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Breaker points sy, Ignition switch. TOMOS MAGNETNI VZIGALNIK Z ELEKTRICNO NAPELJAVO MAGNETO AND ELECTRIC WIRING T35—T4—TaR Tas—T48 32 Cdvisno od modela in zahtev trga je v izdelku, Kl ga Depending on the model Sonstrate lahko vgrejen eden od treh pov navede- the magneto installed into the serviced outboard ih magnetnin v2igalnikoy motor may be af one ofthe following types: TT Kontakini magneini vigalnik 2 visokonapetosino 1. The contact breaker magneto with @ HT coll on tullavo na statorski ploséi (sl. 46). Prikjuek 22 the stator plate (Fig. 46). There is an extra con- dodatne potrosrike 6 V 17 W, sumer 6V 17 Woutle. LEGENDA KEY TO THE FIGURES 4. magnetni vEigalnik 1. Magneto 2, Vieokonapatostna tujava 2. Htcol 8, stop sticalo 5. STOP switch 4, prkludek za razsvetiavo 4. Lighting outlet LEGENDA BARV KEY TOCOLORS, rdeta—1 1—Red bela 2 2— White fiava—3 “ 3— Brown rumena— 4 , 4— Yellow tma—§ 5— Black zelona — 6— Green ‘and market requirements evi7w ~ stop 2. Kontaktni magnetni viigalnikz zunanjo visokona- 2. The contact breaker magneto with an external HT. ptostna tliavo (s. 47), PrkjuBek za dodatne po- coll (Fig. 47). Thora is an extra consumer 12 V trosnike 12 V 60 W, OW outlet TOMOS | moretetaccensione coutesauewn termich Tas—T4— TAR T45—T48 33 ‘A seconda dei model © dela richiesta di mercato i ragnete gi accensione sui motor fuoribordo pub teseere del seguente tno: $)Magnete con contatt a puntine e bobina alta ten BSRo nelle statore (Fig. 46) —generatore ausiia~ fio dicorrente 6 V—17W_ 2) Magnete con contatt a puntine con bobina este fa alta tensione (Fig. 47) — generatore ausiario ‘icorrente 12 V—80 W ‘SIMBOLOGIA DELLE FIGURE 1—Magnete 2— Bobina ata tensione ‘9— Inferruttore STOP '4 — Cavo per presa di corrente ‘SIMBOLOGIA PER I COLOR! 1. — Rosso 2—Bianco 3— Marrone 4— Giallo 2 Nero ay 8 Verde Joe T3g—T4—Tah TOMOS MAGNETNI VZIGALNIK Z ELEKTRICNO NAPELJAVO CAS MAGNETO AND ELECTRIC WIRING a 9. Elektronsk’ viokonapetostni magnetn viigalnk 3. The electronic HT magneto (Figs. 48 and 49) {st-40 in 49), Prvjutek za-dodatne potrosnke ‘There's an outlet fr extra consumers, the 12 V 12V60W—ISKRA, 12V 25 W—DUCAT 60WV ISKRA andthe 12 V'25 W OUCAT!. LEGENDA KEY TO THE FIGURES 4. magnetnivigalik 4. Magneto 2. vissxonapetosina tuava 2. Htcal 3. Slop stkalo 5. STOP switch 4. peikluek 2a razsvetiavo 4. Lighting outlet LEGENDABARV KEY TO COLORS 1— Rea 2— White 3— Brown = 4 Yellow ’ 5— Black 6— Green Fig 48 a | 2) is | WW ane a = | 5 | b A, @-+ | fe ae | AUNOm | ) (+0 ee Net stop T3g—T4—Tah TOMOS MAGNETNI VZIGALNIK Z ELEKTRICNO NAPELJAVO CAS MAGNETO AND ELECTRIC WIRING a 9. Elektronsk’ viokonapetostni magnetn viigalnk 3. The electronic HT magneto (Figs. 48 and 49) {st-40 in 49), Prvjutek za-dodatne potrosnke ‘There's an outlet fr extra consumers, the 12 V 12V60W—ISKRA, 12V 25 W—DUCAT 60WV ISKRA andthe 12 V'25 W OUCAT!. LEGENDA KEY TO THE FIGURES 4. magnetnivigalik 4. Magneto 2. vissxonapetosina tuava 2. Htcal 3. Slop stkalo 5. STOP switch 4. peikluek 2a razsvetiavo 4. Lighting outlet LEGENDABARV KEY TO COLORS 1— Rea 2— White 3— Brown = 4 Yellow ’ 5— Black 6— Green Fig 48 a | 2) is | WW ane a = | 5 | b A, @-+ | fe ae | AUNOm | ) (+0 ee Net stop TOMOS | wsovereouccensovercousonme ene ‘SIMBOLOGIA DELLE FIGURE 4. —Magnete 2— Bobina alta tensione 3— Interrttore STOP 4— Cavo per presa di corrente SIMBOLOGIA PERI COLOR! 