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4th PAN AMERICAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP for Cadets, Juniors, Seniors

and Veterans, and PAN AMERICAN CUP for Childrens (OPEN WORLD)
22 and July 23, 2016
Buenos Aires ARGENTINA

Dear Karate Organizations

For this intermediate, we have the taste and pleasure of sending you our ofcial invitation
to you and your organization to the "4th PAN AMERICAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP OPEN
WORLD PKC", to be held during 22 and 23 July 2016, in BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA.
Along globally recognized organization "Union of Karate Argentina" will be glad to
receive and welcome you, and your team, to the 4th Pan American Karate Championships PKC
Open World, In its fourth edition, and we are deeply grateful to the UAK, for the great effort in
making this Championship, we know that federation has extensive experience in conducting Pan
American and World championships, it will shine in this beautiful city in the south of the American
continent with the presence of athletes and ofcials from countries around the world.
We bring together all countries in the Americas and around the world, in this great event,
and we are sure it will be a pleasure to participate, all professionals and ofcials who accompany
your nation.
We are sure that will be an event of great technical quality, and all those who decide to
register, feel highly rewarded for their participation in this great festival of karate as a martial art in
our world!
In addition and as an added plus, we invite you to the "15th National Games of Karate",
which will be completely free for all guests, and will be held during 20 and 21 July, 2016.
We want this event to be a success for you and your delegation, and have in your
memory forever, the memory of this warm and friendly country!
See you at the Panamerican Championships Open World in BUENOS AIRES!

Nstor Parreo
Panamerican Karate Confederation

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