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Russerction Season 3 episode 12 It takes

one to know one

(Medical bay)
The camera was close up on Jamess face and his eyes were shut
and they were moving back and forth really fast. As they were
moving you could hear noises like there was a giant fight
happening. As I was hearing the noises you heard me say. James:
let her go you son of a bitch. As I said that there was a sound of a
single gun shot and I slowly woke up. As I woke up I realized I was
handcuffed to my medical bed and I looked over at the table next
to me and I saw my revolver and my hat on the table. I also
looked at the other medical beds and I noticed that Josh, Brent,
and Nigel were gone. I looked around again and I saw Maria and
Savanna sitting in the chairs in the room with me and I tried to sit
up but my feet were also handcuffed to the bed and Maria woke
up and she saw me and she walked over to me and she looked at
Savanna and she said.
Maria Garcia: hes awake go get Dr. Jackson, Lucas, and Dr. Pop.
As she said that Savanna left the room and Maria walked over to
me and she said.
Maria Garcia: you gave us quite the scare a few days ago.
As she said that I held up my wrist and she said.
Maria Garcia: those were for your and our protection.
As she said that I said.
James Dixon: what in the hell happened?

As I said that Savanna, Dr. Pop, Dr. Jackson, and Lucas all walked
into the room and Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: you just got out of surgery yesterday and your
blood stream was full of Psilocybin caused by this bullet.
As he said that he held up the bullet that the president shot me
with and Lucas was undoing my handcuffs and as he finished I
rubbed my wrist and I said.
James Dixon: what did I do and who did I hurt?
As I said that they all looked at each other and Lucas said.
Lucas Gavin: you broke Brents arm and you shot Josh again.
As he said that I shook my head and I said.
James Dixon: god dam it.
As I said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: thats not all apparently when we were getting attacked
by the rest of our group which are still being locked down in our
court yard Cory got out and we believe that Clint helped him
escape occurring to Morgan.
As he said that I looked at him and I stood up and I said.
James Dixon: ok Im going to take a shower, get dressed, kill off
some walkers out in the field so I dont get rusty and then Ill have
a talk with our old group then the rest of the group.
As I said that Dr. Jackson was still holding the bullet that the
president shot me with and I walked by him and I took the bullet
and my hat and gun and I said.

James Dixon: dont disturb me.

As I left the room I walked down to the wardens office and I got
out my IPod touch and I turned it on and I plugged it into a clock
radio in the bathroom and the song Mr. Blue Sky started playing.
As I did that I started to shave and I cut my toe nails and my nails.
I looked at my hair and I got out hair cutters and I cut my head
and I made my hair cut into a buzz cut and I said to myself.
James Dixon: better.
As I said that I turned on the shower and 15 minutes later I got
out and I walked over to the bed that was in the room where my
clothes were lined out and I put on my black pants, black belt,
black shirt, red over shirt, black vest, black suit coat, and my
leather duster coat. Before I left I brushed my teeth and I grabbed
my revolver and I put it in my holster and I grabbed my M4-A1
and I headed outside. As I was outside I noticed my breath was
cold and I saw leaves on the ground and I looked at my IPod that
was still playing the music and it said November 22 2012. As it
said that I said.
James Dixon: Dam its almost winter.
As I said that I walked up to the tower and I walked to the top and
I looked into my scope in my M4-A1 and I shot a walker dead on in
the head and it dropped down to the ground dead and I smiled
and I said.
James Dixon: still got it.
(Barton Hotel)
The camera showed 2 black limos that pulled up to the hotel the 2
drivers walked to the back of each limo and they opened the

doors. Charles Lettermen came out of the first one and Kailie
stepped out of the second one and Charles looked at her and they
both walked up to the main doors and the door man opened them
and he said.

The Door Man 1: welcome to the Barton Hotel we hope you have a
wonderful time with your stay here.
As he said that Kailie still had her sniper rifle with her and Davids
gun with her as well and Charles leaned in on her and he said.
Charles Lettermen: welcome to the Barton.
I was still shooting walkers in the guard tower and I didnt hear
that Anthony came up the tower and he was leaning on the door
and as I hit and killed another walker and it dropped dead he
looked at me and he said.
Anthony Allen: youve been in a 2 day coma after being shot and
your first thing to do is go and kill zombies.
As he said that I looked at him and I switched my gun to safety
and I said.
James Dixon: why is there another bigger problem at hand?
As I said that I laughed and he walked up to me and he said.
Anthony Allen: there are still 60 people that were part of our old
group that are still in the second court yard on the other side of
the prison.
As he said that I looked at him and I said.

