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Assignment C-1

Engineering, The Profession

Industrial Engineering

Name : Anas Ali Aumara


Student No.1406960
Assignment C-1


Industrial Engineering
Nowadays, our country the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lives a truly noticeable and
clearly improvement in all fields. Of course any country need engineers to develop and
improve. The Engineering is one of the most work scopes important. It is contain a lot of
division like electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical
Engineeringetc. This assignment will be talked about the Industrial Engineering, it is my
dream job and it is interested in science that serves the art of mechanical design and all
that it serves like planning, design, assembly, test and examination. It is considered one of
the branches of engineering. This assignment talked about my skills I am good at in this
specialty and some of the social skills people say I am good at. This assignment tell you
how many are there in my field and how much is the salary package in my field for starter
and experienced engineers. So at the end of these assignment, I found out what is exactly
the industrial Engineering, what is the kind of works does the industrial Engineers do and is
this field still needed in our country or we had enough industrial engineers as many people
think. So I believe that many wrong ideas will change after reading this assignment .

I will talk about this specialization I have a lot information about this major and I
read a lot about this major, While I read about the industrial Engineering and found a
general definition is ( Industrial Engineering is branch of science and engineering it means
that issues and problems with production systems in general, Whether these system
industrial, agricultural , administrative or service-, So as to achieve a better environment
where the human interacts with the machine in high productivity and unit efficiency ) [1] .
Engineers must have the skills they use in their specialties, I think I am a good at solving
problems, Also I am good in the completion and thinking and teaching others how to do
something and thinking to identify the strengths and weaknesses these skills fit many
engineering disciplines like industrial Engineering, civil Engineering mechanical
These skills fit these disciplines, Also there are general skills and master these disciplines.
Also there are skills I think I lack it and it is important for some specialties. I lack the skill
to use computer also I have a weakness in the English language which cause me hindrance
in solving problems sometimes it is a big problem being a student in Engineering, the most
important discipline that need these skills that I lost is computer Engineering,
communication Engineering, software Engineering electronic Engineering, radio

Engineering. I think these disciplines are not for me, because I bad to use the computer,
but I want to improve myself to become a well in the use of computer. I also have some
social skills I am good at communicating with people , and I own a good style in the
dialogue and also I can convince a lot of people change their opinions if they are wrong. It
is these specialization that need social skills are industrial engineering , architecture ,
environmental engineering.
( industrial engineering, is the part of engineering that concerned with the design of
systems production. So, the Industrial Engineer analyzes and specifies integrated
components of people, machines, and facilities to create efficient and effective systems
that produce goods and services it means that Industrial Engineering challenges you to
improve, design, manage, evaluate, and test production systems. Youll be looking at how
a product is made or a service is given, and your ultimate goal is to improve the quality of
those products and services) [2] . So, Unlike other engineering majors, Industrial
Engineering focuses on people and management. ( Youll have classes in ergonomics and
human factors and study how people are a part of a production system,. So in general we
can say Industrial engineers figure out how to do things better. They engineer processes
and systems that improve quality and productivity. They work to eliminate waste of time,
money, materials, energy, and other commodities ) [2] .
I chose this major because Work areas for industrial engineer is limited never majoring in
industrial engineering includes economics and management and increase revenue, and
solving problems related to production, as the employment opportunities for industrial
engineer are not confined to industry and factories such as cars, aircraft, electrical,
electronic, cement, hardware and chemicals factories, but even banks and the tourism
sector and hospitals, ports and industrial engineer can also work in most sectors of
This is why many industrial engineers end up being promoted into management positions.
Therefore, projects length in industrial engineering is typically very long. It takes some
times a lot of months or years to be finished, but although that, some of the projects are
too short!. We can say that depends on the company's size and work. A lot of people ,
( think that industrial engineering is only limited to manufacturing environments, but in
fact, graduates can also be found in health care, banking ,insurance companies,
consulting, government, tourism, service, transportation, agriculture and retailing ) [3] .
Maybe this is why we can't industrial engineers can work in many different positions and
establishments and this can be one of the big benefits of industrial engineering field so you
can determine what is the best position for you.
For example, (if you can handle with dangerous jobs, then you can work in the factories
with big dangerous allowance, but if you prefer desktop work with no dangerous also you
can find a job in retailing or banking or many other positions. now we can say that
industrial engineers are very needed In our job market and to proof that I have done some
researches and statistics about the number of engineers in the most common fields in

Saudi Arabia [4] .

If you look to the table (1) below, you will see that we have about only 1752 industrial
engineer as employee in private sectors. So, That means our country is still need a lot of
industrial engineers. The same statistic showed that If we consider that the number of
graduates is constant every year, we need at least about 12 years to Reach The number of
industrial engineers in demand.


Electrica Mechanical Industrial

























Table(1) the number of registered in Saudi Council of Engineers in Saudi Arabia [4] .
Also during my research I asked a graduate industrial engineer for the salaries of graduates
and told me the average salary for industrial engineer a bachelor's degree in KSA is the
range of 8000 SR to 15000 SR and most of job offers for industrial engineers include health
insurance ,Housing allowance, transportation allowance and sometimes dangerous
allowance This high salary because Saudi Arabia now needs The industrial engineers more
than any other time because of many reasons:
The First, our country now planning to do automation in all fields and of course this
process needs a lot of industrial engineers. The Second, A lot of new industrial cities has
been established recently and a lot of plans to build a new cities in the future. So these
cities are also need a lot of industrial engineers. Finally, I want to say Saudi Arabia has a
professional society for all engineers ,included the industrial engineering, it called "The
Saudi Council Of Engineers. "

Finally, I hope that I have been able to write this (assignment) Also, I want to
summarize some of the important points. The first point, Industrial engineers typically
works on improving the quality of products and services many industrial engineers end up
being promoted into management positions. The second point, because industrial
engineers can work in very wide range we can't determine the exactly project length but it
is usually depends on the company's size and work. The third point, Our job market need a

lot of the industrial engineers as any other engineers. In the end, I learned from writing
this work a lot and I got to know most of the other disciplines features specialty industrial
engineering from other disciplines as almost desirable of all companies and government
sectors and is characterized by a managing specialization in general.

[1] King Abdulaziz University site page Industrial Engineering

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