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You get Auction, Fusion & Compendium access straight after the first battle (and
its really easy)
So carrying over demons is probably unimportant unless you have points leftover,
go for Macca Carryover and Compendiun Discounts and Auction access.
You get given Demon Dance straight after the first battle (probably get other sk
ills as well but nothing else that can't be picked up in Sept)
(Don't think this matters)
I'm guessing you did well on it ?
It Went So-so
Perfect Score! (X)
(Think this one does)
Yes! Io's coming along! And I know you're in for sure , right ?
I'll Go! X
I don't think so
It'll be great to see them again
Daich Stage 1
Io Stage 1
Same here, what can we do?
Lets Look for JPs agents. X
Demons in the City
What are we going to do, [Hero] ?
Let's get rid of the miasma! X
Let's destroy the haywire phone! X
Let's get out of here....
Idols of the Regression
Reunion with Makoto
Makoto Stage 1
Idol Discovery
(Crack Holy Blessing)
Sweet! Airi and Hinako are already demon tamers!
Let's Intercede/Lets Help Our Friends X/I'm still the strongest (Not sure on Ans
wer -> JP says Airi! Hinako! which isn't given)
Airi Stage 1
Hinako Stage 1
others over there...

We came to see you, Otome (?) / Long time no see X (?) / We came to play Doctor
Remember what ?
You have to remember / Previous World X
...about Yamato?
Yamato isn't with JPs ? X / Who's the Chief
JP's at all ...
Did something happen to him..!? X / Change of Career Paths
Otome Stage 1
Recovering Memories
pull through this
Leave it to me! X/ You're weirding me out a little
complete invincible!
We are Invincible! X/ Sounds fantastic / Silence, Shijima!
Daichi Stage 2
Dual Memories
take in...
It'll all seem normal in time X / We'll never get used to it
tragic things...
I don't remember it all.. / Like Lugh (?) / Operation Cardbard Box! X
to grow.
Let's do our best X / Let's survive.
Io Stage 2
Lion's Wrath
What're we gonna do [Hero] ?
We'll fight it anyhow! / Lets ask somebody... (X)
..Location ?
At the sky tower X / right under Denebola
I don't think I'll make it there in time
What should we do? / Leave Denebola to us. X
top of the Sky Tower.
That still won't reach Denebola [X} / I'm scare of heights...
? (Think this is the one)
go first, [Hero].
Lets go! X / I don't wanna...

Lets Go X / Get Ready
young demon tamers.
What happend to Yamato? X / You were reincarnated as a girl!?
Chief Miyak
than I remember
We can't trust your memory/ It's because history's changed X
always welcome talent here.
That sounds like Yamato X/ As long as we don't rise agaisnt you?
the same.
Are you him in Disguise ? X / Are you Yamato ... in drag !?
your cooperation
As demon tamers? / to fight against the Triangulum X
? (Think this is it)
point foward.
Sure X / No
Another Void
As An Idol
(Pretty sure this is the one)
see us perform!
Check my schedule... / You know I'll be there X
Way of the Idol
(This one)
you too.
Why're you grateful to me ? X X / You're welcome X / You're creeping me out
21: 30
Fickle Daichi
What do you think about her ?
I'm not sure I trust her../She seems trustworthy X / She's Yamato. In a dress.
Eyes of the Director
What're you doing here?
I came to see how you're doing X / I came to see how Miyako's doing / I'm workin
g undercover. Shhh!

I never want to lose them ever again..

What do you mean? / I understand X
Miss Miyako
She's really dependable (?)/ I don't know if we can trust her... / She's quite c
ute (?) X
The Value of Dance
(not sure if right choice)
no one stops him..
Just watch / Step in X
Hinako Stage 2
The fury in you
That's what big bros are for/ Smile Silently X
Airi Stage 2
Who's there/Pervert!/Pretend to be asleep X
does not exist
You must be Yamato/ That's unfortunate X
Tokyo Station
Let's Go X / Aw, I don't wanna
(Not sure if right answer. Or even if right question)
up here!
You did look like you were X / I think that's enough
Nope X / Hell nope
Airi's Nightmare
Why'd she have to do that
She was protecting you. X / Because you're her friend X / For the fun of it... ?
Broken Instrument
with the keyboard
Are you okay X/ Now we all know who the real demon is..
Airi Stage 3
7:00 -> 7:30 Interrupt
(One of the Miyako phone call questions matters, not sure which one? Didn't thin
k it was important)

