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12345GhazalThe ghazal is a poetic formconsisting of rhyming coupletsand a refrain,

with each linesharing the same meter. A ghazalmay be understood as a

poeticexpression of both the pain ofloss or separation and the beautyof love in spite
of that pain. Thestructural requirements of theghazal are similar in stringency
tothose of the Petrarchan sonnet.Ghazals were written by thePersian mystics and
poets Rumi(13th century) and Hafiz (14thcentury)
7. MasnaviMasnavi, or mathnaw, is thename of a poem written inrhyming couplets,
or morespecifically, a poem based onindependent, internally rhyminglines. Most
mathnaw followed ameter of eleven, or occasionallyten, syllables, but had no limit
intheir length.Rumis Mathnawi-i Manawi

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