James Dixon:oh.well take me to them and Ill talk to them and

put them to work on what needs to be done around here so we
can keep living in this place.
As I said that he walked down the tower and I followed behind him
as we made our way to the court yard those who were sitting
down stood up and looked at me while I met Nigel, Brent, Robert,
Kevin, and Tony and Robert shook my hand and he said.
Robert Seton: boy am I glad to see you.
As he said that I looked at him and I said.
James Dixon: same here.
As I said that I looked at Tony and he had the mega phone and I
reached my hand out and I said.
James Dixon: may I see that please.
As I said that Tony gave me the phone and I turned it on and I
talked into it and I said.
James Dixon: good morning.
As I said that no one answered and I spoke into the mega phone
again and I said.
James Dixon: I know it has been a while since weve all seen each
other and I know you all had doctor sargent as your leader and he
might of told you things that would make us look like an enemy to
As I said that I paused and then I looked at Anthon then back at
the crowd and I said.
James Dixon: but he was wronghe lied to you all I know this may
be a shock to some of you but he is the enemy in this group not
us. If we are going to be strong and survive this shit filled world

we cannot let a man like him tare this group apart. Now with me
saying that Kevin, Robert, and Tony here are going to give you all
a chore to do. And I acpct you all to do whatever it is they need
you to do.
As I said that I stopped talking for a few seconds and I said.
James Dixon: if you have any questions now is the time to ask if
that question is if you want to leave the group so be it. But if you
make that choice I wont hesitate to kill you if you try to hurt or
attack any of my people.
As I said that I stopped talking again for a few seconds and then I
James Dixon: you are now free but like I said be warned if you
think about leaving this group.
As I said that I handed the mega phone to Tony and as I grabbed
Anthony and walked to the side I said.
James Dixon: wheres Jack?
As I said that Anthony looked at me and he said.
Anthony Allen: hes going on a run to get more medical supplies
and food.
As he said that I looked at him and I said.
James Dixon: were going with him I need to talk to you alone I had
another dream while I was in my comma before I woke up.
As I said that I walked away and Anthony just stared at me and he
watched as I walked into the prison.
(The Presidents apartment)

In the presidents apartment Mark, Mary, Admiral Jenkins, Major

Lawrence, and Captain Lawrence were all in the room and they
were all in a room together and they had a map on the
presidents desk. And the President was saying.
The President: ok Mark I need you and your gang to be the ones
who ride up and storm the place while I, Mary, Admiral Jenkins,
and Major Lawrence and Captain Lawrence go into the prison to
look for James and the leaders of his group so we can take them
As he said that Mark looked at him and he said.
Mark: why do they have to go with you into the prison?
As he said that he looked at him and he said.
The President: because they were once part of Jamess group at
the beginning of the apocalypse when the first slowers were
taking over the world and they know how his group formed to the
group we know today.
As he said that Admiral Jenkins looked at him and he said.
Admiral Jenkins: what happens when we run into Bruce?
As he said that the camera zoomed in on the president and he
The President: leave Bruce to me.
As he said that he said.
The President: now that we have our plan all set out lets leave in
3 hours and attack by noon so we can get back here by nightfall.
As he said that the others were packing up to leave and he said.

The President: none of this leaves the room and none of this gets
to Kailie Kennedy or Charles Lettermen understand.
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and the president
The President: good if you all need me I will be here waiting for
the time to attack.
As he said that everyone left the room leaving the president

(Cell block A)
I was in my cell block and I got my revolver all loaded and I got
my M4-A1 loaded and I was ready to go and Anthony was in the
cell block next to me and he got his desert eagle loaded and he
got his crossbow and knifes ready and he was ready to go. As we
were walking out we walked passed Dr. Sargents and Matts
locked cell block and on the other side of them was Bruces locked
cell and he said.
Bruce: looks like our boys here are about to leave and go on a
hunt for supplies.
As he said that we both stopped walking and didnt respond to
him and he said.
Bruce: come on boys just having a little fun since Im locked up in
here and all.

As he said that he looked at me and he said.

Bruce: why am I locked up in here again when I was the one that
saved your life while you was all drugged up.
As he said that I walked over to him and Anthony stayed where he
was and I said.
James Dixon: because youre working for some guy who calls
himself the president and you were one of the guys who was
trying to kill us while we rescued our people that were taken by
As I said that Bruce looked at me and he said.
Bruce: when you put it that way.
As he said that I started walking away and he said.
Bruce: come on why did you have to put me next to the one guy
that I want to torture and eventually kill.
As he said that I was still walking away and so was Anthony and I
James Dixon: because I knew that youd hate it.
As I said that I walked away and Dr. Sargent was in the top bed
and Matt was in the bottom bed and Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: now do you really want to get angry at you.
As he said that Bruce said.
Bruce: why not its not like you could have your buddy Steve hand
cuff me to a pole in an office building in the middle of the city full
of walkers.

As he said that Dr. Sargent said.

Dr. Sargent: what I if I told you I have a plan on braking out of this
dump and you would never have to see James again.
As he said that Bruce had a thought on his face and he said.
Bruce: Im listening.
Outside the prison we were by a red charger that could fit 4
people and Jack was fixing the engine and I said.
James Dixon: whered you find this beauty?
As I said that Jack said.
Jack: found it in one of the parking spaces on the business side of
the prison. Nigel said he knew who owned it and he said that he
didnt care if I took it to go on a few runs.