Miyako's Judgement
watching me
What were you doing ? /good work! X/You look pretty busy
rising amongst them
Discontent ? / I'll help you come up with something! X
Miyako - Stage 1
Reunion with Joe
describing Joe?
We have to save Joe! X / We have to defeat the demons
Any bright ideas
Run, Joe / Lets help him! X/We've been here before...!
worried, y'know?
What if the Worlds End X/ You should stay by her side X/You can't do anything fo
r her here
Joe Stage 1
Reunited with Jungo
it carried over
Just like Airi and Hinako X !! / Just like Daichi , Io and me
pass out food.
His name's Jungo X / His name's Jumbo
Jungo Stage 1
Chawunmush Reunion
for you...
Thanks, Jungo X / I see things haven't changed/ I don't want it
Jungo Stage 2
Pursuing Keita
direct hit!
We need to protect the Tsuutenkaku/We need to save Keita! X/But Miyako told us n
ot to fight it
Did Jungo tell you?
Who's this Jungo Person/ We're friends Keita X/remember your past! X
Keita Stage 1
Detective Ronaldo
stop it!
We have no choice but to fight X / But Miyako said not to engage

Ronaldo Stage 1
Typical Joe
Joe Stage 2
The Crushing
Keita Stage 2
Daichi's Duty
Daichi Stage 3
12:00 [Hero]'s Anomay
Otome's Examination
Otome's Bliss
feeling well?
I'm fit as a fiddle/ I came to see you, Otome. X
so surprising.
Who's Koharu/What do you mean? X
? (Pretty sure not this one since choices are equivalent)
actually were!
Aren't you lonely ? / Are you alright ?X
Otome Stage 2
13:30 Do Not Engage
14:00 Strange Meories
right now.
! (may not matter)
Lets go find Fumi first X / Let's find Otome and Makoto first
14:30 A Shared Nightmare
Its less complicated though X / Lets just use Miyako and Yamato
What now?
Now's our chance X / Wake up, JPs agent!
Let's go ask Miyako / It's too dangerous to ask Miyako X
Fumi Stage 1
15:30 Sureptitious JPs
you want.

Lets go! X / I dunno...

16:00 Girls' Talk
Her bellybutton's way cute/She's right, you know. X/That ain't true..
girls, [Hero]?
I really like school uniforms X / I'm a fan of maid outfits / I love the kinda s
tuff Hinako wears
Io Stage 3
16:30 Entrusted Will
for me...!
You can do it! X / Woo! Go, Io! X0/ It's not worth your time
A reason to live
17:30 Healing Chawanmushi
trying to help...
I'm sure she'll be fine / We should help X
stop crying!
It's all you, Jungo. X / Good luck, Airi! / Impersonate Yamato
Jungo Stage 3
18:00 Those Idol Days
18:30 Mood Maker
than I thought.
You're a moodmaker, Hinako X/You're a bit of a busybody
Hinako Stage 3
19:00 The Sea's Peril
Joe X !
Binary Star
you recall.
I may have forgotten../I do recall X
resarch lab.
We're on our way!
Fumi Stage 2

The Captive
You awake, [Hero]?
Io ? / Otome ? X / Daichi ?
JP's anymore.
I still have faith in JPs/Looks like we're going rogue X
22:00 New Ally
Nagoya Invasion
a shot ?
Lets give it a go! X / Lets give it a go ... later on!
Nicea and JPs
To Tokyo
party then , [Hero] ?
Tokyo / Men X (!) / Girls / JPs
long time, Shining One.
It Sure Has X / Time for your appeal, jailbird / You alright ? X
Saiduq Stage 1
What Happened
Chief Yamato.
Something about the Akasha Stratum X / He's being held captive by JP's.
The Chosen Path
Makato Stage 2
9:00 Cornered Wolf
hurt his feelings somehow?
Definitely/He's probably fine X / Go think about what you've done
Keita Stage 3
Otome Stage 3
Unfortunate Man

everyone's attention..
It was all Daichi's fault/ It was just a malfunction X
10:30 Lazineess Perfected
11:00 Things I can do
memories back.
It must have been frustrating X / What do you mean ?
Hinako Stage 4
11:30 Handful of Blessing
Don't you agree?
For Sure X / Um, not really...
Let me know how it goes. / Well, good luck to you! X
Joe Stage 3
12:00 Memories of a Lost Past
walk away...
Giving em a little interoffation ? / Friends ? X
you know.
They don't seem that reliable.../That's reasuring. X
Ronaldo Stage 2
12:30 Sudden Disapperance
Might of the Beast
Ruin Waiting
Arcturus as well ?
Yep. / I was worried about Daichi X
others too.
I will / Should I go with you ? X (Is this right ?)
14:00 Saving Memories
Fumi Stage 3
Awkward Makato
To save others.
That's rather noble / Isn't that scary ? X (not sure)
Isn't that right, [Hero]?

