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Russerction season 3 episode 6

Missing in action
(Dirt Road)
The pick up truck and the tan excursion that had David, Kailie,
and Clint in it were driving fast down the dirt road and Bruce was
sitting in the middle seat of the excursion with David and Kailie
and Kailie looked at him and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: where the hell are you taking us?
As she said that Bruce said.
Bruce: youll find out any second now where youre about to be.
As he said that the Louis said.
Louis: were here.
As he said that Kailie and David looked outside the window and
they saw a huge city that was surrounded by walls on all 4 walls.
There were at least 30 men on the main gate wall and 5 to 6 men
at the other gates and most of them had crossbows as weapons
and the other half had Heckler and Koch MP5Ks as weapons. As
they got to the gate they didnt stop driving and the gates opened
and they didnt drive far inside the city. They drove a few city
blocks and then they parked outside what looked like a storage
As they stopped Bruce got out and he was greeted by a women
who looked like she was 26 and she had brown hair and she had
an AK-47 as a weapon and Kailie could hear them talking from the
Women: wheres Carls brother Carl and the others that were with

As she said that Bruce was joined by Philip and Charley and
Charley said.
Charley: open the back.
As he said that Clint looked behind him as the back of the
excursion opened and the women ooked like she was going to
barf and she said.
Women: what the hell happened out there?
As she said that Bruce looked at her and he said.
Bruce: I dont know according to Louis they were found that way.
As he said that the women said.
Women: ok get those guys buried at the cemetery and get those
3 locked into the storage units.
As she said that Bruce looked at her and he said.
Bruce: you got it Mary.
As he said that he handed her Clints bag of guns and she walked
off to one of the apartment buildings that were close by the
building they were parked at. As she left Philip, Charley, and Louis
started taking the bodies out of the car and Bruce was joined by 2
white guys who had UZIS as their weapons and they both were in
there 30s like Bruce was and Bruce opened the door on Kailies
side and he said.
Bruce: get out.

As he said that she looked at the 2 guys and she heisted for a few
seconds before getting out and she got out of the truck and Bruce
looked inside the truck and he said.

Bruce: you 2 out now.

As he said that David got out and he stood next to Kailie and Clint
climbed out to and Clint joined them. Bruce opened up one of the
storage units and he looked at Clint and he said.
Bruce: get the hell in there now.
As he said that Clint gave him the death glare for a few seconds
and as he looked at him one of the men pointed his UZI at him
and Clint looked at the guy and he walked into the unit and he
stared at Bruce before he closed the door and he Clint said.
Clint Western: when I get out of here youll be the first man I kill.
As he said that Bruce closed the storage unit and he said.
Bruce: good luck with that.
As he said that Bruce opened a storage unit right next to Clints
and he said.
Bruce: ok the other storage units are full so you 2 are going to
have to share this one.
As he said that Kailie and David looked at each other for a few
seconds and they both heisted before they walked into the
storage unit together and Bruce closed and locked the door.

Half the group was in the mess hall of the prison and I walked in
and I was wearing my black suit coat, black vest, black shirt, red
over shirt, black jeans and my black shoes and I was wearing my
black hat and I saw Lucas and I said.
James Dixon: morning Lucas.
As I said that he looked at me and he said.
Lucas Gavin: morning James did you sleep good?
As he said that I looked at him and I said.
James Dixon: like a rock I havent slept that good in a long time.
As I said that he looked at me and he said.
Lucas Gavin: good.
As he said that I sat next to him at the table he was sitting at by
himself and as I sat down Anthony, Robert, Tony, George,
Alexeranda, Alvin, Elliot, and Simon all came into the room and so
did Kevin and his arm was still broken and they all sat at the same
table me and Lucas were sitting at and Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: morning guys.
As he said that everyone said good morning to Anthony and I
James Dixon: and how are you doing on this fine Friday morning
according to the calendar in Joes old Winnebago.
As I said that Anthony looked at me and he said.
Anthony Allen: Im actually doing better now that your back to

take your place as the right full leader of the surviving group from
As he said that I looked at him and I said.
James Dixon: being leader of about 90 people isnt that bad now is

As I said that Anthony looked at me and he said.