4— Giallo 5— Nero 6 Verde 4) Magnete eltronico aia tensione — generators Magretg ai corrente 12 V 60 W. con magnete ByeRAL12V 25W con magnete DUCAT! & 4 Fig. 49 TOMOS MAGNETNI VZIGALNIK Z ELEKTRICNO NAPELJAVO 145 MAGNETO AND ELECTRIC WIRING T35—T4—TaR 8 ‘OPOZORILO Pri cirektnem prikiueevanju razsvetijave pazite, da ‘bomo6 prikjucenih potrosnikov pribiznanazivnimoéi rmagnetnega v2igalnika, Primanjs skupni porabi bo- do Zamice pregorele Svetcke BOSNA FBO BOSH WA AC NGKBBHS CHAMPION L 4} Raazmak elekirod svetke: ‘0,4°5" mm 2a motorje s Kontaktnim v2igalnikom 0,7°2" mm za motor 2elektronskim vaigalnikom Na praviino delovanje svetke volva: — Iebrana toplotna vrednost svetke — razmak eloktrod svetke = hastavitev todke Veiga = valiteta goriva— mesanice olja = razmerje zrak—gorivo Postopki kontrole Vatrajnik onirolajte ofn0, dani mehansko oskodovan in da konus dobro prilega. Maksimalno ‘ovoljeno opletanje v aksialni sme je 0,1 mm, av radian 0.3 mm, ‘Kondenzator jo za konto potrebno elekriéno lott ‘od ostalin delov vzigaika. Z napravo za merjenje Kapacitete preverite kapaciteto kondenzatora in njegovo moznost zadréevanja elektriénega naboja Merve in kontrolo opravite po navodllu protzvaalca Ingtrumenta. Opomba Priporoéiiva. je providnost, ker obstaja moznost ‘lektrcnega udarca pridotikuneizotranih delov. Pred ‘dotikom Kondenzator obvezno lzpraznite tako, da krotko povezete kontakta. Viigaina tuljava: otranjo ali zunanjo_lahko prevarte samo, te imate specialni_mototester Postopek Kontrole v tom,primeru predpisuje pro'- vajalec mototesterja. Co testena nimate na Fazpolago, napako lahko ugotovite, be obsiojoco tuljavo zamenjate z vzoreno (zanestivo dobro tuljavo) ‘Svetilno tuljavo kontroiate pri delujogem motor (2000-3000 a/min"). Za preizkus uporabite VOLT ‘metor in strezno 2amico, ki ima nazivno moé (W) Vaigalnikxa (v sluéaju, Ko imate Zamice ustrezne ‘mots, pove2ite ustrezno Stevilo Zamic manjse mos) Pr uporabl 2arioe manjée modi bo prisio do njenega pregorevanja pri vgn via motoria. Prekinjevalec: preverite izrabljenost kontaktov jn ‘odmignega -nosu. Med Kontakta prekinjevalika Vlozte zolacisko maso In 2 OHM-metzom prevent, {6.30 dell elektiéno lotenl (moznost preboj@ na lezajn pu8ialina izolacl prkjuénega vjaka) STOP stikalo preverite s kontrolno Zamico al OHM-metrom WARNING |With@ direct lighting connection make sure the po- wer of the connected consumers is close to the magneto nominal power figure. The bulbs will blow fata lower total consumption, ‘Spark Plugs: BOSNA F80 BOSH W4.AC NGK BBHS CHAMPION L 4) Spark plug poi 04-2" mm-with contact breaker magneto (a.01g7-*in) 10,7-2" mm witn electronic magneto (0,0276°"° in) ‘The spark plug perormance is affected by. =the selectad spark plug heat value: = the spark plug points gap; — the ignition ting: the fuel qualty — oil mixture; the alr-tuol ratio, Inspection Procedure The flywheel is chocked visually for mechanical ‘damage and for a proper fit ofthe cone. The max ‘mum allowable axial and radial delections are 0,1 fim and 0.3 mm, respectively (0.004 and 0.012 in} ‘To check the capacitor i should be separated from Other electrical magneto components, Check the ca- actor for eapacily and its ably to retain the elec- frie charge. Measurements and checks are carried tt in aocordance with the instructions ofthe manu- facturer of the apparatus, NOTE Greatest caution is recommended to obviate the risk ff an electric shook if non-insulated parts are touc- hed. Before touching the capacitor discharge without fai, by short circuiting the contact points Ignition coll: both intemal and external colis can only be checked wit a special mototester. The nspe- ‘ion procedure in that instance is prescribed by the manulaoturer of the mototester. f there is no moto- tester avallable, apossibie defect can be detected by replacing the existing col with a sample one (a po: Sitively good col) Te tg als checked wth engine in opera tion (2000-8000 p.m), To test, use a Vol—meter ‘and sultable bulb with the nominal power of the magneto (W) (Should there be no bulb of suitable power avaliable, connect an adequate number of iow ower bulbs). Use of a low power bulb may lead to fs Blowing at higher number of engine revs. Contact ‘check contact breaker points and ‘cam nose for wear. Insert insulating mass between the contact breaker points and using an Ohmmeter check if parts have been electrically disconnectes (grounding may occur on the bearing