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Russerction season 3 episode 14 Fight or

(Football field)
The door opened and runners started running after James and the
crowd went wild. James rand and he saw and large hunting knife
on the table among the knife section so he ran and he jumped
and grabbed 2 of the same knifes and he slid over the table. As
he did the walkers ran around the table and James knifed them
both in the head and he killed them both.
As they dropped to the ground dead 15 more runners came after
him and he dropped the knifes and he grabbed a machete and he
sliced 3 of them in half then he sliced their heads. He saw a
grenade on the table and he grabbed it and he threw it at the
reaming 3 runners and one of them caught it and it exploded
killing the last 3. The only walkers left were 40 and they were the
slow one.
On the table James saw his M4-A1 and it was fully loaded and he
grabbed it and he killed 30 of the walkers and it ran out of ammo.
As it ran out I said.
James Dixon: shit.
As I said that the reaming 10 were slowly making their way
towards him and he saw a glock 17 and he aimed it at the 10
reaming walkers heads and he fired it and he hit and killed all 10
of them and he still had 20 bullets left in the gun. As they all
dropped to the ground dead I walked up to the private room and I
looked up at him and I said.
James Dixon: its going to take more than just a few walkers and
runners to take me out.

As he said that the president just glared at me and another big

door opened and mutated walkers came out and they opened
there mouths and they looked like tentacles. As they came at me I
James Dixon: bring it on.
(The Senators mansion)
In the senators mansion Katelyn was looking at herself in the
mirror and she was wearing a pink robe that she found in the
bathroom she heard a knock at her door. She waited a few
seconds then there was another knock and then she opened the
As she opened it there was a women military solider who was in
her mid 30s and she had blond hair and she was holding a gun
duffel bag and Katelyn looked at her and she said.
Katelyn Selenski: can I help you?
As she said that the solider gave her the bag without hesitation
and after she gave her the bag Katelyn said.
Katelyn Selenski: whats this for?
As she said that the solider said.
Solider: these are all of your weapons back yours and Coreys.
As she said that she reached behind her and she gave Katelyn her
Browning BDA and she said.
Solider: your Azect is full of food and ready to go you also have 2
months worth of food water and 4 months off food as well and 3
months of ammo for each of your guns.

As she said that Katelyn said.

Katelyn Selenski: thanks.
As she said that the solider kept talking.
Solider: wither it be today, next week, in a month or a year if you
ask you and your friends car will be driven up to the mansion and
you may leave without question.
As she said that the solider walked away and Katelyn poked her
head out the door and watched her walk away and then she
closed it. And Cory walked out of the showers room wearing an all
black suit and tie and Cory was drying his hair with a towel and he
Cory Brown: who was that?
As he asked that Katelyn tossed him the bag of Clints guns and
she said.
Katelyn Selenski: our ride is ready so that means after I shower
were leaving.
As she said that Clint tossed the bag on his bed and he walked in
front of the entrance of the bathroom and he said.
Cory Brown: you know that Im not leaving without Clint.
As she said that Katelyn looked at him and she said.
Katelyn Selenski: I know thats why after I get out of the shower
were going to get in the car and go and get him. Now start
loading all the guns with ammo were going to need them all if
were going to do this.

As she said that she closed the door and Cory sat on his bed and
he unzipped the bag and he started loading and turning on the
safety to all the guns and the hand guns in the bag.

(Outside main gate)
Maria was out of her car and she was hiding behind a building and
she saw the guards and the heavy duty torrents and the high
powered rifles they had and she crouched down and she said.
Maria Garcia: shit.
As she said that she walked back to her camario and she got in it
and Josh was next to her and he said.
Josh Coe: so what is it?
As he said that Maria said.
Maria: there are 2 guys with tournets and 4 guys with high
powered rifles guarding the gate.
As she said that Josh opened the door on his side and he started
getting out and he grabbed his sniper rifle and he said.
Josh Coe: thats no problem.
As he got out and he closed the door Maria whispered as he ran in
front of the car.
Maria Garcia: what in the hell are you doing?

As she said that Josh hid behind the same building and he aimed
at the 1st guards heart and he shot and killed him and he fell over
the gate. Before any of the other guards noticed he killed the
other 3. Then he killed the 2 at the tourents and he ran back to
Marias car and he said.

