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A DICTIONARY OF INTERMEDIATE JAPANESE GRAMMAR ___ Bem ‘The apanTimes SEER Copyright © 1995 by Seichi Makino and Michio Tsotsi ‘Apher, Nopar of hi pboe my be eroded sere ia rele, o tami nay for oy fey mem, etn, acne, piconet. or cari wit te or rie emo oe ble int eon: June 1995 19% ping: October 2001 ‘Bieri isistance: OPTIMA Cop Cover a: CADEC Ie. Poblsed by The Japan Times, Ld 54, Shiau &-chome, Minato, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan Phone 03-3453.2013, -nnptockla opatmes cov ISBNE-7890.0775.8 Prine in open Preface ‘This isa ditonay of imemadiate Japanese grammar, a companion volume tw Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar published in 1986 by te same autor. While DBIG was designed primary for students and teaches of ‘ogling level Japenese, thie volume i designed for stents and teachers of intermediate level Jepanese. Aer examining relevant textbook, sme ‘eferences on seaence pater, and authentic sources used in inteediate tnd vance apanese cures, we have chosen approximately 200 emis Which we Believe wo bet most inporan grammatical tems for intermediate Sepanes eae. "The format of thi itor i th te a that of A Dictionary of Basie Japanese Grammar. or te coaveieace of readers who have nt wet DBIG te he repented fom tht text the sections To the Reader snd rams ‘Terms nti volume, however, we have mdfied Tote Render sigh and ave add some enres to Cramnatical Terms. Along withthe Japanese inde, there ran English index tat ist the English equivalents fo each ery. (ne difrence between the two volumes i that no romanization bas beso [wovided for examgle sewznces in A Dictionary of Iemediate Japanese (Grammar Ista, frigona(hagan ovr kan) wed "Needless to ye owe «pea el Yo cor profecor, whose works ae liste in he references. Withou tel Linguist nights we could never ave vite thi ition. We would ike to hank or coleagse, fens, and Spouses, who have Kindly answered our persistent questions and shared tbe Tanguage intuition. However fr fear of omission, we woud rather nt atempt s comprebensive ling of mes. Even so, we want meatlon deri ‘as who made this publication possible Ss, Ms. Chiaki Seido from the Japan Ties who etd oor manisrpt mos conssendoutly and efeivels, ‘and bsped we invalualy wih er comment snd suggestions. Aso, ose hanks ‘fot Ms Carmel Dowd and Ms, Sharon Tau, ho eited or English minke it more eadble ‘We sincerely hope tht this diconary willbe usefl in faring oar seater! undestanding of apes Spring of 1995 sich Matino Michi Tatu ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Pretice ‘To the Reser... List of Abbrevitons ist of Symbole Gramma Tem nn Special Topics in TnemediteJpanese Gramar 1. Discourse Grammar (Mechanism of Cotesion:Intersententil Reference (2) Phenomens of Tense snd Foray Swings 2. Newspaper Grammar 3. Convesaonl Statics 4, ‘Toward Beer Resting Comprebesion: Analyzing Sentences Accurately. Main Bes Aprendines 1. Rotahana Word Transcription Rules 2. Compound Verbs (61 (sy ia) tno} ey 03) 0) 0) 60) 9 a) wa, 3) 1612 a3 is 025 4 s 6 2 8 Compound Paces Conjunction Anes: Profs and Sofies ‘More Counters Cooseunence Functional Expressions and Grsnmatic! Pater Engl Index Jopanese Index References a 6 os on 06 1s us 188 ‘To the Reader ‘Tis icionury cosa ofthe following pac: ‘AL GranmaticalTems conains bit explanaons o informal defnions of he grammatical terms aed in thi book. If reader ind ht they 20 not far wid tese tems itis eggeted that they read hs scion cael ._ Special Tpes in ermelaeJapancre Grammar dicate selected op. ‘es Jpanese discourse prammar, newspaper grammar, converatinal te ies and sentence sroctre analy fr reading comprehension. The se in inrodoces readers toa numberof important concepts with which they sould be familiar in order to improve thei reading and conversations! il, CMain Bre consis the core ofthe volume, Each ety is organized 1s follows —__ [Omens Ommanat) Sian] | [Sima] © ho © (peated expen’) © Key Sentences) © Formation © Examples) ® Nate) © (Related Expressions) coarer—v—w—/ © {eoty name} ach entry is ven ia romanian spelng flowed by is hragona version. Eaties are alpbabedclly ordered tased on tice romanized spetings. @ {part spec: Esch entry is followed by its prof speech, @ (usage esricton: <> or ew> is provided when teeny item is wed i) only in spoken Japanese or ely in writen Japanese and fomal speeches, especialy © Geaning function): The general meaning o fonction of the entry item Ss given the bor telow te entry nae, © (Eaplsh coumerpun(): English expressions equvalen wo the enty ‘tm are given othe right ofthe bo. © (elated expression): Mere which are semantically related to the aur item ae ised as [REL. ab, bbb oc). Expression ia pala 976 ‘ike aot ace expsined in the entry under [Related xpression()} (, Expressions in bold pe like Ob contain comparisons 0 He fot item under [Related Expresion(] fr B66. ‘Wey Sentence, Key seneacespreseat pls seeence pate in frames according to semtence sroctre, The rcureat clement ae pritd in re @ Formation: The word formation rls coast forms foreach te are provided with examples, The recurent element ee printed in rd @ Examples: Example sentences ae provided for each ety. @ Notes: Notes cota important piss conceriag the ws ofthe te. D [Related Expresson(s)]: Expressions which are senantealy close to the ear ite ae compared snd thei diflerences ae xpi’. (200 (DBIC: 000-000) is Fomation, Notes, and [Related Expres sion] indicates tht the item which was refemed wo (.e, aga) is explained ‘on 9p. 000-000 ofthe companion volume: A Dictionary of Basic Japanete Grammar. D. Appenicer cotsns information sich ae fatatana word tsasxipon rules, compound verbs, compound partes, conjunctions, prefies and sites, cours, cooccurence, and functional expressions and grammar ters 1. Inderes provides both Japanese index and an English index. The Japanese index includes the main ens, te items explnined in [Related "Expesion()], and the lems covered in A Dictionary of Baie Japenese CGrommar, The English index includes English countess of te mala ty ites 8 ww List of Abbreviations Ai) «type adjective (eg ta yas) ‘Aajin) = ype abjective (eg. goki, shistac) AP ajecve phase ‘Aun = any (Comp. pt. = compound particle (oni = conjuncsion Cop = cops (8 dos) DBIO=A Dictionary of Basle Japanese Grammar Dem. aj = demonsaive adjective (eg. hoo, soma) DO. = irc objet Fal =fomal Gz Group Inf =lafora In. = ineection I= euler KS Key Sentence ILSV = Location + Soject + Varo Nenoun Neg =repaive Nom. namin (6 no ot) NPs noun pie Par = pase PL plan Pot = pote Pret pec (8.6 909 Pro. = pronoan| r= panicle tuo} Scone =concessiv clase (ea clase wHich ends with temo or seme) ‘Sood = codon clause (Le. a clause wich ends with 62 and ta) Sin sentence ta nds with an normal diate SLV = Subject + Location + Verb So.= someone Sx=soneting SOV =Subject+ Object + Verb SV'= Subject» Verb sue smenze Suf = sti eg. 58,98) ‘eond = cooional tm of Gr. 1 eth (og hanas of harass) Vint = informal for of Ve (2. hanst,hanshia) ‘Vasu = masu-stem of Verb (eg, Para fharashiasu, ab of aboasi) {YN = Chinese ogi compound noun whi: fos a ver by afixing su (. ant yatta) ‘Vneg= informal epative form of Gr. 1 Ve (eg anse of harass!) P= ver pase ‘pots verb potential form (eg. yomery, beaver) sem =sem of Ge 2 Vb (8. tbe of bau) ‘Vio t-form of Verb (hana, at) ‘Vwol= volionl fom of Ve (eg. Rant 10/0) - = wed in wrtng and formal speech ely ‘Whverd =n ntopgative word (ena, oka) un List of Symbols eattew, 72m dees of uci inde by eer of pion ms sy ee epoxy twa, ve er wo accept the asterisked sentence.) ™ (ATBI ca AC or BC IV? AD)at= Vo AgON9 ‘ano Goer wre ig sdb wel tebe 9s Than, Ai ata) tra! tet Ala eee Aion ctaanotn) 0 (Grammatical Terms “The following ae be explanton of some grammatical terms din hit ictonay “Active Sentence A sentence which deeribes an sein fom the agent's ‘point of iw (ef Pasive Semoce) Inactive setenes, the sje isthe gent Sentences (a) and () below are an ative anda passive sentence, respectively, @ Biuzsve Leon, (oe teacher soled Soh) © YavaKEcLhoAt, (on was sealed by the teacber) ‘Agent One who lates and/or completes an action or an event. The ‘gente not always in the subject poston. Compare the positions ofthe agent, Bilin) a8 (@ Emie—vexor, (ill hic Mara) & ePeEMicKR At (tart was it by Bl) Appositive Clause (Construction) A clase which modifies a noun (or noun rts) and explains wha the modifled noun. In (Mea ge Tamm aa 'Mary met Tem isan apposive clause, and is what i ‘tbe fc ees @ Berry-wrackorbRebotws, (Gino he Fc that Mary met Tom) Auullary Adjective A.depeadet ajective that is preceded by and U3) stare toa verb or acter asectve. The boise parts ofthe faliow- ng sentences ae typical asl aecives @ Ravsretoceun, (at Joa ogo there) ©) cotiaiorry, (his dcdooary I etsy to we) © RurLadictu, (wa eat us) @ Appeadix 3 (BIG: 585-88) ‘Mype Adjective An adjective whose nnpes recominal form ends with |. Beample of tye ajetvs ae tla “igh, expensive” and 0 ston. ss en (0, (Ch nesype Adjective) @ HE (an expensive book) Bok (4 stong person) ype adjectives are fre subdivided ito two types: ype adjectives which dwt and thone with on-ahi endings. Moet adjsives with send ngs express human emedon (such as usa “happy Aaah “sa sais “inex” lars “penfl); the non adjectives are sed for objective Aescrpons (atcha “iack eh “wht, ho! spacious” aa "high expensive Main Clause When sectnce consists of two clases, ove mated by & subordinate conjunction (sich as fre, deed, rode, and on) and the thet ot marked by a subordinate conjunction, te late sealed «main ele, "The bold-faced parts of) and) re main lass, @ itedieitvo Bic on. en Clonadewersh siagh en hese) ©) RECEKE Lone Sie. et py be stad i) Wen stn «la dt ea Spe a ‘referred to as a main clause as in (c). = © Wesos, Bionérareeitehe, Cer athe ow ore omy Het) Noctype Adjective An adjective whose nnpestpetomieal form ends With na. For example, shade ‘quiet and gon “heathy” are neype stv, an (ch ne Adctve) @ Beet (4 quiet hose) Seed (a belty person) ‘Nesype sjecsives ae very similar to nouns. Some naype sjetivs can be ‘ed as real nouns a8 shown in). All nape ajeives behave ab one hen they ae used befor the copla as shown in), ©) dors, (Peat is impos, you know.) ce memes (a eat person) cittisEnres, (never forget your kindest) MA (kind person) ©) conaRm BE (8/24 / Hons OLE / betes tee D8RA/ Cetmon/Cemmetac lth (his person Us was/is wasnt ely sade) eal Nominalier A nominalizs is a parle tht nes sentence nto & oan rte orcas, There are two nominliers no and koto: he fomer repre sent the spekersenpatete elng evar a event sae expose int ‘nominalized oun pase lus; the le represents the speakers eave) ‘t-empatee feting towards an eve sate (© no (BIG: 518-22); hot! (DBIG: 193-86) ‘Noun Phrase / Cause Panicle | Preicate ‘Senence ‘Nominalier hteke ovee | we | (Reading Japanese is ial) “The nominaie sentence canbe used ia ny positon where an erry noun fora nor pase / clase canbe used Partcplal Construction The conscton whish expresses an action scompanying stuston expose nthe main cau. The patil constr. on fen involves fon sin (2) a @ Bas-peheenz score. (Taking of my cout, 1 hang on a banger) & yore thie A (Siting 00 he sf ead newapsper) Passive Sentence A sentence which describes an ation by someone fom the viewpoint of sameone ela who alot by that ston, (ef, Active Sen tence) (ad () are passive setences. @ Bavvcarnr (Qs besten by Bll) @ BieREcdons, (i Taro was annoyed by the fact that Akko cried, (= Taro was noyed by Akko’ ering) 3 Potential Form A ver form tht expresses competence inthe sake of ‘ean dost” The formation i a olows G1 Verte Veood+ 8 og, Be (cana) Or 2 Verbs Vaem+ 6S eg, R (a deci loking cake cake whic looked dsisout) « ‘Punctual Verb A verb that represents a momentary acon which ether occurs once, a ina, or ean be repeated continously, a a () (0) fis (gaoinom; sss (oy 2% cep 2 (mane ‘ene (oop th 8 (weenie) () HEF Crop; 68% (pluck off; 178 cick); HA Gump; > Cio ‘Wit he auntie ver the panel ves in (a) express a state aera ston was taken, and thos asin) express ether arepested action ora tte sera ston was taken. (> Appendix 2 (DBIG: 582-84) Stative Verb A vet which represent state of something o someone a Soe pat a ine sn). (© Appendix 2 (DBIG: 582-84) (4 (exist of inanimate thing); 4 (exis (animate tings) 2 (eed); dk (can do) Subject The sbjet isan element of seotence which nests an ageut ‘ofan ata native seatences (a a) oF an experience fan aeton (5 in () someone o someshing that sin sate o station (a in), and (0). The subjects normally marke bythe parle gen Japenese unless itis the sentence toi. (@ Yaramaceben, (ohn ae an apple) &) x7 um ohB ics ts (ary was paz by her teacher) es) “Pio! eradton, fev (Be door oped) © Wrtons, (Gt One bi esas (2 Ther i a be}) (BaF, (Thesis be) Subordinate Canse A cise which embedded ino a mae cla with & subordinate conjnction, Typeset cnjncton ar i ar “eects ee eau kar dough and non ‘ldough Tos ln) eto tetldicd clase withthe sbrdinte conjunction nade eo ed into the main clase Notayara-san wa galAéoyasund, “Mt. Nakayama as abst fom school (File nutter noc (Nakayama was absent from schol becase be hal beadace) ‘Te informal form of verb / adjective ally use in a subordinate case Summ: (<> Prefix / Sut) Suraverd A verb which i composed of x noun and suru (x(a) or single word and sry (Ex (2). Nowe preceding su are mostly Chinese ‘gin words. Sur-verbs conjogt athe same way 8 su GW rs Cosma: BETS Co clean HEMLES (o say up 1s) © 77948 (olmedes #4248 Co sien) (©) BTS Corea: HFS (o gues) ‘Transitive Verb A verb tat request object 1 wll expresses ‘anacton that ct upon so, or india bythe direct object. Actos in fate by taastve vers include real causative (ach a8 dass “nk (26) ‘20,20 Aerosy ll) miso ‘shot’ naka ‘make 50 cmos "pa lice’), exchange (sah agar piv mora rcev, faro ive) crea on (ich 8 tsutry “nak, Jak “wri, hangosn tik’), conmuniaion (evch se hanay ‘spe, oan "each, feutaons ‘convey & mesage’) and ‘ters Note that some English wns: verbs are invasive in Japanese. @ “Keiteas, (Gc With me ear iss, (2Tave 2 ear)) ) Hantens, (it To me money is necessary. (1 need money) © ax8KdP ithedos, (Ui. To Me Stith Coinee is ndertandable, (Mr, Smith ander stands Chines.) @ wit77y aBed Libs. (it Tome Freach is abit possible, (= can speak French ite) © Renubientarcdor. (Me. Kinoshita met his father in Tokyo.) ©) Sena RemoR, (i Tome the bel wasnt abe, (© Iwas’ able to esr he Bell) @ cceenbilivkasrs. (From here Mt Fuji is visible _(2 We can te Mt. Fj fom hee)) BBeHcRv ELK, (We ode tlle in) ( sutcdrcossin, (tseoms tat Tesemble my mor) Verbal A sence eames wich ads he aon ote of sb Jest Aves isa an ate, or nun flowed yo opel nono Bek ehlben cele, (Cotaied many kaj this tem) en 2b! Loniteeceiiin, 2 Gs erm every aay bole) ca 9 URE, (Miss ray aan) Won Sentence A senecin wich enon xp he wil. The in ve Inch secs atelier) ) Metco sass les, sites) Woaweton A qusion dt ak inomalon shout wo, wr, here, whic, when, hy and how, ak exemplified by (a) (below. (6h YerNo Question) @ i ® (What wi you eat) © Ecutaste, (Where are you going?) © URED ei. (When ar you going back to Osaka?) © ErUtipancere (ow come you don't buy it?) © RERuesRaete, (ow can I gett Tokyo Staton?) ‘Whword An joterognive word which comesponds to English words Sch as who, what wher, which when why and how. Te following a some examples 0) FE cowhor, H whan; 2 (where); 2 whee BLP tae Gow come / why: 29 Gow) sy Note hat Jpanese Wh-wont re ot lays fund in sentence poston: they se feguely found afer tape noun phrase, as shown in () and (©) below ©) Bao r—tsemarks Lam (Git To yesterday's pay, who came there? (@ Who came to yester- fay’ party) cf MUMBO OF ICE Lt (bo came to yesterdays party) @ B¥eumeva ten (it fn Japan whi you do? (= What ld you doin Japan) of MEAKCLE LAI, (tat i you doin Japon?) Yeo Question A question tat can be answered by ha / 6's" or “na (cl. Whqueton) Examples fellow @ & Fisacktuee. (Did Me Ueda comer) Be itu, ELS (es, be & Bheanliers, (is Me. Suzuki a sent?) B wd, S9beD EAS (No, se) pa Hite ne Pie Special Topics in Intermediate Japanese Grammar 1. Discourse Grammar (@) Mechanism of Cohesion: Inter-sentental Reference ‘When two or more sentences are recognized at coesive sequence (Ley score) rater thn a collection of una sentoes, in many lnsances the discourse involves cern linguistic mechani o malta cobevenese betwen sentences * Among sich mechusisms oter-enteai reference ie one of he most commen ones Inter satential eference (ISR) is kind af ference in whic an element in 8 senznce refers to vomching or somone mentioned in anthe semance, Specifically, when reference is made to an entity metioed a previous sentence, i is called “nnaphavic reference” or “anaphora” Anaphor i the ‘mos common ISR. Examples of ansphor te given in (1). In ths dcoae the boli-aced pas (i, anipborc elements of enphors) refer to prone ‘things mentioned in previous sentece, 0) chialiidek ReMi oliess, cobktiSaame “knives abo iol yeoman ah ani. SL ‘ee of ate i cop ascetic “nto ei tes enon ey cay. Fer xan seas esi cts ut ft ss be aca te 4 ese pt gether pct emen os esa Itsy we nog ste “Aaa chan man ctv eee sexes ihe oni. ‘As ttf i, tn conocin ous) sch ie oe cone aese entece ae ycnea ences ete © £L€ Gnd ead, £2 (ets LiL however: (eer oak Hate (reaps 300226 iemayy #0 to he (co Apenic Coston) 0) Rae ulkaiinc ori, hoe cnamcummcty aba des, tached ile, MUR CMMER BL EL 9 CHEN BeLtHa, bia teem (his is story bout a child named Sebel ad gourds After thi ic en, he We between Seibel and gourds was severed, However, be toon found something to subtit for gourde—painting. He sat devoted 1 it ashe once was to gourds. (Shiga Naoys! See and he ours) [As sea in (1), vaso kind of elements can apear a naphos, icing pronouns, oped nouns an elated nos. In aon, anapors a lied A. Pronoons| Pronouns canbe elsif into two gowps:peronl pronouns (wash aj ih hare “bey and densasrative pronouns (aes serova those, soko “bathe place’ ‘Anapers peronlprocoass are isto peron pronouns sing sre" anno she and thee pal foms. (1) preseate an example of ae "Among demonsvaive pronouns, ay the 2° and ko- series can be maporc. (1) ives examples of sor ant (2) an example of kore. * @ Atlemiio—yeonn—ey Mit Ragon. cat, WE EFL ewshillos-7overobsdLeitonio(ena). (Company A bas decided to rede the price of Mere word proses Ser by fie percent. Tela st regain (Tis st im tein ing) ter ecently declining share ofthe word: processor marke) ‘ea cn be wed a conveon oe ooalng wich awa ba ‘Se eaterndihe hae, In oe oni, Sas (@o you now whee be gis paner sony i whieh was hee Bad, anuildisasioca, (Gn wate; Yama ing 0%.) on | 'B, Repeated Nouns ‘An anaphoric noun in many instanoes, «repetition ofits antecedent Proper nous an aniecedet is « proper nou, the most eet way to refer tothe sane ent in a Ine sentence isto repeat the same proper noun. For example in (D, Sates repeated nthe second sentence. Common nouns ‘Whe an antecedent i » common nou, the same nou may appear as an snapor in certain situations. For example, i an antecedent refers to gente ates, the same noun canbe repeated with no modifier. retan “gourds! jn the second and third sentences in (1). If antecedent refers toa specific iy, on the other and the same noun may apes in Iter sentence eer With or witout «demonstrative adjective (e, soo theo kno “hs ‘A demonstrative adlecv is neesary if the referent woul be terse inter preted as non anaphvic because of nck fsficien content interpre its Anapors. For example, in (3) the ato “parent inte second sentence oes not refer to the same apartment mesioned inte frst eeatece, while in (4) sono opto "hat apartment does refer tothe sme apartment mentioned it theft sentence. @ Hawa rvortonebe, var bbilrne nem. (saw an apartment in Boston yesterday. Job ls an parent today) © WANK ROP REMI Yar aR EOP KERR, (saw an spareent in Boston yesterday, ohn leo sw that parteet today) 1), onthe other hand, there is suicieat cone to net the kazaa ‘unite’ inthe second setence sb anaphoric; therfoe, no demonstave ‘tecive ie neces, © 2x, Rhzmemecky Lremmesangecessenrs cB 2 I, BotBilonBicnoc Ton, MBRENE Bocilor, Creonkecdttonidlt fired wal coma Team) (Cate, the wacher gave the gourd he had taken from Seibel to a old Jnl asf i was thy object. The janitor ook it home and git on pilin bis small ingy room. (Shiga Naoys Sie andthe Gourds) ‘When reference is made in later paragraph, the anaphoric noun often appers with a relive clave which rere Mentying inforation about the efereat metiona ear. For example, in the sary of Cinderella, oe of Cinderela shoes comes off when she ru down the sts ofthe place 10 hry ome. Whea tis she prefered to in alter paragraph the reference could Lok ke) © vegLovhiiteme UH one teen, Berl oelfees in, (Using the shoe Cinderela lost on the stars sa ele, the pine bad is men look for ber.) . Related Nos Anaporis reference often costs with nouns or noun phrases) which a nt the same as bat are elated to heir antecedents, There ae te suo Wich “elated owns” appear a angpors (@)_Sirations where an anapor and its antecedent refer tothe se ety (ee anapor) (©) Siruations where an anapor refers to par ofits antecedent refeeat (Gemi-dizetsnaphor} (6) Satins where an anapbor refers to an eaiy infeed rom previous cote (inde anaphora). Direct anaphora In det anaphora, reference canbe made by nouns which ef to larger cae vies than tes aecedents refer. For example, in (7) the hava ‘ower in the second semeoce refers to the salura ‘chery (lessons) inthe fst sea tence. In his ae, «demonseave adjective is mandatory. © HubBov rans, (20/0 Haane ances 3 [seo tomes nr arERSSDLATE APANESE ORO | ‘stata (Chemy blosioms ae the symbol of Jean. They it, These flowers) ‘ne loved by everyone) Adina examples of det anabora can be sen in (8) nd). © Raumelcke, coBanodittiios 224— nae (Yama came to see me yesteréy. This guy was ove of my cles mates in my bigh school dys) ©) Bows —eihon, coRF ea 2 sieitiolkica—o, xotooblii77—.cWLe. (@ heard Kezuhito Yamashita play guitar (i. Kazbito Yamashi's ‘ta. This gaius guitarist won tre interstons competion ia Europe when he was stosn) Semidret anaphora In smi-iectanaphors, an anapbore noun sfc opr (or an element of sueceden's referent. Fr example, in (10) te yuk or i the second sen tence refer othe flor ofthe aparment menened inthe fe sentence, In this case the anupbor dos not require a demonstrative adjective 10) EMA ROR KERR. Rico LM ste T eH Rote (Yesterday Yan aparment in Boson, Athough tee wee some Scratches on the lot, was good aparmest) Indirect anaphora In indirect anaphora, there Is no explicit antecedent. The referent of an snapor is infeed fom a previous Sentences) For example, in (1), the ‘genta ‘ems’ in the soond sentence doce nt refer to anything which is ircly mentioned in the Fist seatence. Rate, refers to someting whichis Infered from tht sentence, In this cate, the anapor doesnot require 4 demonseatve adjective, OD ERROR ER okie on, Heshiibeli Cale inept oe valley of Kara some ngs Sg ale ‘ote ound of waves, he supe that ests fe fen but umes eto ee snd the moan (hr ke te Gita: ond wind Seti hd ep power ie a he ah rumbling. (91 Heels nif erin ihe soe thug wait fs ingiag ed be so i he [1] The sand ppd ‘er he soul sop Shingo wes onran by fa rte fst Soe {2 cil an heh hs ie th be fi th ha teen procaine (3) Shing add ofc obey ft ‘asthe sound of te win rth soon of wave ring inhi a td be shoupt i wasposble ta re was ny som (1) Ba the wasn ob athe a ard th sound of te moun) Logically speaking, the anti could ave writen every sentence inthe past tense. Nevers, the author smetines use the pat tense and smetines the noopast ese. Tn ths paste, S sentences (i.e, Sentences 1,2, 4, 5,6) ent, ‘of 14 sentences ain the nonpas tense sown bythe double underline, the ‘rasan the origi! noapast predicate i eased axing the nonps ee ‘dicted. Tn oter words, a switch rom the pas tens othe noopst hat occured in those 5 seaencs, ‘An examination ofthe 5 seaeaces inthe wonptt tense revels ha these sentences deseibe a citeumstance that surouns Shingo, tein characte af 8) ‘he sory. Theses ofthe sentences (Le, seaences 3, 7-14) describe inthe pas, tense whatever Shingo di orf in he pve cecumsaaces. To pit inset cal tems, ese svtching is a strategy avallable to the weet differentia & "tage and» set of chronologies event tat oecur wih that sage. The age is cerainlyinpoatin ht defines a space in whic drama develops, bt itis ear important than te erama isl. So, import, mat information is deserted inthe past tense, whereas selavely unimgortant circumstantial lnfomaton i desebe in the nonpast ese. The ws of sich nonpet tess ‘ta effec of eetng a vivid ene of inmedltenes for he eae ‘A pial that appear to gover Tese Switching goes as fllows: Principle of Tense Switching ‘A par of past evet (often state rater than an ation) canbe descibed ‘sng the romps eis, ifthe ster pereives ito be relatively unimportant ‘runt lnfortin that has no iret bearing upoa the major story Hs B. Formality Switching By fomallty ltching Is mean switching from Frmal syle informal le ose freien switching fom informal style to formal syle. The later, ‘itching fom informa yet forma ye, ocursin spoken Japanese, "The Informal ye stable syle to be used when th speaker / writer wants to expres his felng, his knowledge oe is covicon in a sightforvard ma ‘80, in fomalseting which eqs the speaker wer © we the fr tml sj the syle cnn ewich fom foal ffomal shown inthe fl Inwig examples 2a 8,0 © 2 ASeusHeRiKodcuecomeenamensdee Bacoaasth, ascmmers yy, o8n, Hoke bn, SEWROR AL TLE >, exon Lnxanth au, We ofa bo6Riie, RUOH ide sites. Ei, ms, 622, Honeiiicesennaense kb. ‘Gapan is siving foreigners an impression of «coer ery much close, Foeigners re called gai,” that sto su, ousdes and e7 {hey ar always weed ike guests, And they camot make good fends easy. Associaton wit callapues i tough. Theres lao ‘imi to thei promotion, Anyway pan ha 0 become & oie ‘xy more ope foreigners) > skutthieSewerrn, ARemmelies e Leib, Wiie Lx, eneikestiteadt. 288. KH, Polh thine, anoctokces, uno, Bec eamaov, oh {Thee oot many crimes commited in apn, ou kaw. When ‘ipa sshattcmmie sine eee te con that il der him fom commiting ide fo pone Te fee fh io cle ome min to isconpeny. Ts wy be cn oi ing, yu tn) ce vsvsoihikedsactabiiietiodse, senuro IOuRETHORE TD esac homMeon, HOA ‘Hro, KBa, veceeenes coe Aihonkcrocn, wet Lacherbonanity BNE, Conlon) Be Lebo ERs s ceRaic Anon, Kareocan, bareso™thegs cet he, ofstneo, £Lt, BeaurentnavRedie GOUT. LIL, KhStvor, cone, codes aunties adie, orns, “ailoxR, ue AoanaceRHLercHHD team, RPRBTE tazcouen (tow ayo ving your ithe dys when ect Sor of ye Te ya ving hs ht od So From ancient ines, man Me hve teen eof eae: ate orthose who dent wi soya.) Oat ves elise ch ny tng and ch on sly msebl, din td onetime ews uy Dat 8) evens, we have no che place tan ores in which we ean live. So shall we vale tis Smeplaceable sei in his ie that we ave bu nee?) aka Yashara “On Sel”) "The speaker of ath 2) and (2) aking to person ia the ete formal ‘suaon ofa roundabledncsson, Tis sa stuacon whee a formal ye ie eguired, at instead of wing formal sy al the way, he ha sted his ssl rom formal 0 nforal se a indicated bythe dole undies. "The writer of 2) employe formals al the way with etme infor- sal se. In (2) there are two doableudedined predicates in which fermal> iy switching hss taken pce. In both eases the writer expeses something ppendixed to what follows either in «coordinated or subordinned way. 18 fick in both eae, thesemenes tht arian informal ste cant into a coordinate clause or a subordinate clase like a) and, respecivey ‘Whatever ie exposed in an appendix othe majo las is usally distanced fom the hesereader, ad hreforetnc Yo be expresed usualy in ioral file, leo to be noted here she sas tendeocy fr fomuliy switching to ocr when th sentence is «negative sentence. Os ERScEMTMAON, MEscHE RELCHAVOTHS % P85, Ai, DOCE Genes LOLRIMORALE SUH, HORHLARRECHONoRIMOaN Sah, b LAL, Kassner, CDA, COBENMEDE LEE ER AWMOVORSS, MIO, DILODBE EAMELEI TERN ELL [An exteme cate of formality swishng is insanced by the folowing example Miucnppores-sryzoaiiieutt, tf, 97 eas 27 FOMGCH A, (A ee tings the speaker's head) 2, wy emeer (osay 1 am going to ave a tk on computer chip. Fast of all, regain the stuctre ofthe chip, oach!) ‘The speaker of (8) i giving pai uk in which he is equieto we fr ral speech. However athe pont whenke is stg by a bee he automatically "sitches hie sl rom formal offal, becuse hs expression i next ‘ation wiih a moe stiphforwardecresson of his piysologcl fling 9 Altboogh moc les fequent chan fomal‘o-nformal switching thee te es of informalofomal switching ae shown in). OA Meroe eenr (Don't you want come fora dive with me?) B: 2382, ESL25HL5. (i, wonder wat Tebow do.) As ROATERESE, the (Fou mus come with me) B: ae, Heise, (fou ae a ekless diver eet your) A tapcewan gen. Bese ream, BLCmELE ‘Nor ata. When Igo fre dive with you, I wil dive consider- sly) lets example a coupe is talking very informally. The speake A wants to persuade Bto come fr dive ith, bt the pesusion as not ea ss ‘xf s0 by switching the sye be wants o tainly ndcate atte ionship does not deserve intimate, ifort sy. Treo, he into ‘ites his ye from informal foal, ‘he Principle of Format Switching Foal syle may be switched to informal style whe the speaker writer wants {© expres his/her fecing.Roowiedge or conviction in a sraghtforwad 2. Newspaper Grammar Japanese newspapers use cain setenee forms, pits, and wore which ae ne common to ober wring (0) Heodtnes A ep of ates and verbals In pwspge aie he topic marker wand cae mut we on Appt (uny ip embet tec to e det e Imai isconnen) Fredcae vetlel doped. Bamps @) a ARRGRR Undies) (Eat eso elite poo into rtp 8 BER onl Wekbircrs) Crab high solo te) err BkaniiGicies) Fade F477 (W)MOBELER (8) BOTS) (Eng on East Ai comes cle Pe Tapani fie fps pie) 4 ihe LAaoMATMA He cecum (Government sald make an fo ole land ce prem) teste (For examples of waomission, se (4) and (4) Note: As sen (1), parila ot droppin imperative setece 'B. Eps of no ‘The noun conector is fas dropped ia ong noun compounds (pareully, {thse which contain more thn one no), Bramples 2 ERO SiB unnsesareéth 0c) Es) HE ay HEAL TOMES me BEERNEDLATE1AASESE GRAN (Companies” soci expenses rath (reach) ¥5,6274 blon last yea) 1b soloB Hon e—ai8 a) Fyre aOR RFS) (in anon the wr er consumption n'90) ©. suave The nv of svete eoppe ange © & Kan, ro eres BHers) (US w way solsh CCé ore Barceaton)in'8) REE a0 RKO MEW Fors) (Gatlte industry begins foreign market developmen) D. De ater N and Adinaystem ‘a ater nos and ne-adjectiv ems ie usally dropped, amples © 2 BRE cen Biositoeo HRE (01,105 Kile i wali cst ast yest) 70> Nialuanitiéry 7A anit Were (Phan export to SE Asia louis) E Teme ts hesies past events are represented using the nonpast tnt (eg (8 (1e), Because the nonpast tease als represents fe events, wheter an vents uur one ora past ne is known fom ether rane elements (6. (2a), Ga or tom the tet (28 (1b), 0). , Abbreviations Country names (Coan names ae often abbreviate, (a Bamps: (9) B Gapany, % Americar; % (Great Britany; #2 France), (Germany); & tay; (Canada); # cAnseaihs * (Ching; 3 craiwan; 8 ckoren: 7 (South Aten) 1 Groups, companies, instintons . ‘Te complete names of poup, companies, and insittons ae often sieved, Bxanple: © Rie = SHWE ne Security Council) {& = REATANE oe Fae Trade Commision) BH -SHHF (ey emis) G8 = REHEH crotgo Power Company) WK HBRE Kyou Universi Noe: Some abbrevintions i this category ae commonly ws in ‘spoken aswell a wien language, © Sposa abbrevistons Some English acronyms end lets are commonly usd is Helin 10 save space amples: () EC Eaopean Communi) IC tegrated creat); KO (knock- cou: NYHE lew York stocks) WE (World Cup; FIV (st very) @) Bodies A. Sunuverbe “The conjugated prt sure connective form Ga fen roped -sur ort of a suv in sentence ial postion is also dropped in some ea uaples HE, Be eee tetas a EnnbAGerabacweota ween no Atotilkessocdiny, wna eb BUR RRM Rel iiircog =. *, stontilcseenecheon, (PN )maG= eK Rh bh, iugecll—s—satwokon BAM, khom mehhacR BU). +AtKE~tAno 0-8 eMRE TRG naexeeadeellcompi, 2 ORC Bifr2. 