bush oon the ‘connecting screw insulation) ‘The STOP switch is checked with a pilot bulb oF Ohmmeter. TOMOS | MAGNETNI V2IGALNIK 2 ELEKTRICNO NAPELJAVO MAGNETO AND ELECTRIC WIRING T35—T4—TaR T45—T48 38 Montaéa magnetnoga viigalnika — na ohisje motora prrcitestatorsko ploséo = Vkorus motome gredi vstavitecenttimi zatic Pred montaio magnetnega vztrajnika obvezno razmastite Cistlinim bencinom ali podobnim kemiénim sredstvom konus motorne gredi in vvztrajnika, Pritrdiino matico magnetnega vztrajnika zate- gnite z momentom 35-40 Nm. — elektiéne tzvode véigalnika povetite Kot je rkazano na elektroshomi (si. 46, 47, 48 in 49), ‘odvisno od modela vgrajenega magnetnega v2i- galnika Nastavitev predvziga — kontaktn! v2igalnik — cdi svetko ter na njeno mesto uvitlspecialno pripravo 732.193 2 merino uro in podaligkom ‘marine ure 011,008 — prevert in po potrobi nastavil razmak kontaktov Breknovalea, ror naa 0350.45 mm (6 ) q «i — 28 kontrolo trenutka odpiranja kontakto pre- Kinjevalca uporabii Kontronik z zvoéno signall- zzaclo, all kako drugo indikacijo, svetlobno. ali ‘omsko. En izvod kontroinka vezati na ohisje motor, drugega pana émi prevodi — roéne vite magnetni vatrajik v sme vrtenja motora in (oznaka na mag, vatrajiku) paziti a Ianutek, ko Kontrolnik registra odpiranje kon= taktov, (Od tedaj naprojzasledujemo na merininapraviza kliko miimetrov all dosetink miimetra bat $e lzrine podaliSek meriine ure 60 G.M.T. Predvzig mora znagatl 1,5 = 0.1 mm pred G.M.T. (3. 51), Co ugotovmo,'sa jo rodv2g provel, opustimo vijake nosiine pio8ée in plosto Easutemo v smeri vrienja motoria. Privlemo Viake_in ponovimo kontrolo. Pri_premajinem predvigu pa nosiine ploséo magneta zasucemo prot smerivrtenja motorla, Predv2ig.nastavii pri vsakokratni demontazi motor, iy Mounting the Magneto Fox the magneto stator pate on the crankcase, Insert a centering pin into the crankshatt cone, Before mounting the magneto degrease, without {all, the crankshaft and flywheel cone with wash- ing petrol ora similar chemical agent. Torque the magneto flywheel fixing nutto 35 — 40 Nm — 310-350 Lbfin Considering the model of the installed magneto, Connect the magnsto wires as shown in the wiring tdagram (Figs. 46,47, 48, and 49) Ignition Advance Timing — Contact Breaker Magneto Romove the spark plug and in its place screw in the special tool, Part No. 732.193, with a dial indicator and the dil indicator extension, Part No. 011.008, Check and, if necessary, set the contact breaker Points gap which should be 0,35—-0,45 mm (Fig. 50), 0,0138++0,0177 in Fig. 50 Use an audo-,ight-, Ohm-meter or any other signal ‘gauge to check the dpening point of contact breaker points. Connect one gauge connection to the crank ‘base and the other tothe black conductor. Rotate the magneto flywheel by hand enginewise and, noting the mark on the magneto flywheel, pay attention fo the moment the gauge registers the ope hing point of contact breaker points, Fram then on observe the gauge for the registered distance to the T.0.G. in millmeters or tenths of millimeters by which the piston displaces the dial Indicator extension. Ignition advance should be 4\50,1 mm 8.T.D.C. 0.059112 in (Fig. 51) ‘When igniton advance is found to be excessive, relax the stator plate screws and rotate the stator plate cenginewise. Screw down the screw and recheck When, on the other hand, the ignition advance «= found’ to be insufficient rotate the stator plate dismounted. TOMOS | wonereoraccensione ecouneoamerm stertrici Tas—T4—TaR T45—T48 39 ‘Montaggio de! magnete Montare lo statore del magnete sul carter. Inserir la Chiavetta clinica su cone del'albero motore. Prima. tdimontare il volano magnete toglier dallalbero mo- fore ognl traceia di grasso lavando con benzina 0 ‘qualche altro ciuente, Fissare il dado di tenuta del volano con una coppia di seraggio di 35—40 Nm. A seconda del tipo ci ma- {Qnete installato colegare i cavi sequendo lo schema ‘portato in Fig. 46474849. Messa in fase — contatt! a puntine del magnet ‘Smontare la candela ed inserire un comparatore Part No. 732193 e Part, No. 011008, Controlare la dista- ‘za di massima apertura delle puntine che deve es- ‘Sere compreso tra 0.35-~0,45 mm (Fig: 50). Usare un Ohmmetro con audio o segnale fuminoso. Collegare il negatio alla carcassa el positvo alcavo nero (eavo i massa), luotare il volano magnete ‘manuaimente nel sonso ditotazione del motore (ved! {recci) e prestare attenzione quando avviene il con- tatto delle puntine. ‘Azzerare Il comparatore sul punto morto superiore {de pistone e controllare che i contatto delle puntine ’2 1,5 mm prima del punto morto superiore (ig. 51), Se Fanticipo viene rivelato eccessivo ruo- {are lo statore nel senso del motore dopo aver al- Tentatole vit che fissano lo statore fino aportario nella, posizlone rchiesta, Be anticipo é rilevatoinsufficonte ructare Io statore nel senso contrari alla rotazione del motore, Contr {are Vanicipo del motore ogni volta che il motore viene smontato. ee ings TOMOS MAGNETNI VZIGALNIK Z ELEKTRICNO NAPELJAVO MAGNETO AND ELECTRIC WIRING T35—T4_—TaR T4s—T48 40 Kombinirana kontrola odmika in trenutka v2ig COdmik je toéno doloéena vrednost, od Katere je odvisna v2igalna napetost oziroma jakost iskre na svetk. To |e pravzapray razdalla med robom olovega geviia viigaine tuljave in odmikajocim se. obom pola magneta v trenutku odpiranja Kontakta in ‘mora itv mejan od 12 + 2mm. xmiéno razdaljo meri v trenutku, ko. Kontrolnik ‘menja jakost svetlobe (frekvenco zvoka) sl. 51 ‘Trenutka vaiga ne nastavilat skontakino razdaljo. Za nastavitev $0 v nosin ploséi predvidene podolgovate brine odprtine. Nastavitev viiga —brozkontaktn v2iganik — oodvit svecko ter na njeno mesto uviti specialno Pripravo 732.183 z merino uro in podalkom ‘erine ure 011.008 = Zurtenjom magnetnega vatrajika postavit bat v 2Zgomjomrvo toGko in postavitskalo merine ure v poloza| 0 — § sukanjom magnetnega v2trajnika v obratn| ‘smeri od vrtenja motoria postavimo vztrajnk v tobko viiga, kar odéitamo na mein uri kot pom bala za predpisano vrednost 1,5 = 0,1 mm. — ko je v2traink v pozicil vziga slatorsko ploséo ‘zasusemo tako, da se oznaka na prozini tujav ‘jema 2 oznakami na magnetnem vztrajnik in slatorsko plo8éo privjemo — po privijanju 8e enkrat preverimo toénost rastavitve Combined Check of the Gap and ignition Point ‘The gap is a strictly determined figure on which the Ignition voltage or Spark intensity at spark plug de- pends, As a matter of fact, tis the distance between {he edge of the ignition coll pole shoe and the rece- ding magnet pole edge at the opening point of the. Contact breaker and it should be within the range of 1222 mm 0,473+0.079 in. Tho gap should be measured the moment the intonsty of ight or sound frequency is changed on the gauge (Fig. 51). ‘Do not set the ignition point by the contact gap, but ‘make use of the provided oblong fxing openings in the stator plat. Ignition Timing — Breakerless Magneto remove the spark plug and in its place screw in the special tool, Part No. 732.183, with a dial indicator and the dial indicator extension, Part. No. 011.008, Fotating the magneto fiywneel set the piston to the T.D.C. andthe dal indicator scale to 0. Fotating the magneto flywheel counter-enginwise set ‘the flywheel to the ignition point which is registered by the dial indicator as a piston displacement by the prescribed figure of 1,53-0,1 mm (0,0591""%) When the flywheel reaches the ignition point, rotate the stator plate so as to have the mark on the trigger coll coincide with the marks on the magneto fywheel, land screw the stator plato home (Fig. 52 and 3) ‘Alter serewing on re-check the ignition timing for accuracy. ISKRA Fig. 52 TOMOS | movers oraccensionee couteeauenm steric! T3s—T4— TAR Tas—TA a Controllo combinato tra messa in fase © punto

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