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famond watson | Doc Not an122589 Or iyatsueets| Book!11175 Pase: 10 frenaence 02305 | nd MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET gO Son Mey a 1643 2009 ‘ 8 : “Necchaneng toh Kawetarwntawite” MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET TRIBAL TRUST CHARTER Constructive and Public Notice David Conrad Director, Tribal and Intergovernmental A fairs Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental A airs USS, Department of Energy Greetings Mr. David Conrad: Tam Raymond L Watson, Neesu Wushuwunoag “Two Hawks”, natural born aborigine blood of the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET, descendant of NAHAGANSET ancestors of North America, Turtle Island This Notice brings forth the legal and lawful standing and status of the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation reestablished by the bloodline of MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Ancestors, now filed with your office for the purpose of official notification of aborigine and tribal standing, ‘This is lawful Notice and is sent pursuant to your promise and your institutions policy to uphold the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sith, Seventh, [Ninth and Tenth Articles in Amendments to Constitution for the United States of America Republic, and pursuant to your Oath, requires Your written response specific to subject matter. Your failure to respond, as stipulated, and rebut, with particularity, everything inthis Notice with whieh you disagree, is your lawful, legal and binding agreement with and admission to the fuct that everything inthis Notice is ‘ruc, correct, legal, lawful and binding upon you and your agency i.e. United States Department of Energy; Department of Interior and Bureau of Indian Affairs in any court of law, without your protest or objection or that of those who represent you. Your silence is your acquiescence to the truth and evidence of the Constructive Notice. See: Connally». General Construction Co, 269 \ Notification of legal responsibility is “the first essential of due process of law". Se also: U.S. V. Tweel, 80 F-24297; ‘equated with fraud where there isa legal or moral duty to speak or when an inquiry left unanswered would be inte Please take NOTICE and respond to the following truths: MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation, from the land of North America, whose various members and famili of the tribal clans are recognized through ancestral records on North American Indian Rolls and Federal government records, primarily the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BLA) records and data systems records Box, Nos poor ita 7eac Roos swe having filed this “Constructive and Public Notice” of existence of the “MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET. NATION TRIBAL TRUST”, an aboriginal natural Tribal Trust Charter established under the authority of MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET; the corpus of the Trust is perpetual with the duration of Mother Earth. This honorable, respectful, and proper “Constructive and Public Notice” formally initiates the genuine efforts of the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation to engage and establish its lawful, political, and legal status, intentions, and standing with regard towards coexisting within the territorial boundaries established as the United States. xcept fom Ts Choter TURTLE LAND TERRITORY meres, the MASHAPAUG NAKAGANST erie to 5 dans and eso Sacred Abo thea nhabiing terse of Nath Americ, Tatler the ation of “bl Ts Chae” Spe’ an SEALED, reaped une astoma itenatorl bw, ith note gen oad achat bythe Ute States in ‘cet ft th the US. Dear fray, bal on itergoermental Afar, fer Of Cogrestanlané tegen! ar Cartes Mt Nore 7191090, (801521398. having avpnaty ben acknowledged htoral documented even byte United Slates Greeters Bown nests wen the Narragansett ian Tbe ‘hs MASKAPAUG NAHAGAASET rl Trust Charter develope and oreanaeé yarn, adi made compte tue the Nonring and aon othe organ Mashapaug ‘atogorst Contin elaigowne hip nd alegancs tls constaton excl the MASHAPAUG RANAGANEE sed vn seed by MASHADAUG NANAGANSET ‘oa Counc members heres rtereata athe "Auskowoog Cee ‘eras, th ad WUSHUMWUNAN Can, though Tea Trust Charer aston ofthe MASHAPAUG NARAGANSETAnusowoag Cc an inte acest! tore lands ofthe MASHABAUG NAHAGANSET Ta! Terres now cent kano "tate t haae an” and Sate of Connects, a menoned sn aelaredin the Ded te Sertement of Mostassck of 156, Testy of Waters 1636, Treaty of Showa of 152, the Wea of Boston of 175, he Federal Recoption Process of 963, nda doce Dy fuera Sate of fhe sandhiories docmets, the lst Carter here eles ownernp and cams al of wnch ae ise erin a eect adel roertien the [MASHAPAUGNAAGANGET "vn! Tron Tre ane, awn she mois cormantes se North mera. Te hers eae AshowodgCle MASAAPAUG NARAGANSET, Fevordera tn nae for the purpose of aare earpeaions a patton fo the sustale developer on bereft te people of MASHAPAUG NAMAGANSE, and 3 prone sad can utes oration by vote ofthe members fhe MASHAPAUG NARAGANSETsrurownsa ile, 1967, MA eration Met and Note of Cansacv Fav ety The, Ul Comers fron Depton aE Cesangraientatin and genoa cans ‘eaetheUnted tates, Commerce Deparment le nmber 15098, et va Cet ed Mal Numbers 01 1000019134131 ang 703710100001 9134130 en ance bth ‘cords sting" Amereat” sana. ne curl eres has orders hare fo he arose ture wcrpcatos ond eter fhe sustmble evlpmet ae beef of ne pape of MASHAPAUG RAHAGANSE, ied and approved by sai can td suet afin by avoteo tember of the MASHAPAUG RAMAGANSE Tr ‘ean crenty ied by the “NARRAGANSETT/MASHAPAUG NAMAGARSET, above ste Deed tothe Seulement of Mosh of 1636, Treaty oar of 1628, teat of Shawore fet, eay of Gostn of 167, Federal Recaption roe of 1983 and Societe by merous Stat of Rhode and tra acme there ‘elas thesaces intl onde property of MASHAPAUG NAMAGANSE iba Tt BL: 4.65762, 7157626 at/on Natwest 42018, 7 7242 Lon Souths #1924583, 71 31777 t/a 4.689069, 71577634; Lafon Natwest 41.7853, 7. TESTS na Sothen 41S9847, 71505667, WC [ans ‘tose, 7.617557: ant Northwest 1 654952, 90728 Laon Southeast 4.08584, 34052] and He n/at:415025036, 71253688 Lat Norther ‘esas 7194 ona Southee 437385, 7.885 nthe Had ort of ML La 2.47244, 72108539; Loft Notes 837861, 7249675 ava Southee 412800, 7177659 inte SC, seared nde superar abarigie di elected by United Slats 1790 Non nears Ae a fhe Sea Ac UN Comet ited erm an Curomaryierational Law ihe tent ert festae te Nahagnst cute, peoples, guage ond sacred ans an tore ara sanding a sari of {hehumen iy sense a sore ndgeno people of he wal gin sth cr nd fermion ned heen te ced osm properesprpeuey ow by {Re MASIAPRUG MAHAGANSET Tal rst Ths Tb Tat Charterite fom andaher such in rated bya may ae the aut ner oe Anushowoes (ee ote the Mashopaug Nagase Corton END EXCERPT. INTE! Its the intent of the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation to provide sacred and cultural teachings necessary in rebuilding and perpetuating the ancient cultural ways while exercising our right to self determination and sustainable economic development required to sustain the bloodlines, human and cultural rights of the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET, Through corruption, fraud and murder, the fraudulent nation and unconstitutional leadership of the current Nahaganset Nation is supported by the BIA and other United States agencies, and is he challenged and denounced, and we the people of the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation will no longer accept the abuse Doc No: oo122589 Book#11175 “Page: 12 perpetuated in secret. Therefore, we the clans of MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation demand a cessation of delivery of funds, benefits to the Nahaganset Nation on our behalf, and we demand a full accounting of all. past proceeds paid. We demand that immediate provisions be established and implemented for the transfer of those benefits, funds and rights of the people formerly known as Narragansett and said proceeds be transferred into trust for distribution to the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation trust; we will assist you in those matters by providing names, addresses and roll identification information, We the people of MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation are not asking for recognition through your recognition process, because we are already recognized by your ageney as original members of the Nahaganset Nation. Because of abuse, murder and threat of bodily harm, we the people of the clan of Wushuwunan of Mashapaug Nahaganset are now living in a state of self-declared exile to avoid total destruction by the tactics imposed upon us by current leadership of the Nahaganset Nation, and we have claimed under trust the international intellectual property known as the “Great Law Of Peace” as the exclusive intellectual property of the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Tribal