Who's a girl too ? / Most definitely X / Why're you asking me ? X

Makoto Stage 3

True Strength
yelling in the distance...
Hear what ? / Lets go! X
I'm glad that worked out x / Boring..! / Looks like others have grown too X
Keita Stage 4
Power Balance
won't listen.
Fumi, stop it! X (!) / Good luck, Makoto
Otome Stage 4
The Strengthened Terminal
were last time...
Time to throw in the towel / We can't give up though X
16:30 The World's Truth
Stay sharp, everyone.
Let's Head In X / You wanna turn back ?
into here hand
We can't turn back now. X / Should we go ahead with all this.
our world ?
Defeat Arcturus X /Risks / Fight by your side X
Yamato Stage 1
17:00 A vanishing star
17:30 Almight machine
18:00 A shikigami's power
One choice matters but not sure which ?
18:30 Sacrifice
Up for it ?
Is there a less painful solution ? / I'm not afraid X
19:00 And Fate Shall End

19:30 Unyielding Void

Miyako's Plotting
To save the world X/ To enslave the world?
20:00 A home for us
and begins to fall...
Grab her arm/Catch her in your arms X / Dodge her
Otome Stage 5
20:30 The Wrong Way
back much longer.
Police/SDF/JPs X
I asked them?
Nothing will change if we don't take action! X / It's probably no use. / Tell me
who you are! X
Ronaldo bows down to the agent...
Bow down with him X / Watch silently
Ronaldo Stage 3
Healing Io
21:30 Truth of Memories
Fumi Stage 4
22:00 What the Future Holds
22:30 Astrolabe
23:00 Essence of Truth
We'll do just that.
I'm counting on you / I'll come too! X
Joe Stage 4
Ronaldo stage 4
Friday (Guide off by 30 mins -> Misplaced Ritual ending as an event)
6:30 Your Gift
Taking a break?
What are you up to ? / Have you got nothingto do? / Looks like you're working ha
rd! X
in big trouble..
Let's hurry and look for him! X/ That sounds like a pain!
Daichi Stage 4
7:00 JPs Strikes
We're good to go
You work fast, Fumi! X / Took you long enough

7:30 The Ritual

Terrible loss / Let's go right now X / We have a more important mission (one oth
er works not sure which)
team down.
No it isn't X/You useless scum/Should have told Daich to hold it in X
8:00 World Creation
8:30 Authorative Power
Please ask.
What happens if we die ? X / I have no questions
Yamato Stage 2
9/;00 Righteous Heart
Makoto Stage 4
9:30 Answer
Io Stage 4
10:00 Chawanmushi of Joy
Jungo Stage 4
10:30 A dancer's distres
Hinako Stage 5
11:00 Strength of Will
Keita Stage 5
11:30 Being Humnan
with you.
We need your help X/Canopus will be a piece of cake
Daichi Stage 5
Saiduq Stage 2
12:00 Canopus
12:30 An Ideal Administrator
13:00 Eternal Struggle
13:30 Path to a New World
a way..
Creating a new world X / Lets make friends with them/ We may have to accept our
have built..
Ask the Administrator/Can we change it to a modern world? X/There is no way we a
re doomed

Use of the Astrolabe..

Administrative Authority X/I can do it myself / I give up
left in the world.
The thirteen of us do all we can / Those people remain in the Record X/ Speculat
ion never saved the day
Miyako Stage 2
14:00 Reaching heart
From now on..
I'll be at your side, Io. X (!)/ We'll always be friends
Io Stage 5
14:30 Lazy Consideration
just fine.
You're pretty irresponsible.../ It's alright I get it X
Joe Stage 5
15:00 Agent Makoto
Makoto Stage 5
Thanking Yamato
Once choice here may matter but I have no clue which
(May be where I went wrong)
Yamato Stage 3
16:00 No Casualties
bows down to Miyako
I humbly request it as well / Bow with Ronaldo X
fan be saved
We did it/ THank you, Miyako. X
(Ronaldo should reach Fate 5 here but didn't)
16:30 Sibling Squabble
17:00 Musical Gift
Airi Stage 4
17:30 An Idol's Spirit
Airi Stage 5
18:00 Chawanmushi Bond
Jungo Stage 5
18:30 Inevitable Impossibility
Fumi Stage 5

(Yamato calls)
(Missed this)
(Response is that he hasn't called in ages)
19:00 My Error
But how is that possible?
Have we gotten that strong ? / Maybe it has something to do with you two. X
chance against him.
Lets steal the Prime Factors X / Then we're fresh outta luck...
Yamato Stage 4
19:30 By My Own Will
responsibility to protect.
Have a great time!/ Let's go together. X
Yamato should reach Stage 5 here but doesn't.
20:00 This Twisted World
Saiduq Stage 3
20:30 New Sorrow
made peace.
Can you think of any rason? X/ That might be it.
even now.
Did you tell her this ? X/ So you only thought it ?
truly feel, yes?
Would she? / You should figure this out on your own. X
Saiduq Stage 4
21:00 Who we are right now
Saiduq Fate 5
21:30 The first rason
less human I bcome
Its your inner struggle/ That's not true
Miyako Stage 3
22:00 What Must I do
Miyako Stage 4
22:30 Trembling Heart
Miyako Stage 5

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