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Russerction season 3 episode 16If one

dies we all die part 1

The camera showed the 3 tanks slowly making their way to the
(Barton Hotel)
Kailie was just got dressed after getting out of the shower and she
just got her shoes tied and she heard a knock at the door and she
Kailie Kennedy: I wonder who that could be its only 5 am.
As she said that she walked over to the door and she saw Gerry
and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: I was just coming to meet you.
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: yeah I know we need to talk while were on our way
to the wall.
As he said that he was inside the room and he looked the door
behind him and as he did Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: what in the hell is going on here Gerry?
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: Charles Lettermen told the president about our plan
and we cant trust him.
As he said that Kailie said.

Kailie Kennedy: I always knew there was something up with that

ass whole.
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: Ive got a car waiting for us outside already to go so
we need to move now.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: ok just let me get my sniper and my gun.
As she said that she grabbed her guns and she left and as they
were leaving they rushed to there car. As they got outside one of
the workers at the hotel pulled up in Gerrys 1989 for ranger and
he got out of the drivers seat and he held the door open for Gerry
and he got in and Kailie got in the second seat and as she did he
drove fast away with the wheels screeching and leaving white
smoke behind him.
As they were driving Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: ok I know Charles told the president about you and
us talking yesterday because he showed up at his apartment
when he threw a small party for the meeting that we had
yesterday with your friend James even though his mind is made
up on killing him.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: ok so when we get to the prison we need to warn
them but first we need to get proof of the tanks and I have my
phone charged and ready to take the pictures for when we catch
up to them.
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: good.

As he said that he looked ahead and he said.

Gerry Feston: were approaching the wall get down.
As he said that she ducked under her seat to the floor and as he
got to the fence he stopped the car and a guard that was on the
fence said.
Guard 1: where you going Gerry?
As he asked that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: just getting more supplies from Abraham city for
our experiments.
As he said that the guard looked across the fence at the other
guard and he nodded his head and the guard pressed a button.
After he pressed the button the gate opened and the guard said.
Guard 1: you know what station were on take care now and be
careful Gerry.
As he said that Gerry started to drive through the gate and as he
did Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: you guys stay safe to.
As he said that Gerry started to drive away and as he did he
looked through the review mirror and he watched as eaden drifted
off in the distance. As he dissapred the camera stayed with eaden
and the camera showed a 1998 dodge ram 1500 quad cab white
in color and the camera showed that it was the president was
driving behind it and he pulled out from an ally way and then he
drove it through the open gate and he started to follow Gerry and

Inside the truck Kailie was staring out the window and watching
as they passed by several walkers and then Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: the tanks should be about 10 miles away from
eaden and weve already drove 5 so in about half hour or 20
minutes or so we should reach them and then well be headin to
that prison of yours.

As he said that Kailie said.

Kailie Kennedy: good.
As she said that she drifted off to sleep and Gerry turned on his
IPod and he plugged it into the car and some country songs
started to play in the car. After about 15 or so minutes away from
the tanks and as they were driving Kailie was still sleeping and
Gerry was watching the road when out of nowhere a truck
smashed right into them and Kailie woke up instantly and Gerry
Gerry Feston: oh shit.
As he said that they flipped 5 times in a row onto an open field
and as they did the car was upside down and Gerry was knocked
out and Kailie was awake and she undid her belt and she fell to
the ground of the car and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: please dont be dead.
As she said that she felt his paulse and it was still alive and she
Kailie Kennedy: thank god.

As she said that she kicked her door hard 3 times and it opened
and as she got out of the car she tumbled and she held the car for
support and she grabbed her sniper and she had her berretta with
her and she walked over to Gerrys side and as she did she
opened his door and as she did the door came right off. After she
got his door open she got him out of the truck and she had him sit
up against the side of the truck and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: time to check for wounds.
As she said that she pulled back the side of his jacket and she
Kailie Kennedy: good no wound there.

As she said that she checked the other side and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: what the fuck.
As she said that there was a long piece of glass sticking out from
his chest right under neath his heart and it went through his back
and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: boy Lucas is going to have to look at you.
As she said that she slapped him a few times and he slowly woke
up and he was groggy and he said.
Gerry Feston: what in the hell happened?
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: some ass whole tried to kill us and he didnt even
stop to see if we were ok.

As she said that Gerry said.

Gerry Feston: what in the hell is that sinning feeling in my chest?
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: before you freak out you got some glass caught in
As she said that she was cut off by him and he said.
Gerry Feston: son of a bitchhow am I gonna make it to the
prison now.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: we have 3 medical doctors at the prison who can
help with that.

