Resurrection Season 3 Episode 2

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Resurrection season 3 episode 2

(Dirt Road)
The camera zoomed out on a dirt road and bus
number 7 was driving on the road and the camera
zoomed into the bus and it was Dr. Sargent and the
rest of Jamess separated group and Ralph Biggs
was still driving the bus and Dr. Sargent was
talking with Nathan, Evan, and Timon and they
were all looking at a map of South Dakota and they
were talking.
Timon Sherman: ok we know that at least 6 camp
grounds are over run with walkers and 3 of those 6
are full of those mutated ones now if Justin was
right and this camp ground 3 miles from here is
clear and we have enough ammo to make it our
home and that its far away from a big city but not
too far away that we can run and make supplies
there we could make it our home.
As he said that he circled the camp ground with the
red marker and Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: then we go there we dont have time
to keep running weve been running for 2 months

straight now and Johns wife Lisa is pregnant and

we need to find a home now.
Nathan looked at him and he said.
Nathan: so we go there then?
Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: yes we head there right now.
As he said that he looked at Ralph and he said.
Dr. Sargent: I need you to go to
As he said that Ralph interrupted him and he said.
Ralph Biggs: I already turned the bus around and
we should be there in about 20 minuets.
As he said that Dr. Sargent stood up and he said.
Dr. Sargent: Im going to go and check on Lisa and
her baby and Danny.
As he said that he made his way to the back of the
bus and he sat in the seat in front of Lisa and he
looked at her and she said.

Lisa Clarkson: so where are we going to go now?

Dr. Sargent: we found a campground that looks like
it might have few walkers in it.
Danny Clarkson: how do you know that there wont
be a lot of walkers there?
Dr. Sargent: because there arent that many people
who go out here in this state. And were going to
use our quiet weapons and not our guns to clear
out the few walkers that might be there.
As he said that he put his hand on Lisas stomach
and he smiled and he said.
Dr. Sargent: were not going to run any longer.
As he said that he and Lisa kissed each other for a
few seconds and Dr. Sargent stopped kissing her
and Ralph shouted back to him saying.
Ralph Biggs: Dr. Sargent were here.
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: Ive got to go.

As he said that he got up and he walked to the

front of the bus and he knelt down besides Ralph
and he looked out the windshield and he said.

Dr. Sargent: what do you need Ralph?

As he said that Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: were almost there.
Dr. Sargent looked at him with a confused look on
his face and he said.
Dr. Sargent: how is that possible 10min ago the
map said that we were 20min away.
As he said that Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: while you were talking to Lisa these
past 10min I looked at the map a little closer and I
found a route that will lead us straight to the
campground and we should be there in the next
As he said that Dr. Sargent was quiet and Ralph
looked at him for a quick second and then back at
the road and he said.

Ralph Biggs: whats the matter Dr. Sargent?

As he said that Dr. Sargent kept looking straight in
front of him and he said.

Dr. Sargent: its almost over.

As he said that he stood up and he said.
Dr. Sargent: Ill get the strike team and well be
ready to go.
As he said that he walked one seat back of Ralph
and as he was about to talk to the bus everyone on
it got quiet and he started to talk.
Dr. Sargent: ok we are 5min away from our new
As he said that a bunch of people started to smile
and get happy and Dr. Sargent kept talking.
Dr. Sargent: now like the other campgrounds we
need the same 5 people who were with me when
we were checking the grounds to make sure there
are no walkers there no we have 4min to get ready

so you know who you are get your weapons and

get ready to go.
As he said that he walked to the front of the bus
and Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: were here.
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: where is it?
As he said that the camera zoomed out of the bus
and into the front sign that read Camp
Wilderness as the camera stayed on that sign the
bus drove right past it. As they were making their
way into the camp ground there were few campers
here and there but there were mostly log cabins.
As they moved further into the campground Ralph
Ralph Biggs: do you want me to park near the front
or further towards the back.
Dr. Sargent looked at him and he said.
Dr. Sargent: further towards the back so if walkers
do end up here we have a back exit to leave from.

