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M3600(B) SERIES OPERATING MANUAL conrents 1. tRopucrion i 2. SAFETY INFORMATION ; 3. FEATURES A 351 Genel Features 3.2 LCD Ospy Fears on Funston ‘5 INSTRUMENT OPERATION a 52. 0G Votoge Messuenen! £3 Audie Cony Test 59. AC Vatope Measuomen! £9 Tanstr MFE Tet (xcept 3620 (8), 5:4 OC Curent Measulement 5-40 Capecance Mestrement fot 2690/8) and 365018) 5:5 AC Curent Measurement 5-11 Frequency Measures! or SE50IS) ony 56. Resisimce Messuerant 6. MANTENANCE a 6:2. Fuse Replacement 4. INTRODUCTION, ‘Ths manual srvdes operating ans sorvcewtamaton for M3600 (8) Sere, which are 3 1/2 dot LD tapi Dg! Mutter ube the fet baeoy,warahep Rey and heme seers, Th Instument = compact, handel bate speed and aes te Qu pe AD comer of CMOS teeelgy fer Avorn pry secon nd oreange han andr resume OSB AG ology, 1G AC Curent Reistanoa, eae. Capsctance [M630 (8) & E00 (B), Tanase NFE (excel "436208 & Conny Test nee beeper sound capably tray arte andecy MEE (ay, Ibu model 41 pons bar dsp in proportion to tl ve. 2. SAFETY INFORMATION Ts meter nas bean dso and testo seceding 1 IEC Publeston 948 and ON 57 411 PL 1 VDE ott Sale Regenerate Ga pain Scone Neowin Apacs. The ‘SAFETY srwsoLs. “dy ingeatos te gperter mu rele to an elation i hi an * inal tempat a wnch sagas vgs ay ene ai) 4 Diode Tost B hate 1) Coe eton : TORVOD ELZCTRICAL SHOCK OR DAMAGE TO TO AVOID DAMAGE OR INJURY Tee rartenareem ES OOS TDG eTTECY Uwe tm yh cus iid by fae of ea AE beveon ny trina ard eam GROUND, Senet dOkers000V8. smear not nana ‘Fo avon oance To METER orgy eoray naval use So excood tho rt at shown Dow “Test ao mtb inserted bear eter con FUNCTION [ TERMINALS —[ NPUTUMMTS] pasonore ads to mossung create vac Oe COM | “750,VAC_| Tas pracasonary procedure protects th operator 2 Vencow | 28990 | shoudavatagots acckntahy apps Delweon me OUAC | 20K anc COM toma Tost acoder pay ae aay |e fe totne 20h tering ety hte ad Wd Asoo | z0A0cac | Mavens sty Alvin & com] 250v oc/ac] meeeung a Votan Freo PAL vi [2s treosuing a Vtone. ‘The 208 RANGE te NOT fae protected BE CAUTIOUS WHEN WORKING ABOVE GOV DC OR 25 AC ANS. SUCH VOLTAGE POSE A SHOCK HAZARD, ENSURE TEST LEADS RAE IN GOOD CONDITION. DISCONNECT Tes LEADS FROM TEST PONTS BEFORE CHANGING FUNCTONS.CLEANCASE WITH DAMP CLOTH AND MKD DETERGENT NOT ABRASIVES OR SOLVENTS. ‘he V input tema Bote 8, FEATURES: 31. General Featres Te di-sope AD converter uses CMOS tocnology fr auto-ering, poy secon and over ange ‘Push button OWOFF power switch 1 S0'Roatlone Rotary wich esy fo use for Funcon snd Range slacton, 2 Trev high contrat 1 Wee ase aly protected rom pyc! shock 1 Atiomate overange naeaton wih fe" daly an all he ber Yashag in bar mo High surge vtage potacton 1 SKV' kv Capactanca messutamon for 380 (8) & 3650 (8) Bios and Ane Conus test (Centinty Beep sound) TransutornFE teat oxcept M3620 (3) Frequency measuromont a" 3650 (5) Function honuneators on UCD ay (watery Anmancater ‘M3600 (8) Sores Famlarzaton 1, ipa ay 12 ate Max 1998) wn ‘fete oa ohn Bo 2 Eunctontine och Power ONOFF Swteh 2: BEA pa Jock Toad 143600 (8) Series LcO [MULTIMETER FAMILIRIZATION M3600 Series fe) ‘wo020 1M36008 Soros Maatos M6208 36908 138508 ater meres ee eeeenoscom ne | GOD * ‘pears.on LCD with mode, range & decimal ! iene eae sane teed noire" posey, (or Bar mode) i900 y Overange nation vrange notation Accaring othe postion of ay sth, ‘Memexmun sue hat en be ayes on {cote dotormnea. When reading aes STLCO ss avenge nde, fhe See eo rs tg ar 7 (tor Bar moan |, eee ‘Audie Contouty ican te conductance ies than 30 ohm a the same tne fe LED mp ins p ox ‘opt 3620 8 andthe beeper aportes fot Low satery ndaton. 