29, 9167 8) (Asay of peas ia 1950 compl bye Minty of Heh nd Weta on Decor 28, hove tt th nme pales ho od medeal camino med into ne eon to 2% cer palin pets octet was but 36,00 oa inevery 18 apnea) ya eres tee at osey in 1987. Te sey ao shor though fgwes he sing meal tol medicare exec wich ave ceed ¥ len Sey sea Size 1987, reacting WE lion. Thi suey coo soe trey ths yer nis elo 1208p ne tad dena ines were rendomiy elated ed pata wee need none fh dag das em Coote 16-18) Nowe: Because the stems of most suneverbs ae also wed as nouns, the sof speech must be caeily denied when somite, (Te Minty of Financ nde Minny of tion ged on Abe morning othe ttt he ton of exon nies il erased by #9500 yee. The ne ton wil come na eet fom Api 1993. The reno forte rane he vous fp betven te ution of private iver and hat of nana Atv ud thugs ed to mode ie fer acne td exgacing reseath) comofiitega citi We eo (eMAM Hi ANE) oa207 pen eres ro ‘a teoem2 26.9088) CCA Sane of Problem eta by Ko? Soden” res ty the Mins of Eduction on Dect 25 ba reeled hat the numberof at of eho! ene wc ok plc ih ‘sol ac he our 1590 eed 1418, ting 490 Sol, Bot gue eth wert on cord One ofthe arc ‘eri tha hee hry iin lence towards aches) 3. De ater nouns ‘eaters i en dope, he el ing 2 non dig Senecs. Buanpl: ©) RAPE eiat oF, MEMORY Ye Rileg x fal iraca ste, onawndh eenedie inet otiokl athoa ee KoRNEDR Ee ceanccocmbtyatties CORED 21 919% as) si Conversational Strategies Imarderto become proficient in advanced Japanese conversion itis necessary 10 be able to use conversational stapes, Tey include (A) Alzueht ack shane!” respons), (B)Ptles (©) Reprasng (©) Tope Shit and Topic Recovery and (E) Avoidance of Decisive Expressions, among other A. Aleuchi (backchannel respenses) Atcha! repose im ntsjton ind hat te heer rived wth wt hse ha i po at i of be coven, The mos connon ash expen noe 2 yen! Rene ‘yah’ 29 "ch yar, 23.4% otha oP, we wow! Ser “Barssihy AED (6) ely’ 48E tors EAE and en? Ena pls re Een ow (Acheson given noe partes Japanese the er es rch fh om td ten tral te teen pons. Ps ending ten sgmled ye pare ne” © (Anule spas ting oie borin) 202, 8, Hick es berosoaee, dun) coubve, (te) btoce TER Ucar cman, Ce) Cit Tevet yt HongKong tomorow Ges, 5 camps "ep es) by he day aroma, ou ©) (Ate patting toi mle end) nn ROLE uy fe gearovrosr=cthoca, (22) Robo Fe, flocatan tea (Ui ro head fhe yal asary 7,1 wet Syn a A ta wo" Tavam ste be dsm tine. Jes ©) heating oer omen) Ee Roce oh, OAD FEF EAM ROD, Lane) ane, Bens bh, GAD OAMEL CEES eotoe ELL UAE an CYeserday wien was wating on he Gina set (yea Is Maso ely?) S01 cad ber (Yeh) Sie precede fo _esoguze me a lood the erway (Oh Jah) (A tale speror to his subordinate) OS H2-< HEL UAS D. 8) (acre rns, DackBe Lennie, BaMeR StARAtHeh, L241 HtistemeDtcheemorad, (25 cro) tne, BWRERwTLE Rb. (EI EA cre (You know Tye been tly busy these day. (ght) So 1 waned to rake ap for xchange. And T went toa tel age yes, bet I ‘coule'getecke easly. sa gh) So in the end I aave up he ea As that iD) Te shouldbe noted tha in English awh! (ypialy ‘ub’ or “yeah Seldom used. In fc, request use of alae creates an impression that the are is ot paying seriou atenton owls being sid. Not only verbal, ‘out also nonverbal, the Japanese hearer nods very frequently to indicate s/he involvement with wht te speke ast 8. 2B. Files ‘While iach i a srteny avalble for th bea, filer staepy avi she for te spake Fist, the parle o in (S) and (6) isa ypc filer that indicates the speaker's auempt wo involve he hear. () san example of inforal speech ‘(6 ian example of foralspech in which ne rested by oa This ‘5 of sy no is most commonly used in business apes © nan, Mair syanceockch, Hoke Mhe on Athy Alt Yesterday, y'know, Tom suienly came bere from the Stes, kno, and stayed overigh a ny boute) © chor, EaBui cane e®Lny 7 bees, 6b, shibwantinoere, BRB, elle ees cana acta (This isthe new software T mentioned the oter day, and if you have ‘me a appesitei if yu could ae 0 an experinenal Basis) However, too many nes ina sngleSensnce makes the sestence very auk- wad sow in mien, 408, HRB Ben, Hace, ¥en, 6 wn otatthe (Today, yo, yo, went Nas Aigo, know, by cr, ko ck op my Bend, yo) Secondly, the filer an is sed wo sgn the speaker’ hesitation sboat saying someting embarrassing, a in Bo) In (8b) and is wed 0 sgn the Speake’ each forthe right word or phrase. Too many ans ina single sentence sound very award a shown la (8). @ © A ESLRACIM (What spent) B 203, HeeSacitsract. (Unb... [forgot my walle, you know) b Ecol, £03, Hallo chet, (Whereis it Eh. Teas the bok I booght yestey:) 6 1303, 10, 409, Be, 09, ierseocee, 203, BLT, 893, oat (at, ch yer, now, my nt nowy cme fom yor yisow ed wth me aera tbow, and wet bone, yt) ‘iy he pe nm X ahha was X ea 6) Become an eX ce inna speech "The pre ce be a seers th seats a oot neat ane © HEHE bos are, Hevsemei es ROBE. 2220, sxol Foxes Ls, (Tree isa famous bookstore in Shinjuku—what was the name? ‘Oh yesh, Kinokuniya. 1 bought four books oa the Japenese e2on- omy thee) Fourthly te intyjcton sto se in (10) i used when the spear ying ‘oremember something. Just ike the ese of an, to many 60's in a single seatee rake it very awkward (0) eo 7 HREM LOG, 224, IIeOFRALE, & Lay eae, 8 (he fal of Rossan communism was, t's ee, December of 1991, if Tremeamter corey) ye pe or te a a ina ee sertraline energie Sreioe cn RlogWBatiiile, mekoeewwoctian #7 Svsonacaert. Cie rc in wad gi Bow Tp? Boe ee ttn) Sit, ieton ma is wed pinay eel mang ete seo tow OFFER LO Comet, Chast de pan hee) B26, HEB eomeL sae Gonerks nd1000 spi) b A: miualtkern, (Gave you been in god health fey?) B £6, £907 ges 0) «GR Ka, g8, meoece re, RE 6 lisschoers. Glan ext pracy al Specs fod, bt nao (ferme cyte) fa to tong. el fre nd okt) . Rephrasing Jus as nave speakers of Japanese know how to eplase words wing other explanatory expressions when they cannot recall the most suable words, Intermediate lanes of Japanese 100, oud stat to lara how 10 rephrae ‘wor they dn’ know or cannot remember, By doing so embarassing poss ‘in be avoideé. A common way to reprsse a nun i by meas of « een ‘modification, as shown a (13a 8). co eBut 1 | soscasoncs. mTERMEDIATE JAPANESE GRALOUAR ‘V 089) The speaker A cannot emer / doesn't now the word get ‘raion fotweain pan) A 86, peAshlbeh sith tomnat McBee. (fos know the ul Japanese people pat os when hey wear mono what do thy al) Bae, Hikes ene, (Ob, you mesn gets?) he speaker canst remember! doen ow the word genan, Japanese version of foyer} neoRTH, 8, meBonet, Ib, sicbaalicle thcess, secu, Bdvas-actia, {Ina Japanese howe, ah, what do you cl it? The plice where people ake off the shoes before entering the boot, thas an Interesting space, you know) ‘When a word that neds eprasng ea verb oan adjective, the speaker can rephmse it by ung more asi words ox praes, a shown in (148) (14) a The speaker cannot remember doesnt kaw th vetb hob ‘to broaden) comme 922 EEURER OMHiCH, H s05, the Bart, (this FM classe misc pogram bron, broad ah, can We ear every day athe same time”) 1. Ihe speaker canst remember doesn't know the nective inonttina) “apa solves, BEA, ors Luliidutn ete, (That Indy has a Topanese, Japanese, Japenese emospbere, ocs't she?) ‘When the speaker wants o get the word which he cnaot ember oes [1 know, be can He ~ oto / ilo /ye5u, et nan wo mes A, a sown i, (54,0, an, 150) (15) a. (The pecker canot remember does kzow the ve menue “ove aM, FaxndCecdsceememvete, (ita yay when yo elas lane ta yw planed {nthe moming?) B: fice) emer, (We say nengoen) 1. (the speater cannot remenber/ doesn't know the adjective ‘athe ‘socil} a Kemtoutthee, coco WBihoncn< Roz eemeBoats, (What do you eal peon who loves tlk with people and goes out wingly ne mater wher its?) BWR) eRwet. (We call it gakaet,) D. Tople Shit and Tople Recovery 1 any langage the apeker cannot sift te topic of convertion sbrapys there ae ways to signal a topcsh Sone ofthe mast common Jepsnese ‘way to gala topes ar given blow do a beat Gy the way) & Balfu ra, (ie The tory is rent, bt, 8 baotmeenere, (it Te sory dovines i it, bot.) 4 Bilston ern, (i. The tpi is going to charge, bt.) 8 XEMAE/Xoc(HR) (Speaking of) sy) SPSCAL TOPICS TERMEBIATE JAPANESE GRAMMAR, "When the speaker wants to get sk tothe former topic, he cn sig! is eset recover the old ope. Some ofthe standard way sina ae as follows 7) a B28X cmH LE thigh intomal) (a wile ago I you seid X, bat) h EodowCtH/ 2o30XxoMeTe (Lee me get bck the topieX thet we were talking about 2 while 0) e Binet fires tea (vey formal pote} giteoer3© (oma, pole) (Gegaring wht old you awe 99) , Avoldance of Decisive Expressions ‘Toa far grester degree Japanese lnguage wes indecisive expressions espe cially when the speakevwiter expresses hie own opinions. ‘The stegy tat Tapanese mative speakers use to make their statements ese frcful and nore humble isthe us fan nest expression athe end ofthe sentence. Suppose that the speakecriter want sae “Japanese people wold using decisive expression” be ould sty or write very saighforwaraty a in (1 oii recy asin (19) and 20), 0s) exAniedystn. (Capanese avoid wing decisive expressions.) (9) a BKAUNBEMIS0 (et/ Lol BN Etem (site ase hat Japanese voi sing decisive expressions) b DRAUIREERIEO (et/ Ce) 2HeLE th (C wonder if Japanese would't avoid wing decisive expres sions) 6 BRAWIBERHTSO (es Col Guam (wonder if Japanese wouldn't avd using decisive expres: sons) 4 BkAUMEMIT ZO (Te/ te) BE 5m, wonder if Japanese wosld't avo uilag decisive expres (2) sions) OH 2 TKAUNRERNZEBOET, (eink that Japanese avoid sing decisive eipresions) b aAUMBEMSLROET Kase, (Chink that panes void sing decisive expressions, but.) © BRAUMSERHSO (eH/ Ce) QnoEBEET, (wonder if Ipanese woslth’t aval oxing dessive expres: sloas) 4 BRARMSERH SO [cK / Ce) eomE BOE bss behe (wonder if lpanese would avid using decisive expressions, wut.) 8 BRALIBERYZOTROURERDRET OTHE. (ae seems to me that Japanese wil avoid sing decisive exes sls, bat...) £ SCLORARMBERTZOTREUREMDRZOTTH, Vee OTL Ete (seems tome that Japanese wil avoid using decisive expres sions, ot what would yon 5577) In (19) and (20), in whic the same core saemeat is made, he Jonge he seateoe i theless decisive the expression i ead tobe. When apanese speaker opposes wat bis superior has sid his expression defintely bas 0 eld Seaighforsardexpresions. There are some at rate that can Be re ‘xed he speake's statement ofan opposog ew, shown in (21). Qa BFia lafrmal (Wal, aoubt (BLE wonder if hat £09) b zneemn(enee. (at's fie, 0, bat} ERMED (OT /EL HES (oars ve, bt...) 1 a be aAt eA Tera) HER (Or course iis tue, bat.) fe Mocuscrioss (t/t) tebe (understand what you ar saving, bat.) £ Biucus (oct /Acel auacra, moot isagresing wih you, bat.) femirscenaeusera, don't have any paral intention to disagree with yoo, but.) he aibibeStr2 9 cirectat ign formal and pote} (i, Sony to etm won to you, but) L meas LesMoeeemu ets, LL (toma, palit] (What you have sai indeed comes, bo...) sa) 4, ‘Toward Better Reading Comprehension: Analyzing Sentences Accurately Reading compreension involves a vise of mental process, om under sanding the meusngs of words and grasping the arate of enerces 10 MeauVing the refers of pronouns and understanding inferece. If be ‘eer al in tese processes, earl intpettion cant be si One ‘ofthe mot problemi reas here sentence srt. This eton provide Aids wo iprove sk fo accor Sentence sucess ) Basies A. Structure of Simple Sentences Before acing complex sentence structues, is essential to understand the ‘sc sroctre of Japanese sentences, Fist let us consider the following () BERABEBo7 ver veed curs (Las sight Iwas wstching TV in ny en's spriment) (0) iv a simple sesence sentence with sage verbal). The strcare ofthis semznce canbe diagramed as flows. (2) Prevebal dament Verbal ‘As Q) las, Japanese imple senesces usualy consist of verbal and some pe-vebal elements. Complete sentece in lpn mus contain 8 Yer= ‘bn and in some instances simple sentences have ely verbs (imperative ‘eotenoe). Thus, eral are considered 1 be the “hab” of setenes AB ‘mater of fst, seatences ae constricted in soch a way thatthe vertals ae ‘modified by preverbl element. The general sractre of Japanese sip seatenoes is provide in) 59) © Seen revealed ese (Con) NP-(€ / i Caen NP-(i2) seca ARINC neta) smal ss | ‘As ltt, a verbal is ler a verb, an adjective, oa noun with & copula (eg, sree ob) and sometimes involves ther elements sch ssi nies (eg (Vi) fu) andlor setence parle (eg hyo). A pre-e le Inet is either an NP (ie, noun or oun equivalent) with «parties oan sdverbial (Le. adverb or adver equivalent). Verbal lait either a ston Oo sae while pre-veral element indicate such things es sbjet diet cet, ‘ime, ection and mane. Simple setencessometines cota semenoe in ial element suchas Seteoe-inal conjunctions (ese “it andlor Sentetil aavebils (9, mashes koto iteresingly). As sea late, more complex sentences, sich as compound sentences and complex sentences se composed of two or more simple seaeuces which ave the tsi tutes shown i B. Key Elements ‘Te Hey clements of sestences are verbal NPs pre-e avec, and sentence 1. rb In setocefnl postion vious fomas of verbs, actives and NPs with copula appear. They are sometines followed by sxiianes andor seatence Paice, (4) provides some examples “ems of pain, NA)we normaly appears le ater revel ena ‘nd omens even belo sentence nil eames Howeve when NEC) oe 's te seer bec. dex objets ene cone tr cee be renal ‘ate tha vtec il ce, leh etn Sens NPD, ‘we mee te eal (Sen Selle) (5) @ a Badr, v “dt Pe s 6) cheap) 4 Mie aoe be Adios) “Au Pee (sms convent, doen i) « HRWEE not 23 N Cop. A (Cher that he was a techee) 2. NP [Assen in 3), NPs appar as eter po-eral elements (witha parle) oe ‘verbal element (vith & copula). Thee are vredes of NP sracties, a een low. Long and complex sentences often ice lrg NPs composed of NPs it iferen typeof sacar therefore, enemtnding these saci a tions ie estetl fr secre sentence structure analy 2.1, Noane/ Pronans Single nouns, pronouns, and compound nouns ae in ths eategory. Eamplee: (3) % cooky: feb 4. ave Yamada: 8 OD; <4 his): KRABI (enrace examination ys) “Whe in oni flows NP wih cops he copa op win tea be NS Aue (Ste mig te archer) in ‘Weck Tomes TEETER ONO 22. Peso dene! + Nom ‘Thee we evel ptr in hs canary. 