Josh Coe: its ok to go.

As he said that she stared at him and he said.
Josh Coe: its ok I was trained in the army to be a sniper.
As he said that she started up her car and she said.
Maria Garcia: sometimes you make me wonder.
As she said that Josh put his hand and arm out the window and he
gave a hand signal and around the corner of another house Eric
and Jamario joined them and they followed her up to the main
gate. It was locked and Ryan opened the door in there van and he
Ryan Campbell: Ive got it.
As he said that there were 2 chains and he pulled on one and the
gates slowly opened and Maria drove in and as she did Ryan
walked inside and then there were 2 chains on the inside as well
and he pulled one and it closed and he walked back to his van
and Frank opened it and he got in and he said.
Ryan Campbell: ok drive.
As he said that they all drove in a straight line and as they were
driving through the city everyone was looking around at all of the
buildings and Maria said.
Maria Garcia: this place isnt half bad.

As they were driving Josh saw an ally way and he said.

Josh Coe: pull into there.
As he said that she said.

Maria Garcia: why?

Josh Coe: because if were going to find James we need to take
one of the guards here prisoner and get information out of him.
As he said that Maria said.
Maria Garcia: good idea.
As she said that she turned on her signal and the others behind
her saw it and she turned into the ally way and she drove all the
way down it and she turned off her head lights and the engine
and so did the others and Josh said.
Josh Coe: ok stay here me and my brother will go and get one of
the guards.
As he said that he left the car with his rifle and he walked to the
van that Brent was in and he said.
Josh Coe: everyone stay here me and Brent are going to go and
find one of the guards and bring them back here so we can get
information out of him.
As he said that Brent grabbed his AKM and he got out and as they
passed the last van he told Jamario.
Josh Coe: stay here me and Brent are going to go and get one of
the guards to get information out of so we can find James faster.

As he said that he and Brent slowly made their way to the edge of
the ally way and they pointed their guns straight and they got to
the entrance and they saw several people walking in the street
and Josh said.
Josh Coe: put your guns down if we act natural well look like one
of the guards that work here.
As he said that they both lowered their guns and they strolled out
in the street and they were looking around for a guard.
(Barton Hotel)
(Kailies room)
Kailie was on her bed watching a movie when she heard a knock
at the door and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: just a second.
As she said that she paused her movie and she got up and she
answered the door and Charles was standing there and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Charles what do you want at this late hour?
As she said that Charles said.
Charles Lettermen: I wanted to know if you would join me in the
lounge tonight for the entertained night.
As he said that she thought for a few seconds and then she said.
Kailie Kennedy: sure.
As she said that she grabbed one of her handguns and it was a
Beretta 92FS and she hid it in the side of her pants and she
turned off her T.V. and she closed the lights and she followed him
down the hallway. As they were walking down the stairs Kailie

Kailie Kennedy: so whos performing tonight because I read the

Bates interview section in the brochure and I know Eadens
famous for housing 10 famous actors and music performers and 2
As she said that Charles smiled and he said.
Charles Lettermen: youll just have to wait and see.

As he said that he opened the door and they got their seats in the
lounge and Charles looked at his watch and he said.
Charles Lettermen: 1 am just on time.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: on time for what?
As she said that she heard someone playing a grand piano and
then she heard someone playing a harmonica at the same time.
And there was a mans voice who was singing.
Man: it was 9 oclock on a Saturday the regular crowd shuffles in
theres an old man sitting next to making love to his tunic and jin.
As he went to a harmonica solo the Curtin rose and it showed Billy
Joel and there was another piano next to him and no one was by it
though but when Kailie saw who it was she stood up and said.
Kailie Kennedy: no way.
As she said that the solo ended and he kept singing.
Billy Joel: he said son can you play me a memory Im not really
sure how it goes but its sad and its sweet but Im not really sure
how it goeslalalalalalalalalaladedum.

Bill Joel paused for a few seconds and then he went back to
Bill Joel: sing us the song of the piano man sing us a song tonight
were all in the mood for a melody and youve got us feeling all
right. Now john in the bar is a friend of me and hes quick with a
joke and he gets me my drinks for free. And he said Im sure I
could be a movie star if I could get out of this place.