4. “ine Batery has tobe replaced fra cor fect operon en igh Sin spews on too. SPECIFICATION Maxie py Nessurng Wethos Seerange Masimin Common Mase Vatage Reading Rate Te TTonoeaive fr gare’ Aecray Power Supely tw eatery indcaion Sze Wei peces0t88 o ‘Audible Conny ieaton 1999 Count (9 1/2 gt win azomate platy inecaton ana 4 ois bgp in bar most {ico Deeley Dual dope toyaton AD converte "igi Geoiy on UCD sh he bar hing i be ‘Se0V Dcikc ms 2:3 readings par soc dosézre porting 0 fo 40°C (52°F to 104°) Stroge —10r6 Sore (14°F to 122°F) ‘ho Ox Battery ‘esi Lon LEO ‘36092109 cdg 8 val Battery 80:19 (n Bar rode ‘Operating Manual 9 Batry(Zne-Carbon ype, Test lade ie 6 Block tai, Spare Fuse, ecuranes e=|% ong + No. af aot). Gant tr 1 yearn 25:25°C, lesa than 75% RH, Warm uptime is 1 minute 2c Votage ange weewasy Fesoluion 200 mv 100 97 av Tm 20 20.9%, of rg + 1 oat Toa 200 700 mv 1000 ¥ Ww Tap arpedance: TOMahn on at ranass ‘veld Protecton 1000 DC oF peak AC on a anges : } 0 ‘nc vonage Fae Tear Fesotiion Zw mv 100 av 3aV 0.88, ofrda + 3 dos TOnv 2007 wo mw Te0¥ SEC EL Ww Input wpadanen: + A satn par sonas and | Open rout Vote LED trp gis up exert | Aperoxmatey 28 53620 1B) eondctence ‘eae ban sooumaley 50 on (Sreoad Protection, 250 V DEAE mms ‘Transistor MFE Tost Fane Deserton ‘est Conaion| RFE | Display reads Aeproxiato | Bano Caron Approx IE aue (0-1000) of vane | mately TOuA, VEE 2.8 l Stor under testa ype)” | Vat 16 ‘capacitance for 3630 (8) ae rd ek 2000 F TF [20 oF £20%, 0169 +3 cae oF 00 nF | io05F ie £3.0%, of on + 8 ate ae 20 0F oF pen Great Voge ov BV SES exer en 00 2000 0F to 2 Bo gon waar Onroad NOT cd 6 ——— apctans fr 3888) ined eee Toko 2000 2.0%, of + 3 ote Te 2007 ‘oor 20 Foe, cia + 5 To om Cre Vos an 50 Pea emmy abind 200 2 2000 oF to 200 nF ea Soc erow rad NOT ced Frequency or 2808) aad ae Toa ant Fa0%. ans en | OMe p00 a0 (veroed Prolactin: 250V OGIAC rs Input Senatuy 26000 5 INSTRUMENT OPERATION 54, PRELIMINARY NOTE 1. bows al chock th 9V Bator by pushing the Power ONIOFE 0 Of the Batary f wash, (£24 wilsppear on LOD the Ss not apeear one dep, read as bow Won reschS ‘ato, voter o MAINTENANCE. socton, ‘Sampotnos eset wi ogi "0~ Th, however, have no tlect on te mestxoment ‘Arann to van tina reatatage cy curenateot ned ented aes ‘icant prevent sumage 1 ne eral ory. ‘he nce such mua be sto te range beloe operation, 1 cso tat Ba docs ol sper bt malt power tfc ON, reget the power swtoh {0 ON yan by pressing power buton fo © second Do not get wot 452, DC Votlage Measurement 4. Conectne Black test ata the COM sack andthe Red fest ead fo the Vio eck 2, Sethe tuctin swan fo he DC V range tobe used nc ‘cnet tn fst nds cross tho seuee or losd under ‘measurement. See Fie 2 ‘The post of ho Red ead connecton wit be indeated ne same tie os te velsoe ti uncon pn ate st et nae ' 4. Take ca to avidoonactwihighersincreut wren ome 153, AC Voltage Measurement 41 Connect he oe st at the COM lak an he ed {eat od tothe V0 aoe 2, Sette func ach oe ACV range o be used and ‘measurement: See Pure 83. Not 1 Se 0 wotage measurement Note 1.2 2. GE Doel apiy mare han TSOY rm oe int frceton a posabe at higher votage bul ere & {dnger of dana the rol crt. 2. Tekeapecalare to eve corach wh gh iain c- ute hen tig tage © mossod 54 0c Curent Measurement * Cornet he tet aoe COM ck ana Ra Seafoam For amimens! 