221, Denonsave active + Nou © 59% (his bok BOF (ta tea, 42H Gah « disney cena es) 222. Adecsine «Noon © LVR mca menos ie Lape dey 278 a erinay ho), CNET capo come ie peed 223, Noun (Pr) © Noun © © WHDAFR Che obey stem in Toyo) & BkssoaieroRit (te Sor fate company) 6 kieodtt (eter fo my et 4 BE, azarevollii (eve eh an tam) (eno pa16: 312-15) 2.24, (Nou) ¢ Coon al soil fo) + Non ) a BRA cH ist (aero gues gram) b (cob erackro coy rst ere ag (so) “Tee ae a Rn of ljecives at hve pec ors ang Wh om ‘han Gaves ornate). Me ean © co eens 0 omy B69 ety 0 om: ee 8) 225, Relative clase + Noun? 0) a (cana) (isis) ake which Tomato made} », KONE ate RU rao) (ve composer hat Ike te mot Gi Beethoven) (© Relative Clouse (DBIG: 376-80) 226, NounSentence 249 Noun ay a BLUR (4 stent named Suz) bd Beto udve He cose EL Cou. (Te dea hat Japanese an ambiguous language(s nt uncom mon) (= toms (B10: 48587) 22.7, Seotnce + Nomialae 02) a Hime 7 elecosotedy (ear) Mek plying epi) (© ne? BIG: 31822) KE AMeERE CE (Eb Bho.) (sis oo) hat Me Jones was coming today) (©hote (DIG: 193-56) igi erie late cles and reser cer ae a ape form. For ean he ou mse (mb. @ 2BcaKs (0) te Jape, who wor hr 2) eps peopl wo wrk he 'Sprpe cone seco made ths pte nage Tare sone varson of S10 WN a8 GD © GHWERUA ERM [Eom ies 25 G1 EANAT Be (woh dea ht apne ea iow ans) 19) 23, Noun & Noun ‘wo ot more nouns sre connected wi noun consetng partes sch a fo ‘cyto foem a larger noun equivalent. A comma ca lobe used a comet ous. Example (3) a BeLarar(e) (lan and katana) (te (0nIG: 473-76), b fiers 707 e~9¢) (plates, hives and forks (among other) (ove BIG: 36.38) © RreresLate \empora,sashim, and soon) a TauH, FAD, ro7R8e (meric, Geman, France, et.) arabia (a penora perc) poem, Bhi, 2 cui (Gapanese, Korean, o Chines) 24, Embedded intogatveseatnces ‘A imerogative sentence embedded ia another setence is «noun equvaleat, asin, 4) a Keenereaaniiice, (Who wil do that ithe question) » fienmRia ete aBBieen (Gs necessary tech) how nportnt reading is) (o 2. Presverbal adverbs ‘Thee are sever Kin of word and pleases which function as pre-verhl adverbial” 2, Adve / Advert nouns (15) B94 (lowly 48 Gosey) 52, Adve forms of ajctives 46) He (quick; arte (quiety) 233, Adve forms of anlay adjectives (07) S07 (in an easy-to-mnderstand fashion); LE 3 (aly) 34 Quanies (i) a ec Baesa) ea a0) 35. Phonominas,phenomimes, and psjchomimes a9 a Baqoe 9s chey (edo bowen) b (saBereroure) (ead Japanese easy) & BEBECES) (nervous) 36, Quotation + E+ 0) a fits 9sEC>) (99) "Good morning”) ite conrad eal ven "14 qnaton cn be a compte sence opt of see, ten b mivedls) (hing hat tity (to BG: «78-809 237. Noun/Vrb + Compound price (-vetal fen) eb a Bkoiticouciis) (tk about panes cat) b dteesconc dhld Hie 3., (As one grows ol, (oes memory fls)) 38. ve 22) Bex (on tooo: Bie (huriedy) (oto (810: 464-57), 39. Vasu + 23) Ceti dwiccee) (came) ose (0 en) (Cont (BIG: 297.99) 4, Sentences! elements ‘Sevtence-ntl elements modi the late which follows. The iclde sem ‘ence conjunesons, sentence adverts, sential ois, and sentence inal closes. Senece-intal clases are elements of comple sentence, (See E. Complex Seotnces) 441, Sentence nit! cojuntions Some conjunctions ppear in the sentence poston 2h a Hocnalitic, LoL, HKeseus (Tis is tly a iit problem. Bue tere sould bea way to salve it) » tofthen”! cEWetan, (at job was oo bg forme to do by mye so Task for help from some f my fren) evacutaren, 220, Wiknoxe 2 42, Seotence vecials Seotenceadverbias are usually phase, a sen in (28). 2s) a fice, Bios s20%miikmitno ns, (terestngly, the advanced dass did poorer jb.) b, Seok, aszedoceamednn, (Gt was stupid tha forgot to being my camera) 43, Semeotial opis Unlike the pre-erbal NP4Prt.) masked by wa, sentetial topics modity the tire sentence which fellows 06s Kealiistibercos. (Speaking of Kyoko, her father practices tw) ». commciiucis, onli EARL co fics (With epard to this problemi sno use to discus it farther) 44, Sentence-inal dependent classes ‘Sentence-inil dependent clases are intemal sentences which are Gependent ‘on the clases which fellow, Sentence depeeat clauses repeseat such things as condition, time, reason, purpose and mannet, (27) provides exam- ples. ons Asswarsiioecten, (Please let me know if Mr. Kobayashi comes in) b, RHEUM Bitehot. (There was nothing unasual when Twas there) « maviietRsoes Seb sbiCumeN, (Because friend of mine is coming to see me, I cannot eave my house) 4 nena Presecasme BL corr. (@'m studying Japanese in ork to study in Japan) If sentence-inal dependent cause andthe following clause havea com s) S96 OMICS HETHROEEEATE APANESE ORASOLAR son element th element usally appears only once. In (278), fr example, the sentence depenent clase an the flowing clase in hs eax the ‘ain clause) share the sme subject wath“ Thus, wate peas only onc in ts ase, athe tpi). . Verbal Connective Forms ‘Wie two vera are connected ough an “AND elton” in serene, ‘he fit verbal mast bei the connective fo, sin 28)" OH a Kalithcbe, Ptmcsde, (getup a six in the morning and go to Bed around ten in the evening) b. commum< cen, (Tis tionary is eegp sed wal) ce Hhenwst—ackiier, (Yoshi is hiry-t90 an enge,) ‘The affimatv and negative connective fora of teen verbs are gven In @9) and (30), respectively. o# (29) Affimatve connective frm Verb: Vie (eg, 122 0); Vira fog, 83) "Ife verse comet Wasaga “BUTaon™ We cme Frm a at ne. © 4 muftesactemiiuea conn ren, (ike on ie veges) bh sommeennneyemnomns. (i lon chen bt rey oes) "Aa en 9), ht art Kn of cae fms. In gene he fe ind (Ge tofrm) te ed we th ft vel estate or depee noe ‘a verano example, ft el oe“) eager he ‘ston vy the pear esate apricot weal ts ‘Sst edo dW) © sore HE CER (Tas paren pan hee) go) (6a) bd: AMjone (ee, #6: AdIOMEM + & (eas BO) © Adioa): Adinave (eg, MATE): Adlngte +59 (eg, BAIT an) 4 NeCops N+ Copte (eg, AC); N+ Copae + 8 (eg. can) (G0) Negative comocive forms A Web (neg): Vacs @ ¢¢ (ey FA CCDs org (2H CIT) (eg. FERC FET) (© + nal le (DBIG: 271-73)) b.AdiO) ee): Adie <0) legs EHEC) © Adin) eg): Aarne (8) <<) egy MATE) Bee) 4 NeCop (nee NCU) C() (eg, BHCEIEC (CD) . Compound Sentences I senteace involves two (or more) simple sentences (Le, causes) and hee seatences are conjoined by means of coordinate conjuctos suchas go “but er couiauatve forms of verbs, jective rhe copula sch at Vie, Ad and (Cop to mean ‘ana the whol is called a "compound sentence” The causes ‘ina compound sentence ae connected through the AND elation othe BUT reli. (1) provies examples. Ob a v7 RAuP Eee as ities, (Qe Wong i Chinese and Mr, Kim is Korean.) b Binz ov amemeavuameon, (My wife can speak French but I annot) ‘Whe the clauses in acompound sentence have an clement in common e2. te subj, the dec objet, the verb) the element ually appear only ‘once, For example, in 280) the subjects ae shared and in GB) the dee, object is shared, 2) provides an example of «sare verbal s, 02 arable, +o y—ulthrae BRL cos, (ob is majoring in mechanical engineering and Nancy in elect cengnering) ‘Tho ste of conpouin! seuenes can De geerized as 3) (S] represcts lea) G3) a ANDselaon: [SiS:} (Si eos wth a verblconinaasive fom) b BUTladon (Si}"BUTcon}°-15.1 BUT con,” is « nonsentnse inal conjunction rich tg.) Complex Sentences 1 seneoce involves a clase whichis dependent on another leent of lie inthe sentence, the sestence i clled “complex sentence” (4) pro ies complex sentences which clade effeeat Kinds of dependent cates (ce uborainate cases. Gs Reve ctmses (S26 225 Relative case + Noe: EREAF MBO —2H, (=(108)) (Tis cake which Tomoko made) Intra sentences before “2103 Noun” (See 226. Noun tence £93 Nov} BAMRAVIUCMRALNISLUBL CoM. (lth) (The ides that Japanese san ambiguous language isnot uso on) © Intern) sentences before Compound panicles (e-nominsl fom) (See 224. (NoawVee) + Compoind parle (re-nomi- nal form) + Noa) SSkCOMNET Sato CORRIENTES, (Precatons foe ding he job are writen ee) 4 Nomintze sentences (See 22.7 Sentence + Nominal: (6) Yan DABAMSORELEMEOHOR, (@(12) (dia know that Me Jone as coming ody .Bnbeddedinteopative sentences (Se 2.4 Embedded iteog- sive sete) mHeReT soo, (40) (bo wil doth te esto) Clauses before arial fom fauna actives” (See 3.3. Advesil forms of xiliary adjective): BHR MERE LIE, TA 7 RRO TPE, (Pease use microphone to that everybody can her well) Interna sentences a nds quoaons (See 3.6. Quotation Yo-DRRBBL (QuERoTha, (George sas tht kas not ifcalt) 1. Internal seteces before compound parle (pees frm) (Gee 3.1. NounVerb + Compan pail (pre-veral frm) AWREL SCORTEMDHRLE. (Gae's memory ila 0 ews od) 1 Sevtenceial dependent causes (See 44. Sentences depends clauses) Ritznceseocecran. (Pease rman silent even if you a asked quetons) ‘The srvetuces of complex sentences cn be nea n (39), “Te adel fos of alin ales pred ce eee Cs ‘das contin (og Yn. (on (85) Sentence: Press) Verbal na cement clement Nepn 5 ] Con, etapa. J Ader. a “Adleiay [VAIN] + Cop GeamorsPie) ‘si : F ae (st: Cise NPs: NP containing (5) ‘Adv(l Adve contin (8) ‘Tat isa sentence which consas at lst one ofthe elements containing (8) in) sa comple sentence, . Missing Elements Such sentece elements as used in (35) ae mo slay exp presen 1 fat, sentence element lpi is very common in Japanese. When canes ave share elements (subject) the shard element is wv elite in the second (and follwing) clase. Sentence elements axe aso dropped wien they fave been mecioned in a previous sentence, ae contenu ‘own or situatonally known, or wes they inate a generic ageat sch "they" and we" C36) provides examples (G5) a Share by two clases Rébzawenc cemor lence ellecler ewer ay (ven if Me, Stade aks about that, please do not tl hia) [stow i) 1b. Meatined ia a previous setece (ss) BEXP—FEk, [EALILTLBOLIOE, (iad a steak yesterday. (was very good) © Contexcaly known: . Dan 28 [Me]a— nA Fo yee (ae gave {re} ene home-made cookies) 4 Siusinaly knowe: ‘aching she hearer eaing ice cream [enulsetoeren si goat) Indicating a generis agen: wpa Be Poco Wea Leora ne HERS Lavniresen. (Ua oer to protect the eat, [we] must develop 2 new energy source which does ot destroy the environment) @) Goidatnes Wh te bss of Jose sence ace peed aor, the eer Tbe bale ogy he nce o's pen cst flowing be ‘cine met toe Geietine 1ety mrce eks Mj ate tet ct iid by lokig fr eal comesive fms (Set). Come Form) coho sche tr tbe lr ‘ee an oc bras aloe cocoe sue te chat arp of ft tar det Sen ee as” Inte fon examples, cae reas a mac y on RboRESE 7 74, TARAR cio HEMEL Ae, BR onoREGG tetrq-] RL ew, ronalihes ST muevenctobeon, BERL. 6. 92 FH 1 esl note: 2a Gr Benn S08 srononer OA. Geshe sytem pmrersies Sh on BRre Gdscoer BH slne jul BATS tomomce 122 icon ere tee 08) 7782 spe RARE cuore n, KIDS: ieaitliconn, Wiles fee CE EEBMa. 2191 85 Vocabulary notes: 2387 SB “Planet aide more than = way Mare icing obit. observation ‘ocontinue sebedsle 0% 7B, a7rxps bres ancascoilldenar, or “The coos fr Vie wit th greceing NP) oe ens wa il ‘epee sane rene. tn hs oe, Vie dosnt ark ne te ah ee ‘acl, = ome sete yh oan (Qe English even sows Compre Vie wit x Vi GB) © RHOWWEL, Kite, Heit Motocan. Cheon uel EELADEZ ISIS NO=PAL 99 foment peromed) by ang she mv dso) (70) 4 iteRs HE Gives cane tas, am -tm Ree hee eb Vocabulary notes: =p one omer bana - APHSUPEB=7A. opfocletonics EhET wptonow HR popes: WAS to ook back: fo examin RI7T4N~BB ope ber conemsicaion aay one PAL p19) Guideline 2: deo he skeleton of each clase, For ach lus, deity the skeleton, i, the major elements, such asthe sb {et the dct objet, nd the verbal lees which ell “who did what" “what is what." ee. ‘Note tat major elenents ae sometimes shared with soe else or are not present explicit ee (1) F. Missing Elements) In the following example, the major lenans ae unrined and mising ements ae supplied in paeateses. (Doted undetnng indicts elements to be examined inthe following sep, Guideline 3. These element elude ‘onecone sich as "NPIS)-Pxt + Vestal” (@g [S] koto ge wala “twat ‘derstood that (SY), “AdS) + Verbal eg. 5) to lo “it canbe sald hat {51}, and "NPIS] + Cop” (S] otc ts sbedled that (S)) (0) KMOXREETH—7H, KMALINCMOTRRERRLEL HELRORNE TA CH4—] CBRL IH, ENE REA 2 MERGER LENS on) Ae SBR BIER, KR BLERDED, Bale 2 Brae shaves WEI 7 BRS BT CREME, ‘By ieniyng the skeleton ofeach clase ia sentence the ide ofthe whale sentence beomes cleat Fer example, (40 conveys the Mes that “a Bri ‘asronomy group announced Something, but it was amiscalultion and athe om lane does not eis.” shoud be oted tha in iden major elements the ene NP or verbal docs not need o be examined. For example if NP contains along ‘clave ‘late, examining the head noun shouldbe enough the sage. The impor ‘ant hing in this ep iso graxp a roagh ies ofeach clase ident in the previous wep Guideline 3: Identity the scope of key elements, including cnjunctions, nouns, nonnlizes, quotaive markers, and eles ‘The scope of an element X is defied asthe range ofa seience pat which is dependent on X. (See DBJO, Appendix 8 lngroving Reading Skil by ent ‘ying an “Extended Sentenal Unit’) Inthe folowing examples, the key elements to be deified and examined tuo set off by boxes. “{ J" identifies the cope ofthe bored ease which fl. lowe (4) RBORKeE7 17H. DERN CRO CER ERE LEE FELMOMBER TAF 4] CRRL MH, ISMN AT, mbeRitme Lev) EZ, CON) (A Bish astoaomy group announced in lst Jays issue of Nou, ‘British siece journal tat (hey ha forthe rt tine discovered Planet ouside the waar system, but this was due to miscleulaton (i, this was x miscalealton) andi tamed out tat le plnet does rot exit) (6) 7942 BI—RRRELT, (7942 ABIL) TRA, RMERAHOL, (7744 bB) ELEC SED, RE tua) Fa}. Com (Pant B is scheduled (wo eave! fra litle more than a year, each ‘Man icing ori in Oetober 1997, nd contin its bsevation for cover vo yeas) 1 shouldbe noted hatin his example the sope of yo ‘schedule’ extends beyond the immediate elute besk. my 5) [O%, (Qamnt7baL7 ho=ranchecomMEMaa] Br te77 oc amacacmances cae] BmAS. a9) ° (Wen fe examine the progsss in opto-lctonis up tthe preset, om the oer hand we can say tat opi fiber communication bas been mor thus (ses af eope).) 6) HRs one mbothePbcen EZ. (Beco os rset con ater it ok ie fomorow mee ing wl be crcl) (oy ipoR Ke 9—r ci, PER ReD vy0 by) foal (Um ve) EEE} eM n) EDDM REL 2) ies RE Renae Gin the Togo Mot Stow i 1982, many aoe wee exiied twbich cain Cie owed) felting sn engin? [which utilized new energy* (to replace gasoline }'})") Guideline 4 deny he mong and mailed element azcusely whee an NP contains an ambiguous modification relationship (48) provides examples of NPs which conan ambiguous modifieaion rele: oastps. 