Trust. MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET aboriginal rights are protected as pet United States Executive Order 12803 and 49 Statute 3097 Treaty Series 881, also, United Nations Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples on 14 December 1960, UN GA/Res 1514(XV) and by provisions of customary and treaty based international law, granting the people all powers that had previously been claimed and exercised by alien peoples and their agents and assigns. Basic requirements that colonizing people transfer all powers to the colonized peoples is mandated at Article 5 of this Declaration and the affirmation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the General Assembly A/61/L/67 September 7, 2007; United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Rights 2007; including; Article 37, (I)Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition, observance and enforcement of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements concluded with States or their successors and to have States honor and respect such treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements. (2) Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as diminishing or eliminating the rights of indigenous peoples contained in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements, No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property, per the dictates of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 17(2). This “Constructive and Public Notice” is presented by the following appointed Representative to establish this first “Public Notice” based on the abovementioned tribal declarations, Heretofore known as: Doc No: 00122589 Book:11175 Pasa: 413 Raymond L Watson (Neesu Wushuwunoag “Two Hawks”) Of the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation whose clan families have endured years of fraud and destruction, with forced adherence to provisions of substandard in-humane existence because of the colonizing legacy of the United States of America. The continuance of degrading standards and theft of property and culture have resulted in the near annihilation of our people physically and spiritually, and such acts are rejected by the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation people from beginning to the present. ‘The names, roll numbers, and other information provided to establish the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation ‘Tribal Trust lends truth and validation of lawful and legal rights and status of the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation and Sacred Tribal Trust established via the provisions of American Indian law, Customary International law, United States law and the law of my ancestors, Miantinomo, Brister Michael and Sachem Sunset. ‘Through the MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation Tribal Trust, all cultural and commercial activities, tribal owned lands, properties, and peoples shall be protected in accordance with Tribal Trust Charter’s Orders, Constitution, Declarations, Constructive Notices, and other lawful constructs, with mutual understanding and in harmony with the United States of America and the world. This concludes the valid and “PUBLIC NOTICE”; to your office and to the world; MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation, TRIBAL TRUST CHARTER NOTICE “Additional Information Provided Upon Request: oc Nor Sant Pi 19S"? 2382 Please send all correspondence to addresses listed bel Raymond L Watson Mashapaug Nahaganset Nation Clo 199 Camp Street Providence, Rhode Island 02906 Raymond L Watson MASHAPAUG NAHAGANSET Nation Notice Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter my standing / status in any manner. The purpose for notary is verification and identification only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction, surat ‘county of Providence /iss: state of Rhode Island Raymond L Watson, upon providing valid identification to me, declares to be the age of majority, one capable of making this Constructive and Public Notice, and that this Constructive and Public Notice is made with clean hands in good faith, with Explicit Reservation of Rights, acknowledged, executed and certified this “Constructive and Public Notice”, to be true and correct tothe best of my knowledge pursuant to Law, except as to matters tated to be on information and belief and as to those, believes those tobe true, this ("Day of the JUN. Month, A.D, Two-thousand Fifteen. Si th Notary Public Pkleh 7 adsé s =» 9012258 75 2 Pase: 45 Mashapaug Nahaganset Re-formalized December 15, 2009 Providence, RI “Neechanog toh Kawtawntawitt” Constitution of the Mashapaug Nahaganset TURTLE ISLAND TERRITORY Roc Nez 901295 Book#ii175 Pasar 16 ARTICLE V: STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION 1, Holder of the title of Pomham Sachem of the Mashapaug Nahaganset, with all of the rights and privileges associated with it, do formally accept and approve this Constitution t0 serve as the official structure and standard of conduct for any and all members, activities and operations associated with the Mashapaug Nahaganset. I pledge to always put first our God and Creator, and our Nation before any acts of individual and/or selfish gain, and to acknowledge and understand that the opportunity t0 be a ‘member of and in service to the Mashapaug Nahaganset, is a blessing bestowed upon us by YHWH, Numanit8mun, the one and only Great Creator. LO} lol Raymond L. Watson “Neesu Wushuwunoag” Two Hawks Wushuwunan Ahtuskou Pomham Sachem 28 "National Association for the Advancement of Indigenous People rm CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7012 1010 0001 9134 1317 nani ee Book #1 Pase: 17 INTERNATIONAL AFFIDAVIT and NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD IDENTITY THEFT, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, ECONOMIC DECEPTION and ETHNIC CLEANSING AGAINST AMERICAN ABORIGINE PEOPLE DEMAND FOR IDENTITY CORRECTION ‘Also Certied-miled to: 1401 Constitution Avenue N.W. To: John H. Thompson, Director, Foreign Trade Processing Unit Bureau Wau once 1201 EAST 10™ Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47132 z and Centfied Number: Penny Pritzker, Secretary of Commerce, United States of America 7012 1010 0001 9134 1300 With all due respect and courtesy, “You” are hereby served in “Your” individual capacity and in “Your” official capacity as official government representatives of the United States of America; and in accordance with “Your” OATH of OFFICE and “Your” promise and obligation to promote integrity and reject acts of “FRAUD”, as well as all other domestic and international crimes. DEFINITIONS: * “YOU” and “YOUR” means and refers to: John H. Thompson, Penny Pritzker, Foreign Trade Processing, Bureau, United States Department of Commerce, state of Tennessee, state of Virginia, United States of ‘America and the United States Corporation; ‘* “PETITIONER(S)” means: Signatories to this presentment who are in possession of official records validating their claims of being classified as “Negro” or “Colored”; aboriginal beneficiaries related to those known as Choctaw, Chahta, Chatot, Xulae, Chickasaw, Chikasa, Saktchihuma, Chakchiuma, Onondaga, Creek, Nahaganset, Cherokee, Aniyunwiya, Kituwa, Lenape, Yamassee, Wyandot, Seminole, Geechee, Shawnee, Shaawanwaki heritage and others; + “AMERICAN ABORIGINE” within the context of this “NOTICE” means: American Indians, American Indians reclassified as “Colored” and in many instances “Negro” and or “Freedman”; * “EMIGRANT”: A person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another, ‘* “NEGRO” within this “NOTICE” means: Dark, black, mulatto, white, colored, Indian, aborigine and is occasionally capitalized for the purpose of bringing respect and attention to the term “NEGRO” for the benefit of “YOU” the recipient, and not as special entitlement or identifier of, or for Petitioners; used as a political legal reference. FIRST: This is lawful Constructive Notice and is sent pursuant to Common International Law, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights for Indigenous People, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and pursuant to “Your” Oath sworn by you to the Constitution of the United States of America, and requires “Your” written response to me specific to the subject matter. “Your” failure to respond or rebut as stipulated, with particularity, everything in this Constructive Notice and A\ffidavit with which “You” disagree, is “Your” Page 1 of 22 Doc Not 00122589 Book!11175 Pase: 12 lawful, legal and binding agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Constructive Notice and International Affidavit is true, correct, legal, lawful and fully binding upon “You" in any court in America and the World Court, without “Your” protest or objection or that of those who may represent “You”. “Your” silence is “Your” acquiescence and shall be met with tort for “fraud” and other causes to remedy violations of United States Federal Law and Customary International Law and Trade at the District Court in