208 ae ea ada he 2 ok ry encion cna 0¢ arene be used and 2 Setter eet eae sence wh he sd under Soacrenet See re 54 2. Fmsseae tre Re aetia conechon ib dicted Bie sane te ste ren Fg. SS AO Volage Weaauean a. 5, 06 Curent Nessuronent a tte ipo cm nc ae 2 ReSe beget aangenie ut ee tlnor ot roca 2 Reacher eer re rears Aire bares a atta ane net ae joan megan ew te seeoomre ans ea” 4. Maximum Voltage Drop (under fut scale} el Soe” sa a Bh 1 ne Func etch tothe highest ange and 2 {£8 AC Curent meesuroment +” Comme lr tee obo COM ak oe Re (ata ime ales oramanmum of 2. Fos mae ‘Foe! 20n mors hed ested 1 he 204 bck 2, SXihetunebonsnionta the Re Arangeo be wsedand lnc! hetos edn rsees wih te 88 Ue ‘Seuemort oo Pare 8. note + hme cover rage ero mewn beorhan sete ESar‘onh the he ange ae wor down, 2, Witenes ret" apie ore Dr are TOs maul orange bea nests sd elon etc mint peste a nov eae. a. “Ath waxmm mp Cents 24 208 Sen 4 fio e pox sed $8.2 eo bow be tse when rt Be fence 0A ange ot protec Nae he coe clon skiopevem crane io Faq 6 AU Garon Noose the nea ort, Mau votoge Dro der fsa) oourzodna” Soon” BA Toon s | 20! Boom . | 6 Resistance Measurement 1 Gonneet the Back et ead oho COM jack an the Ret ‘eaten to he VO ke 2 Sete ncn sue eon ange tote a ad trousuonent. So Fite So. en a Ts: 1 Keerotngs tn ig need ees Pe ae ‘rum ako the range seca sn overange dea. Swi payed sa a a re bar an Foravesstance of pproumately 1 M ohm ns ovo, ‘he Motor may tak ow soconds fo stabze Tho orm for righ rositncereean. 2. When tha mputis not connected, atopen cul ne gure "t"wibe doles ora he ba fahing br Irode as overage natn. Fig. 5 Ressance Messwement 2, When checagin out since, be sir the circ Unde teat has all power renoved af a captors re tity ascnrged a «4 Tho restance anges ots siunant ae prtectd by a posistr above SOV anda reir Trswor below SO0V,exoept 20 stm and 200 om range (250¥), ‘4 Zero A knob in 3620 (B) lo sod for zero reading of 20 en range 8: Bee davces mayo aamaged by the carer apd durng eatance measurements, The fatowang be ft sows the volage 2d cent exam each ange Faroe x = e 0 oh oar 0.08 O45 200— an Oi 08. 0.38 2 Kah ‘oar 028 oz 0 Kon ‘ass 0.16 ‘028 200 Ks 9.33 a6 ‘00 "2 Mohn 0.38 oH ‘0007 20 MoS O35 O16 D.o00T * ony for 9820 (8) i 1 Seepen eat vtage at he fc 8.1 Stage efone a rontace equal ful so vate 8S Saertinnlamperes trou asnor cost athe ees. ‘values we pea! = {57 Diode Measurement 2, Sttine uncon swton ote.» 2 range and eonect the Note ‘Canc! the Blac ate oh COM ck end he Rc tao V8 le These ED et {etna ovens he doe une assure Soe Fg o 1. hen the put pot connected Lo. at open cc try heigue ton eto! LCD is dapiayed or il {eta tashnginbarmoselas verngeineatan 2, Tress imA Carentan Doug e dace unde st 43 Metter dense rota ropn rts Tig. 58 Ruse Sony ‘58 Avatble Continuity Test 2 cs ‘Conngot h lack et ead othe COM ack anne ed fest leaa tome Vi ok ‘Slane funtion stn fo he w 2 range (sme range 2s ‘Soe and canect