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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 24, 2015

What is the purpose of the birth of a Saint, Prophet or Divine incarnation? How
should we celebrate? Bhagawan exhorts us with His sweet words today.

God is the Eternal Power, omnipotent and omniscient. He is the

cause and consequence - the potter, the clay and the pot.
Without God, there is no Universe. God willed and the Universe
happened, as His play, a manifestation of His power. Human
beings embody His Will, His power, His Wisdom. But, they are
unaware of this glory as the cloud of ignorance veils the Truth.
Hence God sends saints and prophets, and even appears as an
Advent to unveil the Truth, and to awaken and liberate mankind.
Two thousand years ago, when narrow pride and thick
ignorance defiled mankind, Jesus came as the embodiment of
love and compassion, and lived amongst people, holding forth
the highest ideals of life. Christmas truly means the Mass, held
on the birthday of Christ. It is a very sacred religious rite. To
deal with it as a festival for drinking and dancing is very wrong.
Spend Christmas in prayer.
- Divine Discourse, 24 Dec 1980

You must think of God and offer prayers at least four times a day - at dawn, at noon, at sunset and
before going to bed. This is the food for your soul. Baba
24 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:iksy sMq,pYgmbr jW Avqwr dy jnm lYx dw kI audyS hY?aunHW dy jnm idn nUM,ikvyN mnwauxw cwhIdw hY?
Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,AwpxI im`TI vwxI nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: Bgvwn,iek AnMq SkqI,srvSkqImwn Aqy srvgX hn[auhI,swrw ku`J krn vwly hn ArQwq auhI
kumhwr hn,auhI im`tI hn Aqy auhI brqn hn[eISvr qoN ibnW,koeI bRhmMf nhIN hY[Bgvwn ny ie`Cw pRkt kIqI
ik bRhmMf dI auqpqI hovy qW jo auh Awpxy Kyl nUM Kyl skx Aqy AwpxI SkqI dI sQwpnw kr skx[aunHW dI
ie`Cw nwl,mnu`K dI auqp`qI hoeI,aus nUM SkqI imlI Aqy aus iv`c bu`DImqw AweI[pr mnu`K,ies AwnMd nUM nhIN
jwxdw ikauN jo A`igAwnqw dy bdlW ny,scweI au`qy prdw pwieAw hoieAw hY[iehI kwrx hY ik ies scweI qoN prdw
htwaux,mnu`K nUM jwigRq krn Aqy mnu`K nUM,mokS duAwaux leI,sMqW,pYgMbRW jW AvqwrW dw jnm huMdw hY[do hzwr
swl pihlW jd mnu`Kqw nUM A`igAwnqw Aqy hMkwr ny GyirAw hoieAw sI qW jIss,ipAwr Aqy dieAw Bwvnw dw

pYgwm dyx,ies DrqI qy AviqRq hoey sn Aqy mwnv mu`lW vwly jIvn dw pRcwr krn leI lokW iv`c rhy[kirsms
dw s`cw ArQ hY pUjw dw auqsv,ijhVw kRwiest dy jnm idn qy mnwieAw jWdw hY[ieh idhwVw,bhuq hI piv`qr
iqauhwr hY[ies qrHW dy piv`qr iqauhwr qy Srwb pIxw Aqy nwc krnw bhuq glq hY[ikRsms vwly idn,Bgvwn dI
pUjw kro[(24 dsMbr,1980 dy idvX pRvcn)[
iek idn iv`c,G`t qoN G`t cwr vyly( svyry,doiphr,sUrj iCpx vyly Aqy sOx qoN pihlW),Bgvwn dw ismrx kro
,Bgvwn nUM,pRwrQnw kro[ iehI quhwfI Awqmw dw Bojn hY[(bwbw)[

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