Billy Joel: now Paul is a real-estate novelist and he didnt have

time for a wife and hes been talking with Davey whos still in the
navy and he probably will be for life.
He paused for a harmonica and piano break and another man
stepped out from the Curtin and Bill Joel said.
Bill Joel: occupying me tonight is Alan High from Redford Michigan
and hes got this next part.
As he said that Alan began to play the piano and he said.
Alan High: and the waitress is practicing politics as the business
men slowly get stoned and there sharing a drink called lonely
nees and its better than drinking alone.
As he sang that he had a piano solo and then they both began to
sing at the same time.
Billy Joel and Alan High: sing us the song of the piano man sing us
the song tonight so were all in the mood for a melody and youve
got us feeling all right.
They paused for a piano solo.
Billy Joel and Alan High: its pretty crowded place for a Sunday
night the regular crowd shuffles in for he know that its me that
there coming to see to forget about life for a while.

They paused for a piano solo

Billy Joel: and the piano sounds like a car novel and the
microphone smells like a beer. Sing us the song of the piano
mansing us the song tonight for were all in the mood for a
melody for youve got us feeling all right.
As the song ended everyone stood up and clapped and cheered
and the Bill Joel waved and smiled at people.
The curtains closed and people started to leave and Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: now that was amazing.
As she said that Charles got up and he said.
Charles Lettermen: wellup Im going to bed.
As he said that he said.
Charles Lettermen: are you going or staying.
As he asked that she thought for a few seconds and then she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Im going to stay for a while you go sleep Ill see
you tomorrow.
As she said that he left and she sat in her seat and she stared at
the pianos.
The camera jumped to a guard that was keeping watch at one of
the gates the guard heard a twig snap behind him and as he did
he aimed his rifle in front of him and Brent came up behind him
and covered his mouth and the guard was about to attack him
when Josh grabbed the barrel of his gun and he said.
Josh Coe: not so fast.

As he said that the camera showed them dragging the guard

down the alley that all of the cars were parked in and Josh
knocked on Erics vans door and Kenneth opened the door and
Kenneth said.
Kenneth Jones: what took you guys so long?
As he said that Josh said.
Josh Coe: we couldnt find a gate that had only 2 guards.

As he said that Kenneth poked his head around and he said.

Kenneth Jones: ok get in.
As he said that Josh put the guard on the seat and he got in and
Brent followed in after him. As they were in the van talking to the
guard the camera jumped to Marias car and she was looking in
through the window to what looked like a bar next to them and on
the T.V. she saw what she thought was James fighting in a football
arena and then she looked away from it and then she saw it again
and she said.
Maria Garcia: son of a bitch.
As she said that she got out of her car and she got closer to the
window and she saw that it was James and the camera jumped to
Erics car and Kenneth, Brent, and Josh were integrating the
prisoner and Josh said.
Josh Coe: were are you keeping our leader?
As he said that the door opened and everyone looked to who
opened the door and it was Maria and she said.
Maria Garcia: I know where James is.

As she said that the camera stayed on the T.V. and slowly zoomed
in on it and all you could hear was the sound of the 3 cars starting
up and driving off. The camera jumped to the football arena and
the crowd was still cheering and the camera showed James
wielding a broad sword and he killed 3 runners that charged after
him. On the ground looked like at least 200 walkers and runners
and James looked up at the president in his booth and he said.
James Dixon: youre going to need more than just a couple
hundred walkers to bring me down you shit head.
As I said that the president just looked at me while he was sitting
in his big leather chair.
He looked at 2 guards that were by 2 big unopened doors that
had huge dents in them and he nodded his head at the guards
and they slowly pulled on the chains that opened the doors and I
turned to the doors and I said.
James Dixon: finally some action.
As the guards finished they both dropped what they were doing
and they ran and I said.
James Dixon: what the fuck.
As I said that I heard one loud roar and then everyone was silent
and there were 4 more roars and then I heard stomping and in the
doorway stood a large executioner and it was 30 feet tall and it
had a big ax and it roared and held up its ax as it did and 4 more
joined it and I said.
James Dixon: fuck.
As I said that they all stared at me and I got both my hands on my
sword and I said.
James Dixon: I hope I survive this.

