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Cara Fotofili, Baudrillard/Eco

Contemporary Theory essay 2013

Knowledge 25 marks
The ability to structure, document and develop a coherent argument
This is a fascinating study of the relationships between Baudrillards theories of hyper-reality,
simulacra etc. and Ecos novel. These relationships are teased out and discussed with great
clarity and insight the overall argument of the essay is handled in way that is convincing
and subtle. There are a few problems with the structure of the essay on the micro level
many of the paragraphs are quite short, and the reader is not always told how they relate to
the overall argument until later on, while there is some repetition and a couple of instances
where the ideas would have been more effective earlier in the essay. Nonetheless, the ideas
are consistently well-supported and backed up with specific examples, quotes, etc.
Critique 25 marks
The ability to identify tensions, contradictions, ambiguities and parallels within and
between discourses
The essay is based on parallels drawn between Baudrillard and Eco, and these are discussed
effectively with differences as well as similarities noted. These theories are additionally
contexualised in terms of other aspects of post-modernist and proto-post-modernist theory,
including Lyotard and Nietzsche.
Research 20 marks
The ability to locate, discriminate and analyse specific material
There is evidence of extensive research, drawn upon throughout the essay in the form of
quotes and examples.
Communication 20 marks
The ability to initiate/engage in dialogue using appropriate language and method to
construct, survey or support an argument
The essay is written in an impeccably clear and fluent style, hindered only by the slightly
fragmentary effect of the paragraphing.
Bibliography and referencing 10 marks
The ability to correctly and clearly reference information used in essay
APA references are employed appropriately. Page numbers are required in many cases for intext citations. Minor issues with order of entries in list of references.


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