Anthony Allen: its even harder than being leader of a group of 18
people which is the group I was in charge of after we got
separated from Lucass farm.
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: being leader takes a lot of practice and a lot of
courage and the strength and will to encourage the people in your
or Roberts group.
As I said that Anthony looked at me and he said.
Anthony Allen: is that so.
The camera was in the hallway of an apartment building in the
city that Kailie and David were being held hostage in and it
showed Mary walking down the hall and there was only one door
in that hallway and it was one apartment room and the door
number read was 30 and she knocked on the door and she still
had Clints bag of guns and she had Kailies and Davids rifles on
her other arm and as she knocked on the door a mans voice was
heard in the other side of the door.

Man: come in.

As he said that she opened the door and she stepped into the
room and she started talking.
Mary Pester: Bruce is taking care of the kids and the man they
were with.
The camera didnt show the man but he kept talking and he had a
country accent.
Man: good.
As he said that she was still by the door and she said.
Mary Pester: do you need me to go back down and help Bruce
keep those 3 in guard.
As she said that the man said.
Man: no Bruce can handle his own.
As he said that Mary walked to a corner in the mans room and he
had a presidential suite of the apartment and he had 5 rooms in
the apartment room and she set the bag of guns in the corner by
his book case and she took Davids Browning hi-power and she
put it in the glass book case along with his sniper rifle and Kailies
sniper rifle and she put Davids hunting knife on the mans desk
and the man said.
Man: is there anything else that you need?
As he said that she walked back over to the door and she said.
Mary Pester: the man had an arsenal of weapons in that duffle
bag that I just put by your book shelf that I thought you might
want to look at.

As she said that the man said.

Man: thank you Ill look at it in a few hours.
As he said that they heard the roar of 20 motorcycles and 2 trucks
and she said.
Mary Pester: that must be Mark back from the mission that we
sent him on to destroy that other camp.
Man: it is.
As he said that she said.
Mary Pester: thatll be all sir.
As she said that she was about to leave and the camera showed
the back of the man and he looked like he was in his late 20s and
he said.
Man: Mary you forgot to address me.
As he said that she said.
Mary Pester: yes Im sorry Mr. President Ill see you later tonight
Mr. President.
As she said that she left the apartment room and the camera
stayed with the man and he was still looking out the window and
the camera showed that the president was the same man James
shot and almost killed 2 years 3 months and 4 weeks ago and he
smiled as he watched Mary go up outside with Mark and the
motorcycle gang that was right outside his apartment building
and he smiled and he closed his blinds.

Lane was in his cell sharping one of his katanas and he didnt
notice that the person that saved James with the wooden sword
was standing in the door way he looked over at him and he said.
Lane Miller: what do you want?
As he said that the person didnt answer and he just stared at him
and Lane said.
Lane Miller: are you just going to stand there or come in here and
actually talk for once.
As he said that the person just stared at him and Lane said.
Lane Miller: just great just great.

Mary was by the motorcycle gang that entered the city and she
walked up to Mark who was the leader of the gang and Mark
looked at her and he said.
Mark: hey babe.
As he said that she kissed him and she said.
Mary Pester: hey.
As she said that she looked at the rest of the gang and the trucks
and she saw most of the bikers take out the people that were
taken and she said.
Mary Pester: those were the un lucky ones.
As she said that he looked at her and he said.

Mark: yes they are.

As he said that he stopped talking for a few seconds and he
looked at the presidents top apartment and he said.
Mark: and wheres the president?
Mary thought for a few seconds and she said.
Mary Pester: Hes up in his room.
As she said that he looked over to where Bruce, Charley, and
Philip and he said.
Mark: and what the hell are those Bruce and those 2 standing in
front of the storage units.
Mary looked over at them and she said.
Mary Pester: Bruce and the gang brought back some people while
they were getting some supplies and from what Bruce showed me
they killed Carl and his away team and there waiting for the
President to ask them a few questions to see if they killed them or
As she said that Mark looked at her and he said.
Mark: then why not just kill them right now and get it over with.
As he said that Mary looked at him and she said.
Mary: there are 2 16 year old kids and an adult with them I
dont think either of them could have killed 5 people with
automatics and get away with it.
As she said that Mark leaned forward on his motorcycle and he

Mark: well the world has changed baby.

