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Biometrics (ancient Greek: bios life, metron measure) refers to two very different fields

of study and application. The first, which is the older and is used in biological studies, is
the collection, synthesis, analysis and management of data in biology. Biometrics in
reference to biological sciences, or biostatistics, has been studied since the early twentieth
century.[1] Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing
biological data. In information technology, biometrics refers to technologies that measure
and analyze human body characteristics, such as fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice
patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements, for authentication purposes.

Biometric characteristics can be divided in two main classes, as represented in figure on

the right:

• Physiological are related to the shape of the body. Examples include, but are not
limited to fingerprint, face recognition, hand and palm geometry and iris
• Behavioral are related to the behavior of a person. Characteristic implemented by
using biometrics are signature verification, keystroke dynamics, and voice.


• Fingerprints: The patterns of friction ridges and valleys on an individual's

fingertips are unique to that individual. For decades, law enforcement has been
classifying and determining identity by matching key points of ridge endings and
bifurcations. Fingerprints are unique for each finger of a person including
identical twins.

Face Recognition: The identification of a person by their facial image can be done in a
number of different ways such as by capturing an image of the face in the visible
spectrum using an optical camera or by using the infrared patterns of facial heat emission.
Facial recognition in visible light typically model key features from the central portion of
a facial image. Using a wide assortment of cameras, the visible light systems extract
features from the captured image(s) that do not change over time while avoiding
superficial features such as facial expressions or hair. Several approaches to modeling
facial images in the visible spectrum are Principal Component Analysis, Local Feature
Analysis, neural networks, elastic graph theory, and multi-resolution analysis

Hand and Finger Geometry: These methods of personal authentication are well
established. Hand recognition has been available for over twenty years. To achieve
personal authentication, a system may measure either physical characteristics of the
fingers or the hands. These include length, width, thickness and surface area of the hand.
One interesting characteristic is that some systems require a small biometric sample (a
few bytes). Hand geometry has gained acceptance in a range of applications

Odor and Scent Cognitive Biometric Systems

Odor evaluation is important in criminal prosecution and defense. Blood hounds and
other dogs have been used to identify individuals by their scent trails. Dogs are first
offered a reference article, such as a handkerchief, hat, or an article of clothing.[8] This
scent evidence is usually admissible in court. It's employed similarly to finger print
identification. [9] The latter is premised on the alleged factuality of the "individual odor
theory," which hold that each person has a unique scent that can be identified by the dog
and related back to a specific individual. High courts have accepted the performance of
canine scent identification, even when it is claimed that they are detecting the scent of a
specific individual at the scene of a crime nearly 2 years after the crime was committed as
discussed in the case State v. Eugene Wiley Case No. 8001659, 18th Judicial Circuit,
Brevard County Fla.

Among all these identifications,iris technology is the most reliable technology.

Among all our sense organs,eyes play a major role inside which lies the iris. It surrounds
the pupil & protects it. Another interesting aspect is that, no two persons in the world can
have a similar iris. It is unique for each & every individual. The science also says that,
iris has been a challenge against the fingerprint technology which is not as unique as iris
is. This concept is used in the IRIS TECHNOLOGY… Lets know some thin about it.


Iris technology is the biometric authentication of high resolution images of the iris of

the individuals eye. It was developed by JOHN DOGHMAN in 20th centuary. It is being
usede in many govt. organisations for the issue of sugar cards, election cards, etc….
It is also used for capturing criminals in the very prestigious CENTRAL

Unlike another less prevalent ocular based technology called iris

Iris recognition uses latest camera technology, with harmless infra red
illumination which is passed into the eye for a second .then it is
converted into a digital template.

1.At first the eye is kept at the base of the iris recognition machine and
a digital photograph of the iris is taken.

. .
2.The Pixels of iris are converted into bit wise manner so as to make
easy for the conversion.

3.Now this is inturn converted into a phase sequence of 512 bytes of

iris code.

4. The obtained digital template value is there by used for verification

with another stored digital template value &hence verified.


1.Biggest advantage is its reliability& the process gets over in just a

fraction of two seconds.

2. Iris being well protected inside the eye & doesn’t get damaged
easily. But if a person is upto some manual labour, the finger prints get
ruptured & it becomes difficult to take them. So, iris can be betterly

3.Iris is unique for any person in the world where as the finger prints
are not unique for more than 5.0% of human population due to mono
zygotic twin.

4.. Verification of finger prints is very difficult & time taking because
they are too complex. But in case of iris recognition more than 5000
templates can be verirfied just in a minute..

5. Any kind of surgical operation cannot damage the iris. This has been
proven successful since 30 years & it is a great contributon in the field
of medicine.

After a few years of its it wasn’t recognized due to some problems

like LIVE TISSUE VERIFICATION. But in the past 10 years, it has been
turned into an advanced technology, with its wide range of

Technology Comparison

Method Coded Pattern Misidentification Security Applications


Iris Recognition Iris pattern 1/1,200,000 High

Fingerprinting Fingerprints 1/1,000 Medium Universal

Hand Shape Size, length and thickness of hands 1/700 Low

Facial Outline, shape and distribution of Low-security

1/100 Low
Recognition eyes and nose facilities

Shape of letters, writing order, pen Low-security

Signature 1/100 Low
pressure facilities

Voiceprinting Voice characteristics 1/30 Low Telephone service

Iris-Scan Issues

Iris-scan technology requires reasonably controlled and cooperative user interaction - the enrollee must
hold still in a certain spot, even if only momentarily. Many users struggle to interact with the system until
they become accustomed to its operations. In applications whose user interaction is frequent (e.g. employee
physical access), the technology grows easier to use; however, applications in which user interaction is
infrequent (e.g. national ID) may encounter ease-of-use issues. Over time, with improved acquisition
devices, this issue should grow less problematic.

The accuracy claims associated with iris-scan technology may overstate the real-world efficacy of the
technology. Because the claimed equal error rates are derived from assessment and matching of ideal iris
images (unlike those acquired in the field), actual results may not live up to the astronomical projections
provided by leading suppliers of the technology.

Lastly, since iris technology is designed to be an identification technology, fallback procedures may not be
as fully developed as in a verification deployment (users accustomed to identification may not carry
necessary ID, for example). Though these issues do not reduce the effectiveness of iris recognition
technology, they must be kept in mind should a company decide to implement on iris-based solution.

The following table shows a comparison of existing biometric systems in terms of those parameters:

Comparison of various biometric technologies, modified from Jain et al., 2004[21] (H=High, M=Medium,
Biometrics Universalit Uniquenes Permanenc Collectabilit Performanc Acceptabilit Circumventio
: y s e y e y n*
Face H L M H L H L
Fingerprint M H H M H M H
Keystrokes L L L M L M M
Hand veins M M M M M M H
Iris H H H M H L H
Retinal scan H H M L H L H
Signature L L L H L H L
Voice M L L M L H L
thermograp H H L H M H H
Odor H H H L L M L
Gait M L L H L H M
Ear Canal M M H M M H M

*If we start encouraging new technologies in different fields, the world

surely becomes a great global leader *

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