As he said that he closed the hood of the car and as he did he

tossed me the keys and Maria walked up behind us and she
started getting in the back seat of the car and I said.
James Dixon: what in the hell are you doing?
As I said that she looked at me while she was in the car and she
Maria Garcia: you need at least 4 people to help get the supplies
we need and your still hurt and Lucas and the other doctors put
me in charge of you so I coming weather you like it or not and I
can take care of myself.
As she said that she closed the door and Jack and Anthony looked
at me and I said.

James Dixon: shut up.

As I said that Jack got in the other back seat and Anthony got in
the seat next to me and we started driving and Morgan was by
the gates and he opened them up and we drove through and he
closed and locked them again. As we were driving Josh was on
look out and he shot and killed a walker that was right in front of
our car as we were driving into the forest.
(Barton Hotel)
The bellhop of the hotel lead Charles to his room and before he
walked in he looked at Kailie and he said.
Charles Lettermen: Ill be one floor below you if you need me.
As he said that Kailie didnt answer him and the Bellhop led her to
the top floor and before he opened the door he said.

Bellhop: Ms. Kailie Kennedy welcome to your presidential suite at

the Barton hotel.
As he said that he opened the big doors and in her room was a
king sized bed a 90 inch led 3d T.V. and a hot tub in her room and
she dropped her bags and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: this is going to be my home for the next month.
As she said that she thought for a few seconds and she smiled
and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: I could get used to this.

As she said that the Bellhop left the room and she set her guns on
the table next to her bed and she kicked back her feet and she
(Katelyns group)
Clint, Katelyn, and Cory were all in one room together and they
were all talking to each other.
Katelyn Selenski: Clint what did that guy mean when he said he
saw you on the news before the apocalypse.
As she said that Clint wasnt answering her and Cory said.
Cory Brown: you know she was going to find out sooner than later
mine as well tell her now.
As he said that Clint thought for a few seconds and then Katelyn
Katelyn Selenski: Clint tell me why in the hell is he wearing a
prison jump suit?
As he was about to speak the doors opened by 2 guards and a
man in a black suit and a red tie walked in and the man said.
Man: thats because hes been Americas most wanted since 2005
but his first murder was 3 years before that in Orlando Florida
where I was campaign to become the next president when his
case came across my desk. I bowed to find you.
As he said that he was staring right at Clint and he had a serious
face and the man kept talking.
Man: I have been looking for you for a veryvery long time Mr.
Western I thought that I would never come across you since the
main military and navy forces got torn apart because of them

dead heads out there. But my luck just turned because of a

simple supply run.
As he said that he laughed and Katelyn looked at him and she
Katelyn Selenski: who the hell are you?
As she said that the man walked over to her and he said.
Man: where are my manners?
As he said that he held out his hand and he said.
Man: Markus Jacobs the 3rd Senator of Texas since 2003 I
represent the republican party since then in Texas.
As he said that she shook his hand and she didnt answer him all
she did was stare at Clint and he saw that and he looked at his
guards and he said.
Markus Jacobs the 3rd: looks like you need some alone time with
these 2 well just be right out here if you need us for help if these
2 get out of control.
As he said that he and his guards left the room and Katelyn stared
down on Clint and she said.

Katelyn Selenski: 5 minutes to explain everything starting now.

(James supply run)
(Back roads)
We were driving and we were 25 miles away from the prison and
Jack said.

Jack: the cost co should be right up here on the left.

As he said that I saw the entrance and I said.
James Dixon: there it is.
I said as we pulled into the entrance and as I did there were cars
parked randomly in the spaces in the parking lot. As I drove right
up to the entrance of the Cost co I stopped the car and turned it
off and I said.
James Dixon: all right me and Anthony will take one side of the
store and you and Maria will take the other.
As I said that Jack said.
Jack: ok.
As he said that Anthony said we all need to meet back here in a
half hour so lets get going.
As he said that we all got out weapons and flashlights and we
entered the dark store and before we all entered I said.
James Dixon: remember be quiet and carful we dont know how
many walkers are inside this building.
As I said that I had my flashlight in on hand and I had my revolver
pointed forward in the other and we entered the building.
As me and Anthony were going down the hallway and looking at
the items Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: so earlier today you said you had another dream
was this like the dream you had about us at the high school and
the one you had of us at the farm?
As he said that I tried to avoid his question for a few seconds and
Anthony said.

Anthony Allen: so was it?

As he said that I said.
James Dixon: it was worse.
As I said that the camera jumped to Maria and Jack and Jack
looked at Maria and he said.
Jack: so how much longer till James confesses and you 2 hook up.
As he said that Maria picked up some canned goods and put them
in her back pack and she acted like she was shocked and she
Maria Garcia: what were not in love with each other?
As she said that Jack smiled and he said.
Jack: its obvious that he has feelings for you do you not feel the
same towards him?
As he said that Maria said.
Maria Garcia: no actually I dont were just friends and weve been
just friends since the 6th grade and thats what were going to
As she said that Jack found some fruit that was still good and he
put that in his bag and he shined his flashlight on the signs at the
door and he said.
Jack: well thats too bad Im just letting you know that everyone in
the group since weve formed this group thought that you 2 had
feelings for each other I guess we were wrong.
As he said that Maria said.

