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Model 5315A/B General Information Table 1-1, 53154/8 Spectications* INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: (Channel A and Channel 8) Range: DE coupled. 0 10 100 MEE AC coupled, 30 He to 100 MMe, Sensitivity: WD mV ms sine wave 10 10 MHz 25 mv rms sine wave 10 100 MHz 75 mv peak-to-peak pulse at minimum pulse width ‘of 5s Sensitivity can be varied continuously up to 500 mv ems NOMINAL by adjusting SENSITIVITY control, In SENSITIVITY ‘made, tiger level's automatically se 1o OV NOMINAL. Dynamic Range: 0 mV 10 3¥ peak-to-peak, 0 to 10 MHz 75 mv to 5V peak-to-peak, 1010 100 MHz Signal Operating Range: +2.5V OC to -25V DC Coupling: AC of DC, switchable, Filter: Low pass, switchable in or out of Channel A 7.8 point of NOMINALLY 100 kHz, 1) MI NOMINAL shunted by less than 49 pF 10¢ X20 NOMINAL, {rigger Level: Variable between +25V DC and -2.5V DC. Slope: Independent selection of + or ~ slope. Common Input: ll specifications ate the same for ‘Common A except the following ‘Sensitivity: 20 mV rms to 10 Ml, 50 mV ems to 100 MH, 130 mV peak-to-peak Dynamic Range: 6d mV-5V peak-to-peak 0-10 MH, "50 mV-5V peak-to-peak 40-100 Mite Impedance: 500 ki) ‘Nom) shunted by less than 70 pF Damage Level: ‘ACKDC * 1 DC to 24 kite 250V \OC + AC ems 2a Kblz to KHz 6 = AOSV ems Ha/FREQ =100 kHe 8V rms ACRDC 20: DC to 28 kH2 2b kM to 100 kite Sto0 kite S00V (DC + AC peak) 13 107¥ ems He FREQ 1000 rms FREQUENCY (Channel A) Range: 0.1 Hz to 100 burst or ew NOTE Between 0:1 Hz and 0.14 He, the resolu- tion is one millinert 15D Displayed: 10 Hz to 1 nz depending upon gate time and input signal. At least 7 digits displayed per second fof gate time: “Resolution: Lsp¢ #14 x Trigaer Error Gate Time x FREQ, FREQ <10 Miz spf, 210 Mie Accuracy: +Resolution © time base ertori x FREQ. ‘Best Case Resolution Jor 1 Second Gate PERIOD Range: 10 95 10 108s USD Displayed: 100 ns 91 depending upon gate time and input signal At least? digits displayed per second of gate time Revolution: = Uspt s 14 x THERE ECOL pe, PER > 100 ms £LSDF, PER = 100 ns. ‘Accuracy: = Resolution * ime base error) < PER, TIME INTERVAL, Range: 100 ns to 105s 18D Displayed: 100 ns Resolution: = LSD © Start Trigger Error ¢ Stop Trigger Erion ‘Accuracy: * Resolution * (time base error!» TI TIME INTERVAL AVERAGE Range: 0.nsto 1 5. LSD Displayed: 100 ns 10 10 ps depending upon ate time and input signal See table in Betintions section Resolution: Isp = _SaHTrger fevor Stop Trigger ror vw vw ‘Accuracy: & Resolution = time base error)» TI £ 4 ‘Number of intervals averaged (N): N~ Cate Time * FREQ, Minimum Dead Time (stop to stat) [TIME INTERVAL DELAY (Holdo!!) Front panel gate time knob insers a variable delay of NOMINALLY 300 ps 0 20 ms between START Channel A’ and enabling of STOP ‘Channel 8 Electrical inputs during delay time are ignored. Delay time may be digitally measured by simultaneous'y pressing T. Averaging, T1. Delay, and biue key. Other speciicaions of T., Delay are identical to Time Interval e: 0.1 Hz 10 100 MHz, both channels Period A Gate Time » Ratio, oundad 1a nearest decade) B Tagger Ercor Gate Time Accuracy: Same as resolution. Highest frequency input is ‘Connected ta Channel A to achieve specified accuracy. 21802 > Ratio. vem | tue | wine [wow] rom Poumon] FOTALZE ‘amu: Ss ne | cao soca [i ome] MAtege: 10100 Me = re me our] A Gated by B: me my ems] anna i | = n0nze | 0.0082 We | 30.0 He Sete Totalizes input A between two events of B. ame son ne mmemuremen te opens on & slope Range: 0 to 100 Miz Resolution: = 1 count. ‘Accuracy: * 1 count B Trigger Error © Frequency A. “Specicaions debe ihe ramets warranted performance, Supplemental insiroment by ging TYPICAL o NOMINAL but nonwartanted peormance Tora more detailed explanation see HP Application Note 2004 "Undertan Taacterisics are niended to provide information wslulinappications of he meters Ostntion of terme sprowded at the en the speifiation ston ng resiueney Counter Speciation Model 53154/B General Information Table 1-1 5315A/6 Specifications (Continued) TIME BASE Frequency: 10 MH? ‘Aging Rate: =} parts in 107/mo ‘Temperature: == pars in 108, 0 to 50°C Line Voltages <=1 part in 10" for =10% variation GENERAL ‘Check: Counts internal 10 Miz reference frequency ‘Over gate time range NOMINALLY 500 ys to 20 Error Lights LED searning light activated if logic e410" is found during instrument turn-on sel-check Display: Big amber LED display, with engineering Overflow: Only Hequency and totalize measurements tll overflow. In case of overflow, eight least significant Sigits will be displayed andl amber Wont panel overflow ED will be actuated. All other measurements wivch would theoretically cause 2 display of more than B cigs will sult i the display of the 8 most Signiticant digs Gate Time: Continuously variable, NOMINALLY from 0 msto 105 0F 1 period ol the Input, whichever 's longer ‘Sample Rate: Up to 5 readings per second NOMINAL #1 cept in time interval made, where is continuously Vatiable NOMINALLY Irom 4 readings per second (0 1 eading every 10 seconds via Gate Time control ‘Operating Temperature: 0° to 50°C Power Requirements: nernally switch solectable 100, 120, 20, oF NN FS “10. 