The camera jumped to the parking lot of the football arena and
they all parked their cars in the front entrance and Josh, Brent,
Maria, and Frank and Ryan all got their weapons and got out of
the car and Eric said.
Eric Chestnut: what about us?
Josh Coe: keep the cars running were going to need to make a
quick exit.
As he said that Kenneth said.
Kenneth Jones: what about me?

As he said that Josh said.

Josh Coe: you can keep an eye on our prisoner here we cant let
him go because he already knows too much about us.
As he said that he closed the door and he Brent and Maria took
the front as they entered the arena and Frank and Ryan took the
back. The camera jumped back to the arena and James was still in
a fighting stance and the executioners all started running at
James and he started running and he said.
James Dixon: shitshitshitshitshitshitshit.
As he was running they all swung there axes and they all got
stuck in the bullet proof glass and I looked at the axes in a line
and I said.
James Dixon: perfect.
As I said that I started running and I jumped and I landed on the
first ax and I started jumping axes till I got to the last ax that was
the highest and I said.

James Dixon: say good bye you son of a bitch.

As I said that I swung my sword and I cut off its head and it
dropped to the ground dead. As that one did I said.
James Dixon: 1 down 4 to go.
As I said that I jumped on the back of one and then 2 of them got
there axes out of the glass and they turned towards me. The
camera jumped to where Josh and Maria and the others were and
they were all hiding behind a wall and he had a small mirror and
he saw that there was a small security box and there were 5
guards dressed in police uniforms and Ryan was holding down the
back of the group and he said.
Ryan Campbell: what in the hell is taking so long.
As he said that Josh said.
Josh Coe: there are 5 guards there and they all have guns.
As he said that Brent said.
Brent Coe: we need a game plan.
As he said that Josh said.
Josh Coe: ok Im going to get their attention while Brent sneaks in
from behind.
As he was talking Maria sighed and she stepped out from behind
the corner and she aimed her M4-A1 at the guards and one of the
guards shouted and pulled out his hand gun and he said.
Guard: put down your.

He was cut off when Maria shot him in the heart and he dropped
to the ground dead and she shot the other 4 in the chest and
everyone stepped out from behind the wall and Josh said.
Josh Coe: or we could do that.
As he said that Brent walked over to the booth and he looked at
the cameras and he said.
Brent Coe: looks like those were the only guards the rest of the
way is
Brent was cut off and Josh looked at him and he said.
Josh Coe: the rest of the way is what.
As he said that Josh saw the screen and he saw Jack, Anthony,
and Robert tied to a hangmans nuance and walkers under them
and he said.
Josh Coe: lets go get them.
As he said that they started going down a hallway and as they
went down it they got to where they saw the arena and they all
saw James on the back of an executioner and one of the 2 swung
at the one James was on and James threw 2 grenades at the other
2 heads and as the one James was on dropped to the ground dead
so did the other 2 and James tucked and rolled and he landed on
his feet as his hat landed on his head. As they saw all of that
Frank looked at Josh and he said.
Frank Sirwits: remind me not to get James angry anytime soon.
As he said that they all waked forward and Josh looked through
the small window in the door and he saw Anthony, Jack, and
Robert and Josh said.

Josh Coe: ok were going to get them run them out to the car and
come back and get James.
As he said that Brent got his gun loaded and ready and he said.
Brent Coe: ok lets do this.
As he said that he opened the door and Frank threw 2 hunting
knifes at the closets guards and they dropped to the ground dead
and the 2 other guards started making their way towards them
and Josh shot them both in the head and he killed them and he
looked around and he said.
Josh Coe: All clear gogo.
As he said that Brent and Josh walked up to the nuance and Josh
went to Anthony and Anthony looked at him and he said.
Anthony Allen: took you long enough.
Brent was letting Jack down and Jack said.
Jack: the table.
As he said that Brent helped Jack lift the cover on the table and it
was everyones weapons and Jack loaded his crossbow and he
grabbed his hunting knife and Anthony grabbed his crossbow and
his hand gun and Robert grabbed his glock 19 and his AKM and
Jack said.
Jack: lets go.
As he said that they all started to leave and Maria was staring at
the football field and she saw James and everyone else was in the
hallway and Josh said.
Josh Coe: lets go.

As he said that Maria said.