As he said that everyone was looking out the

windows at all of the cabins that were there and as
they were driving there were numbers on the
cabins and they were driving they got to the 60s
and that was where the cabins were located by the
campgrounds lake and Katelyn and Jordan and
Kenneth were all looking at the cabins and Katelyn
pointed at cabin 65 and she said.
Katelyn Selenski: we should stay in that cabin.

As she said that they looked at her and Kenneth

Kenneth: why that one?
Katelyn Selenski: because its by the lake and the
view of the lake from here is beautiful and its a 3
story cabin.
As she said that Jordan and Kenneth looked at each
other and they nodded their heads in agreement
and Jordan said.
Jordan Dickerson: us 3 will live there then.

As he said that they kept looking out the windows

and the camera was looking outside the window
and they just to go 81 and Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: stop here this is a good place to stop.
As he said that the camera was outside of the bus
and it showed cabin 81 and the bus came to a full
stop right in front of it. As they stopped Katelyn,
Jordan, Brandon Bau, Danny Clarkson, and Dr.
Sargent all got up and they walked out of the bus.
Danny Clarkson had his glock 17 with 5 clips of
ammo and his pocket knife with him to kill walkers.

Brandon Bau had his crossbow and his machete to

kill walkers with.
Katelyn had her machete and hunting knife to kill
the walkers with.
Jordan Dickerson had a Berretta with 5 clips of
ammo with him and he had a hunting knife with
Dr. Sargent had a Mossberg 590 and he had a
pouch with 100 rounds of ammo with him including
8 already loaded into his gun. He had his glock 17

with 6 clips of ammo and he had his machete and

he was ready to go.
Before they were about to leave the bus Dr.
Sargent was talking to Ralph.
Dr. Sargent: close these door and lock the bus
drive down all the way until you get to the end of
this campground and if there are any walkers in
hiding theyll come out so we can kill them. If there
is ever to many walkers just drive out of here and
meet us back up by the front of here so we can
leave if we have to.
As he said that Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: ok.
As he said that he closed and he locked the doors
and he started up the bus and then he started
going straight in front of him. Ralph left and there
were no walkers coming out after him and Dr.
Sargent was watching them as they faded off into
the back of the campground and he said.
Dr. Sargent: looks like there are no walkers this

As he said that he could tell because all the blinds

were open in the sliding glass doors to the cabins
and there was no blood inside the cabins and there
werent any cars parked in any of their driveways
in those cabins. Or in any of the cabins around
them or at the front of the campground from when
they entered.
They started walking forward and they went up to
cabins one by one as they were making their way
to the front of the campground and as they were
walking along the dirt road by the lake Katelyn
Katelyn Selenski: dont you think that its a little
weird that there are no cars here?
As she said that Brandon said.
Brandon Bau: well the apocalypse happened during
the school year and families dont go camping
during the school year.
As he said that Jordan said.
Jordan Dickerson: and the few vehicles that are
here that are parked in front of the campers we can
siphon the fuel out of the car and use it for the
generators to power the cabins well be staying at.

As he said that Danny said.

Danny Clarkson: dont you also think that its a
little weird that there are no walkers here or that
weve seen in the 40 cabins we just checked.
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: yeah that is a little weird.
He said as he came back from an empty cabin and
they saw a sign that said 5min away from the
dining area and the medical area. Dr. Sargent read
the sign and he and said.
Dr. Sargent: lets get moving.
As he said that they all started to run towards the
front building and as they did they came to a
parking lot and Brandon got his crossbow read and
he was checking the window by looking inside
them for walkers and he didnt see any and he
Brandon Bau: I cant see any walkers inside.
As he said that Dr. Sargent was looking inside the
glass doors and he couldnt see any walkers and

Danny had his back turned to the building and he

had his glock pointed straight and he said.
Danny Clarkson: so what do we do Dr?
As he said that Dr. Sargent opened up the glass
doors and he and the others made their way inside
and as they did Brandon closed the glass doors
quickly and he locked them with a piece of cloth he
found on the floor and he pointed his crossbow
straight forward after he closed and locked the
doors. As they made their way into the building Dr.
Sargent shouted.
Dr. Sargent: HELLOW.
No one answered him and the whole building was
quiet and he said.