et leads sos The eastance ne ‘measurement. See Faure 5:8. Buzze sounds and LED lamp ih uo except 2020 (8) I ne reastanoe between two pats ess han approx mately 20 ohms. 1 ven tne mpi ot connects, a open ea ony tne aire" onthe et of LOD fe dalyed ra the ie bar fnsing o8 overage ican 2, Thocrculiobetetea ual bein power tf tats ur Ing the contruty os, Fig 59 Tenmltor FE Tor) “Transetor BFE Test 1" Ghange te uncon atch tothe NEE range 22 SeoSine weber tne tansisors NEN "PR and est th Emer, Base and Collector Leas Peters lms io tho Correct holes fi tha socket on to font pane. Soe Figue 5:3 ‘9, The ply woud the epronenae RFE vl eta conto of base cent 104A VCE ag ey n 10. Capacitance Measurement for 3690 (8) and 2650 (2) 1. Bote connecting te test capacitor. nots the depsy wh should be O00 ec tn he angecrnged Ra Inst tha ZERO ADL Knob tor ths concton 2, Cenroct me tat eaactor othe nxt sockets (ot test lid eng platy emecioneten reed, Soe Fie 5 Neto: 1. The capactance measurna vote is ess tan about 3.0V peak: Measurement of capsctors wi ese at ths ring shad be aise 2, Wen testing nhl eapactor, insert lead nto Met socket inthe" upper socket" oer Fg) 510 Gapsolance Mewararent ck) the nt on fe panel [capaci shouldbe dachargos before boing inserted trio the test eck) Bette cach measurement. achieve hh accuracy at each range, neces to have {he dog 000 by shestng tne ZERO AD nob et caer comet. ‘hen ale otc estructura aero us be iso the pouty Consctons, Toast prover poste age oto capac Sinertostng lrge capscancas, Tote et here wa ee cota te ag Peter he tl Seaton GREY oe=t0°% Et nF=109F, 1 FT" 1 m=O" {" bo ft comect an extemal voitge oa charge eabectrlespeiy kat capac) «Sis messunng term can garage the eral Seu 111, Frequency Measurement for 3650 (8) + Cana! ne Blac et ei othe COM ick rd th Rat feat Lead he V0 ae 2, Setthe Fncton wich ote fkHerangeto to used ond Connect te fost leads sass the Wequency Unaor Not: 1, Do not connact tes ads to AC ie. connected, ‘uation a posstie bat changes the ra Srey Tenowover moesuramen by canectng to AC electnc ‘utes egured,comoctteasads 9 AC outa ou) Sn sterner 2, When he tet leas are connectedo AC out, do not Eire sector eto footer range. abo ‘dangerous ote eterna compan 2 6, MAINTENANCE "Your Digtl Mutineter is @ precise electone device. not anger with ot. To apparatus must ne disconnected Hom al vllage sources terre any edustment, replacment or Iainenance separ ding wich the septaus sal be opened. If afterward sy adusiven, msntenance of repair of te opened apparaue wih valtage aptod Ie rocostary must be cae out only bya eked porcan ho Is aware of he hazard oho ‘A. Never connact more an 1000 Vat OC o 750 Vat rms 8G B. Never conect a sure of sate wh function stch'n OHM posilon 6 5 operate he OVA unless te Sack casei place antl lsd Bator er Fuse replacement shel any be done afro fest eas Fave boon dsconected end powers OFF 51.9 Volt attry Replacement Note the conaton of 9 lt ettery folowing he procedie deserbed revs in conten 5-1 Trin battery needs to be replaced, open te Back cover trae the sbem baler and rece ih 62. Fuze Replacement the hae should be replced, use ony 2A fuse iran physical inet the gal ar use the spare feat inne storage comosrmont asncon fo the moun tau he bay compare

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