Maria Garcia: I guess so.

As she said that Jack shined his light on the doors and signs and
up ahead he saw a sign that read pharmacy and he said.
Jack: Jackpot.
As he said that they both started making their way to the
Pharmacy and they opened the door and they started collecting
the medicine that was in there. As they were doing that the
camera zoomed past them that showed a loading dock door was
locked shut with a pad lock and the door read. Dont Open in
blood red on it and you could slightly hear moans and groans from
the walkers behind the door. And the pad lock looked to be 3
years old so it was giving away every time the walkers banged on
the door.
(Barton Hotel Kailies room)
Kailie was in the hot tub and she had the T.V. on and she was
watching the hangover part 2 and she had her sniper rifle next to
her on the side of the tub and she picked up the phone next to
the tub and she dilled the # that said room service and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: may I please get some coffee bacon and eggs and
some hash browns and waffles up here please since its Moring Id
like to have breakfast.
As she said that the voice on the other end of the phone said.

Voice: yes well be right up with you in 15 minutes.

As she said that she said thank you and she hung up the phone
and she watched the movie and she relaxed and she said.

Kailie Kennedy: this is the life.

As she said that she turned on the bubbles on and she began to
(Cost Co)
(Jamess supply run)
James and Anthony were walking down the hall and James was
telling Anthony what he had dreamed about.
(James Dream)
(The Presidents attack)
There was gun fire everywhere and I was standing with Anthony,
Robert, Jack, and John and we were all firing are guns at the
presidents army and The President shouted.
The President: we have 30 men surrender or we will keep killing
you all.
As he said that I pulled out my revolver and I shot it at 3 of his
men as they were firing at us and I said.
James Dixon: never you son of a bitch.
As I said that I leaned down to Anthony and the others and John
John Clarkson: we have to get to the buses with the others and
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: we cant itll draw all of the walkers to that
directionwere in the hell is Kevin with that dam truck.

As I said that a walker jumped and stood on the laying down

beam that we were firing behind and it screamed and I shot it
with my revolver and as I did I said.
James Dixon: shut up.
As it dropped dead I heard the honking of the horn coming from
the truck and I said.
James Dixon: well Ill be a son of a bitch.
As I said that the camera showed that it was Kevin driving the
truck and he was running over the walkers and just plowing
through them and as he was he was screaming and honking at
the same time and we were all cheering. As he was driving the
president looked at one of his guys and he nodded his head. As he
did one of the guards pulled out a rocket launcher and he shot it
and the camera stayed on the rocket and it hit Kevins truck. And
as it did it was right in front of us and all I could hear was ringing
in my ears.
(End Jamess Dream)
As I finished telling Anthony my dream he just looked at me and
he said.
Anthony Allen: and you think all of that is going to happen in a
few weeks to a month.
As he said that I shook my head yes and he saw some fruit and 20
canned goods and he said.
Anthony Allen: ok well talk about the security of the prison when
we get back start packing those piles of fruit while I get the
canned goods and the water bottles that are right next to them.

(A Block)
Kenneth was walking by with Ralph, Timon and Evan and they
stopped at Dr. Sargents cell and Dr. Sargent got out of his bed
and he walked up to the bars and he said.
Dr. Sargent: so whats happening?
As he said that Kenneth said.
Kenneth Jones: hes trusting us but we got to keep this trust if
were going to pull this off.
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: good.
As he said that Ralph was looking at Matt who was sleeping on
the bottom bunk and he said.
Ralph Biggs: what are we going to do about him?
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: hes joining us James and his group dosent trust him.
As he said that Evan said.
Evan Hall: why dont they trust them?
Dr. Sargent looked at him and he said.

Dr. Sargent: he started a war with some group that has 450
survivors and eventually there going to come here and attack the

people here so we are going to have to be fast with making this

group trust us and hopefully theyll join us.
As he said that Timon looked at the other cell and he said.
Timon Sherman: what about Bruce is he in or not?
As he said that Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: yes he is he might just be the toughest person that
will be on our team. So its a good thing I convinced him to join
forces with us.
As he said that he stopped talking for a few seconds and he said.
Dr. Sargent: are Ryan and Frank at the spot they need to be at
until we get out of here.
As he said that Kenneth said.
Kenneth Jones: yes.
As he said that he checked to see if anyone was coming and he
handed him a walkie talkie and he said.
Kenneth Jones: here there on channel 4 there waiting on your
command to come and get us.
As he said that Dr. Sargent took the walkie talkie and he put it on
the inside pocket of his Drs jacket and he said.
Dr. Sargent: good Ill give you all at least 3 or so weeks to gain
trust and get the fuel and supplies and weapons we need before
we leave.
As he said that they heard people in the hall way coming towards
them and Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: good speed.