As he said that it was quiet again and as they got
further in Brandon started to go up some stairs to
the second floor on one side of the room and
Jordan started to go up stairs on the other side of
the room and that was the only up floor and they

pointed their weapons in front of them and there

was nothing on that whole floor and they both
leaned over the railing and Dr. Sargent looked up
at them as they shook their heads no saying that
there were no survivors on the second level.
Dr. Sargent, Katelyn, and Danny were still on the
first floor while Jordan and Brandon were keeping
watch on the second floor and as they were
walking they turned down a hall and Dr. Sargent
and Danny walked pass a door and as Katelyn
walked pass it a walker came out of nowhere and
she jumped back immadtely and she killed with her
machete as she did Danny and Dr. Sargent turned
around and pointed their guns at her and she
smiled and she said.
Katelyn Selenski: I got it.
As she said that the camera angel was on the roof
and pointed at the ground and Katelyn, Danny and
Dr. Sargent all came into the main room again and
Brandon and Jordan were still on the second floor
and Brandon said.
Brandon Bau: you guys all right?
As he said that Jordan said.

Jordan Dickerson: yeah we heard Katelyn scream

was there a walker?
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: yeah but it was just the one though
and by the looks of this place theres been no sign
of life in months so were safe from walkers.
As he said that Brandon said.
Brandon Bau: what do you want us to do now?
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: lets head back to cabin 81 and reunite
with the others.
(Outside Cabin 81)
(Camp Wilderness)

Dr. Sargent was inside the bus and he was talking

to the rest of the survivors and he was saying.

Dr. Sargent: according to Ralph and the rest of you

there were no walkers when you guys were
clearing out your part of the campground.
As he said that they were all quiet and Dr. Sargent
kept talking.
Dr. Sargent: and we didnt find any walkers as well
when we were clearing out the cabins and campers
it looks like this place really is the safe heaven that
we were looking for.
As he said that he was quiet for a few seconds and
he said.
Dr. Sargent: take your things and find a cabin of
your liking expect for cabin 65 because Katelyn
earned it but the rest of the cabins are all fine for
all of you to use.
As he said that he thought for a few seconds and
then he said.
Dr. Sargent: relax for the next 2 or 3 weeks
because you all deserve it in 2 days Arnold and
Noah can teach us how to plant crops and grow our
own food. But for now be free and get to know
each other and form your new lifes and the bus
will be parked in the front parking lot of the

As he said that he said.

Dr. Sargent: you may leave now.
As he said that everyone started to get there stuff
and they made their way off of the bus and into
their separate cabins.
Lori Dixon, Shelly Taylor, Sammie, Great Grand Ma
Dixon, Gabe Deedus, Lauren Deedus, Katelyn
Deedus, and Alec Deedus all got cabin 60 which
was by the lake and it had 5 stories and a room for
each of them to have their own.
Michael Solez got cabin 51 which was a one story
cabin and had everything that he needed in it.
Shawn Workmen and Dennis JR got their own one
story cabin 52 and it had everything they needed
in it.
Aunt Raney and Uncle Dennis got cabin 50 a 2
story cabin with everything they needed in it.
Linda Perez got cabin 55 which was a 1 story cabin
and it had everything she needed in it.

Papa Dixon and Grandma June got a 2 story cabin

and they got cabin 54 and it had everything she
needed in it.

Jacky got cabin 53 and she had a 2 story cabin in it

and it had everything she needed in it.
Garrett Gaina, Justin Harmon, Harry Oliver,
Brandon Bau, and Michael Abela got cabin 64
which was a 4 story cabin and it had everything
they needed in it as well.
Doug Oliver and Stacy Elstone got cabin 63 which
was a 2 story cabin and they had everything they
needed in it as well.
Frank Sirwits and Ryan Campbell got cabin 62
which was a 3 story cabin and it had everything
they need in it.
Willie Polk, Holden Huckestine, Nick Hindlighter,
Zach, and Cody Eversole got cabin 66 which was a
4 story cabin and it had everything they needed in
Timon Sherman, Ralph Biggs, Evan Hall and Nathan
got cabin 68 which was a 4 story cabin and it also
had everything that they needed in it.

