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Caramel Shortbread Recipe

1 cups (250ml) flour

1 cups (250ml) sugar

1 cups (250ml) muscovado sugar

1 condensed milk tin

2 cups (500ml) butter


Start by rubbing a little butter onto your oven proof dish, then dust on some
flour. This will stop the shortbread sticking to the dish.
Mix 1 cup of flour and 1 cup caster sugar in a mixing bowl. Rub 1 cup of butter
into the flour and sugar until you have a breadcrumb-like consistency. Pack
this mixture into the dish with the back of a spoon and bake for 20 minutes at
150 degrees Celsius.
To make the caramel melt a cup of butter, then whisk in a cup of muscovado
sugar. Once combined whisk in a tin of condensed milk off the heat. Return to
the heat and continue to stir at a low heat.
Pour the caramel over the shortbread and leave for an hour, then another
hour in the fridge.
Melt some chocolate in a mixing bowl over some simmering water, once
melted let it cool a little, then pour over your set caramel. Place in the fridge
for an hour or two.
Once the chocolate has set, you can remove it from the baking dish and cut
into squares

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