As he said that he started his motorcycle and Mary back up and
she looked at him and she said.
Mary Pester: the world hasnt changed but the people in it have.
As she said that Mark looked at her for a few seconds and he was
thinking of something to say but he said nothing and he started
his motorcycle and the people they captured were in a cadged
pickup truck and Mark shouted.
Mark: lets get this meal on the way.
As he said that all of the bikers agreed and they started the
motorcycles and they all drove around Mary and she watched
them as they all left to go somewhere else in the city.

(Back gate)
Lane and the person who had the wooden swords were both
walking towards the gate and they both had weapons and a bag
full of food and water and Abigail was guarding the gate and she
had an AK-MS with her and she said.
Abigail Gavin: whoa whoa whoa just where in the hell do
you think you 2 are going?
As she said that Lane said.
Lane Miller: since James thinks Kailie and David can handle their
own and he isnt going to do anything about them so were going
to and try and find them.

As he said that Abigail looked at him and she said.

Abigail Gavin: I dont think thats a good idea.
As she said that Lane started walking forward and so did his new
friend and he said.
Lane Miller: try and stop me.
As he said that he opened the gate and he let the other person go
first and he walked out of the prison last and he closed the gate
and he locked it and he and the other person walked out into the
field and Abigail watched as they both disappeared into the
(Presidents apartment)

The camera was zoomed in on the door in the presidents

apartment and it opened and Charley and Philip pushed Kailie into
the room and they quickly closed it and she banged on the door
and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Ive been locked in a dam storage unit for god
sakes and now you throw me into a random apartment room I
dont think so I want to speak to the leader of your group now.
As she said that she heard a mans voice.
Man: and where do you think you are right now sweet heart.
As he said that she turned around and she didnt say anything
and the camera showed the president and he turned around in a
big leather spinning chair behind a desk in his main apartment
room and he looked at her and he said.

The President: now whats your problem and how may I solve it.
As he said that he smiled at her and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: my problem is that your scum bag bastards
captured me and my friend and took us to a random city in the
middle of the woods after we were just exploring a city we just
came across.
As she said that the president laughed and he said.
The President: and what makes you think that I would believe that
2 16 year old kids were by themselves with 2 high power rifles
and a couple of hand guns in the middle of the night in an
abounded city.
As he said that Kailie looked around the room and she saw Clints
bag of guns and her and Davids weapons inside the book case by
his door and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: we want to leave and we want our weapons.

As she said that he looked at her and he leaned back in his seat
and he said.
The President: you like to talk about him a lot just exactly who is
that other boy you are with.
As he said that Kailie thought for a few seconds and she looked
around the room and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: hes my brother.
As she said that he looked at her like he didnt believe her and he

The President: your brother.

Kailie Kennedy: yes hes my brother and we both want safe
passage out of here.
As she said that he looked at her and he said.
The President: ok Kailie Ill do this I want you and your so called
brother to come to a special event that my group does at night
and after you see what we do then I want you to make the
decision to let you leave and go back to where ever the hell it is
you came from.
As he said that Kailie looked at him for a few seconds and she
Kailie Kennedy: deal as long as you dont touch my brother.
As she said that The President looked at her and he said.
The President: agreed.
As he said that there was a knock at the door and the president
The President: come in.

As he said that Kailie was standing at the door and Bruce came
into the room and as he did she looked at him and he looked back
at her and there were 3 men outside the Presidents room and
they all had M16s machine guns and the President said.
The President: take her to her brother and let them explore the
city but keep a close eye on them.
As he said that Kailie looked at him and he looked back at her and
her and the 3 men left the hallway and started making their way

to the storage unit. As they left Bruce closed the door and he
looked at the president and he said.
Bruce: shes a tough one isnt she.
As he said that The President looked at him and he said.
The President: yes yes she is a fighter it just makes me wonder
where she came from.
As he said that Bruce looked at him and he said.
Bruce: I already told you.
The President stopped him in the middle of his sentence and he
held up his hand and he said.
The President: I know that group of about a hundred and sixteen
people left you to die in a city full of the showers that were
turning into the mutated runners for you to die I understand.
Bruce looked at him and he said.
Bruce: if you already know then why are you keeping her and her
brother alive?