Washington, De. SECOND: This communication is extended in the Spirit of “Peace, Harmony and Balance” from the National Association for the Advancement of Indigenous People (NAAIP) located in the region of Cherokee, North and comes from Hemoc Xelup, Member and National Director for the National Association for the ‘Advancement of Indigenous People (NAAIP). NAAIP is a United Nations registered NGO and was established by Bureau of Indian Affairs 25 CFR recognized aborigine and Native Americans inigoaxi and non-recognized aborigine and Native Americans inssones| along with signatories foreign and domestic. ‘The purpose of this communication is for the specific action of establishing an official record of this communication and for the expeditious correction of “Your” official public United States Census records as, applied to the herein mentioned and listed American Aborigine For centuries prior to American invasion by Europe, aboriginal tribes, clans, people and nations flourished during pre and early colonial history. Thousands of aboriginal groups occupied the lands of North America, and during the development and formation of the United States, U.S. policy makers devised concepts to deny certain aboriginal groups rights to exist as members of the human family. These specific groups were denied the right to identity, culture and nationality; all due to United States of America policies implemented for the beneficial enrichment and interests of the European ruling class under a system of suppression and colonization, ‘The United States exists as an abstract entity, and within and beyond its official buildings and vaults of informational documents are files reflecting the unrevealed secret lives, cultures, people and nations of Aborigines in American where truth lies unrevealed to the misclassified benefactors. “You” and “Your” Office, complicit with United States policy, have applied and continue to apply methods of colonization and disenfranchisement through concerted national acts of political misidentification, race misclassification, commercial identity theft, ethnicity-based judicial oppression, social and economic inequality and constructive fraud, Today, in North America 2014 AD, millions of unidentified, unrecognized and unaccepted aborigine people exist in the shadows, purposefully hidden within United States domestic policy. The United States agenda of colonization adopted from Spain and France of pre-1500 AD continues today through means that are constructively cloaked: “Your” agency is one such construct aiding in the continuation of ethnic cleansing and colonizing through race misclassification. Not allowing the descendants of colonized and enslaved Negro aborigine to have a culture or identity isa violation of International Law and Tre ‘The United States of America and “Your” agency are co-conspirators in the denial and prohibition of the American Aborigines’ protection of their basic human rights, identity, sacred artifacts and nationality; actions that are contrary to international law and “Your” constitutional obligations. The actions of deliberate race and ethnic misclassification with the intent to ethnically cleanse and subjugate Aborigines in the Founding colonies of the united states, and the continuation of such acts, practices and tactics by “Your” Agency and the United States must now cease in the year 2014; “Your” Agency and the United States must begin a cessation of Page 2 of 22 Doc Nez gn122589 Book#11175 Pase: 19 misidentification, misclassification and ethnic cleansing policies and begin the removal of and forever denounce the colonial methods and doctrines that have been utilized, It is time to remove the obstacles, quagmires, concepts and policies developed by the United States to disenfranchise millions of Aboriginal People across America leaving them lost in perpetual ancestral confusion, searching to find what was taken and hidden by the institutions of the United States government. In 2005, at the United Nations World Summit, President Bush submitted a Salvage Claim with the United Nations to detain, arrest, or remove immigrants from the United States; in part because Bush policy supported the belief that immigrants had destroyed the United States economic infrastructure as dependants in need of welfare, food stamps, free housing, student loan defaults and were the cause of the expansion of criminal justice systems and processes. ‘Today, in 2014, the Negro has been relabeled “African-American”; now, the legal classification of “African Immigrant” belongs to the Negro, and as misclassified benefactors, the Negro descendants are subject to listed claims made against immigrants by the United States government; therefore, immediate redress is sought. As we approach the Millennium Development Goal’s Deadline of 2015, it is imperative to enlist “You” in making immediate change to and correcting “Petitioners” classification, The mandates associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 21 requires written claims of indigenous people, lands, tity and missions be submitted and engaged in writing before 2015; this submission of Affidavit to “You” satisfies the United Nations requirement for claims of Petitioners. Petitioners and signatories to this presentment are in possession of official records validating their claims of being classified as “Negro” and “Colored”; beneficiaries of “O” blood lines related to those organically known as Choctaw, Chahta, Chatot, Xulae, Chickasaw, Chikasa, Saktchihuma, Chakchiuma, Onondaga, Creek, Nahaganset, Cherokee, Aniyunwiya, Kituwa, Yamassee, Wyandot, Seminole, Geechee, Shawnee, Shaawanwaki, Lenape heritage and various others. PETITIONERS MAKE THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS: © Claims to ancestors who were natural inhabitants of America, pre-colonization; © Claims to inheritance, rights and treaties as prescribed to Petitioners’ ancestors; ‘© Claims to rights of identity and rights of full reclassification in accordance with international law and the law of nations of and to Petitioners’ cultural standing via historic family locations, records, oral testimonies and other valid and internationally accepted means resulting in immediate change to status and standing as “American Aborigine”. POINTS AND AUTHORITIES ‘* Validated References of the Negro living in common and not being enslaved pre trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in America; ‘+ Evidence showing the “dark Indian” referenced as Negro in United States Acts and laws promoting and perpetuating slavery without African slaves from transatlantic slave involvement, and, ‘+ The genocide, ethnic cleansing and forceful removal of Negro Indians to colonized lands of West Africa, Page 3 of 22 1640 1649 1662 1680 1691 1700 1705 ims a7 1723, 1745 1758 Doc No: on122589 HISFORM 211175 Page: 20 Evidence suggests that Negroes are becoming enslaved in the tobacco colonies (Virginia, Delaware, and Maryland). Jordan, 44) During this period there is no Trans-Atlantic slave trade to America. Three hundred Negroes in Virginia - about 2 percent of the population, (Jordan, 73); and during this period there is no Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Virginia passes an anti-miscegenation law. (Jordan, 79) This law was passed to end Negro and European relations including marriage. Slaves begin an increase in population from 4.6% in 1680 to over 20% in 1750; in the South from 5.7% to nearly 40%. (Klinker and Smith, 12); this was also accomplished without transatlantic slave trade participation. Virginia passes an anti-miscegenation law that prohibits all interracial liaisons. (Jordan, 80) Virginia requires manumitted Negroes to leave the state. (Jordan, 124). This law ended all relations with the Negro and all free Negro had to leave the colony, Negroes are now commonly being treated as chattel slaves. (Jordan, 44) In the Southern colonies, free Negroes are unable by law to testify against white persons. In New England, free Negroes can testify against anyone. (Jordan, 123). Prior to 1700 the Negro was not treated commonly as chattel property. Southern colonies begin enacting slave codes. (Brown and Stentiford, 223), and the Virginia Assembly declares Negroes ineligible to hold public office. (Jordan, 126). Before this ruling, Negroes were allowed to hold any public office. October 1705-CHAP. IV. An act declaring who shall not bear office in this country stated [The text of this act suggests that a free man of color did hold an office sometime before October of 1705. The statute contains the first definition of a mulatto in Virginia's laws.