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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 22, 2015

What is the purpose of an Advent? How should we benefit from an Advent?

Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today as we prepare to celebrate Christmas.
What does it mean when you say God descends as
an Avatar?God out of His love, affection and compassion,
comes down to the level of a human being and arouses the
Divine Consciousness in humankind. When God finds that
many people are desperately searching outside of themselves
for God, He makes you aware of God within yourself. God is
in fact the core in everyone. This chance, to realize God
within, has been granted to you as a reward for merit acquired
by you in many previous lives, so as to reach the highest goal
of merging with the absolute. Every bird needs two wings to
fly; a cart needs two wheels to be pulled along. To journey
towards the highest goal, you need both faith and
steadfastness - spiritual learning (vidya) and
penance (tapas). Bhagavad Gita states, Knowledge of the
Self (Atma Vidya) is the holiest. Knowledge(Vidya) shows the
way, and the penance (tapas) makes you reach the goal. Both
are necessary to attain the Ultimate.
- Divine Discourse, 24 Dec 1980.

Service is the highest form of worship and the best penance. Baba
22 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:Avqwr Dwrx krn dw kI audyS hY?iksy Avqwr dw AsIN,kI lwB hwsl kr skdy hW? ikRsms dI iqAwrI
krn qoN pihlW,Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: ies gl dw kI ArQ hY, jd AsIN ieh kihMdy hW ik DrqI qy,Avqwr ny jnm ilAw hY?Bgvwn,mnu`Kqw
nwl Awpxy ipAwr, diAwluqw kwrx ,Awpxy-Awp nUM,mnu`K dy p`Dr qy ilAw ky DrqI qy jnm lYNdy hn qW jo
auh,mnu`Kqw iv`c jwigRqI pYdw krn[ jd Bgvwn ieh vyKdy hn ik keI lok,duswhsI ho ky,bwhrly sMswr iv`c
Bgvwn dI Koj krdy hn qW auh mnu`K nUM,ieh smJw ky jwigRq krdy hn ik Bgvwn nUM,bwhr Kojx dI bjwey,Awpxy
AMdr Kojo[Asl iv`c,Bgvwn hr iek iv`c hI hn[mnu`K nUM, ieh iehsws krvwaux leI,Bgvwn ny mnu`K nUM ieh
mnu`KI colw id`qw hY Aqy ieh colw,mnu`K dy ipCly jnmW dy cMgy krmW dy Pl dw qohPw hY qW jo auh,AwpxI bu`DI dI
mdd nwl,Awpxy-Awp nUM,Bgvwn iv`c vlIn kr sky[hr pMCI nUM,auVn leI do pMK cwhIdy hn Aqy iek tWgy nUM
clwaux leI,do piheIey cwhIdy hn[jIvn dy swirAW qoN au`c lkS hwsl krn leI mnu`K nUM,A`iDAwqimk iv`idAw

Aqy qp`isAw vrgy do pdwrQW dI zrUrq hY Aqy auh hn,Bgvwn au`qy ivSvwS Aqy Afolqw [Bwgvq gIqw dy
muqwbk,Awqm-iv`idAw hI piv`qr iv`idAw hY ijhVI mnu`K nUM,Dwrimk r`sqw ivKwauNdI hY Aqy qp`isAw,mnu`K
nUM,aus dw lkS hwsl krn dI mdd krdI hY[Bgvwn iv`c lIn hox leI,ieh dovyN zrUrI hn[(24 dsMbr,1980
dy idvX pRvcn)[
syvw hI,swirAW qoN au`cI pUjw Aqy qp`isAw hY[(bwbw)[

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