48) a {S/AMINO] NON b {S/AM INO) Ne Ns Sao © MENON “He, Eager is ible edie, ‘en acs comple, sing pe ieifinton ube may be esa = oa (60) is ambiguous ete (SAN ro} an most tr Nye “Na ro Ns (tis amigos because [S/Agj/N, no ea aly oly Nyce an modify bth Ny ad Ny (ei ambigioas ese Neca be noid citer by"; m0" by "% 0 Ny no tn the cae, age can ‘ered er conten yb ede ew fe wr) roi xan of thesia (9). (9) a Bin Bite tit x YZ (©) thet tonewoc a Spee K mae “Y © 2." ie, XYZ); @) homework ia lpanese, sInguage which is ‘iia modiGes Y and “XY 2" moiies Z, Le, on a BY fatto $i YZ (@) Yoisi's and Kayoko's child (X and Y modify 2, Le EXO (ZI: 2 YoIe ana Kayokos ea (Only ¥ moases Bie, xt YoZD » pie ot o BHR x Y 2 (joint corporation consising of P Corporation and Q Cor- portion (X and ¥ modity 2,40, X ZY © [Z]} (2) P Corpre- tion ané a jin corporation incloding Q Cerpration (Only ¥ xo zp sodifies Ze, X £Y © Zp » Wihices vitie Sif ‘Once asin, wheter (sintered (1) @) depend onthe content in x Y 2 sich hips rd, Thee il nbigatyin (18), he er ba “Tis is because a joint corporation constng two or more companies is om ((1)¥ High Seboo’s branch campus whic sn Kyoto [X mode toon tootedge fein (in te dy erpenton iis "Y © 22", X{FBZ), @) A drach camps of Y High Sebo, whic sia Kt [Xml ¥ and "KY Gulden 5: AccinyHeniycach men’s modified cones nosines 2.42, X10 2) Parca import is whether element odes a noun oa vet “The inereettin of 498) depends onthe context andthe itrpetaion of ‘Assn example a explanation of motion In) how (33) (400 depends oF era's Enews of Y High School's rat, (D coy7hraTktochHoNee ER ek ole cr ‘The ambiguity in (48) can be xed by (50, a (60) HRW Be <—rocoy tio HEs sarrcor oy a medtes (0 dagen fnew mai nd meg of te gouzbaeenee ETN materials [X modifies Y and Z, ie, X[¥ EZ}; (2) the developmeat ‘few mul (for something a ie maktng (than more: ane ‘modifies only Y, i, eZ) for the creation of documents) (necessary) Wether 0) is inte as (1) oF) depends onthe conte in which his one wxonte sete ed (oes) Cosco) (51) provi xanpes of 0. sxontie gicren (base operation (Diet Object) (please eam) va 31 ‘Note here that ye form which ites verbs; hs, (52, od fies cboet hase. (See Appendix 3 Compound Parcles) (54) indicates te scope of sbea and (SS) provides the English equivalent of a, 6 Sov7bosTktot (kmoRRCONeEKo) AEBeMe TEM, (55) Win hs soar, pease lear he basi operation nce fo er sting document. [Comgare (52) wit (56, where satstowes i fllowed by niyo rater than a yote. (57) illustrates tbe mation tltions among the sentence ele 65 cov7 hrs 7ksaROnMcoRRkoNERL CTS () Aes 207 boariRs sone, (oy means of it sotvare)—_(eaton af document) soma ome (orth cretion of ecuments) ——_(ncessy) ame axon (veces) Cosi operation atone aacren (Gasc operation Direct Object) (pease lear) ‘Not hee tht of yor is for which modifies nouns (or noun phrase) tus, Jn (56, it mois buna no slat (58) india the scope of e060 and (39) provides the English equivalent of (9. (6H [cov hy aTkLekeomecaReEKo) HB ee Fa 6, (69) Plas lar the base operation neestary for craig docemens sth thie soar, ‘As shown inthe above examples, misunderstanding «modified element can lead 0a ently wrong iteration. m7 A DICTIONARY OF INTERMEDIATE JAPANESE GRAMMAR (Main Entries) ‘Slichi Makino and Nichlo aut BREESE (oh ARAR) amarl BE con} cw ‘enjuocion whinars case} because of oo mach ~ because that involves excesive scion too mutts 50 ~ tat = (REL. sia] ‘Wey Sentences w. Heol 650 | Honteon, (vaso exci that coun lep that night) » ‘Topic | Storie Clause | ‘Maia Cane vat T =O ie re] oz HE ewgoneoc Lest. (hie tertbook has tured ov wo bean unlatreting one becuse He suesed grammar too much) ax (i) Noaey ‘Efiog2 9 (acause of two much exit») Gy vir be WEF (0. 0 cantons that) om w) REuBiogs yRedindor (Adak was softened that she couldnt even make ound) ama o © @ uit¥voss rEoyBokicha owes on. (was so hay that I hugged the perso beside me widow inking) SORA WHERE Wane 2 DRE Eaoce (As for English edocaton n Japan sams hat becuse grammar empsized foo mach, the development of conversational sil is regleced) ShoRBUBAe Havas vfidwZ ceocis on. (he last meeting ended up having ie content sau fcusd 00 och on formas) 1 Claas and phrases involving the conjunction ama can be repssed ‘sing teaver amar andthe conjunction node or tm 8 (1). © a REZOMBRURELE (OT /AOE] BBAEH Re GKS(AD b conmmEsEUZBERMLE loe/ ROE) HA KBeboeeo TLE ot KSB) (oamart (D810: 72-73)) Adi) and jin) cannot recede amar, a en (2) and (3), @ Kit Lao se sen®emenoe. (was sos that cond even ey (i, even er dda’ come ow) ©) Hee (ome /-ome) 92 0'Rbuiells auditn fe (A ooked tke they wee so assous that they cout even eat (it. eve foods dingo trv tei throat.) Vif can be iter pst of noapast when it represents a past sein or ‘rent as in (4), altough the nonpas for is more common, © SomMmuREMALEARUEECanboeocLE ‘ate KSB) {Ratated Expression] 4 ‘The anlar ved sug expresses a iar idea. For example, KS(A) ant (@) canbe repre using evga a). L) 8 RiROMN (OBEN / LETC) HenEH re. OKSIAD b COnHmERieRN (reReU LEST) AC eOG mo TLR ayes (KSB) However, there are some diferences between ama and sui Fist, ara is alas apart of an aerial clause or phrase which expreses 2 case ‘Sug, however, does no aways exresscuse and canbe in the preete ‘of main clase, Second, aris wed erly when the ver or nou repre sent a pyeholgial ction re. Ths the followlg sentences are nue- celal 2) Hie-veeseu 4a lei, (Yesterday 1 ean oo much beer and T have «headache toda.) of BBE DE -LERAL IT) ROE) FamEHO, G1 tinoaevitiiern, (Zam so ed that Ihave no sppette) ‘Third, spi is wed in bth spoken and wen Japanese while amas in- ied we wo formal writen Jape, (eosugi (DBIG: 423-29) ba =hodo ~i—tEE a, Teac fleing ae a ape] the ~ the ~ ‘ene in poparioa tothe increase { (REL. Noda) of exent/depreof ection ote ‘Oey Sentences “ ‘Tepie Sentence, Sentence, SRG | Maracimmrsre | Becomes (The harder you sy Japanese, the ore ietesting it wil become) ® ‘Topic Sentence, Semease, rorenit | Tabunusone | Rie, (Ata party the more the meer) © ‘Tie | Sentees Sentences a | RM reonies emma) ue | BRE. (A mache is harder to break, he sper ite) mm (1) Yoon Wamp 2 (eV) Beinsyae (te nose ste noe) (0, Amt eka Goes A AO) sre (he owe expesive st (i) Aairaystem (CH RIEDS 6 Abinto 2) BE Corer Aaa) =adie)) (macanits [Mono mine) HL (be queer stl. is the mare -) @ comumouREEEEL CE DE, (The more yo drink thi sab, te taer i becomes) @ APL YRIEDORLAROMMLU CT (The beter the university, the had ito get in) © 7 Hamre ORO) me. (The closer sparen arto the sation, the more expensive they re (oreay) @) WARNE DRRDELHERE ORME S, (Me beater you are, the more cael you should be sot your eat) 1. The construction of Be ~ hed is very clos in meaning the mare the more ~ constuction in English 2. Otter conioohis tare and fo cannot be we in this constuction, ‘Thus, tbe following se of and tara are ungrammatica ) BEW: UAE ROE) RoRLOW, (As forthe tition, te cheaper the beter) KAI (MOIE /rwAS) HELLERINE, (As for beown et more you chew it the tae it beomes) ‘3. When the verb is a su-vecb asin KS(A), takes he form fetes N- suraba sur hodo or Neurba suru ho sin KS(A) Ite verb is sot ¢ suwrver as la x(a, it always takes the form of Veond Vint-nonpast eo 8 =a = hod /~ bata ka ~ (a0) 4 The conan form nari only with Adina. So the flowing seateoes ae ungrmmtisl G) TOME eSHREEE EOL CRE. (ERG) TT PURI SRREIEE (RAD HHS (BLL) = bakart ka = ) ~~ (BR) comp prt. /eon “compound particle conancion which i used to connect 100 nouns o two sentences, the fst of hick is st normally expected sd the second of whic sa noe. rally unexpected Wey Seaencss w ‘Tepie | Noun vom |_| pace | Fe | wane | XA {in Sapn not ony clea but ven ade ae reading com books) sot only ~ bat also REL. - bots ua) oaks ~ (io), ~ cake de (wa) ra ~ (oy aotevota) ee | amtRicos, ® ‘Tope | Semen Sentence, navemen<. (Ge not aly enjoy ooking a pistes: he lo draws them) aoxe | wenceLe laws bata ka = (88) 9 am (IV ARn)ing UE (m/v) Nm ely is) 888 (8) Adios He ens ieee /otton) 0% ote few) sts. (kn) oN any (le) oa arm @ Tayacekeeiton®, PEE, geeerermee dec Ghent ny eg sb eink thee ens) ©) Ronosmumetirn, geLevces, Sayron awe tomte mesa ot rin) © shuneomonviter®, axeeamocn, ran ae ot ah ene) @ RURKBOMABA DODD, AMETEOLATETT. (Oy father no only loves t,he so Loves cook) a= 1. Before ala fa comes 5/5. nomnally expected and after bla x coms i/o. normaly unexpected Ifthe onder ofthe two is revered st unacoeplble entence like he flowing seals () AREMEeREDeHITEN, SELLE EO BL) 2. ‘The parce sae canbe replaced by he particle moet. in spoken Jopanese 10 boar a = (ea) RORORMURVIEHYD, BEALE, (EL) ©) HAaRELEEDAUIMND, FREERO EI. (Ee) (etated Expressions] 1. The phrases bata oo (wa) nak - () nd ae de (a) nal = (no) ae very smi to Bakar he ~ (ee). Among thos thee constuctins bata ka ~ (soe) expresses the highest degree of wexpecedness| between he content of 5 and Sf such anexpectednes is missing, the ako ~ (60) constuction sounds awkward, Examples follow U8 SO AuMM LEH mY) UNE K ART EEK tke, (eis not only good scholaia sport.) D. MBOAUMREOD, 2-7 ERURE. Ba cowie tee seou) cued, ecenwe Bae (This bok is no nly interesting but ho educationa) b RookEMeimURAmiceAnes (dake do (a) naka ~ (BIG: 97-100) 1. School Sy construston indicating tit $0. / is very ft fom ‘an (unseat, s uit erat om, aka ka Shen Si slfirmaive and $s negatve or when Se neatve ad Sis ffm tive. Examples follow @) Bassmomes cae /iceym, es also good st ease Eaten EeA (Cam from being abe wo speak apanse haven't stoi it ell) Ml Arzeaweammbien Wose/aseue, om chilsres. bata ka = (a0) / bolita 11 (te, Sth is from beng unable to wrte Japanese; be ean ‘een te ane in Japnste) IF bo Sand, ae alirmative or negative, the two consrctions are imerchangeable, (9) 75-7 eAuatmeweS ees / ites, Hie lee, (i, Claris no ony abet speak Japanese; can even peak Korean) (0 ZaueemeBiousen 1ecae soul, Mie RB omarw. ‘im is tony unsbe to converse in panes; be cannot even make simple grins) bekide BH aux ‘arta which expeses he] shoul: ough to speaker's Judgment that so/st. | [REL pay Boge; mone oe; should dot orsbould bela some | rate nai] Key Sentences w Vin noopast fie | eee | xan (stasis shold be rewrnen) 12 ahi 1 [Pte | saactehe [9 | x (easel apzen. | i (You shoud ay that Kind af hing wo poop) i 6 | [apa j cae (fou should ave come, 10) ABTLAE © [ |Vinf -nonpast ice | We | eases enom ‘Toa ve i ar Yama) © a eae Gane | Neve ‘Vinf-nompast - wr [ Gol obs ak pod tke) (eo mmo2) Ge wae bay eget) (Bin arson] ch59- Gal we aby gi) i FER seater) cave.) Ga waspobablyateacke) F i om @ conser-angstiekcseveass. (Such a boom wil probably not happen again) & coe: sbikuiliitaweass cfilans, (iis expec tat the next erthquke wil probably) be very stone) © 208 Bilbo cificens >. (at negation wil probably be ey iit) 30 ar / de ars © colindh, Beoneass etons, (Chink that his rca was probably ake angie ago) == ‘Dea is xginally the conectre fom of te copula de ar, but i is sed ‘as analy of conecue. This is ed only in writen Japenese. (dean) Ueated Expressions] 1. Oo es formal aulay of conjcte, hs the same messing and fsction as doa except that ae ar can appear before «noun as prt ofa relative clause but cant, in) 0) Hevomess (e995 59) Samide peer rer ae (Ge mast be prepare fora svongearbyuake, which wil prod- ably take place someday) (Coatrs (B16: 100-029 1, Mav canbe used to express a negative conjette. However, it canbe sed only with Via-nonpast af 2) Ree sccawkern, (iba conwkewess, 30) (Ge probably wot come here anymore) (oma) dear TBS cop ‘copa HE ede formal] be iting and fonalspech (ee. deaw 31 © “Topi (abo | FeoKthe | Bor Sai Tae, (be water shortage his years extremely seus) comm G) Nee HEHE (oe a veacher) i) Adjamten 83 Breas oe asin = a) Kikitis stkeoas, (Mar sa inking 00d”) &) AF Mmus waliiess £3 nitty cas, (The iea) hat Japanese is an ambiguus langage is wrong.) © Riki Keksontliticns. (Using a big at fr one person is useconomicl) @ Rect eRedoewhiics on, (ot hm many Ieters bat it was useless) © BxMCEE DSi: celle Ucitbevoras. (principle, in Japanese we donot ay wtf understood fom eon ext) © tembkevonWW ensues cas. (ts bacause they ave practic that they can't doit) 1 Ths conjugation of au is flows Pisin Form onpest | past conjecture Aftimatve [| ea | chow co Nepuive | Seaw Saehoe | TEED Poe For sonpast st conc Am | ea0eh | eavaue [eavzees Ne [eunnaes | cuenseecta | eazwetay | 2. The plain frms ae use in formal wn, for example, a profesioa! tls and eit. Altbogh the dea sl is more frmal ha he sive the wo sles are often wed together. Noe thatthe doa se nd the syle eangot be wed with be dau se 3. Tn wong, the formality level ofthe copla ea flows More frm Brees aries f ens | «de The polite forms of de av (ie, oe amas, eimai, et) ae 1 sometzes usd in formal speech, fo exarpe in patie speaking 1s speech the formality eel othe copa ia ely Informal Formal se er Re ET Routed Expression] Although de and ce ani mean the sie thng, tee are sme syncs i= | tereces between them. Fst Not canot be wed the pening orm | wile N oe ae, sin 1. | me weoRen (eas /0/ee) Ho beA BEET A scmbnr, orchan, whichis Sos representative work, was write in ‘he 300 year of Mei) baa Boer aab (eae see) Ce dae, (That bei fetes pans isnot questioned) ‘Second. (NY Adis) ob canot appr before expressions of nse | tangy sch s rai and ka mo sana 7 Adin} de a doesnot hve hs resiction, a (2), 2) a SRURBORUR GO (eas sos) (BLU ROL, ule (This (seems o might be See's writing) ». copkot BAB (e5s/0/ee) (SLU/meuRe Ole (This method (seems to / mig) be mere effective) (= wa~ da (DBIG: 521-24)) ‘onjncton indicating it 807 Sis very far rom an expected fac from; nt jst even REL. = Bakar a = (206)) Wey Sentences wo ‘Sentence, ‘Dihtaetes MD ERK. ® (Cam fr from being abe to speak panes, Haven't ied atl) ‘Seatece, Senence, Van eeRoseammee [Ls 5d, | Hillzansremenn, (ios sot jst unable Wo comvese I Tans; be cannot even mak simple greetings) amr (2) (Vat? Adi) noapst eee oe Car from eating) Raves oe car from being big) Gd) [Asjpasem coy} LEAH ‘HE Ce) ES Ae (lar from being beathy) WLS 5 rom being it) . @) ALashaeBolitates room, BER omo eM, (Otc. Smith is far rom beng able to ead a Japanese newspaper; be ows’ eves know bragans) © Yarvyscaithobeenecen, Beatmten, (Jonson isnot jos able o wets aj be cannot waite eves hiragana) © Atxsanaxmemranccsm, exMORBamrs co vt (Me. Sith is far from being unable to write Japanese; be can even vt novel in Japanese) @ 72-7 enithLaneconsvesn, BEaeacons, (eC is out ae et sai ecm even et mat) © sokvkercvcse, amomean. (Ges fr tom eating oot; he dot een red wpe) © Rablibersxcom, Beo7Fedew, (by tater from ding exerts he dos ven ep of be tue) @ HoRulorese, eons (Angus wa fr to eng hoe was old) & KoxdBeearecam, dearer, (bytes fo eg Realy: he been) () Buckdesse, Horeatwron. (To mea was ome fens ws ike foo for igs) 1. nS, doko Ss used to incte tat 0.5 Is very fr fom 22 expected state In appears a station quite ferent fom the situa tion expres in 5, 5B cetera / amo 2 In otra She ition of ima / egies i, nae : = ao Tyret | am | amt. | Bxa “not just; even’ a — Bhexa | e50 | eR CKoae | oun. Type? | Am. | Neg. | SCA), Exs, (€)— (i) | “far from’ +- — > Sl a er Tred | New | AM | B® “ar rom? [3s cssahise [Does [nee | ee. | Se ee [tions over] © = ~ ‘Neg. k || soRRoRR: | ese | HAC | ae. [ re | ame 298 at <= | PRBS] sewtanmenrmereame (7D EFA IVVARO/ me t ‘pot make definite statement ‘manage to; just; from what I £3 oH. (no matter how one wies, 5.0. can't talk) shout St doe flack of han eridence ther: 86m 0 ater how ~: Tater tat for some reason ‘ 29 Gfieeeste0% (go mater ow one ies, 5.0. doesn't et) £5662 CL don't know why but sis good) #ey Sentences 5B Fe-et0+ (dons taow ty, but s,s ot good ast) o (i) B3~ (WI AgOHIAg (LE 23481 ~ L Pete ED 6M (5L0/29 0 ber ta 08 gig wae) he Duea wunrise aravonurt pane) |SeRowie [exe | aise Pann 29 6H (500/297) per tao. espenve) | encase mang igrSoee 8 Aan very well) re) 25 6H (Li / 8522) Cate ta sis ied) f° o @ © 0 © ® © Deas VOW ERE Caner. {onto wy, bat ely To fel ey got) soko bitiiues bhai. {ont Anow wy, bat apne is aro sea 0) a, cobllinkibsres somnauner. (Profs, Text manage pap te te of is pdt) rtowes ofits. (su ncment vein ch com) deoturveitnnhc, es beksan, C1 dont ow why, Bt oa aways wachig TV and do oot reais) pomeuey ol) (Tt sce se ie) Yeruaxmemroniene, noone) vthes yer. Chi is pd aspen npn te se eon he wes por sera) ones WkcHoanetlo cons, woitnes tot. (gue tat an eth on ho dit ad yes wih) BullWro ices gaanerroin, sign fo te smo yer cn hve cance) W) BixdelbiotcBetonc eHes kits: (Wat she si tome this morning inthe tin somehow bothered me.) ep ‘Deimos an aver that indies the speaker writer cannot make & ene satement abouts, because he anno detty/ inci the reason. For example, in KS(A) th speaker hat made an effort to comprehend the meaning ofthe sestence but we cannot pnp the ‘meanag: in KS(B) the speaker has n0 sold evidence aboot Suu’ ‘ onnanl~ (kotoyka EAI ome / donna - (koto) ka 39 ace t Kyoto Unie In KS(C te intr’ cla