Notice of Interest - Senator Reed

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FROM THE DESK OF THE POMHAM November 6", 2015 Senator Jack Reed Washington DC office 728 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20515 -3903 Wigwosan Senator Reed, On behalf of the Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe, a member Tribe of the Affiliated Tribes of New England Indians (ATNE!) and the Federation of Aboriginal Nations of America (FANA|, | am reaching out regarding the ‘upcoming Congressional vote on Congressional Bill H.R. 3764 Tribal Recognition Act of 2035. | trust this correspondence finds you in good health and spirits. ‘Although the stated goal of the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is to"... enhance the quality of life, to promote economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives.” in practice the policies of the BIA have served {as a consistent tool for disenfranchising and disuniting Aboriginal peoples throughout the United States. {As you are aware, only 566 Tribes have received the designation of Federal Recognition from either Congress or the BIA. However, from a historic perspective, there are hundreds of additional Tribes throughout this nation that have histories, traditions, cultures and ways of life that predate the formation of the US Republic, itis for this reason that the Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe is reaching out to you today to formally request your support for Congressional Bill H.R. 3764 Tribal Recognition Act of 2015 and the termination of the Bureau of Indian Affairs ability to designate Federal Recognition to Aboriginal Tribes and Nations, {tis the opinion of the Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe that the BIA’s policy of Federally Recognizing certain tribes of Aboriginals while arbitrarily denying others has served to do nothing more than 1) erode efforts to promote unity and solidarity among the Aboriginal nations by creating and supporting an informal caste system for Aboriginal people, and 2) has supported, either directly or indirectly, the erosion of Aboriginal tribal government structures by forcing elements such as popular elections upon Aboriginal governments, which are not traditional, and 3) by not adequately addressing concerns of corruption on the part of Tribal officials of Tribes and Nations under the control ofthe BIA. Particularly because of the negative history and experiences that Aboriginal Tribes and Nations from the ‘New England area have had with the BIA, it is the opinion of the Mashapauag Nahaganset Tribe that the time is appropriate to formally express our opinion that the BIA has utterly failed in its mission, and should immediately be stripped of its powers to Federally Recognize any Tribal Nations. Further, itis our understanding that Senate Bill Number S465 “Thomasina E, Jordan indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act of 2015” has already passed Congress and is awaiting Senate approval. As you are a ‘member of Rhode Island's Congressional Delegation, and as this Act sets a precedent supporting our stance, the ‘Mashapaug Nahagenset Tribe is writing to express our official support of ths bil and to formally request both your ‘support of S465 as well as your assistance in securing services, resources and supports for the Tribe which, by our designation as an Aboriginal American Indian Tribe, we are both entitled to and lawfully and proactively pursuing, Enclosed with this communication please find a copy of the Public and Constructive Notice that the Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe has filed with the Providence County Register of Deeds and served to the US Department of Energy. It should properly address any questions you may have regarding our Aboriginal American Indian status and standing. Additionally, please also find copies of communications that have already been sent to RI Governor Gina Raimondo and Ri State Attorney General Peter Kilmartin expressing the Mashapauag Nahaganset ‘Tribe's desire and intent to have specific lands repatriated to the Nation. Lastly, please consider this communication the Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe's official request for a meeting with you to discuss a strategy for addressing the concerns expressed in this communication, in a speedy and productive manner. {In closing, katapatush for your time and immediate attention to the afore mentioned matters. We look forward to connecting with you in the very near future. ‘Aquene Kah Peesh Kunaush Neesu Wushuwunoag Pomham Sachem ‘The Mashapaug Nahaganset Tribe

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