|: "Be it enacted and declared, and it is hereby enacted and declared, that the child of an Indian and the child, grandchild, or great grandchild of a Negro shall be deemed, accounted, held and taken to be a mulatto.” Source: Hening, ed., VIRGINIA, the Statutes at Large, vol. 3, pp. 250-251, 252. This is one of the first recorded acts showing mis-idemtification and misclassification as a prelude to a new type of ethnic cleansing, perpetuated even today, by the United States government agency et al North Carolina and South Carolina bar Negroes from the polls; North Carolina does not continue the prohibition after the 1730s. (Jordan, 126); North Carolina adopts an anti-miscegenation law. (Jordan, 139); this was before mass slavery in the southem states, For historians of the colonial south, particularly the lands south of the Tennessee River and east of the Mississippi, the trade in Indian slaves has long been one of the region's greatest unsolved mysteries. In the half century before 1715, intertribal warfare, kidnapping, and enslavement displaced thousands and reshaped the lives of all of the region's inhabitants. Slave raids depopulated the missions of Spans Florida and complicated French efforts to colonize Louisiana, Disparate Indian communities formed powerful confederacies in an effort to take advantage of the lucrative trade and avoid enslavement. By exporting their human cargoes everywhere from Boston to Barbados, the British slave traders of South Carolina spurred the colony's economy while extending its influence among slave-hunting Indians as far west as the Mississippi River. No comer of the region escaped the hunt for slaves or its ‘consequences. South Carolina adopts an anti-miscegenation law. Jordan, 139); and "In 1719, South Carolina decided ‘who should be an "Indian" for tax purposes since American slaves were taxed at a lesser rate than African slaves. The act stated: “And for preventing all doubts and scruples that may arise what ought to be rated on mustees, mulattoes, etc. all such slaves as are not entirely Indian shall be accounted as Negro. The act is also significant because it asserts that part-Americans Natives with or without African ancestry could be counted as Negroes, thus having an implication for all later slave census accounting". http://www. usgwarchives.nev/va/lunenburg.htm Virginia bars Negroes from the polls. (Jordan, 126) Virginia prohibits manumission of Negroes. (Jordan, 124) Massachusetts prohibits Negroes from participating in a government lottery. (Jordan, 130) Carl Linnaeus develops a simple classificatory system of races - Caucasian, Ethiopian, Mongolian, and American - based largely on external, visible factors. (Brown and Stentiford, 528) Page 4 of 22 1775 1762 1776 1777 1779 1780 1781 1783 1786 1787 1788 1790 1791 1792 1794 American Revolution begins and last until 1783 Do= Nos 0122529 Virginia disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354); BOOK 211175 Pages 24 DEFINITION of disenfranchise: verb (transitive) L. To deprive (a person) of the right to vote or other rights of citizenship; 2. To deprive (a place) of the right to send representatives to an elected body; 3. To deprive (a business concern, etc) of some privilege or right; 4. To deprive (a person, place, etc) of any franchise or right. 5.000 Negro soldiers participate in the American Revolution, (Brown and Stentiford, 281) Declaration of Independence describes Indians as “merciless Indian Savages.” (Nugent, 4) ‘Thomas Jefferson’s indictment of slavery is removed from the Declaration of Independence out of Fear that the Southern colonies, especially South Carolina and Georgia, would refuse to sign. (Brown and Stentiford, 462); Thomas Jefferson had many fears, the greatest of which was Negro over-population and the fear that slavery would increase Negro anxiety; he preferred removal of Negro to Africa ‘Thomas Jefferson made the historic statement, part of which is inscribed on the Jefferson Monument in Washington, DC; it says: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free.” However, the rest of his statement has gone unnoticed; it clearly says: "...Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.” End quote Georgia disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) South Carolina disentranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Society of Friends and the Pennsylvania Abolition Society petitioned the Pennsylvania legislature to amend the Gradual Abolition Act of 1780. The petition was a success, and as a result, the Pennsylvania legislature made it illegal to transport enslaved children or pregnant woman out of Pennsylvania. The act made it impossible to use Philadelphia ports to build, outfit or send ships containing human cargo. Finally, the act also placed heavy fines on kidnapping enslaved African-Americans and made it illegal to separate slave families by more than ten miles. Revolutionary era constitutions of Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia exclude Negroes from the franchise. Gordan, 412) ‘An estimated 200,000 to 250,000 Indians are living east of the Miss Indians have been pushed west of the Appalachians. (Nugent, 10) Treaty of Paris extends recognition to the United States as an independent nation. Acquisition of Trans-Appalachia, (Nugent, 4), officially established the United states of America as valid government. In Massachusetts, an act of 1786 voids marriages between whites and Negroes. Jordan, 472) Massachusetts legislature votes to expel all Negroes who are not citizens of one of the states. (Litwack, 16). It is clear Negroes in abundance were being disenfranchised and clearly not slaves from the trans- Atlantic slave trade. ‘Thomas Jefferson publishes Notes on State of Virginia, his claims endorsed racialism, Negro intellectual inferiority, and calls for the colonization of free Negroes to their native climate of all Negroes. (Jordan, 547) ‘The U.S. Constitution is made, and specifically excludes Indian nations from inclusion in the American political system. Classified as foreign nations and “Indians not taxed,” the Constitution gave Congress exclusive jurisdiction for dealing with Indian tribes. (Brown and Stentiford, 579) South Carolina bans slave importations. (Jordan, 318) National campaign from 1790 through 1800 was openly waged to racially cleanse the existing united states of Negroes, Virginia in particular, which contains 40% of all [EAST APPALACHIA] Negro population. (Jordan, 542) Over 860,000 Negro recorded throughout all the colonies, (Russell, The Free ‘Negro in Virginia, 16-41) Virginia Bureau of the Census; see also The Joumal of Negro History, VIII, 247- 283. . The first federal naturalization law, the Naturalization Act of 1790, restricts American citizenship to “free white persons.” Jordan, 341); Negroes are not permitted, but they are highly populated, Vermont admitted to the Union. (Keyssar, 352) Kentucky admitted to the Union. (Nugent, 44), and Delaware disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Congress passes a law forbidding Americans from participating in the international slave trade. (Jordan, 327), and this is done because America already has too many Negro. ippi, and by 1780, almost all Page 5 of 22 1795 1796 1799 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1810 Doc No 2 op12 Bookriii75 ® 22 Treaty of Greenville was delivered signed allegedly declaring Indians ceding title to 3/4ths of the future state of Ohio (Nugent, 44), and the Treaty of San Lorenzo, acquisition of the Yazoo Strip (Southern Mississippi and Southern Alabama) from Spain, (Nugent, 100) were treaties which included Negro Indians. ‘Tennessee admitted to the Union. (Nugent, 44) New York adopts a law for gradual emancipation. (Davis, xiv) Kentucky disenfranchises 41,085 free Negroes, and (Keyssar, 354)), (Brown and Stentiford, 437) not any of these free people were brought to America via the trans-Atlantic slave trade, ‘A slave conspiracy known as Gabriel's Rebellion is foiled in Richmond, Virginia (Hinks and McKivigan, xxix) where the Negro clearly shows the vent of rebellion against colonization and slavery. South Carolina outlaws residence of free Negroes. (Jordan, 399) Maryland statute disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Georgia relinquishes claim to Alabama and Mississippi in exchange for a promise by the Jefferson administration that the federal government would seek voluntary removal of Indian tribes within her boundaries, (Howe, 256) areas abundant with Negro inhabitants; the first to be enslaved on southern plantations. Negroes excluded from suffrage in the District of Columbia. (Jordan, 412) Ohio disenfranchises Negroes. (Jordan, 412) (Keyssar, 354) Maryland officially disenfranchises Negroes, Jordan, 412) as it is shown, a pattern of taking away rights of the Negro permits eligibility and prerequisite for joining the union of united states; it enforc Petitioners’ claims revealing relationships existed with the Negro benefactor of aboriginal composition whose rights were subverted and ultimately eliminated. South Carolina reopens the slave trade, (Jordan, 318) Both houses of the Virginia legislature adopt resolutions calling for removal of free Negroes. (Jordan, 565) Ohio restricts immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220) Yet again, both houses of the Virginia legislature adopt resolutions calling for the removal of free Negroes. The resolution of 1805 instructed Virginia congressmen to press for a portion of the