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Instructor: Mr. Fishman


Instructor Availability:
Come see me before or after school any time. If you
need help let me know and I will find a time to help

Course Description
The second social science course at Simeon is a study of United States History. allows
secondary students to better comprehend the people, ideas, and forces that have
shaped our countrys history and analyze the elements of culture that influence how we
have gotten to our current situation. Looking back on the achievements, shortcomings,
significant events, and conflicts in our country, students will ask questions to expose the
why of our history and use critical thought to form opinions regarding our past. An
understanding of history empowers individuals to claim their rights, balance their own
interests with those of the community, and participate effectively within their system of
government in addition to deepening an understanding of the human experience.
Goals and Objectives:
Students will learn and practice such skills as: determining cause and effect, reading for
knowledge and writing to disseminate new information, and evaluation of the past to
create a clear understanding of the present. We will use writing extensively to answer
the questions that we ask.
Classroom Guidelines and Civility Statement:
- Students in World Studies are expected to come to class prepared every day, and are
expected to be respectful to their classmates. As there will be daily discussions and
numerous projects over the course of the year, real collaboration between students must
take place. Respect must be shown to everyone and to all ideas.
- Disruptive speech and/or behavior will both impact the students grade and be a cause
for disciplinary action. Bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstance.
United States History by Prentice Hall
Additional teacher chosen readings
Students will not receive a copy of the textbook. A class set of books will be located in
the room and will be utilized during class period. Homework assignments will not be
dependent on the textbook. If it is necessary for a student to have access to a textbook,
special arrangments need to be made with Mr. Fishman.
A few simple rules for class:
NO PHONES! They are just distracting for everyone involved. Put them away. I will
follow the established Simeon rules when a student is on a phone in the class.
No eating or drinking - eat in the cafeteria, a classroom is not a lunchroom
No swearing this shouldnt need to be a rule

Sit in the right place dont sit somewhere else or move a desk and sit where you
want to sit
Books will be put away before you leave my classroom, you will put your textbook
Students are expected to:
be active participants in their education.
put forth effort every single day to make the class a positive experience for all.
be prepared every day.
complete all work to the best of their ability.
Parents and guardians are expected to:
be active participants in their students education.
ask their students about their day and what did they learn.
attend Report Card Pick-up day to conference with the teacher.
monitor student progress on the Parent Portal.
The teacher is expected to:
be available for additional assistance and help for all students.
put forth effort every single day to make the class a positive experience for all.
be prepared every day.
communicate with the students and parents regularly.
keep an up-to-date gradebook.
Academic Honesty/Plagiarism:
Students are encouraged to discuss and debate issues related to class with each other
but plagiarism, copying from fellow students, and other attempts to get out of doing
ones own work on homework/classwork assignments will not be tolerated. The first
offense will result in an automatic grade of zero (0) for the student(s) involved. Repeated
infractions will follow Simeon/CPS policy pertaining to academic dishonesty and
plagiarism. All plagiarism will be reported to the parents.
CPS Grading Scale:
100% - 90% of total
89% - 80% of total
79% - 70% of total
69% - 60% of total
59% - 0% of total




an A
an F

Grade breakdown will be as follows:

Academic Excellence


Please feel free to contact me (email is best) with any questions or concerns. I look
forward to working with each and every one this school year.

Mr. Fishman

It is important to become an active participant in your education!!!

US History Syllabus
By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the policies and
procedures stated in this syllabus. Review and signing of this syllabus will count a
participation grade. Return this page to Mr. Fishman by Friday, October 16th, 2015 to
receive credit, if it is turned in tomorrow (Wednesday) you will receive extra credit.
Please feel free to leave a note to the teacher at the bottom of this form.
Student Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: __________________________________________________________________
Student Email: ______________________________________________________________________
Parent Name:_______________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent Email: ________________________________________________________________________
Parent Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________

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