tng ‘erin sar win ame ey th eae, 2. Tain pate eve oe. i KSA Ch saad seh occa ane tt Es) an (0, Wie el Decade ihn aii acne hd 3. Dani ith art nant “Tank vr ch cui suminsensnsns Ta vey sn) Olga lec ne 8 ta inow © Bkese ionaercevs inn. Gi Thnk you very mach for what you i for me he ter 9 @ £58 (ast. ons) Groce atid wee how = () } maton about the depres to which | (REL. dorotodo ~ (hot) ha; smactonorsateakes/ took pce | har ~ (to) a Key Sentences w Sentence Rawk cence anumok (ow glad my eer brother was whea he recovered fom his ess) me p 0 doonae’ = (bt) ka ® ‘Sentence Ree race: [Gow day my ftir loved my mie) © a nial oon | BEAR Gae | sawenociun | Eeoeion, (ida elze bow smal Japan war unl I got Japon) aur C) ERnem(eEe EARCHLIS Eby Gow dtc sti) Gy EA eie~ a Prdiote ennilfensis ter, (Go, dosnt know how interesting i) om Rhus bcldigeWe neice eatchBcBoncem, iow disappointed Hideo must have felt when Yoriko refused 10 many him) © BMbkreonKeee RRR omenic@roorn. (For Yoshio, wo id’ ket sad, how hard it wa enter cole!) @ Burscersva Prepon ts! (ow strongly Kiko waned tg o Frcs) @ PBucok kEe creck Mancee! (Glow stony the tens hated ber teacher!) oman’ to) a! ces0 41 © Bilor i seeaniiiitons em (Gow convenient my spatmet right in float ofthe station was!) (0 “Huling eilani, nmvsrctonmmanemon. (hiro dit elze how lonely is acess must have when beet hem) = 1. he exclamatory smctae of dona i= hoto ka, Agno P| chological / physiological vr is used before foto fa. The psyholog- ‘al verb ocde, among eters, abu ‘lov,’ lum hate,’ konome ‘ke’ and the physilogcl verbs nlc, among thers sara “get tte ase oka “ewes ory shine” 2. When the sructr i sed as an embeded question, kot is omit, as in KS(C) and Ex, ‘ated Expression) tan’ ~ ote) ke an corehodo - ot) Aa can be sed exaily the same way ‘ domnari = foe) 4a. The only ferences thatthe forme sa moe fo ‘mal wees se dose 3H atk In any case; anyways a all vents afte al atl! ‘raver tino be spake er / wee’ feling that 20 ater that he does o ow ae do it the station wil nt change 2 cbee Ky Sentences w Race, [ee (desided not ty forthe Bdeation Ministry's Scolari, because Tbe doomed to flare) ® B epeiuirecr a, (ox pid, a you know) () LxeKMREN tes, toftieercivsr. (m going Japan next week anyway, sol bay that dictonay over (bere) ‘The aver doe often indicates the speaker fees pes and/or angry that oting can be done to change 1 given station, but at exemplified by [KS(B) and Ex) the adver can also be wed 0 sogget finaly of coe Aisin. re eae | REM, Boo setehion, (A you make tp abroad a al.'s beer to dot wen you ae young) @ Lotcaun(scoilll, sonore, Bsc tice Rae (Ceznet do this much homework anyway, I've desde to ply) © Kheerwtean tins, <0 loca biare., (Since we humans sre bond od is wows woeking bard) © estheensoK, b> Ucfolkebio? (Why ae you following him, when you ae well aware tat you are svg fo be dumped afer al?) @ ertnoklicutitikevs, Riasoormimons, (You cannot mary that woman anyway, You'd beter give her up at toon #8 possible) A HitcAgcembesenomn? (Don't you understand this simple mater?) (Te yard of my Bouse has big rocks araged in Jeane wy) be cAnmictocfan, (Pease hd tke his) T & spemcBilkatwns, soeWkceetL 3. ] (Gf he keeps drinking ike that every dy, be will surely become ill) she | me | Bi coreuuilitaknaws (©) coma 4Aeey FM, ECHR Lean tts ‘te ies stab wo pt psd pay (Weta made hs tid ic very pe ke Indian version) fo) RE phe ae i Fis Ga Wenem ani) PP ei a sepeee aie eme Y= mane ter ~ apes | fe SABRE ike) sar of= "ike i Sing LORE ake) “oxey Seas {REL yoo] Frmamewsmcii-cis) (hea that so, doe go the) iy Seatenes |g Bars, Bilis eben me ke date one ay and ” fone he nex) Now | a ‘Boos | RE [Re | Ravdedocavan, | @ a: cateiemchonomeatre. t | (Gow should T bold this?) ® —_ To a @ ¥xi—wexmonthe LeBicags (y Lt. © Cs spied when omy bored aoa) ‘veel Ge | to Wha, ¢munll arurazosme, wabisedoc> Quote [ | (Kyoko goes out every day to take lessons, like flower arrangement Kelas eoemRLS [E08 |e] 2 Clon eel [ews)w] 2 chon ( ae Beeonenrmckoclion raw, wren, ‘vas ofc od by my teacher thar Thave to wy harder because Tam | | (Cee tt your moter has bees plz, bt how lsh) smart) ea eee @ BiBionwes, ocosBelocén, Loman «a= beats, (wish things could change in uch «way tat we can eped a ach GC) IN/EAB/ EAE Ib / LAY AIS lke (Nhs tae! money a8 We want ois for eduction improvement) That ~ over tere), in whit mene?) a 46 on 1. The aivebiat phrase 10 i ints the sun wind which has tended meanings of ‘appearance, ‘styl, "mnne”ot one” Thi is why the veil pase (N hom / soma ana dome) 10 in ‘ates appearance / syle manner in which i done. 2. § to4f0 (sin KS(C) ad Bc) is wed when one wants to quote St, a8 fo evoke inthe iad ofthe titre he mania which the ign communication was made. The mein i the comet the foot at = 3.5 tuo in Bas(6 and (g) bat a mening of in ach away tha =" incontas wo qotaton cae of Noe 2 4 Ny 100 Ns a8 in Bx) and (8) means Ny witha spe of Ny. More examples follow a apo emoli (Guropesn ye architect) bo nmore (Backsyle musi) 6 evemde (4 woman like Monroe) (Retaed Expression] ‘The adverbial phrase 0 can be replace by yn ifthe canstrstion is $0 {ufo rf the consrstion is (Roma / soma ana! donna) 0 has replaced by (Rone sone ano on) yk. N 1 a aso be replaced by No 60 chek (AGM / LOLS) HORSE GELO) 0] (ASR ADL>) KAKACORS, aocmRCEETL Ex) DB) Soa v—94 AK 44> kR/ 42 KORL—085 [47 KO ED), ECORCLTS DEF, EKO) gach

. MARAE BORKCL: 5. (willbe most ine tomorow) 2. When gat modes «noun, two fems are posible, sin (2) a hae (e/0) ee (astadeat who tends to miss lasses) be meet (fo) PH (acd who often get) 3. -gach/canbe paraphrased sing the adverbs yo oes" or hitashiba £7 heguenay a a i ©) a BERIT (26 / LELIS) wmREtKE, KSIAD BRINE (EC /UEELEED BRE Lite KEIO) 4. gach is often sed with such adverbs a yyamonundo, temas, thoes for empbasis (08, E85.(0), (an). [Meated Expression) ‘The suc gin can also expres the den of end 10 in some contents The mor dflrence between gat and gn is that ual describes ene tendency in someone or somthing wile ir deseo vibe 50. gach / pat Indcaton of tendeocy. Foe example, i 1, Tsk ha 2 goer eadecy to gain weight but shee nt necewariy oversight a te smoment of speech In (1), onthe other hand, Taek is showing sigs of being over eight 1) a Beamekn ese, (ako tends to gin Weight these days) b OTERO War, (Tacko i showing 2 tendency to gin weight these dye) In adton, gato expresses the de of “ouch oo it” ain (2) "6H does not have tis messing 2) Makes, ochheaer, (have a sight cola today) sgatal 28 ous alt) we ‘ean adjective whieh expresses the Mes tit fr 89. © do st is vrwaly mporsibie or Impose ‘Wey Sentences we (What be i ir unforgivable) ao ® a co Mia [Beto [Ea [wen [Bok [eeeman. (Tip ibm gre ne meno) ome) = a 0 © i caetu chard to believe ; unbelievable) @ RoliuaiiLare, (is ekavor is aro wndestand.) &) aokthialte scaucailien ste. (Pat pofessc ies respected ta can hardly pproch his.) fq cotookitudavenn, [Between these two worse hao sy that one ister than the i | @ sozays7 MiB LReiONED, |} Gis edo say tha his project was a sccess) t vanvakeharltie, she (ie Jones isan ieplaceble person (lt person hat et.) Runoliticis alin weve onan, (We obisned sn ndsptbie ee of evidence concerning hit crime) @ sahkcemobasrvld Bedi. (was inolerably hamid by im in the pas. it reeved anata ‘ble hulaon fom him) 8 ous == “gata is wed when its vray impose for 2.0.10 do. Ths, KS(A), forexampl, is equivalent 0 (1). @ oLeceamen, (4 We cannot forgive his conduct) Ueated Expressions) “t-rex similar es, Le, “cay in ding However thle sage is spicy fret. Fit, gt! ie usully wed ‘only in wien language or forl speech, but and sur canbe eed ‘oth in spoken and writen language. Second, ne gta and val oot imply viral impos or example, in [1], where Mz, Yard's handwriting is ar, bt not impossible, ord hand zal ean be aed but gt enn. Oy Mids rofutka cus s5useRol. (Yamaca’sbandwsing (li. hua) hard 16 ead) "Tir, wile gata anda can be sed only with vee which reguire an age, canbe used with verb which dont rue an agen in (2 yiiebbe (i 7ROOM) EMEA, (EXO) °X ga 7 means “esiesX-' In this plese, is often omit, a a cy a BARU) MINERS TH. KS) b RICLIERORUKICD Tb LadaL (KSC) i MAC REUMOSLEREN, GEE) "Note tha is fellowed by mo, cannot be omit. © MKER (/%91 SEEROEREL TOS, CELLED Ueated eprsson) ‘Hota cam sometimes be used in place ofp. For example, (ein the fe lowing examples canbe paraprssed using oka Ta UREA WUKOA) OH) BAKrenctemoce BF. (@KS(A)) AM BU / ORM) KMONEUEREE TH. KS) | MIRE UE /IE) cmb mL Aten. (KSC) NG (ChBF/ZOHm) EHLENEO, CEMA) Note tat Nga can be followed by no Nan (but Nn oka canot The dfeeace betwen hoka and igi that oka canbe used as ide ‘pendent oun while ois always used as a dependet nous, Ts hoke ean " 2 ® 4 sppesr in setece inal poston but al cannot, sin (2). Ba (60 /+BH) ofadecuteen, (hee you avilable on aber dys?) (am / BUH! (oboyiatiiian teh, (There's no problem withthe other (ote hing) (iam (BUH) corphihias 9 tt dm, (o you have ay ater questions?) ‘Avober diereace between hoka and gi thai! can be followed by ‘copula conitonal fom such snare, dtr, and ceareba but oka cance, sinh . B) a BE wt sown (66 / eons /THhiE) HORE aire, (Cv od you anything except money (twill end you ay ‘hing if ie someting ober than mone.) E wk OB) (46 KORG / THREE) HOO Dee (ply eveything exept mljon. it. play anything i iis ‘ot majong) ‘aly ig can be followed by case mashes such sand to but hola can- ot a in) Bhs ww vous) Ludahoovcrcicvs. (mate i a practice to socialize oly with ch peopl. (it 1 make ia protic nt to socialize with people ater thas rch people) » cot (use) eHEk auc fen, (Pease donot atin rooms oer tha his one.) wa 1 Fo1we) 6 cwa) BLE() ‘conjncton indicating te speak | since; now that noe i cont e/witer’s fecting that there | lsat ng nen tg 8 Should be a very strong local’ | [REL Aagit we) fare wa) atural coinection Between what recedes the conjunction and what BR [Re | Eve, (Since 1 came to Japan, would ke wy lapanese bard) ° =< | Sentener ow | BE [cas BEG), | mRT The strstr canot be used 16 expe objective eae elation. Exam pet flow: © bie Bores, ecedacvs, @ Hhediictarae, ecole, 3) Se Cra eL, Beare csr. 2. 8, ofthis consruton aways cad in verb or cant never ens in sn ajectve 66 $o(we)/ anim {Retated Expressions] 1k When, 40 S; means “so log a asin KS(B) and EX) it can be place by 5, agi (va) S> ty Pecas (aL) odd), ar ~, (As long a this iste fact, be probably cannot escape being found (i) Vine Be AED (astarasso.see9 fies (as tong a8 5.0, examined) 22000 (aslong asso doesnot read ut 0, rads) ARSED (as Tong as 5.0. can do; tothe extent s.0, can do) Gy Ne aa yeu mY BE omy (as long asso is a student; while 60. isa student) BEXeewm (song as 50. isnot Japanese; unless 8.0. is Jape ese) au @ Foie my yo7.7 heeeoneM, (As long 25 te preseat sition cominues, we cannot start out ject) & cobltictir amy miediir (As tag sth incheni concered, bei nace) © tobotosmnmuellees, (As far as Tho, be isan honest man.) | : 1 as agit @ © © ® @ o colflicnoms remo samon (As fra Tea, the document ontsied 9 emo) WHFcnamneazccuiics re tifa) Heumoow (is ot always quiet. ot lays teacher) 9) BILE (Adinamen nN) wEeH SLE URI) cUEL (211 ot loys quit / 20 ot ways a teacbet) == @ Hit. coor i eMiiceszamion, (One cannot lvays sy hat masage begs happiness.) © liber crernerleKiarscumscn, (People who exercise regulary do not always lve ong.) © Bei onPEMUAMMERCREHEODe, BTLEEI CE ao (Stodets who have been to Japan donot always become point a Japanese) @ wberearewmctien, (Money doesnt always bring happtes to people) © HnctREner canceiecasoircitan, (isnot always the case tht an able researcher is an ble eon) (co MikuteE Lemos, suger Lbonzamean, (Tey say good medicie is bier, bot biter meine isnot always ood) @ etHenne, axretie, RHR cake oes oaevcaau, (An oventl wetrng gases, caryng camera and walking in «group ‘snot aways a Japanese) «= 1. The adverb fanarazshino i used with a negtve predict. Typically, ‘he nl pedi isto wa agra, oot mie t . (to wa kaghans)) sapaansstino 95 2. Kanazshio - rls ofc we in rove expe in which the tne ofthe fal pect is ull nonpas. Howeve arr sno can be tsd wth he pas tense wn 1) blow. soWntcHoh Petar CORAL ERO bot (Fhe stents who wet to Jean tht sero aye ‘ecame proficient in apanse) b Ez,0BR 2 71-0 mee ZOMROTLS Blcueron, (he pevformances of the vio past Vitis rows were so always pect) [Related Expression] arresting ~ a expesies spar egave. Te paral negntive can tho be expensed by eer expan ch as mina we ~ nl, 005 Wa = ‘a suet wa~ nal sro wa ~ al Exar fol: ty Satie oe Bis / toc) Bowe. (A ta ner i nook) f) Ruvsetkeens onuree, (Ris ot th ae that a vay heathy) B) aoeeolis (Ae /2B/ TK) URDOEO, (his notte cave that understand eveything thatthe profesor has | om ‘Among these paral negative exprenons, sanaanahino nd aves is ‘mach es ollouil than erst. Note alo that mina all’ za ‘al? ute? and fouro “always donot nay gue a neguve ein: ‘eres anaemia alway ous & negative ening. Examples flow ta Ble wae /weLs! wi cHs, (ty ends are tl mari.) Wile (a /wHLE! PotL aon. (ve done all be homework) Ma 96 tarwazshine /tanens ei (WOb FLO) ERE Crm always bealy) skaneru 4B our» (Gr 2) ‘tn eotiny expressing tht 60. ‘aan do oven fe wane 0 aie cant be notin 8 poston to; ray possible; bard Resite scien | Bon [wnat | os, Beewbaceoc Fen. (am oot in @ position to figure out that mute, a0 peste ask the sparen chit) ® aoMacanimeceee | (Ge might ca) do ny tpi hing) aur Vasu a /heees ‘ai (a cannot dink st.) er t Mate (es possible for soto dik st. /0. might dink st) BMlize2 ry Wheto, eB Reevsenu, £5 U, meokihcuicsoney. (hen ee am ming ani fo London, cn ed the mening in Nogpt) Le cnavoliie!Heulbhon masta {camet bn hs may docmnens i month) RRHRCHCers, cBicubeansr. Geis pete br we catch Your ge) S@ cache’, ener. 0° Cemnot ccept sucha expensive © Bisokiselyancoss Ge appears oid itr ude my eng) © Fikduccvcreor, stiomesdrdieacus, {stock date mate seven pret ce find hod fotki) aeDsd, TEkupbemas, ‘ied, you hsb swing fo: 308 wih pans canoe va) 0) srokeacoanstemunnewns, HELARon2, ‘cig yarn gy, wah on) () SORE roeLACE TRH eRsVeAEM, {Titman ight we vince a thine prveson) © com taFHHRAM BE LnceU. {sponte fortis inet to del intoesignon of ei ‘atin BBrsBc omnes cE LW Reo: Clns each ens even coud have ken pase) @ 98 tenors e= Vira fares (Gr 2) soften usd in formal poken or writen panes ‘0 xyes obey thatthe speaker / weiter eso do ing to sme circumstance, s shown i KS(A) and Ex.) (8, sol erally means ano” batt actully means tis very Poss ‘eo might” ‘The vet that can take aro is vee dha akes fi peron human subject. So vets such x howares break,” ar eet! kway up nar ‘clear wp" humor "become coud,” anno tke ane a cons the verb haan tke arene ae either the thidpeson man sujet (a in Ex. and () othe hed person oahu so seat (a in Ex) and "None of the regular potential forms eu tke -taer ites, boca it estes doable potential meaning. seocumicit, BuSHEBET. (leanne comply with your request) = ROcumIc, BURBET, obdusisaesnosey, (eanot seep this job.) SOURCES RO ORE, owes, thre ae two exception: wala ‘can gue cu” and deta “ean (sed wit Sino-Japanese compound) can ake ana a shown | KS(A) and Bx.) respectively. Ec( sa dla ete which comes fom Vasu of machkanon “cannot wai and is excepoal in tht takes a hed person eabject| ule ote eases ofthe Vasu kar. No her new combination ke ‘omachistae is possibe. Me As explained in Note 3 taney takes the Gt person, bat when the f fanart ~ nan made 99 main predicts in the progresive form, amar can take he hid pee Seu, a5 a Bx and (0). fetta Espresso) ‘Thee se two soins similar to ane, They are Vinay ni and ‘Vasu gts The eri diference i tt sane convey the meaning of (tame butte other two don't aes, they convey the meaning of “hard "odo The auxin goa i wed in write Jpanee, oi sounds ery tard 10] bts aceepabe in Ia Oa 2029 eR Rcwee (ORs /eCO/ eR, (is hard for met ace sach a contin) b enone: o LHL Ions secu nea oe uw (shard wo agree to hat, you now) (© ata) kara niitarumade ~#S~KESRT ae oe staring with ~ ending with ~ "Fart that exposes & wide ange of thins from =t0~ REL, ~ tra ~ mace) “Okey Sentence ‘Noun | ‘Noa T Bea, | Mb Sisto.) (Qtr. Smith can ead Jpanese widely, ranging from weekly magazines | to stole books) ALAA MTB) +6 | BH toWhR EH oS oRBeokamcmate, Hebe; (at seepage pore nom nang sh epee en {fon tsp os pea) o Baan Polifierusiolthnsarsot Bewsre, RebBKL Tne, (Wea wet pny fed Mi Yamada was ey id me. He Si eveying fom ing op thse ong the ae rcv forme) © sofoRunckiioc ens ittolnemers, touliuc. FE ect cere ce wer tty coding wi he wo re) © BRAemice, SWechinmeansae, Holter cw (Whe te presente compey eed eee he gare tote vce pit wa ang int of eB) © rnuitestibcnsse, Bol iieon, {Liew dese ingen, fo ess oer bat) «cp "The conseucton ~ kre ~ ray macs wed to expres a wide range of coverage. The constructions pinay wed in writen lapense. Ineated Expression) = ara ~ ars mao is replaced by ~ kare ~ mace in spoken Jape, ‘Tas, for example, KS, Ex5.