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MSOD Strategic Learning Contract

Name: Angela D. Martin

MSOD Strategic Learning Contract

Name: Angela D. Martin

What are the patterns that have defined you (affirming and depleting)?
Affirming: Collaboration, reliable, energetic, optimistic
Depleting: Overcommitting, competition, multitasking and speaking fast when Im anxious.
Where are you now in your awareness?
I am taking steps to improve my depleting patterns. I hold myself accountable. I need support from The Dream Team to check-in and hold me accountable for
my progress. As well, I hope to practice with The Dream Team and collaborate on supporting each other on our endeavors.
What are your Goals?
Results, impact wanted

How will you get there?

Strategies, tactics, methods

How will you know you have arrived?

Indicators of Success

How am I doing?
Progress Tracking

Personal Development
A1a.Find a therapist to work through my patterns and Find a therapist and show appointments to reveal
how they show up in my life, personally as well as
progress in discovering patterns and behaviors
worked on in the session.
A1: Seek clarity on the role
my dad played in my life
growing up and how it has
affected me.

September: Found a therapist in Fresno, CA,

addressed my goals/ intention for the therapy and
have 2x meetings set up.
Continue having 2x meetings a month-OctoberDecember
A1b. Self-reflection with journaling.

Understand and clarify how my role with my dad

has affected other relationships. Journal weekly to
gain insight on what I need to be aware of and
intentional about when around other people and September: Two data entries for two weeks,
by myself.
discovered some insights from therapy and speaking
to my sister.
A1c. Seek support through my sister whose going
Being closer with my sister, creating a stronger
September: Approached my sister about the idea and
through similar behaviors or consequences because of bond between us. Set a written contract of
spoke with her for a couple hours on the topic and
the role my dad played in our life.
expectations/goals and where each of us are at explored different areas to work on in my relationships.
this time, where we hope to be, and how we will
get there together.

MSOD Strategic Learning Contract

Name: Angela D. Martin

A2: Slow down in my


Get an evaluation from The Dream Team from a

document I create that focuses on areas of
improvement, such as pace, pitch, pauses, etc.
that each person from The Dream Team
completes at different activities that allows for
opportunity to critique. Compare evaluations from
France until China or Pajaro to see how I have
A2a. When Im anxious, recognize speaking faster and improved. Ask at the beginning of the project. Brief
moving quicker. The Dream Team will say my name notes-3 evaluations for documentation. Reflection
slowly to hint that I am speaking quicker and need to for what I want to work on.
slow down-Anngeeelllaaa.

A2b. Listen, pause and take breaths.

Repeat back what I heard, make sure to not be

reactive. Before the end of 2015, get updates from
different individuals in the program and personally
on my listening and my response time. Share my
goal with friends and family to help create
awareness when I am not doing this, so I can be
more intentional until it is habitual.
Have someone take a video and look at it while
reviewing feedback.

A2c. Make sure to use good inquiry versus tons of

follow up questions back to back.

Reflect with Charlie to practice and maintain

effective inquiry-get feedback and check in
monthly. Create a document that measures and

MSOD Strategic Learning Contract

Name: Angela D. Martin

tracks my progress that I will report quarterly with
The Dream Team on Skype calls.

A3: Achieve neutral

perception in the first

A3a. Shaping appearance that doesnt get in my way.

Dress casual; try not to draw attention to my
appearance by over dressing so I can gain a
neutral perception upon my first meeting of others.

A3b. Shorter sentences that are impactful creates less Observations from others.
Ask for feedback and expectations at the
A3c. Power in my voice to gain credibility- The nature beginning of the group to measure the statement
of my questions or statement to OD people. Recognize and questions. Incorporate Humble and
level of questions being asked, diving deeper.
Appreciative Inquiry and figure out a plan to
practice these techniques.

Professional Development
B1: Get into a role that
Attain a job in organizational development or in the Involved at a consulting firm-First Step OD & Training.
incorporates OD.
B1a. Actively apply for jobs, internships and volunteer field of training/human resources by May 2016 and
for OD related activities.
what I am learning about in the process.

MSOD Strategic Learning Contract

Name: Angela D. Martin

B1b. Find a mentor in organizational development.

B1c. Attend an ATD/OD Network/Pepperdine or other

event or webinars/learning activities that involves
networking to stay connected or learning helpful
information in the industry.

B2a. Design a personal brand marketing plan.

B2: Create my brand.

Create a contract with a timeline on expectations Monthly phone calls with Diego.
and goals to be reached in the mentorship, which
will be marked off to know the objectives were
Attend one networking event a month. Cards
attained at meetings or print outs of confirmation
from the events and what I gained from the
experience in a written format with the print outs of
confirmation or through an email to everyone on
The Dream Team moving forward.

Have an elevator pitch and review my personal

brand marketing plan with certain members from
The Dream Team to edit and get feedback.

B2b. Have informational calls with people in OD.

Speak to an OD professionals once a month that I

find on LinkedIn, referrals, Alumni from MSOD-call
log and notes from the calls. Tips for the industry,
the journey they went on to get where they are,
advice for transitioning into the OD industry, etc.

B2c. Soul searching and development to find my

passion in OD.

Have a niche to focus on for OD through diving

deeper into the Insights Assessment, other

MSOD Strategic Learning Contract

Name: Angela D. Martin

exercises, speaking with people and creating a list
of my passions, strengths, what I value and what I
would enjoy doing.
B3a. Enroll in Toastmasters and be part of the program
that has weekly gatherings.
Complete 3 speeches. Tell about the
B3: Speak professionally by
cutting out filler words.
B3b. Speak slower, decisive and be consistent. Be
logical in presenting information to my opposite type.

During Toastmasters count/track the difference in

my filler words from my first speech to my last
speech. Provide proof to support this goal to The
Dream Team.

B3c. Facilitate in front of a group.

Facilitate for 30 minutes and receive feedback. As

well as facilitate outside of MSOD and record the
experience I had and have someone else watch to
evaluate what I did well and what Ill do differently
the next time.

Enrolled in a Toastmasters in Fresno on Wednesday

nights. Last week won best Table Topics award.

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