December 25 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 25, 2015

On the most auspicious occasion of Christmas, what is the clarion call we must
adhere to, today and every day? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
As you celebrate Christmas today, bring to your mind
the teachings, advice and warnings that Jesus gave
and decide to direct your daily life on that path. His
words must be imprinted on your hearts and you must
resolve to practise all that He taught. You must pay
attention to the lessons he elaborated in the various
stages of his life. 'I am the Messenger of God,' he
declared, first. Yes. Each individual has to accept that
role and live as examples of Divine Love and Charity.
The Guru must act as the alarm-clock; he should
awaken the sleeper to ones duty to
oneself."Uththishtha! jaagratha," as the Upanishads
proclaim - "Arise! Awake." And bear witness to the
God within, in every thought, word and deed. The best
way to resolve the confusions and conflicts that
hamper moral, ethical, material, technological and
spiritual progress is for man to live as fully as man
ought to, and rise to the height of the Divine that is his
- Divine Discourse, 25 Dec 1990

To secure the grace of God you must adhere to right conduct and observe purity in thought,
word and deed. Baba
25 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:ikRsms dy swirAW qoN izAwdw piv`qr mOky qy swnUM ikhVw sMdyS imldw hY,ijs dw Anusrx swnUM,hr roz
krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: A`j,ikRsms dy piv`qr iqauhwr nUM mnwauNdy smyN,aunHW v`loN id`qIAW is`iKAwvW Aqy ic`nOqIAW nUM swnUM,Awpxy
mn iv`c r`KxIAW cwhIdIAW hn Aqy aunHW dIAW is`iKAW nUM swnUM,roz dy kMmW iv`c iesqymwl krnw cwhIdw hY[aunHW
dy Sbd,Awpxy ihrdy au`qy AMikq kr lau Aqy Awpxy jIvn iv`c,aunHW dw Anusrx kro[aunHW GoSxw kIqI ik
mYN,Bgvwn dw dUq hW[swirAW nUM,ipAwr nwl rihxw cwhIdw hY[gurU nUM ,GVI dy Alwrm dI qrHW swirAW nUM
jgwauxw cwhIdw hY qW jo aupinSdW iv`c ilKIAW is`iKAwvW ijvyN auTo Aqy jwgo, Aqy AwpxI ifaUtI,iemwndwrI
nwl inBwau[mn,krm Aqy vcn nwl ,Awpxy AMdr,Bgvwn dI ijauqI nUM vyKo[mnu`K dI AslIXq ik auh idvX
hY,aus nUM pRwpq Aqy jwxx leI,Bgvwn auqy pUrw ivSvwS r`Ko[( 25 dsMbr,1990 dy idvX pRvcn)[

Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd hwsl krn leI,Awpxw cwl-clx piv`qr r`Kxw cwhIdw hY Aqy mn,vcn Aqy krm
iv`c,iekswrqw hoxI cwhIdI hY[(bwbw)[

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