Maria Garcia: Ill meet you with James on the outside.
As she said that she closed and locked the door and Josh said.
Josh Coe: waitwait.
As he said that she shot the door which permentally locked it and
Robert and Anthony looked at Josh and he said.
Josh Coe: she made her choice lets go.
As he said that they all started to leave and make their way to the
exit as they were making their way to the cars the camera
jumped to James in the arena and James said.
James Dixon: Ive fought everything you threw at me even your
own men and I still came out on top now the only way for you to
kill me is if you come down and fight me yourself one on one.
Only one person leaves this arena alive then well see whos the
better leader.
As I said that the president glared at me from in his private booth
and one of the guards came up to his ear and he said.
Guard: sir the prisoners escaped and the guards are dead.
As he said that the president looked over to the nuance and he
The President: no.
As he said that the camera jumped to the field and it showed
Maria tying a flag around her waist and she jumped and she
landed on her feet and she took the flag off and James turned
around and he said.

James Dixon: what the hell.

As I said that she said.
Maria Garcia: youre welcome
As she said that I put my sword in its case on my back and I
pulled out my revolver and I said.
James Dixon: lets get the hell out of this shit hole.
As I said that the president was watching me and one of the
guards was trying to unlock the door and the guard said.
Guard 2: it wont open.
As he said that he camera showed that Frank threw a knife
jamming it in the lock of the door and the president stood up and
he pulled out his handgun and he said.
The President: out of my way.

As he said that he fired his gun at the lock and the guard tried
again and he said.
Guard 2: still wont open sir.
As he said that the president said.
The President: dam it.
As he said that he was watching James and Maria and James had
2 grenades and he put them by the big metal exit door and they
went off and the camera jumped to James and he said.

James Dixon: go Ill cover you.

As he said that the camera jumped to the president in his booth
and he was watching as James left and Admiral Jenkins was on the
phone and he said.
Admiral Jenkins: sir do you want me to send the troops on them?
As he said that the president just glared out the window and
Admiral Jenkins said.
Admiral Jenkins: sir do you want me to
He was cut off by the president and he said.
The President: nolet them go.
As he said that the president paused for a few seconds and he
The President: we know where his group is staying at and we have
a man who was on the inside and the outside of the prison for
now we need to train our troops for war have the tanks and the
copters be ready in 4 days and the troops ready in 3 by this time
at the end of the week everyone in Jamess group will be dead.
As he said that the camera showed behind the president and Dr.
Sargent was holding a wine glass and he said.
Dr. Sargent: I told youyou should have killed him from the start.
As he said that the camera jumped to where James was with
Maria and she saw her camario and she said.
Maria Garcia: theres my car.

As she said that she kept walking forward and I stopped and I
James Dixon: when did you get a camario?
As I said that I went back to walking and as we got to the car Eric
and Jamario were gone and she said.
Maria Garcia: dam it they must of left.
As she said that I said.
James Dixon: who must of
As I said that I was cut off from gun fire from guards that were
coming towards us and as they were coming closer to us 2 white
jail vans pulled up next to us and it was Eric and Jamario and Josh
was sitting next to Eric in Erics van and he said.
Josh Coe: get in the car well cover you.
As he said that Maria got in the drivers seat and I got in the seat
next to her and she started the car and she was the first in the
line of the cars and as we got to the main gate I had 2 grenades
left and the gate was now metal and I said.
James Dixon: this better work.

As I said that I pulled the clips of the grenades and I threw both of
them at the gate and they both exploded and the gate had a huge
hole in it and we all drove through it leaving Eaden behind us.
(Oregon Senators mansion)
(Katelyns room)

Katelyn was getting out of the bathroom and she was dressed and
she looked at Cory who was in a nice black suit and red tie and he
had the bag of guns and he said.
Cory Brown: ready to go.
As he said that Katelyn said.
Katelyn Selenski: yep lets get going.
As she said that they started walking down the hall to the front
door and they were meet by the same women solider Katelyn
talked to.
Solider: here are your keys and like I said before your welcome to
come back anytime.
As she said that Katelyn took the keys and she said.
Katelyn Selenski: good luck surviving.
As she said that the doors closed behind them and Cory said.
Cory Brown: now time to find Clint and get the hell out of this
As he said that Katelyn got in the drivers seat of the car and Cory
sat in next to her and she said.
Katelyn Selenski: amen.
(Second half)
Larry Baker and Abigail were in the guard tower together and they
both heard car engines and Larry said.
Larry Baker: please be them.