As he said that the President looked at him and he said.

The President: because I dont really think that thats her brother
in there and Im surprised that you dont really know them.
As he said that Bruce looked at him and he said.
Bruce: I told you that I dont like other people and I like to keep to
myself a lot and you know that to from me being here.

As he said that Bruce and the president were quiet for a few
seconds and Bruce looked at the president and he said.
Bruce: why did you tell Mark that you wanted to see me?
As he said that the president looked at him and he said.
The President: because I want you to find out if there still with
that group of yours and if they are ask them if there leader James
has changed since then and ask them if that Steve and Dr.
Sargent in the group are still alive and if they dont tell you leave
them to me.
As he said that Bruce looked at him for a few seconds and he said.
Bruce: ok.
As he said that he made his way to the door and before he left
The President walked back to his desk to sit down and he said.
The President: oh and send that Clint person up here before you
leave and do whatever it is you do these days.
As he said that Bruce left the room closing the door behind him
and the camera jumped to the storage unit and David was sitting
in the center of the dark room and he looked up as he heard the
door unlocking and David saw Kailie standing at the door and he
ran up to her and he said.
David Pegouske: what the hell is going on here Kailie and I want
to leave right now.
As he said that the 3 men pointed their guns at him and Kailie
looked at them and David stood up and Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: wait the president said he wants us to look around
your camp and so the other survivors so put down your

As she said that David was in a fighting stance and giving the
men a death glare and the men kept their guns pointed at David
and they stayed that way for a few seconds and Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: thank god now is there a food joint around here
because its been 2 days since Ive had anything to eat.
As she said that David followed her a few feet ahead of the 3 men
but they stayed a few feet behind them to watch after them. As
they left 3 men came to Clints storage unit and he was sitting
inside the unit to and each of the men had an AK-47 and Clint
looked up as the door opened up and one of the men said.
Man: time to go.
All the leaders of the group were in the mess hall eating and
Abigail was running towards it and she was yelling.
Abigail Gavin: James James James.
As she said that I could hear the echo of her voice and I looked at
the exit of the mess hall and she came running through it and she
stopped at the table that I was sitting at and she was out of
breath and I said.
James Dixon: yes.
As I said that Abigail looked at me and she said.
Abigail Gavin: Lane and your friend with the wooden sword left
just now to go and find Kailie and David.
As she said that I looked at her and I said.

James Dixon: come with me and explain.

As I said that I got up and so did Anthony, Robert, Tony, Kevin,
George, Alexeranda, Elliot, Simon, Jack, Bill, Lucas, Maria, and
Savanna all followed after me and Abigail started talking as we
were making our way into the main prison cell that most of the
group stayed in.
Abigail Gavin: well they both walked up to the gate and Lane told
me that he and his new friend were going to go and find David
and Kailie because you werent going to and as he said that his
friend said to try and stop them.
I looked at her and I said.
James Dixon: did they give any example or location on where they
were going?
As I said that she looked at me and she shook her head no and
she said.
Abigail Gavin: no they didnt say.
Jack: they might of gone back to Abraham because thats where
we last were when they disappeared when we were looking for
you James.
As he said that I looked at him and I said.
James Dixon: ok Im going after them.

As I said that I started walking off and the others followed me and
Lucas said.
Lucas Gavin: all by yourself thats suicide you barley died out

there with that prisoner and hes still on the loose youll never
make it back.
As he said that I stopped and I looked at Jack and I said.
James Dixon: then who will come with me then?
As I said that everyone but Abigail in the group shouted that they
would all go with me. As they said that I said.
James Dixon: ok you guys are willing to risk your life for me and 4
other people.
As I said that they all said yes and Alexeranda said.
Alexeranda: we just met and youve already saved my life once
and Im willing to fight alongside with you.
As I said that I looked among the small group and I said.
James Dixon: ok you guys can come but were taking Joes RV and
Robert have you drive one of your escalades and I want everyone
to have at least 5 hand guns and 3 sub machine guns with them.
As I said that everyone started to make their way to their cells
and I pulled Jack aside and I said.
James Dixon: Jack you can ride your motorcycle and I also want
you to get flash bangs and tear gas and some grenades.
As I said that he shook his head and he said.
Jack: all right James.

