Ae Trantor tube coss section ston A= 0.127 210-8 mt? "Mass flow through tenses tobe fm dit = py ¥ Ay = 063 52 0,000 127 2 = 0004 167 kas new 520012 73, 4a 10 1500645 diem 281 20.008 Ree c= 0023 «(15 0645) « (0,06)°* 4931 Heat loss hough the wall based on a~ Ts) z © = (date 10,004 167» (1049) x (629 ~ 600) = © =(0)« (A) = - 39405 one Ot TT Vax (5 495.17, «(0528 73) (433i) x @0ee5) 38,20 + 525.2 = 49691 « hy 334.650 3829 Teoh ‘Thorofore the wall of tube rut be msnine ator shove 487K fortis specific mas low. ‘The flowing rationships between rma exhaust emperature and minimum tanfor tubs val temperature sro rcormended, 4 180 8178-1:1996(€) e180 (Maximum exhaust temperature | Minimum wall temperature | x = | c < | 2 7 ry 200 ma “0 es 250 on 20 8 a8 ‘The wall tomperatue shouldbe established porto ition of flow trough the tbe. tis recommended that ‘maxieum of 6 % thermaphorete deposition potetal be ached at any exhaust lnrperturs, Tee renciee oe {2c Qo luton tunnel exraust slo steam tamperatire of lower than G7 ofl oot emcee the samoing probe inet.

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