Mr. Lucisus got cabin 70 which was a one story

cabin but it had everything that he needed in it.
Mrs. Coon, Ms. Drotis, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Justice, Mr.
Riggs, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Biggermen cabin 69 and
it had 5 stories and it had everything that they
needed in it.
Dr. Sargent, Lisa Clarkson, and Danny Clarkson got
cabin 40 and it was a 5 story cabin and it had
everything they needed in it and thats where Dr.
Sargent was going to stay.
(Camp Wilderness)
Inside cabin 40 Dr. Sargent was sitting on the
couch whit his arm around Lisa Clarkson and they
were both staring at the fire that Dr. Sargent lit in
there fire place and Lisa looked at him and she
Lisa Clarkson: this place is amazing.
Dr. Sargent looked at her and he said.
Dr. Sargent: the perfect and most healthiest place

that we know of to raise the baby in a zombie

As he said that he looked at her and they started
kissing and Lisa stopped him and she said.
Lisa Clarkson: he would of wanted this.
As she said that he was confused and he said.
Dr. Sargent: what?
Lisa looked at him and she said.
Lisa Clarkson: my husband John he would of
wanted someone to take me if he were to die and
you did Im saying that he would of wanted this.
As he said that he said.
Dr. Sargent: oh?
As he said that she said.
Lisa Clarkson: after Steve got attacked by a walker
I understand that you had to kill him.
As she said that the image of him picking up
Steves glock 17 and killing him with it and taking

that and his Mossberg 590 with him and leaving his
body to be eaten by hundreds of walkers and he
Dr. Sargent: ok what are you trying to say?
As he said that she said.
Lisa Clarkson: Im trying to say that Im happy that
we found each other and that we had some issues
in the past with the mutiny and the farm and Im
saying I forgive you for all of that.
Lisa Clarkson: I forgive you because of all the shit
youve been doing for the 65 survivors who are the
last of the Michigan group of survivors and youve
saved us a number of times by walkers and the
newly discovered mutated ones.
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: you dont need to thank
As he said that she kissed him and she smiled after
she did and he asked her.
Dr. Sargent: where is Danny?

Lisa Clarkson: hes at Brandons cabin and he wont

be back at least until one am.
As she said that he smiled and rolled back on the
couch and he said.
Dr. Sargent: take me away.
(Cabin 64)
Inside Brandons cabin they were all talking and
having a good time and they were all sitting in the
kitchen eating some of the food they had with
Harry Oliver: so how many walkers did you guys
really find Brandon?
As he said that everyone looked at him and he
Brandon Bau: we only came across one and it
almost killed Katelyn but she killed it before it killed
her and after she killed it we bought it outside and
we burned the body and a few hours later here we
As he said that Garrett said.

Garrett Gaina: thank go that we found this place I

dont think I could handle sitting on that bus with
you guys for another 2 months.
Michael Abela: you said it.
As he said that they all went back to just talking
about a bunch of random things.
Back at Dr. Sargents cabin Lisa and Dr. Sargent
were using his lab coat to cover their naked bodies
and they were talking to each other.
Lisa Clarkson: so what plans do you have for

As she said that Dr. Sargent said.

Dr. Sargent: well I was going to have another group
talk about how and who and when people are
going to take watch for walkers and after that my
day will be free.
As she said that she smield and she said.
Lisa Clarkson: I know what we can do.

Dr. Sargent laughed and he said.

Dr. Sargent: yeah and what will we do.
She leaned in on him and she whispered into his
ear and he smiled and she said.
Lisa Clarkson: Ill do all of that.
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: then let me go to bed now so
tomorrow can come wow.
As he said that him and Lisa started talking and the
camera zoomed out of there window slowly into the
woods area of the outside of the campground and
it showed a shadowed man and he talked into a
walkey talkie and he said.
Man: there here what do you want me to do sir?
The man waited a few seconds for the other end of
the walkey talkie to get his orders and then he did
and the man said.
Man: will do sir.
As he said that he walked into the woods and as he
did the man said.

Man: you people just love to piss off the wrong

people dont you.
As he said that the camera zoomed out of the
world and the screen goes black.
End scene.

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