As he left I looked at Abigail and I pulled her aside and I said.

James Dixon: Abigail I want you to bring me Mike and Brent and
General Herman and Colonel Jackson and tell them to meet me by
the RV in 15 minutes.
As I said that she left and I walked into my prison cell and I saw
the dresser that I found and put it in my cell and I started opening
it and the first weapon I pulled out of the droor was my Harrington
and Richardson Pardner pump contact shot gun and I pumped it
and I realized that I already had 8 shells in it including one in the
pipe and I set it on the top bed of the bunk beds in the cell. As I
set it down I had a duffle bag full of a hundred shells for the shot
gun and I set it next to it. The next thing I did I flipped through the
droor and I touched a gun that was at the back end of the top
droor and I pulled the gun out and I was puzzled. It was the first
gun that I had when the walker apocalypse started. As I looked at
it I had a flash back of first getting it.
(2 years 4 months and 2 days before the apocalypse)
My mom was handing me a gun and I was shocked and confused
and she said.
Amy Dixon: with all of these riots breaking out among the world I
want my oldest boy to take care of himself.
As she said that I looked at the silver hand gun and I took it from
her and she said.
Amy Dixon: make wise choices with it son.
(End Flash Back)
As I looked at it I pulled out the clip and the ammo was full and I
put the clip back in the gun and I set the gun next to the shot gun
and I had 10 clips of ammo and I set all next to the gun. The last
gun in my droor was an M4-A1 with a red scope and I looked
through the scope to the other end of the cell block and I saw the
how good aim it was and I liked it and I saw the ammo was full

and I set it on the bed with my other guns and I had 20 clips of
ammo. I also had my 6 grenades set along my bed as well.
I was set with weapons and I put my hand gun in the back of my
pants and I put my M4-A1 on my back with its strap on I also put 2
of the grenades on my belt loop and I put the rest in my pockets
and I pulled out my revolver and I checked the ammo and I was
full inside the gun including one in the barrel and I had one more
small bag and I filled it with 10 boxes of ammo and I put my
revolver in the side of my pants and I grabbed my shot gun and I
check everything and I had my red shirt on, with my black vest, I
also had my black suit coat, and I was wearing my black belt,
black duster, and black shoes and I was wearing my black hat and
I was ready to go.
I walked outside and I saw the others by the RV and I saw my dad
and all he had was a Remington 700 BDL and his crossbow and I
James Dixon: is that all you need?
As I said that he looked at me and he said.
Bill Dixon: son I told you this before I can handle myself.
As I said that I said I know you can dad.
As I said that I looked at the others gun choices and these are
what they were.
Lucas Gavin: Winchester model 70, 3 Browning BDAs with 10
clips of ammo each, and he had a Colt Law enforcement as his
machine gun.
Anthony had his Crossbow and he had his hand gun with 15
ammo clips and his machine gun was an AK-MS.
Robert had his glock 17 with 20 clips of ammo and he had an AKM
as his machine gun.

George had his Mossberg 500 with 200 shells and his machine
guns was an MK 18 mod 0.

Elliot had a Browning high power and 10 ammo clips for it and he
had an IMI UZI.
Simon had a Beretta 92FS with 15 extra ammo clips and he had
an CX4 Storm as his machine gun.
Alexeranda had a Remington 870 and 200 shells and she had an
UZI as her sun machine gun.
Maria had an M4-A1 as her only weapon.
Savanna had an M4-A1 as well as her only weapon.
As I saw they were ready I looked at them and I said.
James Dixon: ok we all ready to go?
As I said that they all said yeah and I said.
James Dixon: lets get this search party on the way.
As I said that Robert got into the drivers seat of the escalade and
George got in the seat next to the drivers seat and Elliot and
Simon got into the back seat. Lucas, Bill, Anthony, Maria, and
Savanna, got into the 1977 Winnebago and just as Kevin and Tony
were I stopped them and I said.
James Dixon: I need you 2 here.
As I said that Kevin said.
Kevin Williams: why?