As he said that he backed up into his cell and got back on his bed
while Kenneth and the others walked away.
(Cost Co)
(Jamess supply run)
Me and Anthony were just finishing our packing and Anthony had
5 packs of water bottles stacked up and he had 2 apple jounces
and 4 things of orange juice and he said.
Anthony Allen: ok its the half hour point ready to head back?
As he said that I put the last of the fruit in my back pack and I
James Dixon: yeah I am.
As I said that he grabbed the drinks and he said.
Anthony Allen: lets roll.
As he said that we started running and as we were running
around the isles a random walker arm came out of nowhere and a
walker grabbed Anthonys ankle and he fell and he dropped all of
the drinks. As he fell he said.
Anthony Allen: son of a bitch.
Without thinking I had my revolver out and I fired it and I killed
the walker and I looked at him and I helped him up and he said.
Anthony Allen: thanks.
James Dixon: no problem.

As I said that he got all of the drinks and we started to run again
but as we were running the camera fanned out and it showed at
least 200 walkers inside the store at the checkout lanes and even
more in the front of the store all looking in the direction of where I
made my gun shoot. As we were running Maria and Jack were still
at the pharmacy and they both looked at the direction the gun
shot came from and Jack said.
Jack: we have enough.
As he said that they both had 4 back packs full of medical
supplies and as Maria was grabbing her pack a walker came out
of the managers office and jack saw it and he had his hunting
knife out and Maria screamed as she hit the floor and the walker
was on top of her. As it was trying to eat her Jack stabbed it on
the top of his head and he said.
Jack: stop lying around and get moving.
As he said that he handed her pack back to her and as they were
leaving they turned around and they saw the door that contained
all of the walkers in it and the chain broke and there were at least
300 walkers and mutated walkers in that room and Jack and Maria
looked at each other and Jack said.
Jack: run.
As he said that they booth started running to where we parked
the car at the back entrance of the Cost Co store. We all meet
with each other and we all stopped for a second to catch our
breath and I said.
James Dixon: are you guys all right did any of you get bit?
As I said that they all shook their heads no and I said.
James Dixon: ok were going to need to get the hell out of here

As I said that we all heard a load roar from the groups of walkers
and Jack said.
Jack: what in the hell was that?
As he said that the camera zoomed into the front entrance of the
store and it showed 3 giant executioners with big heave duty axes
and they were all at least 30 feet tall and they both screeched
and they started running to where we were and I said.
James Dixon: we need to go now.
As I said that everyone agreed and as Anthony and Maria were
putting the supplies away me and Jack were shooting the
oncoming walkers, mutated zombies and the excitinors. As I was
shooting my revolver at one of the excitinors head I said.
James Dixon: that son of a bitch wont die.
As I said that Anthony finished packing the supplies and he
tapped the top of the car and he said.
Anthony Allen: done.
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: about time.
As I said that I slid across the hood of the car and got in the
drivers seat and Jack got into the seat next to me and I started
the car and just as the 3 excitinors got to us they all swong there
axes and I drove off. And as I was driving I didnt go the way
towards the prison I went the opposite direction as all of the
runners and mutated walkers were chasing us and Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: the prisons that way what in the hell are you

As he said that I kept speeding and I said.

James Dixon: Im leading away all of these walkers and runners so

they cant get to our people back at the prison.
As I said that I kept driving and Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: good idea.
As he said that the camera zoomed up showing the fleet of
walkers and the 3 excitinors chasing after us.
The President, Admiral Jenkins, Captain Lawrence, Major
Lawrence, Mary, and Jimmy were all lying on the ground watching
the prison. And the president was looking across from him and he
saw Mark and his gang in the forest and they nodded at each
other and The president reached for his walkie talkie and he said.
The President: wait for James.
As he said that Mark reached for his walkie talkie and he said.
Mark: ok.
As he said that the president went back to looking at the prison
and Jimmy said.
Jimmy: so this is the big group that youre obsessed with.
As he said that the president looked at him and he said.
The President: Im not obsessed with them one of the people in
their cut off my arm and cut out my eye with a wooden sword and

a few others killed 40 of my best men. Thats why I cant rest until
these savages see justice.

As he said that Jimmy just looked at him for a few seconds and
then he looked back at the prison. Inside the gates of the prison
Lucas and Savanna were walking along the court yard and they
were talking.
Savanna: so what do you think of Jamess behavior lately?
As she said that Lucas said.
Lucas Gavin: well I think that hes been doing pretty good for a 16
year old considering whats been happening these past 3 years
since the world went to hell. I wouldnt want his job but Im glad
that he came along and took it for us so no one would have to
have all that wait on their shoulders.
As he said that she didnt answer back and they kept walking and
as they were walking Eric and Jamario came up to them and Eric
Eric Chestnut: Lucas theres a problem down buy the fence I think
you should see.
As he said that Savanna and Lucas stared at each other and they
both followed Eric and Jamario and as they got to the last set of
fencing that lead to the back field before they got to the problem
Jamario said.
Jamario Morris: me and Eric first noticed the problem while we
were checking to see how strong the fences were and we found
As he said that they all stared at the 4 fences that were in a line
to the court yard and there was a man sized whole in all 4 fences
and Lucas said.