48-66 He. 15 VA maximum Weights Net, 22 kg V4 Ibs. 12 07-1; Shipping. 4.1 kg 18 lbs Dimensions: 238 mm W 7 98 H> 276 men D he = 37% * TOT in ‘OPTIONS Option dor: Temperature Compensated Time Base (TCXO Frequency: 10 MH. Aging Rate: <1 part in 10°/mo. Temperature: <1 part in 108, 0° ro 40°C Lie Voltage: <1 part in 108 for =10% variation, Option a02: Battery (53154 only Type: Rechargeable lead-acid sealed Capacity: TYPICALLY 4 hours of continuous opera tion at 25°C Recharging Time: TYPICALLY 16 hours 10 36% of full Charge, instrument nonaperating. Charging circuitry included with Option, Bateries not charged during instrument operation Low Voltage Indicator: Instrument turns itself ol ‘Jutoratially when low battery conditions exists. Diseharge LED tlashes slowly when this happens. Discharge LED is on whenever battery supply= ing power to instrument Charge LID indicates state of charge of battery uring charging only and ison whenever battery fs charged fo 95% NOMINAL of capacity Charge LED Hlashes when 90° NOMINAL of Chante taken out is replaced. Charge LED 's lft charge less than 70° NOMINAL fof capacity ine Failure Protection: Insteument automatically ‘itches to battery incase of line failure Weight: Option 002 adds 1.4 kg (3 Ibs. t0 weight WARRANTY ALL COMPONENTS IN OPTION 002, EXCEPT THE BATTERY, ARE WARRANTED FOR ONE FULL YEAR, BATTERY BI-1, (HP PART NO. 1400-0253) 15 NOT WARRANTED. Option o03: C Channel Input Charact Range: 50 10 1000 MHz, prescaled by 10, Sensitivity: ImV rns sine wave 1-235 dBi: to 650 MHZ, mv rms sine wave 95 dBm 10 1000 MH. Sensitivity can be decreased continuously by lip 1029. d 8 NOMINAL, 50 0 500 Miz and 30 d8 NOMINAL. 500 to 1000 M2 by adjusting seasitsity contol Trager loves fved at OV NOMINAL. Dynamic Range: ‘TS to TV rms 36 dB, 50 10 650 MHz, 75 mW to W rms 20 dB 650 to 1000 Miz Signal Operating Range: $5 Vdc 10-5 Ve Coupling: AC- Impedance: 80!) NOMINAL \VSWR, 25:7 TYPICAL Damage Level: =8V OC + AC peak, fase protected Fuse located in BNC connector Frequency: Range: 50 t0 1000 MHz buts or cw ISD Displayed: 109 H2 10 1 He depending upon gate ime, At feast 7 digs per second of gate time LSD, Resolution and Accuracy: Same fo:mulas a6 for Frequency A except "Gate Time” lerm becomes (Gute Time10 ‘Option 00 for 52154): High Stability Time Base \Oven Oscillator Frequency: 10 M2 Aging Rate: Temperature: 1 Voltage: 1 part in 167/mo, (after 10 day warm up) 1 part in 107, 0° to 50°C 1 part in 107 for 10% variation, ion 04 for 5315 Frequency: 10 MHZ Aging Rate: <5 pars in 109/mo. 2 pars in 108, 0° to 67°C. 1 part in 207 tor =10% variation igh Stability Time Base (Oven Oscillator Temperature Line Voltage: 53158: Rack and slack metal case with rear panel, switchable |AC power line module, Specifications same as 315A except as follows: Rack Mount Ki: 5061-0072 recommended Oscillator Output: 10 MHz, $0 mV p-p into 50H oud fon reat panel External Frequency Standard Input: 10 Mz, 1V eons into 5001 bn rear panel, Requires internal selection. Dimensions: 212 mmm W > 81 mm HX 345 mm D ‘83a = 302 1344 In Weight: Net, 3.2 kg 7 Ibs, 202.1; Shipping, 45 kg 10 Ibs 13 Model 5315A/B General Information Table 1-1. 3154/8 Specitications (Continued) DEFINITIONS Time Interval Average 10 Resolution: Smallest discernible change of Mods mens 100 ns measurement result due to 4 minimum change in 25 to 200 intervals MO ne the input 2500 0 250,000 "ns Accuracy: Deviation trom the actual value a fined by 250,000 to 25,000 itera 10 ps Univeraly accepted standards of Hequency and me. 25000000 intervals 10 ps ‘Leas Significant Digit (180) Displayed: Time Interval Average isa statistical process. LSD vi displayed is calculated for 1 standard deviation oy 25x107 eq cro aie confidence level Gare Time * FREQ, FREQ is Tigger vor: Gate Time lee HOt ort seconds rms ne Tapa slew rate at gger pan “i where en the rms noise voltage ofthe input fora 258 WTS oy PER =100 ns, 100 MHz bandwidth. Gate Time *e e100 Pe Notts 25. * PER? PER <100 ms Due to arithmetic truncation, quantization error will be a +1 or +2 counts of the LSD as follows: All above calculations should be rounded to nearest is , Ses eaibecome Hand ol =2COuNS OSD Fae age “1107 FEE <1 Me 150 < WiGate Times gpg =10 wie = 2counts of 9D it ~ paca pe ae Tcount of LSD forall other cases 14

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