Louisiana Territory for settlement of free Negroes. Jordan, 565) Hudgins v. Wright, the court decides that three generations of women with straight black hair were Indian, not black, and therefore free, (Brown and Stentiford, 535) Virginia restricts the right of masters to manumit their slaves; free blacks must leave the state within ‘one year. (Jordan, 574) ‘Ohio prohibits permanent residence of Negroes. (Jordan, 575) Slave trade abolished in the United States, (Hinks and McKivigan, xxxix) Maryland prohibits Permanent residence of free Negroes, (Jordan, 575) and Louisiana prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) Delaware bans racial intermarriage, Jordan, 472) and Delaware prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220) New Jersey disenfranchises Negroes; “No person shall vote in any state or county election for officers in the government of the United States or of this state, unless such person be a white male citizen.” (Keyser, 54) ‘Ohio restricts immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220) Decennial Report of the Bureau of Census 1808; more than 800,000 Negro in the Current collective states, with an alleged 340,000 from slave trade; not trans-Atlantic. Current census records more than 500,000 free Negro. ULS. Congress outlaws participation in the African slave trade. (Davis, xiv) Negroes excluded from suffrage in the Mississippi and Indiana territories. (Jordan, 412) Kentucky prohibits immigration of free Negroes, (Farnam, 199-200) and has a population of more than 60,000 disenfranchised Negro being now prepared for slavery into the southern states to work the cotton plantations. Maryland constitution disenfranchises Negroes (Keyssar, 354) South Carolina disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Page 6 of 22 1811 1812 1814 1816 1817 Doc Not on122589 Book®11175 Pase: 23 All Southern and two Northern states pass laws either restricting immigration of free Negroes, banning it altogether, or requiring emigration of emancipated slaves. (Jordan, 410) The German Coast Slave Insurrection erupts in Louisiana, (Hinks and MeKivigan, xxix) and Tecumseh of the Creek Confederacy rallies the tribes and clans of the Old Northwest and Old Southwest against the American advance. (Nugent, 47) Paul Cuffe, a prominent Negro business man began working with the United States agencies and assisted in the removal of Native Negro to Sierra Leone as Negro Emigrant; more than 48,000 were removed to various locations along the West African coast. Delaware prohibits immigration of free Negroes, (Farnam, 220) and as shown above, Negroes who were not from a particular state were not allowed to come into that state; again there existed a hope of and preparation for southem slavery trafficking, Louisiana admitted to the Union, (Nugent, 70) and within weeks the state disenfranchises all Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Treaty of Fort Jackson; Creeks are forced to cede much of their land in Alabama and Georgia. (Nugent, 227) Bishop Richard Allen founds the African Methodist Episcopal Church, (Brown and Stentiford, 252) which was a primary tool for colonization; religion. Indiana admitted to the Union; Indiana abolishes slavery: (Litwack, 3) Indiana disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Virginia state legislature overwhelmingly endorses colonization of free Negro emigrants in West Africa and for a few years, the legislatures of Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, and six northem states follow Virginia's example in endorsing colonization; so did the national governing bodies of the Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, and Episcopal denominations. (Howe, 261-262) Choctaw cession in West Alabama, Creek cession in North Alabama, and Chickasaw cession in West Alabama were now implemented. (Howe, 354) American Colonization Society formed to promote the colonization of free blacks in Africa. ( Davis, xiv) ‘The legislatures of fourteen states endorse Negro colonization. (Litwack, 24) The Virginia House of Delegates resolves (137 to 9) that the governor corresponds with the U.S. president concerning a suitable territory for the colonization and removal of free Negroes. (Jordan, 565) In 1816 after the French revolutionary win, Charles Fenton Mercer joined Tennessee and Maryland to form the American Colonization Society, and When it had set forth its purpose of Negro repatriation, it enlisted in its ranks a distinguished body of government leaders, which included Francis Scott Key, John Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Charles Fenton Mercer, John Marshall, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln, all seeking to remove the American Negro (Aborigine) from his natural home, where he existed for ‘many centuries prior to colonization, Thomas Jefferson expressed about race relations, a partial inscribed on the Jefferson Monument in Washington, DC, states: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free." However, the sentence which followed and left off the monument states: "Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." President Jefferson appealed to the British in 1803 to allow Negro emigrants within British colonies, ‘but the British refused to allow Negro emigrants, expressing, “the American Negro were too lazy and carefree. Refer Lincoln Negro Policy, Ernest Sevier Cox. During this period President Jefferson corresponded with the Sierra Leone Company in 1804 and sought to secure the consent of that country to receive Negro emigrants from the United States. Virginia Library New York adopts a law that frees all remaining slaves in 1827. (Davis, xiv) Mississippi is admitted to the Union (Nugent, 225) and immediately disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) James Forten a free Negro businessman and sail maker fought vigorously against colonizing Negro to Africa and expressed the Negro had far greater claim to rights in America, he also worked with Richard Allen to establish the first Convention of Color in this year of 1817. The purpose of the Page 7 of 22 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1824 1826 1827 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 Boo, Me? 9012258 Boon tii7s Base, og convention was to assist fugitive Negro in resetting in Canada and also to state their opposition to colonization to Africa. James Forten also helped establish the American Anti-Slavery Society and helped sponsor William Lloyd Garrison's newspaper, The Libertarian, which promoted Negro rights. Creek cession in Georgia, Chickasaw cession in Tennessee and Kentucky. (Howe, 354) Black males lose the right to vote in Connecticut, (Howe, 497) and Connecticut disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) First Seminole War. (Nugent, 122) Minois abolishes slavery. (Litwack, 3) Ilinois disenfranchises Negroes (Keyssar, 354) Georgia prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) Anti Slave Trade Act March 3, 1819; after which bringing African Slaves to the United States was made illegal. Maine admitted to the Union. (Litwack, 31) Alabama admitted to the Union and automatically disenfranchises Negroes (Keyssar, 354) In the states admitted after 1819, every state but Maine disenfranchised Negroes. (Howe, 497) Free Negroes could not exercise certain rights and privileges guaranteed to American citizens and aliens, (Litwack, 33) Congress authorizes the citizens of Washington, D.C. to elect “white” only city officials and to adopt a code governing free Negroes and slaves. (Litwack, 31) Under the Anti Slave Trade Act, additional laws made transatlantic slaving a major crime under penalty of death in this year 1820 African slave trade was abolished completely and in 1824 and labeled as piracy. ‘South Carolina prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) Missouri admitted to the Union, (Nugent, 128) and immediately disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Black males lose the right to vote in Rhode Island. (Howe, 497) Mississippi prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) Ohio state legislature passes a resolution proposing African colonization linked with gradual emancipation. The resolution is soon seconded by seven other states and Delaware. (Howe, 265) Elizabeth Heyrick anonymously publishes the pamphlet /mmediate, not Gradual Emancipation (Hinks and MeKivigan, xl) again depicting the Negro removal from native lands. Creek cession in Georgia. (Howe, 354) ‘North Carolina prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) Florida Territory prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Famam, 199-200) Gradual emancipation comes to an end in New York. Slavery abolished. (Howe, 174) Michigan Territory restricts immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220) 170,130 Negroes living in Kentucky, (Brown and Stentiford, 438) and not from African slave trade. ‘The United States so desperately wanted to remove the Negro that in 1830 Congress passed and issued new rules and laws to send Negro Emigrants to