As she said that she grabbed his arm and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: for now we leave that in you so you dont bleed
out on us.
As she said that he stood up and as he did the presidents truck
drove back and for worth twice and as it did Kailie and Gerry both
stopped walking and they saw the truck back up into the other
field until it looked right at them and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: son of a bitch is that the president.
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: it is.
As he said that they both started to walk fast away from the truck
and as they were looking around the field they saw small groups

of walkers scattered among the field and Gerry said.

Gerry Feston: there an abandoned building we can hide there and
find away to lose him.
As he said that they started to hobble their way to the building
and as they did the president drove fast onto the field and there
was a small part of forest with a path right in the middle where
Kailie and Gerry walked through and as they did the president
stopped his truck and as he did he slammed his hands on the
sides of the wheel and he said.
The President: Dammit.
As he said that Kailie and Gerry made their way into the
abounded building and as they entered itit was completely dark
expect for the small amount of sun that got through the broken
windows and the boarded up windows. As they looked around
they saw stairs and as they did they heard the presidents truck
engine and stop and Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: lets move.
As he said that they made their way to the stair way and as they
got inside it the door shut behind them and there were a bunch of
crap everywhere from when people were leaving the place and
Kailie knocked a bunch of it over in front of the door. As she did
Gerry was leaning on the rail and after she finished she walked
over to him and she grabbed his arm and he leaned on her for
support and Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: theres normally a fire escape on the 3 and 4 th floor
in these old small office buildings so we need to make our way
As he said that they started to make their way up to the 4 th floor
as they did the camera jumped back to where they entered the
building and the president walked through the door. As he did

everything was quiet and the president had his berretta 92SB
Nickel in his one hand and he was looking around them room.
As he was waiting for a few seconds he whistled a tune that he
made up and after whistling it for a few minutes and walking
around near the door he said.
The President: KailieGerry are you there.
As he said that he waited a few seconds and then he heard a
noise of something falling and he moved towards it. As he got
closer to the noise out of nowhere 3 walkers came out of nowhere
and he shot all 3 of them in the head. As they hit the floor dead
the camera jumped to Kailie and Gerry who were in the stair well
and they turned their heads to where they heard the gun shots
and then they looked at each other and Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: you dont think.
As she said Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: I dont want to know.

As he said that they looked at the wall and it said level 4 and
Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: and bingo was his name o.
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: lets get the fuck out of here.
As he said that they opened the door and as they both entered
the door the camera showed a broken pad lock on the door as it
closed and then it showed the wall and it read.Dont open dead
inside. And there was a note next to it that they didnt see. As

they entered the hallway Kailie bumped into 2 tables that were on
each other and they fell over and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: son of a bitch.
As she said that the eco of the tables were heard from where they
were and in the 1st level the president turned his head to the stair
well and he smirked and he made his way to the stair well. Before
he got to it he killed 2 walkers that were coming after him and he
made his way to the up the stair well. Back where Kailie and Gerry
were Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: are you all right?
As he asked that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: yeah Im fine.
As she said that she looked around and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: just be careful your already hurt enough.
As she said that she saw a bunch of doors ahead and Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: one of those doors are bound to have the fire
escape so lets start opening them.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: ok Ill take the right side you take the left.
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: ok.
As he said that the camera jumped to the president and he held
his gun in front of him and he slowly made his way to the 4 th level
and he saw the door that Kailie and Gerry went in. As he did the

camera jumped to Kailie and Gerry and Kailie was down at the
end of the hallway and she was opening doors and leaving them
open as she got to one door she heard a bunch of groaning inside
it and as she did she opened it and at least 50 walkers were in
there and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: wholly shit.
As she said that she quickly closed the door as the walkers were
about to attack her and they started to bang their hands against
the closed door and she leaned her back against the door and
Gerry looked across the room and he whispered to her and he
Gerry Feston: you ok.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: yeah Im fine.
As she said that she saw the president at the end of the hall and
she said.
Kailie Kennedy: get down.
As she said that she stood up and Gerry dropped down and he hid
behind 2 tables that were turned on their sides.
As he did the president walked right by him and he didnt see him
and Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: hey you ass whole.
As she said that the president pointed his gun at her and he fire it
and she ducked and he ran after her and she just stood at the
door and Gerry watched her and the president slammed her
against the door and he put the gun to her forehead and he said.

The President: this is where you die you bitch.

As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: think again you cripple ass bitch.
As she said that she kneed him in the crotch and he gripped his
gun as he knelt back and as he did she escaped his grasp and she
opened the door and she pushed him inside the room full of
walkers. As he regained his strength Gerry limped over to her and
he said.
Gerry Feston: do you think thatll stop him?
As he said that they heard him fire his gun and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: I dont want to stay here and find out.
As she said that they both started to leave and the camera
jumped into the room and the president fired his gun 5 more
times and he ran out of ammo. As he did he looked at his gun and
he said.
The President: son of a bitch.
As he said that he clicked his shoe and at the tip of it a knife came
out and he killed 3 more walkers with it. As he did he pulled out a
black steyr AUG A1 and he started to fire it.
The camera jumped to outside and Gerry was using Kailie to lean
on as they were walking away and as they were they could hear
the presidents gun shots and as they did after a few minutes it
stopped and they both looked at each other and then Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: you dont think.