As he said that they saw Maria driving the camario and Larry saw
James next to her and he shouted down to Morgan.
Larry Baker: open the gates there back and they have James with
As he said that Morgan rushed over to the gate and he pushed it
open enough to let the cars come in and as they pulled in to a
complete stop and Morgan killed 3 walkers with his machete and
then he closed and locked the gate. As it closed Morgan walked
up to the car and he saw Jack, Frank, and Ryan all get out of the
car with a prisoner and Morgan looked at Josh and he said.
Josh Coe: well talk about it in there.
As he said that he followed them into the prison and Larry looked
at him then at Abigail and she said.
Abigail Gavin: whats going on?
As she asked that Larry said.
Larry Baker: Ill find out and tell you.
As he said that he ran after Morgan and he walked into the main
part of the prison everyone that was in a guard tower was there
and Lucas said.
Lucas Gavin: James your back.
As he said that John stood up and he said.
John Clarkson: things went to hell with you gone man.
As he said that Bruce was in the prison cell and he said.
Bruce: like they always do whenever he leaves.

As he said that Jack said.

Jack: shut up man.
As he said that Frank and Ryan were putting the prisoner in the
cell next to Bruce and they locked it after they put him in it. As
they did they just leaned on the rails that looked down on
everyone else and Larry said.
Larry Baker: who was that?
As he said that Josh said.
Josh Coe: we need information from him its a long story will you
hand me that.
As he said that Larry handed him an assault rifle and as he did he
stood next to Brent and he said.
Josh Coe: me and Brent will be in the towers if anybody will need
us keeping watch for the president.
As he said that he and Brent left without saying a word and
everyone looked at me as I was loading my shot gun with ammo
and Lucas said.
Lucas Gavin: where in the hell is going on James?
As he said that I said.

James Dixon: we are getting ready for war.

As I said that I pumped my shot gun just as I loaded its last shell
into it.

As I did that I walked to my new cell and Maria followed me and I

leaned my shot gun on the side of the bed and I pulled out my
revolver and I started loading it with ammo and Maria said.
Maria Garcia: what do you mean were going to war?
As she said that I finished loading my revolver and I grabbed a
leather coat and I said.
James Dixon: what we did back there exploding the gate the
second time in 2 weeks and after the president attacked us for
the first time we knew what we were getting into and killing that
man is the only way to stopping his madness.
As I said that I walked out of my cell and I said.
James Dixon: everyone meet me in the court yard now and I
mean everyone even the kids.
As I said that everyone looked at each other and then they all got
up and they all followed me outside everyone but Bruce and the
new prisoner and as we were all outside as we were outside in the
court yard Brent, and Josh in one of the towers turned to look at
us and Abigail and Larry Baker were in the other tower and they
also turned to look at us and Noah and Jacob joined us and I said.
James Dixon: ok now that everyone is out here I would like to
explain to you what has been happening with us and this new
group weve encountered these past few weeks.
As I said that I paused for a few seconds and then I said.

James Dixon: we started a wareverything all started when we

went to rescue Kailie and David.
As I said that the camera looked at David and then back to me.

James Dixon: now I brought you out here because these next few
days I need everyone to prepare for what might happen at any
given time. As of now I want Tony and Kevin to train the kids how
to use the guns and knives and for the rest of you I want you to
put the 2 prisons vans and 2 of the escalades around this court
yard so when the president does attack hell be hitting the cars as
we escape.
As I said that I looked at Lucas and I said.
James Dixon: I looked out the window to the prison when I was in
my cell and I saw 2 buses, the Winnebago and my car all packed
up and ready to go am I correct.
Lucas Gavin: yes we plan on using it to escape for when the time
does come to leave this place.
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: good we stick with that plan ok I want who ever
isnt learning how to shoot to start making a block aid with the
As I said that josh had his gun pointed at the forest and Josh said.
Josh Coe: Ive got movement on the outskirts of the forest.
As he said that everyone looked at the forest and the camera
zoomed to the forest and it showed that I was Admiral Jenkins,
Captain Lawrence, and Major Lawrence and Josh said.
Josh Coe: youre not going to believe this.