Lucas Gavin: that is a big problem.

As he said that Josh was in the guard tower and he pointed his
sniper at what sounded like a load car engine and he looked into
his scope and he saw that it was the red charger that James and
Jack took off in and he looked at Morgan who was at the main
gate and Josh said.
Josh Coe: its James with the supplies let them in.
As he said that Morgan had the keys with him and he unlocked
the big gate and he slid it half way open and we drove the car into
the court yard and as we parked the car a few feet away from the
gate Morgan closed it and he locked it and Josh killed the few
runners and mutated walkers that followed us. Back at the
fencing Lucas was looking at the holes in the fence and he said.
Lucas Gavin: ok were going to tell James about this right now.
As he said that he walked towards me by the car and as I got out
Brent was about to help take the supplies into the prison and he
saw the blood all over the car and he said.
Brent Coe: you run into some trouble James?
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: yeah but nothing we cant handle.
As I said that he walked away and Lucas, Jamario, Eric and
Savanna all walked up to me and I said.
James Dixon: what up guys.
As I said that Lucas said.
Lucas Gavin: we need to show you something.

As he said that I said.

James Dixon: cant it wait I just got back.
As I said that Lucas cut me off and he said.
Lucas Gavin: no we need to show you now or things could get a
hell of a lot worse here at any second.
As he said that I followed him to the fencing and as we were
walking to the 4th fencing The president was looking through his
binoculars and he saw me and he said.
The President: thats your target right there the one with the hat
and the duster.
As he said that he paused for a second and he saw Robert and
Anthony and Jack and he said.
The President: and those 3 as well those are the leaders of this
group dont kill them but you can kill 40 other people to show
them what they did to us.
As he said that Josh was looking through the scope of his sniper
rifle and he saw the president and he was talking into his walkie
talkie and he the president said.
The President: the mission is a goI repeat the mission is a go.
As he said that the president stood up and he had an AUG with
him and Josh shouted.
Josh Coe: everyone find coverfined cover now.
As he said that the president aimed his AUG at him and he fired it
and Joshed ducked down and he hid behind the window in the
guard tower and he said.

Josh Coe: Fuck.

As he said that Mark started up his motorcycle and he drove our
into the field and he had 30 men behind him and Mark said.
Mark: you heard the presidents orders lets tear this place up.

As he said that they all started riding to the back gate of the
prison were Morgan was standing and as they were all driving me,
Lucas, Savanna, Eric and Jamario all looked at the biker gang and
we saw them coming and I looked at Lucas and I said.
James Dixon: get as many people as you can and get the hell in
side and bunker down until me and Josh can fight them off.
As I said that he stared at me and I said.
James Dixon: go.
As I said that Lucas, Eric, and Jamario started running to the
prison and Savanna stayed and she said.
Savanna: go I can hold down this part of the prison from here go
help your cousin.
As she said that I started to runt towards the main court yard and
I stopped to look at her as she pulled out her M4-A1 and she said.
Savanna: come on you cock sucking sons of a bitches Ive got 3
magazines with me I could do this all day.
As she said that she started firing at the motorcycle gang and as
she did she hit 3 men and she killed them and as she did the
gang reached the main gate of the prison and as I ran up to it I
pushed Morgan behind me and I said.

James Dixon: run to the prison with the others youll be safe there.
As I said that Morgan started running to the prison and as he did
the gang started circling the prison court yard and I was trying to
shoot them with my revolver and Anthony and Robert and Jack all
came up running to me and Anthony had my M4-A1 and handed it
to me and I said.
James Dixon: thanks.
As I said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: no problem.
As he said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: do you know how these guys found us.
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: were only 20 miles or so away from them Im sure
they would have found us sooner or later.
As I said that the camera jumped to Savanna and she just ran out
of ammo on her clip and she said.
Savanna: shit.
As she was trying to reload the president stepped out of his hiding
place and he said.
The President: nows the time to strike.
As he said that he and the others started making their way to
where Savanna was and as she finally got her gun to load she

Savanna: yes.
As she looked up she saw the president standing there with his
AUG and a smirk on his face and he aimed it on the right side of
her chest and he said.
The President: I dont think so.
As he said that he fired his AUG and she dropped to the ground
but she wasnt dead just injured and the president said.
The President: go into the prison and find Matt Ill get James and
the others.
As he said that Admiral Jenkins and his officers and Mary and
Jimmy all ran past Savanna who was bleeding on the ground and
The president just stared at her and he walked slowly past her
making his way into the prison. Inside the charger Maria was in
the drivers seat and she had Eric, Jamario, Harry, Morgan, Justin,
and Kenneth in the car with her and Kenneth was sitting next to
her and she was in the drivers seat and Kenneth saw a chance to
escape and he said.
Kenneth Jones: we have a chance to escape lets take it.
As he said that Maria looked at the back entrance and she saw
nobody standing or guarding it and she said.
Maria Garcia: but we just cant leave these people there are
friends and our new family.
As she said that Kenneth said.
Kenneth Jones: well if we stay here any longer were going to end
up dead.
As he said that she looked at the others in the back and she they
all agreed with Kenneth and she started the car and she said.