James Dixon: because you have a broken arm and Tony needs to
help General Herman and Colonel Jackson lead this group while
Im gone and we might start a war with another group and we
need back up if we do.

As I said that they both looked at me and Kevin and Tony agreed
with me and they both backed up from the Winnebago and I saw
that Abigail brought me Mike and Brent and Colonel Jackson and
General Herman and Brent said.
Brent Coe: why do you need us James?
James Dixon: while Im gone getting Kailie and David and Lane
and the guy with the wooden sword I need weapons and I need
you to take the warden and Mike here to go a few miles up the
road to find the weapons locker because ever since we cleared
this place out we need the fire power and I need you to take Kyle
Butler and the group that was with me as back up for when you
go and get the guns.
As I said that they said ok and they walked away and I looked at
General Herman and he said.
General Herman: what do you need us to do?
James Dixon: I need you to lead the group while Im gone.
As I said that the camera jumped to Jack and Alexeranda on their
cycles and they were talking.
Alexeranda: nice ride.
Jack: thanks and you too.
Alexeranda: where did you get it?

Jack: restored it about 10 years ago I like the style of the 70s if
you havent noticed.
As he said that she looked at the nice hot red and white color of
the bike and she said.

Alexeranda: I can tell.

They were quiet for a few seconds and Jack said.
Jack: where did you get your Harley?
Alexeranda looked at him and she smiled and she said.
Alexeranda: the guy who came and took people hostage and
killed the other survivors in my group.
As she said that Jack looked at her and he said.
Jack: while were on this chase and if we find that asshole then
hes all yours.
Alexeranda got on her motorcycle and she kicked the stand up
and she said.
Alexeranda: thanks.
As she said that Jack looked at me and he saw that I was done
talking to General Herman and Colonel Jackson and I started
walking towards the escalade and before I did I looked at them
and I said.
James Dixon: lets go.
As I said that I pounded my hand flat on the escalade and Robert
who was in the drivers seat looked up at me and I said.

James Dixon: lets get this train going.

As I said that I made my way into the Winnebago and I closed and
locked the door and Lucas was in the drivers seat and my dad
was in the seat next to the drivers seat and he looked at me as
he started it up and he said.
Lucas Gavin: we ready to go?
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: yes we are.
Lucas Gavin: ok then.
As he said that Jack was the first person to make it to the back
gate then Alexeranda followed behind him the Robert in his truck
then Lucas in the Winnebago we all stopped into the and Morgan
was by the gate and he ran and opened it and we all drove out of
the prison across the field with the slow walkers in it and we went
into the forest.
(Abraham City)
Lane and his friend were in front of the shop that Kailie and David
disappeared in and Lane was looking at the broken window that
was broken by a gunshot and his friend was looking at the road
and he saw a line of skid tire marks that lead into the dirt road in
the forest and Lane looked at him and he said.
Lane Miller: well this window was broken by gun fire but not by
David or Kailies gun. And the good news is there isnt any blood
and there arent any bodies that means that there alive.
As he said that he walked over to the man with the wooden sword
and he saw what he was looking at and he said.

Lane Miller: what are you looking at?

The man looked at him and he said.
Man: these tire tracks look like there in a rush they left a long skid
mark that leads into the dirt road and the tire tracks still look
As he said that Lane looked at him and he said.
Lane Miller: are you sure those are the tracks we need to follow.
As he said that the man looked at him and he said.
Man: yes Im sure.
Lane looked into the dark forest and he said.
Lane Miller: fine then we follow the yellow brick road.
As he said that they both started following the tracks.
The President was in his room and he heard a knock at his door
and he said.
The President: come in.
As he said that the door opened but only Clint walked in and the
president looked at him and he smiled and he said.
The President: Clint just the man I needed to talk to.
As he said that Clint just glared at him and he said.

Clint: how do you know my name?

