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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 27, 2015

What can we do to earn some good merit in our bank account with God?
Bhagawan lovingly instructs us today.

Develop the quality of love. Do not hate anyone. Develop the faith
that whatever happens to you is good for you. Think that
whenever you encounter any difficulty or suffering, you alone are
responsible for it. On the other hand, if you insult anyone
knowingly or unknowingly, that someone else may punish you
some day. Pleasure and pain are the products of your own
making. The merit or sin you commit, follows you like a shadow
always. Many today give sermons to others, without following their
own advice. What value will your advice have? Whenever you
read or listen to a noble thought, it is of no value to you, until you
practice it assiduously. Help your fellow human beings at least in a
small measure. You will be helped in return, when you need it
most. Never blame others for the difficulties you face. Never
abuse anyone. Love all and treat everyone as your brothers and
- Divine Discourse Jan 01, 2004.

It is through pain that pleasure is gained. Baba

27 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:ijhVw swfw bYNk-Kwqw,Bgvwn nwl hY,aus iv`coN AsIN ikhVw lwB pRwpq kr skdy hW? Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: ipAwr dy gux,pYdw kro[iksy nwl,nPrq nw kro[ieh ivSvwS pYdw kro ik jo ku`J vI ho irhw hY,auh quhwfy
Bly leI ho irhw hY[ ieh vI hmySw Xwd r`Ko ik ijhVw kSt quhwnUM ho irhw hY ,aus leI qusIN hI iz`myvwr ho[ jy
qusIN,iksy mnu`K dI byie`zqI,jwxy jW Axjwxy iv`c krdy ho,aus dI szw,iek nw iek idn quhwnUM zrUr imly gI[
AwpxI KuSI Aqy gmI leI,qusIN Kud iz`myvwr ho[ quhwfy v`loN kIqw cMgw jW mwVw krm,quhwfw ip`Cw kdy nhIN C`fy
gw[ keI lok,lokW nUM qW nsIhq idMdy hn pr Kud aus au`qy Aml nhIN cldy[ ies qrHW dI nsIhq dw kI
Pwiedw? jy qusIN koeI cMgI nsIhq suxdy ho pr aus au`qy nhIN cldy qW auh nsIhq dw koeI lwB nhIN hY[BwvyN QoVI
mwqRw iv`c hI hovy,quhwnUM dUijAW dI mdd krnI cwhIdI hY[jd quhwnUM zrUrq hovy gI,lok vI quhwfI mdd krn

gy[ijhVIAW qklIPW quhwnUM huMdIAW hn,aus leI,dUijAw dw ksUr nw k`Fo[iksy nUM,kdy vI gwlI nw dau[ swirAW
nwl ipAwr kro Aqy hr iek nUM Awpxw Brw Aqy BYx smJo[( 01 jnvrI,2004 dy idvX pRvcn)[
du`K auTw ky hI , su`K imldw hY[(bwbw)[

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