(Storage Units)

The president was staring at a storage unit he was about to go in

when Gerry Feston came up to him and he said.
Gerry Feston: sir Admiral Jenkins and the others made it to the
prison as you instructed they said theyll deliver the message a
As he said that the president started at the door and he thought
for a few seconds and Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: sir.
As he said that the president said.
The President: good.
As he said that he kept staring at the door and Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: what do you want me to do now sir?
As he said that the president said.
The President: pack the excursions for tomorrows meeting and
get some rest.
As he said that Gerry was leaving and then he said.
The President: dont let anyone bother me for the rest of the night
unless its the admiral.
As he said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: got it sir.
As he said that he left and the president opened the door to the
storage room and the camera showed Matt all tied up and it
looked like he was beaten and he had blood dripping down from

his face and there was a table in front of him and it was his
wooden sword and the president picked up a towel and he wiped
his hands and he said.
The President: now where were we.
As he said that he started to punch him and after the second
punch the camera jumped to the Barton hotel and Kailie was still
sitting at the chair she was in at the concert as she was staring at
the piano a man walked up to her and he sat in the seat next to
her and the camera showed the mans face and it was Alan High
and he said.
Alan High: I knew it was you the moment I stepped on the stage.
As he said that Kailie looked at him confused and then she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Im sorry but I dont think I know you.
As she said that Alan said.
Alan High: you might not know me because I was a senior in at
Thurston when the outbreak happened 3 years ago.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: thank god somebody from the same school as me
now we can talk and see what people we know.
As she said that Alan said.
Alan High: and you can tell me how youve been surviving this
As he said that they started talking and the camera showed in the
background that Charles was watching them.
(Second Half)

Everyone was staring at Admiral Jenkins and the others as they
got closer to the prison and Morgan and Nigel were by the main
gate and Morgan said.
Morgan: should we let them in.
As he said that everyone was looking at me and I looked back at
them then back at the gate and I said.
James Dixon: yes but everyone have your guns ready and your
safety off.
As I said that Morgan slide the gate open and Nigel opened the 3
other gates and as Admiral Jenkins, Major Lawrence and Captain
Lawrence entered the prison Nigel followed them in and he closed
the gates as they all entered the court yard.
Admiral Jenkins looked around and then at me and he said.
Admiral Jenkins: isnt this an odd family reunion.
As he said that Jack had his crossbow pointed at him and Jack
Jack: yeah because you ass holes tried to take over our group and
kill us all while doing it.
As he said that they went quiet and I said.
James Dixon: what do you want?
As I said that they paused for a few seconds and then Admiral
Jenkins pulled out what looked like a map and he said.
Admiral Jenkins: the president wants to talk treaty terms with you

As he said that everyone glared at them and he dropped the map

on the ground and he said.
Admiral Jenkins: meet us here at noon or well come here fully
loaded and kill all of you ass holes and take this shit hole over.
As he said that they started walking for the gate and Morgan
opened it and Nigel opened the other 3 and as he closed them
Admiral Jenkins said.
Admiral Jenkins: noon remember that.
As he said that Nigel ran and as he did he closed the gates and he
was back at the court yard and Morgan closed the main gate as
he entered the court yard and Jack walked up to the map and he
looked at it and he said.
Jack: the place he wants to meet at is 15 miles away literally in
the center path between us and Eaden.
As he said that I walked up to him and I took the map and I looked
at it and it had the time we need to meet him at and Robert and
Anthony were by me and Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: what are we going to do now James?
As he said that I thought for a few seconds and then I folded the
map and I put it in my coat pocket and I said.
James Dixon: ok me you Robert, Jack, John and Lucas will meet up
with the president tomorrow.
As I said that Kevin said.
Kevin Williams: what will we do here?
As he said that I said.

James Dixon: you guys will teach people how to shoot while the
rest of the group makes a block aid with the cars were not going
to be using.
As I said that I looked at Nigel and I said.
James Dixon: pack up one of the escalades and get my car ready
to go for tomorrow. If we do this right we can kill the president
without him even knowing it.
As I said that everyone was staring at me and I said.
James Dixon: everyone go into your cells and get some sleep we
have a big day tomorrow.
(Screen zooms in on Jamess face)
(Screen goes black)
(End Scene)

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