Maria Garcia: ok.

As she said that she put the car in reverse and she killed 5 men
while she backed up over them. She stopped the car and it was
facing the gate and she floored it and she drove straight forward
and she killed 4 men as she left the prison and she drove right
past me and Anthony, Robert, and Jack as she left the prison. As
she left Jack said.
Jack: where in the hell are they going?
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: there trying to stay alive.
As I said that a man was about to attack Jack and I aimed my M4A1 at the man and I fired at his head and he dropped to the
ground dead and Anthony looked at me and he said.
Anthony Allen: Ive been wondering this whole time James why in
the hell do you try and shoot the people in the head when you
know that head shots kill walkers.
As he said that I just looked at him and I didnt answer him and I
reloaded my M4-A1 and I kept firing at the gang. At the entrance
to cell block B the president was by the door that entered the
prison and Admiral Jenkins put a C4 at the handle of the door and
everyone backed away from the door and The President said.
The President: do it.
As he said that he pressed the button to the bomb and it
exploded and the door fell to the ground crumbling as it fell. As it
did Admiral Jenkins and the men stormed into the prison and
Roberts 5 men were down the hall and they heard the firing and
so did James dad and he grabbed his sniper rifle and Roberts men
all took hallway points and they all had colt law enforcements and

they all aimed it down the hallway and one of Marks motorcycle
gang members were with the president and he didnt see the men
or the guns and he walked right into the hall way and Bill shot and
he killed the guy and the 5 men all shot their guns on fully
automatic mode.
As he died the president and Admiral Jenkins and his men all got
up against the wall and he had 5 gang members with him and
they were fire fighting with Roberts men and the gang members
killed 3 of the 5 men and the president looked at Admiral Jenkins
and he said.
The President: this is going to take all day.
As he said that Admiral Jenkins looked at Captain Lawrence and
he nodded his head and he pulled out a flash grenade and he
pulled the clip and one of the gang members shouted.
Gang Member: flash grenade.
As he said that Bill flipped a table over in the hall and the 2
reaming men got behind the walls and Bill said.
Bill Dixon: shit.
As he said that the flash went off and they all got stunned and the
president waited a few seconds and he said.
The President: go.
As he said that he and the others made their way down the hall
and they all passed the men who were stunned and as they
passed Bill he saw the president and he just walked right past
him. In the cafeteria Lucas had the remanding survivors locked up
and he had his shot gun with him and Larry Baker and his
daughter Abigail and his 2 sons all had their guns pointed at the
door. The president walked past the door and he told the 5 gang
members that were still with him to see what was in that room

and as they opened the door Lucas fired his shot gun 3 times and
he said.
Lucas Gavin: come and get it you son of a bitch.
As he said that the gang members busted into the room and they
flipped the nearest lunch tables over and they all had M16s and
they all broke out into a gun fight. As they were fighting the
president made his way down past the medical bay and he still
had 3 gang members with him and he said.
The President: try to take as many supplies as you can.
As he said that the members started opening the doors and Dr.
Pop, Dr. Jackson, and Nigel the warden were all in there and so
was General Herman and Colonel Jackson and they heard the men
and General Herman had a sub machine gun, Colonel Jackson had
a Mossberg 590 and Dr. Jackson had an UZI and Dr. Pop and Nigel
hid underneath a flipped medical bed and as the men neared
General Herman said.
General Herman: its been an honor serving with you Colonel.
As he said that Jackson said.
Colonel Jackson: same here sir.
As he said that the first gang member saw them and he started
firing his gun at them and Dr. Jackson fired his UZI at him and he
killed the gang member while the other 2 started to make their
own barricades and straight a gun fight. Down the hall the
president made his way to cell block A and he stopped at the front
entrance and he pulled out his hand gun and he fired it twice and
the people in the room freaked out and they all got in there cells
and they locked them. At the end of the cell block John Clarkson
and his son Danny heard the shots and Danny said.
Danny Clarkson: what was that dad?

As he said that John pulled out his glock 19 and he said.