As he said that the president said.
The President: a reliable source.
As he said that Clint saw his bag of guns by the bookshelf and he
didnt say anything but stare at the bag and The President said.
The President: what I need from you is to reconsider leaving this
place Ive seen the fire power your packing in that bag that your
glaring at over there.
As he said that Clint stared at him and the president kept talking
and as he was talking the camera showed behind Clints hand and
he had a piece of glass from a window and he was gripping it and
the president finished his sentence.
The President: so if you need time to think about my offer about
being one of my guards on the wall then just ask Bruce and hell
bring you to me.
As he said that he waited a few seconds for Clint to answer him
and Clint said.
Clint Weston: I ant having no white boy order me around.
As he said that the president smiled and he said.
The President: well youre in no position in arguing now are you.
As he said that the president looked at the clock and he said.
Now if you excuse me I have a group affair that my group attends
that I need to go to right now and your welcome to join us so if
you can excuse me.

As he said that he was putting his coat on and Clint took the glass
and he slammed the president against the wall and he held the
glass to his throat and he said.
Clint Weston: Ive killed 90 people and escaped 5 prisons before
the apocalypse ever happen oh and now youre not in the position
in arguing. And like I said before I dont take any orders from now
white man.
As he said that they both glared at each other for a few seconds
and Clint let him go and he walked over to his bag of guns and he
put the strap over his shoulder and there were no men guarding
the door so he just walked out of the room.

As he walked out of the building the president felt a little blood on

his throat and Bruce walked in and he said.
Bruce: your ride is ready Mr. President.
As he said that he took a few minutes to answer him and he said.
The President: thank you Bruce and is Kailie in the car waiting for
As he said that Bruce looked at him and he said.
Bruce: yes she is but her brother isnt.
The president looked at him confused and he said.
The President: why isnt he coming?
As he said that Bruce shrugged and he said.
Bruce: we should get going 200 people are waiting for us.

As he said that the president agreed with him and they both
walked outside the door and as they made their way outside the
presidents limo was a model of JFKs limo in 1960 but this one
had a roof over it and it was surrounded by 4 black excursions
with tinted windows and a man with an colt law enforcement
opened the door for him and he got in the car and Bruce got in
the seat next to the drivers seat in the excursion and they
started driving. As they were driving Kailie was sitting across from
the president and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: wow you really do go all 9 yards when you call
yourself the president.
As she said that he smiled and he said.
The President: well I have to or the people wont respect me.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: so why cant you tell me where were going?
As she said that the president smiled and he said.
The President: the car stopped so that means were here.
As he said that the door was opened and the president stepped
out of the car and he helped Kailie step out and they closed the
door and Bruce was already in the building getting ready and the
president told his driver.
The President: park close by the entrance so we can get to my
apartment fast.
As he said that the driver nodded his head and Kailie was stunned
as she was looking around with her mouth dropped open he said.
The President: do you like it?

As he said that she didnt answer him but the camera turned
around and it showed a full sized football indoor stadium with the
roof that can open and close and it was open right now because it
wasnt raining. And there were groups of kids and adults coming
and going into the stadium and leaving it and there were familys
entering it as well and he walked up to her and they started
walking and he said.
The President: Im guessing by your silence that you like it.
As he said that she was stunned by how many people were there
and the president took a seat in the glass box area and so did she
and he said.
The President: best seats in the house.
As he said that she looked at him and she said.

Kailie Kennedy: how many people are in here?

As she said that the president said.
The President: 230 to 240 people kids and adults tops.
As he said that she said.
Kailie Kennedy: my god this is the biggest group of survivors Ive
seen yet.
The President: this isnt even half the group.
As he said that the music was really loud and the lights turned off
but 6 search lights inside the stadium and the president said.
The President: its starting.

As he said that she said.

