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rol Hymn to Enlil A HARPS THAT ONCE - - > Sumerian Poetry in Translation THORKILD JACOBSEN Alea" 91 WoL HE CHOSE he gods of high descent ambled themselves before him, ly awaited for their part igence ywn in Duranki ling socle, Kiur, princeliness, and in Nippur, ‘heaven and earth’s august Ieader-goat,* the built an abode. Hymn w Fl Not long was its bl it, nor speaking aggressive words None who dissembled, » spoke not straig denied what he had said, ‘was hostile, framed (people), censnared, was wicked, ‘committed outrages: (none) who looked (fur [Nippur’s borders formed a great net, inside it an eagle was spreading knees and he make rerurn the reverence, ly mind its mother, 104 Hymns and its prince, the erear mountain, father Enl hhad sat down on the throne dais of the august manor, kur the unknown borders of heaven? amid the spreading reed uprigh of the brick mantle, the offering-table arrangements and ancient sacted offices ‘were carried out to perfection, wore blessings, was one involving precious things, butter and cream, Hymn eo rll 105 at evening festival at morn great harvest, but he who stretched out the hand (greedily), ‘was frowned upon, and he who stretched it out chreatening s august farmer was © the country’s good shepherd." Born hale on an a the farmer was for the broad acres, and they for their part brought ro him swhae pertains to great regular but their plow teams he let not walk in the lustrous house, Ekur. ADDRESSED, faced by you on the ground ippur your own city, you founded in Duranki in the center of the universe A play the mame ofthe rmple 106 Hymns to Gods Kiur, which graces your vingin mountain. ‘Ati great festivals the people are spending the day beside it amid plenty Enlil, your holy secret premises imbued with your font eKUR'S HOLY the place where you your Ekur, the pure house, the august abode, imbued with awesome nimbus— its nimbus and bear against heaves its shadow for its part es stretched over all lands, its eres for is part recedes into the midst of heaven. straight the holy contributions, are deferring to hirm ‘in salutations and prayers unto the shepherd kindly regarded by you, duly called and raised to office in the country by you, xls to his hands, lands co his feet clay of the Bee, 17 The compari withthe yl Hyon to Enlil 107 submit to him far and wide in the highlands layers like snow, things from all the world, areeting gifts, cheir heavy tribute, he has arrive in the storehouse; © the regular offerings he sends straight to the main courtyard, brings them in heaps (12) into the lustrous house Ekut Enlil, the good shepherd exercises his great p ingly, has the holy verdant crest-crown, green, Having occupied the throne dais con (his stage tower) Imhursag, he (the He is the one prince of he the monarch of earth, august, tutelary god of the gods of high descent Accordingly he makes decisions by himself — o god looks on, lis grand vitier, Nusku, leader of the assembly, 8. As god of “rowing weather” ae fecunity in natu 108 Hymns v0 Gods can know and discuss his commands and the m most widely he will take directives for him, ‘no general or lieutenant ‘could be had by the army. “The waters of the earp-flood? not extend (by scouring) the far eaches (of the canals) The sea could not give birth to the heavy souther the freshwater fish could not spawn in the canebrake, the birds of heaven not base their nests Eni 109 could not bear fruit. out (warrant of) the great mountain, Enlil, (the bieth-goddess) Nintur bie |, could nor slay; the cow could not lose its calf in che cattle pen, the ewe not bring forth 1 premature lamb in its sheepfol. bo their inner workings a blur of threads not to be unraveled, thread entwined in thread, not to be traced by the eye— ‘you excel in yo Your are your adviser, and manager, could comprehend what you do? that are jindge and de for (both) heaven and earth, you know no rescinder of your great decrees, x being as respected as is An, to (hear) your words the g LO. Hymns to Gods ita downward a foundation terrace rnot to be shattered. has drawn near unto heaven down, When it has drawn near unto earth is verdant freshness th verdure grows up. the queen worthy of you. ing she finds the perfect word, | her assuagement, the hear’s juniper pesfume. Hymn w 6 preeminent, making good her promi Her orders and aid (being) unalterable, h ance takes precedence, hher designs making the promise v0 Great mountain Enli your p

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