John Clarkson: I dont know son.
As he said that he said.
John Clarkson: stay here and lock your cell door Ill get you when
its safe.
As he said that he slowly made his way down the cell block as he
did the president was looking for Matt and as he passed Jamess
cell he found Matt in his cell and Matt stood up and the president
The President: look what I found boys are grand prize.
As he said that the camera jumped to the court yard and the gang
members were swarming the James, Anthony, Robert, and Jack
and no one was firing at each other and in the guard tower Josh
was shot in the arm but he still had his high powered sniper rifle
and he was looking at the forest.
As he was staring at the forest he started to run down the stairs of
the guard tower and Brent Coe and Larry saw him heading to the
forest and Brent said.
Brent Coe: its time to go.
As he said that he fired his glock 17 at 2 biker gang members and
he killed them and Larry fired his Mossberg 500 at 3 members
and he killed them and they made their way to the whole in the
fence and before they started making their way through it they
each fired there guns twice and as Brent made his way to the 4 th
gate he saw Savanna he stopped and Larry caught up to him and
he said.
Larry: what in the hell are you stopping for nows our chance to

As he said that he put his fingers up to Savannas neck and he

started picking her up and he said.
Brent Coe: shes still alive.
As he said that he handed Larry her M4-A1 and he said.
Larry: I can do some real damage with this.
As he said that Brent said.
Brent Coe: come on.
As he said that they both left with Savanna and they followed
Joshs trail of blood.
Inside the prison the president was staring at Matt through the
cell and the president said.
The President: open this door.
As he said that Admiral Jenkins had an UZI and he shot the lock
and it opened and Captain Lawrence and Major Lawrence aimed
their guns at Dr. Sargent and Matt was backed up against the wall
and The President said.
The President: take him.
As he said that Captain Lawrence and Major Lawrence grabbed
him and Matt tried to fight them but they were stronger than him.
As they were about to leave Dr. Sargent said.
Dr. Sargent: but you need me.
As he said that the president stepped forward and he looked at
him and he said.
The President: and why would we need you.

As he said that Dr. Sargent said.

Dr. Sargent: because I know things about James that you would
love to know and besides no one here trust me because we share
a common enemy.
As he said that the president thought for a few seconds and he
The President: ok take him with us.
As he said that he was about to leave and he saw Bruce in the
other cell and Bruce was on the top bunk of the prison cell and
the president just glared at him and he said.
The President: leave him to rot here and become one of the
As he said that Bruce just smiled and as the president reached for
his walkie talkie he said.
The President: bring my car and the trucks around.
As he said that they started leaving and John was watching them
and he was hiding and he saw Mary and he aimed his glock at her
and he shot it and he shot her arm and she said.
Mary Pester: son of a bitch.
As he said that the president fired his AUG and Admiral Jenkins
fired his UZI at John and they both shot him in the arm as he was
starting to run away. As he was hit the president said.
The President: were leaving.
As he said that they all started fast walking and they were all
outside and Captain Lawrence was carrying Mary because she

passed out from getting shot and as they got outside the
president said.
The President: weve got the package pack up and get James and
the others in the truck.
As he said that me and Anthony and the others dropped our
weapons and the gang members picked them up and 2 military
trucks came driving down to the prison and so did the presidents
car and the first truck stopped and it backed up and the men
pointed their guns at us and me, Anthony, Jack, and Robert and
Matt, all got into the back of the truck and 4 men got in so we
couldnt escape through the back and they got our weapons and
they put them in the other truck and the president got in the
driers seat of his car and Jimmy got next to him and Admiral
Jenkins, Major Lawrence, and Captain Lawrence all got into the
back seat and Captain Lawrence was still holding Mary and the
president spoke into the CB radio in his car and he said.
The President: lets roll.
As he said that Mark said.
Mark: lets saddle up boys and get us back to eaden.
As he said that 15 bikers were left out of the 30 that were there
and they all drove out of the prison leaving what was left of the
battle in the court yard.

Inside the prison Lucas was still firefighting with the 2 gang
members that were left and Bill and Roberts 2 men came and
they shot them and Bill walked into the cafeteria and he said.
Bill Dixon: its ok to come out now.
As he said that he left and in the medical bay Dr. Jacksonss clip
ran out and so did the others and he said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: Im out.

As he said that General Herman said.
General Herman: so am I.
As he said that Colonel finished firing his gun and he said.
Colonel Jackson: Im out to.
As he said that they heard several gun shots and Bill and Roberts
2 men walked into the medical bay and Bill said.
Bill Dixon: its ok to come out now.
As he said that they all stood up and everyone started to make
their way out of the prison and everyone saw the devastation on
the prison both inside the prison and outside the prison as they all
slowly made their way outside to the court yard. As they all got to
the court yard they all saw that the main gate was broken that
kept the walkers out and everyone saw the spot that James,
Robert, Anthony, and Jack were fighting at and Tony and Kevin
walked over to it and so did Colonel Jackson and Tony said.
Tony Gabba: where did they go?
As he said that everyone was just shocked and some people were
crying and staring at the open gate and Kevin said.
Kevin Williams: they just left.
As he said that Colonel Jackson got up from kneeling and he just
looked at Kevin who was looking at where James and the others
were obdcked and they saw the tire tracks from both trucks and
the presidents car and from the motorcycle gangs motorcycles
and the camera panned out on the group as they all stared in
shock at what just happened.

(Screen goes black)

(End Scene)

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