(a) and () change, 1), (2) an (I espe vey (kara (BIO: 176); made (DBIG: 225-28) { 0) ALASkuaReSeHEET, REOERIIEDS, (KS) b) toRMEEUMMOADEEYSREMET, HeLMTHS, (ERO) “fara ita mie / = haa kaete 101 h G) RHBEAT ORM, KAUNAS LEBRAOME ESATO FRET, KICMAISLT Cts bh BR.) Since ~ fara ~ 1 tay made cannot expres range of phil distance or 1a) ikesitls (xe /-casee) Hidlic Bion. (tasks tee hous by bullet wala fom Tokyo to Kye) 8) Haattidest acs iee/czeetl ra2tLe, (eserday moming I payed sans fom 9 ook ul bout 1 ook) kara = nikakete ~PS~ICHT a Seats expresses coverage from one ime sation ito the Now| ‘Now (une (ume ecaom| fication) one | eRe ie (This summer T waveled on the Chinese conaeat fom July ough ‘August «a= NeoN EIT Spiro SAlcot-< rom January thowgh Febroary) Bok, | ER | ee | RE 02 tar atte cm #Miskilecttihcen chmbscus3. (is we ll prays om Try gh id) Oe ee i Glan eign conn hap en hy) ©) RAAB ech Wicmerchy dics, Gigs sempre pes eed om be Res Pena wp | ‘veh Ra) ep ‘The alata of - fae ~n hala i¢ Vio ofthe ver “hates” whose base ean sto angst ver stele. This basic meaning i reflected in he ‘meaning ofthe sce, tat i ‘extended span of tne pe sco ime sail Boundaries” (Mtated Expression) = ara ~ madi ima to~ hav ~ kat, bat not exactly Te former Indias «spatial /emporl quate begining, an the endpoints aur bat he Iter indicates spt terporl begining and the ed pitt | nt clea. So, as shown in (1, ~ Fara ~ i kate is unprammtial or ‘maria, bea the end pot is cle, 0) a Fibubes thie tee secon Kileken er. (The wate wil shu off fom 9 all pt.) bd RERWResKée (ee /meot) Riceocws t (OR teins ar eld up fom Shinju trough Shibuya) (made (DBIG: 225-28)) [ ven Jt ecmse; even if even though REL. ae tate; t mo) “onanetion whic he reason for ss scton or for 80° faving some ides, and conveys lsappoval ofthe ston or ides 5 Key Sentences @ ‘Subordinate Case Siat_ | Hie | wetto< Main Case (negative) Hroucaneen, ‘cant forgive hi just bens es hl) » © [—Subortinne Case [Man Clase Gepave) ‘| Sint WetBempen | noewoc | BR. (Even though on complaa doen't mean tat Fm said with the present station) Se preset © HELcoanrcaee, ‘Sobortnate Case ‘Main Cause (aegatve) setter | tenulllireccaan, have to be 0 essai tease you di’ past extn) 108 arto te cm Sint OER OC Hives E> because /even if even though ite oxpeacive) @ FWLeesemociolilicwen, (isnot a problem which wil be slvedBeease you ave psi / wl ay compensation) © Bos ens emo od prem. ‘Leanot obey te order withou sbking questions eves iis rom my oss) © Ta0AAtones two cHecliL Ecos bocien, (Your English will nox improve (ust / somata) even i you go to America) @ BEB Wcbcuses em chbbed BL cscecnes Bee i (ven though be goes to clas every day, it ons't mean that he i studying serioaay) © checcemomstmecicBe cusbirenen, (ven tough Tel you sob hing, it doen't mes ht Pm ete ing you) ) ABommvennes ees chsalke Leanne CaM, (d's not right for yout be laden just bees not you prob Jem) @ Keosraocotamiten, (Don't ake erty jt because she s& woman) 1. Raa fo to occurs with «main clue inthe psi form. frafo ‘to Sz {ak wa ara oto wa ral)" is wed in the following epg fate 105 (When the speaker expects the hearer (r someone ese) to thik S; because of bu disagrees witht (6, KS(A ad Be.(0)= (@) or denies i (eg, KS(B) sd Ex.) (@) When the oarr (or comone le) dons somthing bees of 5}, but the speaker disagrer with tat acon (ep, KSC), xs and (. 2. Kara tote can be contracted to atin convertion, ain 2, © srcedbamsor, eueniihor¢cenoels a (fon shuld’ oust that mach jst case you are beter than ters) Related Expressions} 1. ara eaot be wed in place of fara to, Compare (1 and KS(A) M1) FREDMTOREEOHO. (Lea forgive him just beaise be eid) ‘The diferece i hu the Scope of water wa ana) sys) ‘orp hs” wh hat of wake wa kana in KS(A) i odo a purus“ forgive him because bei hl” 172 mo and tata similar o tara fe te, However, unlike sentences ‘i arate, sentences with mor tate donot convey the speak approval of wing 8, a a jusifeation for (See Not 1) Com ue [2] with KS(C), aod (2) with Ee. Bl a Ree eC Tes eCRotl ehocRETS SEBO (fou doo" have to beso pessimistic even though you det pass the exam) bh #m (LTS / LAST) RUMMTCREO, (he problem wil ate solved even hough you have pad compensation even If ea pay compenttion) 106 ‘hae kar 939 om “a aly indicating the wee ‘onjectare which i nt based 09 probably {REL eo) any parila information orev ‘oxey Sentence aio) FHRosse Hit eou [we | #59. (is probably difical o preic what oneself wil be Uke in en ae) cm Asie 9 9 He (00./5 is probably imeresing) 2039 (401/54 i probably good) ‘bib (s0.! st does not probably exis) 8) (Agisem <8) HAdipaem IN} CIE) HSI (oo.rst is ‘robably not =) HHAC(8)2H%3 (20/54 is probably not interesting) Goines (i probably no hard) B¥cieH59 (oo. eprobably mata sctole) om @ colt He “¥ cH soukocmL +3. (is probably exremey deat w complete thie research in one ea) » 0) © © 0 ao 07 SPO cine Mieke RuBnss, (ven ong the Ipuese, tere are probably & lt of people who pes eeaon witout cay) Bors lusts sevoeePrcwarwenss. (Few peopl ob nk, shat cule someting I en) ray n0%tox) 2653. (wot! otal be god i apne ive alowed wet vate ners Ameen wives) tei ick vouens >, (ing is probsiy depron in mana cl prjtes) HW RcPRWBLa vhan es (Tore wil probaly ote ig change in th US Jp elsonhip tne ear fre) aotholiBalle ciens. (Te retaonship between he oi roby ot lose) AEs coukhewens>, {vis rotaly not wren oak for py for overtime work) Bear vcsaotes, Wkeaans>, (Be hasan ait 0 eis probly ot be eat) bkoxec OPE cdinobie seat ‘The conjectural avllary Kar is the contacted form of theo longer wed Ad) and ar is he conjectural form of an. 28) ‘The aviary har is comected only wit an Adi). When Ad) and Nae connected with ard, they have tobe negative, because the nega tive naan A. camot be coaneted with kar s shown in). 0) BHR oN Niele 29, ey 10H. ba (Ne wil probably continue tis joint esearch next year) ots = SHEE CC ORME RU SSI. Unetated Expres} Avot ery crs can pace aro witout ty change of meaning in I. Note tht the comnecdons forthe two elisa diflerens the ones for obro are {VI Adit} ore and (Adja)temN) (a dati) ar, wheres the ones fr karo is Adie ar, (See Formation) U) a F#RONRe EMF ZONMLOESS. (of KSA) b CORRE—ReRMT SOMO CR LUKE. Of Exe) © RRA REORIRO RUNNERS ARES D, (EEO) Also oe noed isthe fit that Ard canot be conned withthe pst ens, ‘bt dao cas, at shown in (2 a variciteRRRWRieot (095/135). (For Joh the say in Japan was probably iasging) bd HBF aeon 0033/9591, (The winter in Hokiido was pobably co) ‘The most base difeence between cr an ar e hat dr canbe wed in both spoken and writen Japanese, but Aaré canbe wed cay in wren Jopese, (dare (BIG: 100-02) stat ours 109 ot in a~ fashion manner iret yen | Aaicnint [Vmesu sFGREe | Bow | ha | ere. oy |_ Pro Hayashi caches ina stiet mansec) ® vine [Now |_| Viaas Wi | keoe [oo lo | AR | wera. (Akira views things na peat fashion) © Nowa ] Vonesu yoavent | Bea | osse | Ba | wera. Feta, (Pease wrt inch away tat anyone an underside) a cm (1) (AaioineAdiratem % Vint) + (Noun ) + Vass EFS DEWRORETS Covina tenible way) AEWPEEDORBETS (view things in «unique fashion) 26S SBARETS (each leay (in way one can under sand well) (1) NOED% + (Noun 0) + Vee HES Floss svootbuness (atk tke s otilé (it talkin ‘tldke manne) (Gi) Vint £98 (oun) + Vasu HES (Adjectives arly occur before 23.2), Kasidie 223 eae 2 (peak in sch a way tat people ue impresses) qm @ anertr-alibubisers, (Tat pitcher throws (a bal) i an ineresting wy) © HitulliclRorxessockecessonbu, (mata of ging «ride rom Yoshie tecase he dives carelessly (i in wld fasion) © BasmoPE Moni Woune coarse, (Tadashi seems to stay ina itfeent way from oter stents) © Bewttlseors ear muikew, (cant tink ike Prt. Nomura) © maa cearsenimercaln, (Nea ike tobe taught in och 2 way dt we (ome to) Uke studying) (© collilicouceeMc aa eaanerannB aueis a. (ere woul be many people who think abou this problem in he same way ado) @ AHucoRler chocusryemLmera, (© Tar’ talk sounds ike be knows the minster well. 2) Taare tas he ew tat ister well) 1.0 sun is te ont a manne in which omcone does some thing. When ts pase used in aman clause, the manner is under foes, 2, When sure is nvolved in Vins the noun pst ofthe ved i folowed by no, a in (1. a RE IOS) LF (be way 50 rive: how to dive) be 297 wire Uw (te way 4.0. knocks (onthe dor; How to kaock (on the ooo) (© kata DBIG: 183-87) 23. The direct object ofthe ver in Vast smacked by n,n by 0, 1s in), Ths, whe the verb isa suv, no oocus twice in he plas, a io 2). 2 Ze heow (Ose) BITE (We way 50 throws afoot: how to trow a football) b DL-2 (0/7) BEOLE (the way 0, pets erate; how to operate 8 crane) 4. The expression like yng haat osu oyna mone no ate © su canbe iterpected in two ways in some coments, a in Ex() (eated spresions) [Ltn some casts the manner in which someone does something is expressed by the adver fom ofan adetve, a i (0). 1) PiecatBe 926 / Pe) aaa. (tr. Yoneda is good at teaching grammar i teaches grammar skit) (> Appenate 1 (DBIG: 5810) However, "Adi//0a) Vinsutate 0 suri" and “Adve form of ‘Adj na) V" re not always interchangeable Fi, the adverbial fora. of some adjectives cannot be wed as mane avers (Le, an aver o ‘mean “asic and wc a manera in [2 BD] a t80e yg 4— iMAC RTS, (Accepable form: AvRIETE.) (hat pete dow (abl ina ntereting wa.) b BBURCKE 2, cAccepibe forms RRM L Re) (Kao sled strangely (i, ied in a sane manne.) Second, “Adi na) Vina osu canot be used when he man: rnercan be described objectively without invlving any pesoalimpres se, a in 3 B) a teotceBs rec ceeucrse.) (reas walk sight) b, FEMA OH He Lt. (Acceptable form: ACHE at) (We satin acre) ‘Third, "Adj ra) Vas-kata osu” canot be usd to dseibe how person Fels a8 a (8). EL a man Luge Lit, (Accepmble fom: 9 RL (Bots) (vas pleased) p Bhai Lu ewe Le, cAccepable form: BL ¢ BLA) (Noriko ft en) (acceptable fom: #2 stato suru 113 “x yen V" and" ye Vs sr” both inate manne in which someone does something. However," yén V" it us when expressing an exact likeness. Compare (Sand [5 I). Kes ezcHucTEn, (() Pets wite i down as ike T ll you, 2) Please ‘wt iin the way Tt yn) b gum eremaneLcra, (Please ween way sat the way el you) Siar, {6 implies tat Me. reee's command of Japanese i ike ha of 8 native Japanese (66), on the oer hand pis that some aspects of Mr. Green's way of speaking Japanese ar like ntive ap ese speakers. [9 2 7o-vshuashonrcasmeRT. (tr. Gren speaks apa ikea mative Japanese.) b JUD EARBRAOL I EORROMLHETE. (te. Green epee Japanese kn wy similar to the way Japanese people speak.) ‘Because ofthe “exacts that “X yr V" mpi, tis expression i ‘natal fs uneasngbe to expe hat someone does somthin cexaly i the way indicted in X, a a (7. Ma mysovEAunursronrcboeRe. (Or Brown views things jt ike Mr. Has) b. PIOVEAUNIAELOLDELOOREETE, (te. Brown views things simaly 10 the way tht Mi Haris does) (© yoni (BIO: 553.56) M14 fetowte katote PERSE cov, TGenjucion tw indcate the} yoo would think that ~ bt speaker’ asserion that popular} (hat is ot igh) tebe na gh ‘Seatese, Seueace; [Semen wie, | ereuew, [Bor kens, Keaaer Laie (fou woul think hat all the Japanese ike ssi, bt tat is nt te Some Japanese doe ke i) = (raga meB De, Se Be / Lt) 289 (ou would think that so, alk talked t=) ie sto) Bea e expensive bat ~) (8) = (Adjpamen IN} [8/ Hot) HEEL, Se Bas / mansions) Em} Lou would think that ti was ‘quiet bt -) GEE yeateon) EH) E (you would ink that 60 is/was a teacher but =) or @ waatioaWkoems:, 25cien, Ride rns babncns, (You wend tik tha cancer no cube, bat hat not te. eet eal iti aid to be cable) (you would tink tat sti was meu us © Breas, 2, Whpwnsielbceomene, ee faodse, pLocrseeere tae. (tk igo we apa od ed he for ao ye, Sone ease wots go bet oe sem oe. ‘a cnt, our Ips ny Bro won tn eee) © Koei anew e, Trees queens C's ink hat ole ade wth good ges wold be ‘thins, bt ov aay sna we ene) @ WRBesaukbsersmemse, eocoesere. (fod tink tt if youd exrise every day, you wouldve ou, ‘ut that does not sem oe te) © samen t, Buenbor orescence cau, (Yo think hat Japanese would be hard, bt speaking and stening ‘ye ott had) 6 © sarrrolte Loliiettinonee ese, Bes cem Bhatt (Vou'd tink hat my fe witout a car in Boston must have been Snonvenin, batt waa all) 2 ‘The conjunction canbe used whes one makes an aseton that a popular lle or what the steer reader may belive isnot vay true nS 2 {U0 what he senes readers exposed to believes expesed in, 5 {soften 29 de wa nao its variations as shown in KS and Exs, However, the Sy prt is omeimes omit si the falling examples. ) BRARAReT LIBS He MDE, amr Lekeamesrs fa. (You woald think sha ll Jpanese kad sul, bar you somtimes acouter Japanese wo do’ ike ssh) 116 ffl (0) awn f @ Hieceosubemae, Feuecewameas, (You would think tht come books se trash, but sme of them ae i relly good) (0) awa nh (OYE KE cont. /eomp, prt “i action ae that is exposed in he subordinate clase te bal- anced ty mother scion sate Instead off intent tut co makeup for ~); 50 (sake op form pace of expressed in the min cane, REL. ge: tar; horeaoimo): 1/0. that is replced by 4.7 | snd rode haan i) so.lse ‘Key Sentences w ee Var (fain Case) Bh | Be | Reve | WeWraounn (Cam going to enjoy mys athe daytime eo /bu Go make wp for) 1 sy a ight) (90) haven 107 ® ‘Seatence, Subordinate Clase) Seance, <= (in cians) Tie nce otABe | Buces os | RO9c (Mi. Yama worked for ws ait ex 20 bt (ome wp for) we sid him special eompenstion) © ‘Sentence; Soberdinate Claus) ‘Sentences Qin Clase) ‘AaiinE Horn taltie | Boor | eboe | eleeon, (be Former apartment ad bad faites, but (make wp fori) the rent was cheap) J © Feu, | a-e- | onove | saveken. (Ths morning Yank cocoa instead of coer) comm (4) (vrAginine REE Hertte oie cnstead of talking) Hottie (instead of being expensive) Gi) Adjnatem (2 / #2278) fe OK 118 (00) awa i Was (2 / tots) febO1 G5 vas que but (o make wp for) GN (orton) eM BB vi Gn pac of te teaches) WiseRozeHE DIS Go. was god tacer but o make up ca) om @ Sdiamiliemer sity Woda omm Lt (ay ¥ did't sudy ta he ibay. Intend, I sed in my dom, eo) © Hither Bibe bee caret elfen 65> (Capt To apne, (ke op fr) et me Engh) © RUEMBEHH ston, BREE dewcnes. Arse of ing expensive ng te al ofa wees) (@ Kor suRmeMtb ns, Relcecediier, (My apace is expensive bs oe he ation nd very co ves) © Bowrmonent unten cHEoti bow, (Gur ese ict bat (ste eer ood caro