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Tomorrows Profits Today

Norcorp Los Angeles (Pty. Ltd.)
329 Ripley Boulevard
Los Angeles CA 92632
Phone: 306-555-7757
Fax: 306-555-3489

January 18, 2048

Our Reference: Tia10328-9545
Your Reference:
Contact: Michael Vacendak, ext. 6665

Charles Van Enck

Special Operations Team IV
Sorry I couldnt mention this earlier, but its just been cleared.
Cyberdyne are the ones who tipped us off in the first place - theyve had one of their
infiltrators on Tia for years, and now theyre cashing in (cheeky bastards!). I think
the enclosed letter pretty well covers it, and dont try to contact him, hell contact
you. Remember, tell no-one, and use him only if you have to, because it will cost.
Youll get the usual bonus if youre successful, watch your back and good luck.


Michael Vacendak
Special Operations Assistant Coordinator

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