Kailie Kennedy: whats starting whats starting?
As she said that the crowd of people went wild and stood up in
their seats and clapped their hands and people were whistling
and cheering and so was the president and Kailie was confused
and all of a sudden Bruce came running into the rink with an ax
and he said.
Bruce: come onnnnnnnnnn bring on the slowers.
As he said that Mark came running into the center of the stadium
and he had an AK-47 and he said.
Mark: lets kick some ass.
Bruce snickered and he said.
Bruce: Im going to beat his score with an ax and no gun scratch
that no gun.
As he said that he pulled out a really big hunting knife and the
crowd went wilder and they started chanting Bruces name and as
they did the music went loud again and 3 of the lights pointed to
a caged off area of the stadium and Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: whats happening?
As she said that The President said.
The President: this is the best part.
As he said that the cage was released and there was a score
board and it said that there were 60 walkers total and they were
the slow ones. 10 minutes into the game Bruce already killed 40
of them with his ax and Mark only 15 there were 5 more left and

Bruce killed 3 of them with his knife and Mark killed 2 with his gun
and the time was called and Bruce said.
Bruce: come on show me the score.
As he said that the score showed that Mark killed 17 of the
walkers and Bruce killed 43 of them and the crowd cheered
Bruces name and Bruce said.
Bruce: get the hell off of my field.
As he said that Mark stared leaving and as he left Bruce looked at
the president and he said.
Bruce: come on give me a challenge.
As he said that the president looked at the guy who was letting
the walkers out and he nodded his head and as he did the gate
keeper pulled on 2 large chains and 2 huge metal doors opened
and the doors had giant ax dents in them.

Everyone got quiet and looked as 2 giant 30 foot tall creatchers in

excutinorors masks came out and they both had big axes and
Bruce said.
Bruce: now thats what Im talking about.
As he said that the creatuchers roared and charged after him
lucky for Bruce the creatchers had spikes in their arms leading up
to their heads and Bruce jumped up and climbed them and he
had his hunting knife in on hand and the ax in the other and as he
got to the heads he stabbed one in the face and chopped the
others head off and Bruce jumped off them and he landed in a
stance and a few seconds later the heads of the walkers came
crashing down and then the bodies with a loud thud and Bruce

Bruce: nothing can defeat me.

As everyone was cheering the camera showed the presidents
booth and a man came into the room and the man said.
Man: Mr. President Cesar is on the radio and waiting for you back
at your apartment sir.
As he said that the president looked at Kailies face and she was
disgusted and he said.
The President: lets go.
As he said that they both walked to the limo as everyone was still
clapping and cheering as hard as ever for Bruce.
(Outside City)
Lane and the man were hiding behind bushes and staring at the
city that the president, Bruce, Kailie and David were in and the
man said.
Man: I told you theres the group that took them.
As he said that Lane was staring at the men on the wall and at
each end there were 50 calls.
The president opened up a door to an empty apartment room for
2 and Kailie and David were standing behind him and he said.

The President: this room is for you and your brother there is hot
running water in the showers. You can have all the food you want
and remember that Im just one floor above you so if you need me
just walk up some stairs and Im there.
As he said that they both walked into the room and Kailie looked
at him for a few seconds and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: thanks.
As she said that David was looking at her and him and the
president said.
The President: no problem good night.
As he said that the president closed the door and he made his
way up into his room where he sat at his desk and he turned on
the radio and he spoke into it.
The President: the operation is a go release the slowers into the
As he said that he turned off the radio and he turned off all the
lights in his apartment and he locked his door and he made his
way into his room and he started talking and taking of his gun
The President: so honey I meet these nice people today and I
really think theyll be a good addition to this group.
As he said that he took of his shirt and pants and he climbed into
a single person bed and he said.
The President: but that Clint person is going to have to be
As he said that the camera pulled back and it showed the
president with his wife who was a 2 year old walker and he said.

The President: good night honey.

As he said that he turned off his lamp light and he went to sleep
next to her but she was handcuffed to the sides of a separate bed
so she couldnt bite him.
(Camp Wilderness)
Cesar got the presidents radio call and he said.
Cesar: ok Lethem loose.
As he said that the camera pulled out and it showed 5 long trucks
for cargo uses and Cesar drove away in a black excursion and his
small group left the 5 trucks as at least 400 walkers that were the
slow ones all came out of the back of the trucks and the camera
showed the back entrance to the camp that Dr. Sargent and his
group entered in.
Screen goes black.
End scene.

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