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Holistic Marketing
Group Members – M.Sc in MIT
University of kelaniya – Sri Lanka

Market Gladiators

• FGS/06/19/03/2009/03
• FGS/06/19/03/2009/10 Mr.A.L.Sifar Ahamed
• FGS/06/19/03/2009/23 Mr. Shashin
• FGS/06/19/03/2009/28 Mr. F.H.A. Shibly
• FGS/06/19/03/2009/32 Ms.W.A.N.P.Perera
• FGS/06/19/03/2009/35 Mr.I.H.Wijesinghe


Internal Marketing

Content Integrated Marketing

Relationship Marketing

Performance Marketing

Marketing in 21 Century st

• “Marketing is far too important to leave to the

marketing department”
- Late Mr. David Packard

• A few philosophies to guide companies are,

• Product Concept
• Production Concept
• Selling Concept
• Marketing Concept

Internal Integrated
Marketing Marketing


Performance Relationship
Marketing Marketing
Internal Marketing
• Hiring, training and motivating able employees who
to serve customers well

• Marketing activities within the company is as important

as marketing directed outside the company

• Internal Marketing takes place in 2 levels

Internal Marketing Model
• Inter-Functional • Employee
Co-ordination Motivation
and Integration

• Marketing
approach • Job
• Custom
• Empowerm
• Service

• Custom
Integrated Marketing
• Many different marketing activities are
used to communicate and deliver value to
• All marketing activities are coordinated to
maximize their joint effects
Integrated Marketing (4P’s)
• Products – Design, Features, Brand Name, Models, Style,
Appearance, Quality, Warranty.
• Price – Pricing Policies, List Price, Margins, Discounts,
Rebates, Terms of Delivery, Payment Terms,
Credit Terms.
• Place – Channels of Distribution (channel design, types of
intermediaries, location of outlets, channel remuneration, dealer-
principle relation, etc.), Physical Distribution (transportation,
warehousing, inventory levels, order processing, etc.)
• Promotion – Personal Selling, Selling Expertise, Size of Sales
Force, Quality of Sales Force, and Marketing Communications -
Advertising (media-mix, media vehicles, and programmes)
Integrated Marketing (4C’s)
• In holistic marketing one has to see also
the buyers’ point of view, where each of
these tools will deliver the customers’
benefit or value
• Product = Customer Solution
• Price = Customer Cost
• Place = Convenience
• Promotion = Communication
Integrated Marketing
• The design & implementation of one
activity is done with all other activities in
mind. The business of running a
successful organization is to integrate the
system for management of demand,
resources & network.
Relationship Marketing
Mass Markets

Customer focus Relationships

Relationship Marketing
Relationship Marketing

“To establish, maintain, and enhance

(usually but not necessarily long-term)
relationships with customers and other
partners, at a profit, so that the
objectives of the parties involved are
met. This is achieved by a mutual
exchange and fulfillment of promises.”
Performance Marketing

Top management goes beyond sales revenue

to marketing scorecard to check

• What is happening to market share ?

• Customer loss rate
• Customer satisfaction
• Product quality etc.
Social Responsibility Marketing
• Effects of marketing extend beyond the
company and customer to society

• Marketers must be aware of ethical,

environmental, legal and social context
• This enlarges the marketing concept to
“societal marketing concept”

• Preserving or enhancing consumer’s and

society’s well being while satisfying needs,
wants and interests of target markets
Financial Accountability
• Marketers do concern about the profit but also
now they focus on building brand and increasing
customer base

Thank You!

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