it tens) 0 Bhonasld alkwreon chins, (Cog rote alas se lo, bt Get ey ave edo) Rulon nckre-c iho, (hy fers psey wel, tsb t colialocrnne, Helecctiter. (Tis ares gut este corvette es ae faeewn) () pxBOH Revo boumsmonen cate RL oss UbeUeot (Tour pans cs cae etches Me. Tika inte fo ‘earcor Yada) vey sag wil) | F t (90) award 119 | a= | 1. The conasction particle har indicates 5 beng compensated by | alse fhe de of balancing missing Awa eannet e we, ( Related Expressions) © twemctonrDuEnE oct, Samctons, mEocon. @ ‘coos seurbuiseLaesL. oxeogsangne, MATLENEU 21. Veg before far inde a ton that swt ae lac: “whereas Vpast kawart ni indicates an action that has already taken place. {Comite ieee nmeing son teens ©) Bw i GB) a RMREDD RRROE DK. (Cine to ply at ight isa of having fo i devine) 8. amEA ete cm. payed int dane, bt ke peri T did sia) 6 MEA RtebDicRMETS E> payed nthe tines Go make fr ited to sy ah) 4. amesreon emma. payed at ih need ying ne dine) Jn 0 and 3, he see ess dd’ pay i th ating specie ttn (8) and Oe the peak ays Tne cof jes tf ver mtv xed by the aleve ti, tA in a are an ope scr, show a). © 8 7 Hem EN AERIS. (Te mre oxen tt convent) 20.) awe Bo TO MERE DMR ote (The sparen wat expensive but twas convenient) 6 Tim hm oRItb DCO, (esprit wae apn ht convient) 4 THO Mm onttbn MME. (The apanmet was expensive but twas onvenen,) Ueated Expresions) 1 an action sate expesed in S kaw doesnot actully scar asia xs and () the entire sentence can be rewrite by sing de ot, ‘8 shown in {la}. If an action state expressed in te sobordaste elute sry occurs andthe suboriate le is conneced wit the in else ‘it the meaning of "so o ba the ate setece can be rewrites by ‘i odo 2 ered) sash as showa (18) ax Ie}. However, the choice of awa iwi make te meaing of compention nich lest 1) a S8umMeeME (Leet 4c) Romeo, (Bx) DURES ERFMOTE Sot IMS /OR/ H/ GRE/. LOL), BBPEACENL A, (et KSC) | | | ‘The cri ifeence between ai de, uo, bred), sia on fone hand, nd fewer i (a sobordinate conjuction) om the oe hand is thatthe former canbe used even When no mesning of blancig i infended, butter cannot be wedi alanine timp. That why all he ‘following setenoes woald become unacceptable I a de, 21 nh oe redo) ndash were replaced by Sava ty smulice teUR/-EDUR) MMEComeRAE Om phensaer, (We do nt en oars Bens ke at eyo this county) should be noted tht in 3) hae aoepabe A tals to B while watching te repr. oso =% prt parle which emphasizes ord, pase clause Oey Sentences “ ee ca | ce | RR cnson Se ‘he very Ii = that ~ oly (ben, aft, becae, et) ipo, precisely; det ntl; (an Malized of der Iind word} 1®) a [e_ [Sem exeraeacce.| one, | 68 | oe [TaReatLe Fm very sm) (8 me who shoud sy tha (i Be sory) ve “ke | pot | ce | Allkesor. ‘(Yon ean lear someting oly whea Jou doit by yourself) o ‘Sbordnne Clase (caus /eson) Main Case Beene | we | ce | MUR Remar r, ‘Ge could minimize the problem only because you explained Git told) tow honesty) a= GC) Noariee) 2 SE (ls man in pain) Mico (to him in particular) 1 ap wore ec 2% (only when after 8.0. comes here) Gi) Sag Be SMe VHEEE (only becanse x0, doesn’t know) 14 toxo ‘Witte Leona, (What on eath were you doing fra whole week?) B EpHpMcemeL conan. q (fou sy har but what were you dong”) | © craks eBiteve soe cme ewnresen, (nts kind of occasion, in parla, we all ave to cooperate in order to solve the problem) © Fceconitilio ces, (Cl pss his exam definitely hie yea) @ A Ei @ tReCERADY~ (Tat is precisely the kind of behavior we expect fom our leader) © vod ihonanr. (You can fin «goo jb oly by being here.) © WemscecagcescRcM As (Qs becase you are my rend that I antl yu (vem sich hing) @ hevascers nati WLcnnzesavon, (d's precisely because you cut doit that you have to pace more than ter do) op ‘The pales go and o ae droped when hoso follows (eg, KS(A) snd [Bx(a) The ellipsis of e and the temporal, directional, and leestonl i before soi optional, as in Ex.) and (1) and @)- or R AIEEE CARE (Lodo ste place you shoal’ mis.) t @ co mc eno wsr 5 oBisnre. (his university shuld be the place to ind he spe of scholar we are looking for) ‘ter parle are ot dropped when Koso follows. foto ZE amen ae ‘wr molly noun to express] (Don'd) Vs shoud (20 (st) ght oy ot REL. Imperative) key Sentences w Vin noopast aff ] BETRIR B che (Esch presentation sbould be completed (it done) within fieen sinus.) ® Vint onpas-neg Towa Fe Bee cbs (De no a onthe pool deck) © Ww Weul PS) | SR | o | cee (See page 23 for dela) aur (Vink onpast ft 2 Bree (ould geal) HEROS E Gould not spe) 16 soto 20 voce felin= (ould use) @ ® © @ @ o faites e. (Beta wing) MeBrr—vemcce, Cle sue nee beans) fihehence. (hy tc oy snes) Wickstlowce, (Do wa and ot) #oaBore, (Ging your om se) es Blo e, (wee sie) 2 \intonpast foto and VN no Hoo ate uted only in writen Japa, ‘They fen appear in aes sad repulasions, In sentences involving VN no ht, the pales ge 0, ad ae fen ‘roped, a in KS(C),Exs.(¢), and (1). © a fie tun fifoce, (he application shoald be submited by the applies in son) b WWRHOR RRC FFoze, (fet tether at Toyo Staion a ight lok omer ‘ow momiag) kgtode EET comp pre ) rey Sentenes “ by ngs Because sesut In; TL a at fats ode ame (7 Means [vine nonps Ba |RReze7e| ge [see Meeliocues. ® (Cy toi my opts by playing got ca weekends) ‘Sha case) BP hobciese | cee Wiekiccces, | sppece atthe modi sen) a= (1) Means Vink nopast £2 Fcce ay ging) ‘iis appearance athe mediation scene complied te situation even | ‘more. (it The station got even more complicated becanse he ‘Exceptions Adinaytem B= ETN THELET 1b tote (iy cme ‘ Su 22-0 (FC /frote) SES (because 5.0. will go/ went) “ repos: Adie 22 CN ABEL BATS E- (because 8: is convenient) * toy Beascee (oxaeso.isavomn) I qa } @ eT ehde: echt, \ (The problem was solved by my paying 100,000 yen) © ku coeionc2 ce~HROREERL Coot. (She is demensuting er vanost resistance wo me by wo ting) © BBR Retsenoce crits Llliltedice sy. (You can mainain wonderful elt just by taking simple exes ‘the morning and evening) @ eeBirtac erect Been tenn, (Would my paripaon cause you tooble?) fihebotce cok eRLaoceitnt © Bare Best, (Cope drs fectings becuse I i’ got his party by not having gone whi party) sultite Pec e ciTlhe vcos, q (am sometimes pt at a disadvantage becuse Iam por at Enlish) @ cobleubiiitcascechersc cass, (in tis coumny there ae mes when you Benefit from beng a for eine) todo 139 «c= When foto oo rprsous« means the preceding element mst be & aonpst ve regaess ofthe tente of he min laze. When hot de represents ¢ ‘muse, the preceding element can be a vr, an adjective, or «copula i ler he pst or sonpat ene | Imaated Express] oto lyr yt expresses he same ides 8 hota o. O) MURR EF ESE (eee ERY) SEHR EMO THET. (KS(AD, 8) RemRosHcnon aareeen. (KSB) Tae oa a an ao ine 4 cat. One aticace ‘omen tne ojo dt th “5 ft 5" sie ony wen eve ony, ios nS and Ss take place ‘these nea ine Tie od dar, he ter ban Go nt tve hein, Dl a KuliRipieg pi WLenoncee (a chicids ne/eecemautosl. (Bec Tc sty voy hard wien Twas en {ny pets oe oid me fT ama oben) b REROMDEDMEL ODOR IkDE/OT/ #5) [CHEWS HE /FETERAL TOS). (Because I did't study very hard when Twas a sdent, {my pares ote old me off Tam in wouble 0) ) 1 shuld also be noted that tame indies caus, a resto, and & purpose and that noge and kare inate a catse and resto, wile foto do indicts a cause and ans, bt nota resto, (tame (nt) (DBIG: 47-51); node (DBIG: 326-31); kara (DBIG: 179-81) Eerie cay) wane 10: fot an toe nine v4 fotoninans ZEEE phe > © ‘Piss which indice Gat an dup (vith; ease; come 10 a sean at Sa = Exalihcese| to) ce] al Riametaeve oA) obcee, 1 ‘Ghing wp wi seh ae eae he ws something wre ith os preperation) | ‘See Fomaton Sint Vint] = salEAe [o [| Bede | Bewe | sree, “Tee ‘(Asking more than this will cause him to suffer too much.) Sint Sint » PMekc semen | enace | | coparace eae, ‘Scond [aa | , = eos | SERee Feneicanseone | be | Rie | sexes, {AE we da do tis 2ow, we wl end up wth an afl situation ltr) ‘Tie fit hat nothing happened this ne means dat He system Is © Sond Now ~ cottehounnz | Bike | bw [29 | cece. ‘we cannot have this af cased, or company wil end pin Bak pty) light i the sation aight witht system) (A) Vint noopae S228 #¢cIe8 (end up going; leads. 1 g0) Gi) Adiint-nonpast = ee 8 HWrvceices end yp with dieu ststion) Gi) Adipgsem 2s Lica SESE I Send up wih an sf sation) 1 toto oinan ay NEvsceens, Biew9 = Lice (end ap with fie ome to mean hat. ‘sa fail) (0) Sah 2222 Exceptions: Adinastm #2 Adit ot Fomation (¥):N #2-=N C38 or Formation (i (0) tio cote bi FIRE LI & Come to mean thats is ght) Fister 21e% (ome to menm tht so is fen) Oi) Sink Eg cic ton na / oto yor 143 exe 1X foo nary is sully preceded by a tpi clase (eg, KSA), and (B) or 8 condional clase (eg, KS(B) and (C). Tis clase represets an ation ora event Which lead to cert sittin og eal eoaclusion represented by X. 2 A condldoal elas before X foto nay can be iter ta-cond- tional (KS) and Ex.) «be condionl(KS(C), Bese) a4), | 1 o-sondional Ec). 3. Inanother context, 5 foto ney meas it wil be decided hat? (koto nara (DBIG: 202-98) (come to mean hats was wrong) ES ASINEVS CLIC. (Come to mean tha st leigh) om @ sHcvscititotornceeess. (A you don't work now, youl eed up with eile station wea you tke the exam) ) Thacker noite Michonews tices, (OF1/yoa do such thing. ou wl end up aot Being ale to appear in public agin) © Atal SHAG Lc nauetPomcliraceces. Company A docstes one milion ye, the oa sum wil ecoe i nd up wih) tea milion yea) © Fey gC RER Reg cLeD ET (everything goes wel Gt means tha) Iwill rade next year) —— A be due to the fat tat be caused ty; be bro ebout by: be hereto tecate REL haa oe; reo] © RbeH ocd ees ceumess cob MMe Coens ] bees, { (Tt he porta cane bck ens ht eds eat his ad Nos eo) nee as) ‘oy lone) WHORE [ue | WiowdveR Been | cease. ALwyckuc booFwoENs cteee, (hat ds costs 2,00 yen slo means tha thi is mare expensive) © |) [Cite tite isthe eu of inafcent dacutonbeersband Lit det the fc that he preceding discussion wa fice) ' 244 to yo ® | Topic - | Ge Gein Cae ea) | | Wobiickon [> |u| WaowWeREU eos |oeera, (Gus inguey wat ced ys paca’ hk afin Ch The fat hat Serato oven eigueney fects [Lemme rer eaten owt) cae Sinf = LICE Excepons: Adin) a) Beas ci28 (ecu me reais expensive) BN ARIE “HBoRBH es Lics.2 (eam te expression isinccunte) | WarBRe S212 8 Qecanse ones moter is apenese) ou @) ROREOR PEP er once. (is present cess i eto theft that he worked hard every (id not neglect daly efor).) © aeobituMLobiliiens nfo cons tire. (Tie ivorce was caused by the fc that tel ale systems vey diferet) © mehitoumseBorsrcec.s. (Gis oss isd wo theft hat he rd to win guy) © GoFRec ale ccbilfsnroubhicbbuec ers. (at his alent was develope to this degre is de ote ft hath stole with Me, Suki) foto ni yors 145 Shot i yor is usually preceded by tole phrase or clase. S represen case of the result repesete by the tp phat ole, [Related Expression) Time de or fara oa ae also wet present case, Ths, KS(B) fr exam sles can be praprasd 1). D) MARR ROUMRORMIMEL THe (CkEEE RO RUB H), KS) should be noted hat “X wa ume cos Share canbe wed fr"X wa S koto nyo” ely when X ss aclauss. When X isa oum pre, tamed od fare ce vata in 12 2) SMORLIMOK Lenintaton (Zeeks RE / 26 He (aK), (Compare (2) wih (9), where X is cane 2) Reset Lroremom Lenataton (Decks / ROE Bz, (Gt was becaase we did't have enn discussion befor tht (we filled tice) Ie shoul alo be noted that ote yor represents only cae. Kare, on ‘he ote nd, eresene a eaon ae wel a cate a fame oa represents reason, «purpose, or ate, ain 8 and (5 1) tar 7—KhebonolitL mot (hoe / BH /t EWES. (Reason) (Te reason that he et come to fe pany was tit be was busy) (5) tier ane ORB P Ca) Ikwe mse cee 3). (Papose) | Geis to ae Haro hate is coming tothe party) (kara (DBIG: 179-41; tame (in!) (DBIG: 447-81) q 145 toto we na! koto wa nai EEL pe ‘Ppluawbich exprenes the es Itasibereienorneed t do sot ‘aera 0 pou of Sings Vin nopast bit hoRs cee a ar (Theses bo need to listen oa msn ike that) © [arpa Biiiokke | Ens [seeen | Boar, [i ae py a lp nei) aur Vint-nonpastaift is Ficoreieteor~(hee's no need o god ther is no posit ats. #9) c= @) anclictiticLcwac tne. (ere sno noe to be Kind wo guy ike that) & Heerecticaczaan, (hte is wo needa all oben och hay.) soto wana 147 © Hiksceaevemost. (To hake wl be necessary for you to come hee. (2) hin that br is wo possibility that you wil come here) @ fieensich(cemewels 9. (1 Thee will probably be uo aes fo him to take the woube to go out there 2) There no pons tat he wil go ot tee) Le sonbcopsctacumeineean, (ight not have chance to ee you ses) Peo S#iadiscenememues, Lowen tee i possibiythat wil each) |G Vinson hot ware daa expo gale Vit nonpast + itsu76 wa ral “hee is no need to V" ot Vink -nongast + ‘ada wa atthe 0 oat that = 2 inerpeted atiter no ee o ‘20 posi (eg. EXs(C) and (2). The interpretation depends onthe A. Viaf-noapast+ foto gina ary doesnot mean “hee ie ned 10° of “ier isa possibilty that~"— (© koto ga an (DBIG: 198-99)) 4. Vit -nonpast + toto wa nf V mt be afimative (onal koto mo/wa nal) ‘Related Expression] Vit + aru wa al is very sila in sng to Vin soto wana ‘thre is so posit that” Vin + zy wa a is ed whe the epeaker els ht ‘m cvent isnot possible but that une. Compare KS(B) and (1 b) RixqnoamesnasrEeN, (Gt sual ht se wil forget todays meeting) (anu (DBIG: 133-35) 8 ote sku inferonal ending <> 1 contnanve form of am Fype] and v0 ashcve [REL tte] Wey Sentences @ ‘aime Betobie | Bs |< | Bikeon, Raa’ eso nel ns) ‘en | sonia rchonon, WE) Se | Cryer alway ear atc a ol at Tevaicamee) =” © anzexcrotielle, Buran. Che Cena sy a a ity ®) oR Kor roitiinnié<, Bu, (fom pron mn Taye tal si) © ronoittabbnae<, AbiBr, (las me eyo pom) sarap rsarisliat, bole Fo, (Phe Nw Yt Tes gh gaya ha my he) om Ut — ue + @ Boiiahenc<<, MRL. (Word pace is ard oacieve and hard to min) ©) aotiotiiehener<, Lelie, (Tha pilosopbe’ eas areas to andertnd nd is writ a le, 100) @ Bokuthes<, Woilliedaeon, &(Lestwinur there was mh sow ard it was hard to dive sound) Tees Lc, Wunc Ladiodhen, (mid of ate, and Tea’ o saying new) (ow Btahewsowd <, Wifiedivion, (Yoko fe lonly vig lone, s she goat a een) oz 1. Ad\@stem kis used in writen Japarese to faction aa connate fom. When the fanfrm comets wo predicates, the relationship ‘between the two is either cumulative relsionship nein KS(A) and 1Ets(@)—(0 or cate / enon relacship a Ia KS(B) and Exs()— 0. ‘As the following examples show it peas that the compound adjcive ‘Vas tl camot be used to expres «cause /eton reionship a2 .W)showa i (though other compoonl adjectives cua be used that way 2 shown in @). © a. nebo Rei ac, ocommmabiclll Uta. 4 (€vant publish my ows esewch so I contacted severe publishes) = RUBROMREMELACT, UC ommmECAE BLtaR. » nikuuiles, Siders, a797L oR, (was ess, wang to write # novel since my yoanget ays) A REVES, MIMERCT, IFITLOOR, 2 2 colikoxmsecokac<<, SFomeotnas. BtLB ors (The writer's writings ae very har to read, and gave up reading i haley.) > MEO Miinsenes<, Evelina, (Professor Kebuyash's grammar explanation is ety 19 understand, and itis a ret blp to me.) «Pk Lcsses, eoszeLcun, (he gist appears to be in love with someone, and looks ‘mimated) 13. Aaya cannt carry is on ese, Ist i determined bythe ese of he main pedi (etated Expression] [Adie ate can replace all he utes of Adem i, The dference betwee the two are the following. Firs, ho canbe used in bh spoken and writen Japanese, but -Ay is escted to weten Japanese, Secondly, an be used a an adver as in 1, bot et cannot be used that a ty a FeeceRe 1c /¢c) aoc Fan, (Prete write carters rg) b BRieHE i s+

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