Africa whenever and wherever possible. (Ernest Cox) INDIAN REMOVAL ACT May 28, 1830 broadened the United States agenda of ethnic cleansing and genocide and slavery of the aboriginal Negro people of America. From early colonization, The United States began encouraging and negotiating with the Negro to emigrate to Africa; but year after year the hopes of removing the Negro from American soil failed. The Negro was only a valuable asset to southern slavers and plantation owners, who were commercially driven to support slavery of the dark aborigine called Negro. Rufas King — U.S Senate proposed selling public lands to finance Negro emigration to Africa. Tennessee prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) Alabama prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) ‘The “Oltro Plan” of 1832 was actually designed to promote Negro Emancipation, Emigration to Colonization, but the slave states rejected this plan causing the first national divide between North and South states of the United States. This included the purchase of land in Africa by the state of Virginia for the purpose of forming the colony of Liberia. Kentucky legislature passes a law banning slave imports. (Brown and Stentiford, 437) Tennessee disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) ‘Texas legalizes slavery and declares free Negroes have no rights, (Nugent, 152) Page 8 of 22 1836 1837 1840 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1860 Roc No: oo12258 Bes. ¥P1,99272582, on Arkansas admitted to the Union, (Keyssar, 342) and disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Michigan admitted to the Union and disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) ‘Texas prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) Arkansas prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) Missouri prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200) Oregon bans free Negro settlers. (Nugent, 175) Rhode Island passes an anti-miscegenation law. (Farnam, 216) Florida admitted to the Union, (Keyssar, 342) Florida disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) ‘Texas admitted to the Union and (Nugent, 155) disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Jowa admitted to the Union and disenfranchises Negroes (Keyssar, 354) Michigan passes an anti-miscegenation law. (Famam, 216) Missouri bans all free Negro settlers. (Howe, 157) Wisconsin admitted to the Union and disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Illinois prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Famam, 220) Oregon Territory prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220) California admitted to the Union, (Nugent, 218) and disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) California passes an anti-miscegenation law. (Farnam, 216) Virginia constitution disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354) Kentucky legislature legalizes slave importation. (Brown and Stentiford, 437) Indiana prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220) Iowa Territory prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220) In 1790 the first federal census reported 697,897 slaves (Table |). Though concentrated in the southern states, especially in the tobacco production areas of Maryland and Virginia, slaves were reported in all the states except Massachusetts. By 1810, two years after the close of the foreign slave trade, the slave population had increased to almost 1.16 million, Yet after the trans-Atlantic slave trade was banned in the United States, in 1850 DeBow Statistics review for the United States recorded an increase in slave population of more than 1,740,000 people, while no foreign slave trade existed in America. This clearly represents the kidnapping of at least two million Negro from within the boundaries of North ‘America and the United States. The book “Economics of American Negro Slavery 1830-1860” written by Robert Evans, Jr., Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, (DeBow, Statistical review, p. 94. suggested that in!850 about 400,000 slaves lived in cities and towns and 2,500,000 slaves of all ages worked in agriculture with 1,815,000 in cotton, 350,000 in tobacco, 150,000 in cane sugar, 125,000 in rice, and 60,000 in hemp. 5 Ukich B. Phillips, American Negro Slavery, New York, Appleton- Century, 1936, p. 391. 188 All those acts were committed in violation of the “Law of Nations” and after the civil war that ended the southern United States slavery, the process of misclassification intensified. 1910 1912 ‘Tennessee initiates the Negro reclassification process by creating the “One Drop Rule”. ‘The most damaging of all acts and methods created by the United states defined race by the “one-drop rule", which was instituted by the state government of Tennessee and was adopted throughout the continental United states, defining as “colored” persons with any African or Native American ancestry, It also expanded the scope of Virginia's ban on interracial marriage (anti-miscegenation law) by criminalizing all marriages between white persons and non-white persons. As registrar, primary custodian and developer of Negro and Indian classification policy for Virginia, Walter Ashby Plecker directed the reclassification of nearly all Virginia Indians as colored on their birth and marriage certificates because he was convinced that most Indians had African heritage and were trying to “pass” as Indian to evade segregation. Consequently, two or three generations of Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi. Kentucky, Ohio, Florida, North and South Carolina, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Michigan, Indiana, linois, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont and Louisiana aborigine had their ethnic identity altered and misclassified on the public record documents; equating to “Paper Genocide”. Page 9 of 22 1924 1930 1934 1936 1967 1968 1986 1997 Doc Noe: 90122589 Book!11175 Page: 26 ‘The creators of the Racial Integrity Act John Powell and Eamest S. Cox believed that the Racial Integrity Act was needed as “maintenance of the integrity of the white race to preserve its superior blood” and also believed in what was called “the great man concept” which means that if the races were to intersect that it would lower the rate of great white men in the world, On March 20, 1924 the Virginia General Assembly passed two laws that had arisen out of contemporary concerns about cugenics and race: SB 219, entitled "The Racial Integrity Act" and “SB 281” ;"An ACT to provide for the sexual sterilization of inmates of State institutions in certain cases", henceforth referred to as "The Sterilization Act"; the result of which can only be a credit towards race discrimination and ethnic cleansing and genocide. ‘The Racial Integrity Act required that a racial description of every person be recorded at birth and divided society into only two classifications: white and colored (essentially all other, which included numerous dark American indigenous people.). The “Racial Integrity Act” was designed to erase Dark Indians from the public record and through constructive fraud forced the Negro into “permanent exile in his own home land”. In 1967 the law was overturned by the United States Supreme Court in its ruling on Loving v. Virginia, but not before more than twenty other states adopted the same racially suppressive laws. The Racial Integrity Act called for only two racial categories to be recorded on birth certificates, rather than the traditional six: "white" and “colored” (which included / includes) Indian and all discernible mixed race persons.) The effects were quickly seen, ‘The U.S. Census for Virginia recorded only 779 Indians and the rest were classified as “Negro”: by 1940, that number had been reduced to 198 because the rest were labeled Negro. In effect, this form of ethnic cleansing literally erased 90% of all aboriginal history from recorded history in America; the aborigine was being erased as a group from official United States records. ‘Memorial to Congress was submitted and the Senate response: "Therefore be it resolved by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, that the General Assembly of Virginia memorialize the Congress of the United States to make provisions for the colonization of persons of African descent, with their ‘own consent, in Liberia, or at any other place or places on the African continent.” Under the “Negro Peace Movement”, Negroes could receive federal aid if they agreed to emigrate to Africa and settle upon lands held in trust for emigrants from the United States. Many of the applicants had been reduced to the relief rolls, and they appealed to the President to use relief funds to aid them in taking up holdings in Liberia, President Roosevelt and the State of Virginia lobbied Congress to appropriate funds to send more than 350,000 Negro to Africa, but congress would not approve the funding to relocate those Negro who agreed to go. Racial Integrity Act inter-racial marriage laws were found to be unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court, and in 1975 the Virginia's Assembly finally repealed the remainder of the Racial Integrity Act. All classified Virginia Negro if bom before July 1960 — Supreme Court in 1968 ruled Negro could reclassify and ruled against the “Racial Integrity Act. It is common place in America for most Negro to now be referred to as “Black” in all United States census and commercial records. This classification has permanently entrenched the aborigine into sustained state of underclass totally dependent people in America, without history, heritage, culture or true identity. Finally, in America, the efforts to remove the Negro from true aboriginal standing and status, the Aborigine, who was reclassified as “Negro”, then reclassified as “Black” is now reclassified as an immigrant called “African American”; a foreigner to the lands and aboriginal rights of his own home provided by nature. (On March 3, 1997, then President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton signed Executive Order 13037 encompassing the “Commission to Study Capital Budgeting”, where he signed a Uniform Commercial Code -I filing to effectively classify United States citizens as Human Capital for the purpose of collateral funding with the International Monetary Fund. This action was committed \without “Prior Notice or Prior Consent” of, by or from the parties including “Petitioners”. ‘This Executive Order No, 13037 March 4, 1997 (specifically section 2 subsection ( b ) ) is a clear example of commercial fraud and identity theft, which furthers the deception against the Negro by Page 10 of 22 2008 2014 Doc Not 00122589 Book!11175 Pas. 27 placing the Negro unknowingly into dire international debt, where the descendants of the aborigine could now face penalties of debt, which may include removal from natural lands to foreign lands, perpetual peonage and even debt under certain draconian foreign laws and jurisdiction as a result of perpetual fraud and identity theft SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE releases “INDIVISABLE” documentary revealing dual timeline habitation between the Negro and Native American history predating colonization. Publishing of “Racial Reorganization and the United States Census 1850-1930" by Hochschild JL, Powell; includes the following statement from United States Census Director on the 15* of October 1936: “The classification by race or color of individuals, or even entire populations, is not only very difficult, but is a very delicate matter to the United States Government” - Census Director; and also “The Census Bureau should be] the greatest statistical laboratory of the United States government, worthy to rank with the best statistical offices maintained by European governments.” —Secretary of Commerce and Labor, 1902, In fact, census officials and their supporters were clearly annoyed by this Congressional imposition. Porter pointedly noted that “the persons of negro descent are further classified under the law, as follows; being outside the government.” Dr. David Imhotep, who served as President of the Egyptology Society at the Miami Museum of Science & Planetarium, also received the first Ph.D. concentrating in ancient African history from Union University in Cincinnati, Ohio and was featured in the Journal of Black Studies, issue volume- cemtitled the “African Aqualithic Period”. Based on professional peer-reviewed research, accessed privileged information and examination of files and artifacts at the Smithsonian Institute, Dr. Imhotep reveals in his book “The First Americans Were Africans” that; a) Africans began sailing to the Americas many centuries before European arrival and well before 5000 B.C. His research shows the first Asians entering North America around 3000 B.C. where they made contact with indigenous “Black” Americans who ultimately produced the first “Native Americans”; 'b) The information made available also reveals more proof of Negro in America from autopsy results of Ramses IT of 1213 BCE. The autopsy revealed his stomach had residue of American Tobacco & South American Coca Leaves. Recently, the Smithsonian Institute provided additional proof of Negro existence in America announcing the find of eleven 12,000 year old Negroid mummies at the Grand Canyon, Nevada; ©) AS late as 1312 A.D, Mali's Abubakari II's 2000 wooden ships reached the Americas exactly as their forefathers had done for tens of thousands of years; 4) In 1607 Captain John Smith himself, reported being captured by Black Indians in Virginia; ©) In 1881, John W. Powell appointed Cyrus Thomas to be the Director of the Eastern Mound Division of the Smithsonian Institute's Bureau of Ethnology. Cyrus Thomas commented on “Indian Mounds” in America; he said that, “There was a race of mound builders in America distinct from the Native American. Cyrus Thomas's map shows 1,000,000 Indian Mounds in N. America, but today's maps show less than one thousand. Hundreds of thousands of Aboriginal People were misclassified due to ethnic reclassification fraud committed by the United States through the Department of Commerce through government regulated and mandated census, which languished for decades under Virginia’s ethnic cleansing doctrines. In a 1943 letter, Walter Plecker wrote to all public officials and medical facilities asserting that Virginia Indians No Longer Exist. The damage done has left more than six generations of American Negro aborigines with their ethnic identity altered on official state sanctioned public documents; this equates to the greatest commercial acts and economic schemes of constructive fraud, identity theft and ethnic cleansing of aboriginal Americans; crimes against humanity perpetrated by the United states legislative bodies throughout its entire history Page 11 of 22 Doc No? o0122589 Book?11175 Pase: 22 CONCLUSION Through laws, policies and statutes, the actions of the United States and United States Agencies have resulted in murder, mayhem and racial genocide, divided and dislocated families, destroyed, hidden and denied culture and history of the descendants of America’s Aboriginal People. The United States and its agencies must now initiate methods of reclamation beginning with Identity Reclassification. Under current United States biased and discriminative policies, and specific to the “Indian Reorganization Act of 1934” methods of recognizing native descendants, misclassification has been covertly and destructively applied. These methods have forsaken the basic human rights of millions of aboriginal descendants. Methods and processes the same as and similar to the paper genocide inflicted by the “One Drop Rule” and concerning “half or more Indian blood” and “blood quantum” constitute constructive fraud and identity theft. The use of the Department of Interior's anthropomorphic techniques to determine American Aboriginal heritage are tools utilized to hide and misclassify a race of people based on ethnicity and are utilized for the purpose of wealth building to sustain the special class of “White” citizens in superior standing. Such violations are perpetuated by “You” as “You” are the first in the chain of United States Department of Commerce violators in the deliberate continued misclassification, identty-theft and constructive fraud against American Aborigines for financial gain, “Your” forms, policies and methods advocated have taken living Aboriginal People of America and reduced them (Petitioners”) to the legal construct of “Negro”, abandoned and left without the means to navigate or adjudicate back to a real world of substance, sustenance, Spirit and nature. PET )UESTS AND DEMA‘ S Racial Integration was America’s strictest race law. The recompense that Petitioners seek pales in comparison to the effects they currently suffer, resulting from the invidious racial discrimination they have been impacted by for more than 500 years, which was designed to encourage “white” supremacy in America. We, the “Petitioners”, misclassified aborigine descendants classed as “Colored and Negro”, seek rights afforded to indigenous people in America. We additionally seek the following: 1. To be reclassified in “Your” records as “American Aborigine’ 2. A recommendation from “Your” agency to the United States Government Executive Branch the necessity for immediate change to the overall classification process and the fraudulent appropriation of funding the United States government; 3. A cessation of current Department of Commerce financial activities, which may involve “Petitioners” without “Petitioners” knowledge or consent and for “You” to provide “Petitioners” a full accounting of transactions made by “Your” agency, which included “Petitioners” as parties to those transactions; 4, A written response to this Notice to clear the record involving “Petitioners” claims of fraud and identity theft, 5. A recommendation from “Your” agency to the United States Government Executive Branch to develop an Act, Bill or Policy requiring the United States and its subdivisions to provide the proper mechanisms and open doors necessary to aid Petitioners in heritage research and to protect against iscrimination at the Federal level while Petitioners engage in those pursuits of reclamation; also provide certain protections for people who may be oppressed or denied certain rights while establishing heritage claims and reclassification; NOTE: Often, tribally unrecognized people are threatened, arrested, their children taken and basic rights ignored simply because they are attempting 'y under their proper culture; and Page 12 of 22 Doc Nor on122529 Book#ti1i75° “Passe: 29 6. To void all debts and liens incurred by “Your” office through transacting financial instruments, agreements, dealings and promises to the Intemational Monetary Fund, World Bank and other agencies made by “You utilizing securities, bonds, notes, financial instruments or other exchanges pertaining to “Petitioners” without “Petitioners” knowledge or consent. PRESUMPTION L,I is presumed “You” are now aware that “You” are participating in international crimes against ‘humanity and will be held accountable as a Defendant in future litigation and claims pertaining to the stipulated matters addressed within this presentment. Is that not correct? 2. It is presumed “You”, being knowledgeable of facts pertaining to criminal activity, will immediately act in controversy with others who are committing such acts in violation of international law, and federal protections, and itis presumed “You” will initiate the necessary policies to begin correcting the monumental crime of constructive fraud, conspiracy to commit mass ethnic cleansing and “Your” acts ‘of committing mass ethnic cleansing. Is that not correct? 3. IL is presumed “Your” office is governed by policies to which “You” adhere and which are handed down by the office of “Secretary of Department of Commerce”, and it is presumed “You” are knowledgeable of such policies and are also in possession of those written policies and information. Is that not correct? 4. It is presumed “You” will respond to this presentment with haste and within thirty days of receiving this “Notice” and avoid unnecessary continued pain and suffering subjected upon “Petitioners” in their quest for remedy for violations of their Human Rights. Is that not correct? INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND AGREEMENTS FOR YOUR REFE] ENCE, ‘The acts and policies developed, applied and promoted by “You"’ “Your Office” and agency are liable and criminal actions committed by “You”, “Your Office” and agency in violation of international law, United States Federal law and the Law of Nations; but specifically these listed below: a) UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: The United Nations’ new Human Rights Commission set out to draft the document that became the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Roosevelt, credited with its inspiration, referred to the Declaration as the international Magna Carta for all mankind. It was adopted by the United Nations on December 10, 1948. In its preamble and in Article 1, the Declaration unequivocally proclaims the inherent rights of all human beings: “Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people...All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Page 13 of 22 b) ° d Doc Not on122589 Book=11175 Pase: 30 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, G.A. res. 220A (XXD, 21 ULN.GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 49, UN, Doc. A/6316 (1966), 993 U.N-T'S. 3, entered into force Jan. 3, 1976, “Article 1: 1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. 3. The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XX, 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No, 16) at 52, U.N, Doe. A/6316 (1966), 999 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force Mar. 23, 1976. “Article 11. All peoples have the right of self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their politcal status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, G.A. res. 2106 (XX), Annex, 20 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 14) at 47, U.N. Doe. A/6014 (1966), 660 U.N.T.S. 195, entered into force Jan. 4, 1969. Article 11. In this Convention, the term “racial diserimination” shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 78 U.N.T.S. 277, emered into force Jan. 12, 1951. Article 1 The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish, Article 2 In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part: (4) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Article 3 The following acts shall be punishable: (a) Genocide; (b) Conspiracy to commit genocide; (c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; (d) Attempt to commit genocide; (e) Complicity in genocide. Article 4 Persons ‘committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals. Article 5 The Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in accordance with their respective Constitutions, the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of the present Convention, and, in particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article IL Page 14 of 22 Doc No: on122589 Book®11175 Pasa: BL COMMITTEE ON THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION (CERD) In its “Concluding observations on the combined seventh to ninth periodic reports of United States of America’; according to the report: “. The Committee considered the seventh to ninth periodic reports of the United States of America, submitted in one document (CERD/C/USA/7-9), at its 2299th and 230th meetings (CERD/C/SR.2299 and SR.2300), held on 13 and 14 August 2014.” AC its 2317th meeting on August 26, 2014, CERD adopted many concluding observations, including the following: refer Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Racial Discrimination.’ FINAL ‘The names listed below are the names of Petitioners who are subject to this Notice, and upon your providing proper documentation and related forms without adhesions for proper classification, below listed Members, Petitioners and Signatories will review and forward such information to your office for recording purposes only and not as a means to contract with any agency. This Notice also makes it clear that the United States has prior concealed knowledge as to the standing, status and heritage of the Negro, but continues to operate in violation of United Nations policy, which implores public notice be given by the state to make the indigenous population aware of historical existence and to provide the means to correct and acknowledge the political and social incorrectness; but the United States has failed at issuing such notices and informations as required by International Law. In the matters pertaining to this Presentment, we expect immediate resolution. Chihowa Yamako Yohmi INDIVIDUAL, CLAN, TRIBE, BAND AND NATION LINEAGE MEMBERS AND SIGNATORIES 5S) trabeere Ine cor Semon lon fmenebanie & Nemrertar Towns tn tone 2 binonalen or urs 5. Gradevane Powe SS Seowntince tone ene 2 Naas Geverte Kemeth Waren owe SS ouch Tayor tte ere oer 1 temic woth fersonowe Gammon enteree = a, Sabb Roe 1s. roy eo Pro oer tm cicon Het Gente Poche 10n. te Sow Tor 1s. 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Page 21 of 22 Doc No oo12: Book Beez 1175 “Page: 38 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED TO YOU UPON REQUEST PLEASE SEND CORRESPONDENCE AS PRESCRIBED BELOW: i Xelup, NAAIP Nationsf Director P.O. Box 1598 Murphy, North Carolina 28906 Coas ATTACHMENT 1. Inspector Genera US. Department of Commerce Tod Zser 2. Inrnatioal Monetary Fund Managing Desir Chistine Lagarde 3. China Finance Minster Lou Jive 4. US. Congesioman Maine Waters 5. Mowsachasets Senator Fiabeth Waren 6 4 Secretary General of he United Nations Ban Ki-moon Insratona Human Rights Commission Chief Ambassador Dr. Muhanad Shahid Armia Khan (Chet White Howse Adhsor Vai are Nonice Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it ater any aboriginal standing / status in ‘any manner. The purpose for notary is verification and identification only and to effect estoblishment of international ‘Sworn Affidavit and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction. State of North Carolina County of Cherokee /ss. hemoc-xelup:Ceclares to be the age of majority. one capable of making this Notice and International Affidavit, and that this Notice and Intemational Affidavit is made with clean hands in good faith, with Explicit Reservation of Rights acknowledged, executed, and certified that this Notice and International Affidavit is tue and correct pursuant to Lav {except as to matters stated to be on information and belief, and as to those, believes those 10 be true, this Twenty-Sixth Day of the Twelfth Month, A.D. Two-thousand Fourteen bitbata Polies liga! /4_2oie : Notary Public My Commission Expires Barbara Pickens Notary Publie| Charokes County, NC Providar Received For Rec 2452015 at 10:46 vient Huw” 00122559 John @ Hurehy Recorder of Deed! Page 22 of 22

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