As she said that they heard 2 grenade explosions as they left the
camera jumped to the room the president was in and there were 2
holes in the ceiling and in the floor and there were walker body
parts everywhere and the presidents face and body were covered
in blood buy his eyes and ears and nose and mouth werent. Even
his AUG was covered in it. As he stared in the room he saw one
walked right in front of him was still alive and he stepped on it
with his boot and he crushed it until it was dead.
The camera jumped back to Kailie and Gerry and as it did they
were walking in the middle of the dirt road and Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: I really hope that ass whole is dead.
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: do you mind what you say please.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: why he did try to kill both of us just now.
As he said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: he didnt use to be all this bad.
As he said that Kailie looked at him and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: really?
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: yes and that was a long time ago back when I met
him in middle school.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: middle school.

As she said that she paused for a few seconds and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Dam Im sorry.
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: its not your fault this new world just changed him
after his family died in the beginning of all this.
As he said that Kailie was about to talk when he stopped and she
stopped walking and Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: what is it?
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: its the tanks were ahead of them.
As he said that there was a patch of long grass on the side of the
dirt road at the edge of the forest and they quickly got down on
their stomachs and Kailie got her I Phone out and she got the
picture app on and she saw the 3 tanks and 1 was ahead of the
other 2 and as they were driving Kailie took 3 pictures when they
saw the presidents truck approaching and Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: shit.

As he said that the tanks stopped a few feet in front of them and
the president stopped his truck behind the tanks and the tanks
were still running and the president got out of his truck leaving it
still running and all 3 tanks whole popped open and 3 men were
in the tanks and the president walked in front of the tank that was
ahead of the other 2 and the guy in the tank said.
Tank Guy 1: is there anything I can do for you sir?

As he said that the president said.

The President: stand down Jefferson.
As he said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson: ok.
As he said that the president said.
The President: if you see 2 people a man and a teenage girl pass
through here dont kill them.
As he said that the second tank guy said.
Tank Guard 2: why sir.
The President: because the man is a traitor and the other is a
prisoner thats why if you see them keep them alive and Ill show
them to Jamess group before I kill them.
As he said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson: ok got it anything else?
As he said that the president said.

The President: its a fine thing that we have a tank operator from
the army on my side.
As he said that the president said.
The President: if you need me Ill be on channel 2 in my truck
looking for them.
As he said that the camera showed that Kailie was filming him
and after she finished she took a picture of him as he was walking

to his truck and he took off speeding in the other direction of the
tanks. As the president left Jefferson held his hand and arm up
and he said.
Jefferson: lets go by this time in 2 days well be at the prison at
As he said that the tanks started to move again and make their
way towards the prison. As the tanks left Kailie and Gerry got up
and they started to walk in the forest and Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: did you get the footage that you needed?
As he said that Kailie put her phone in her jacket pocket and she
Kailie Kennedy: yep.
As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: so how long away from the prison are we?
Kailie Kennedy: well weve been traveling an hour and a half since
we last saw the tanks so the field to the back part of the prison
should be just out there at the outskirts of the forest.
As she said that they were walking for a few more minutes and
Kailie saw the outskirts of the field to the prison and she laughed
and smiled and she said.

Kailie Kennedy: we made itI cant believe we made it.

As she said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: thank god.

As he said that they made it to the edge of the forest and Josh
pointed his sniper at where he saw the movement and Brent said.
Brent Coe: more walkers or runners?
As he said that Josh said.
Josh Coe: well find out in a minute.
As he said that he looked through the scope of his gun and as he
did he slowly lowered it and he said.
Josh Coe: shit.
As he said that Brent said.
Brent Coe: what?
As he said that James, Jack, Anthony, Robert, Tony, Kevin, John,
and Bill and Bruce were all making their way outside and Bruce
was the first out and everyone made their way out and he walked
up to the car that was in our barricade of cars and he pointed his
UTAS UTS-15 and he said.
Bruce: clear.
As he said I walked up next to him and Morgan was wearing a
bullet proof vest over his prison uniform and he was wearing a
bullet proof police helmet. And I looked at him and I said.

James Dixon: ok let them in.

As I said that Morgan opened the 3 other gates and he was
glaring at her and Gerry as Gerry was limping his way in and he
closed the gate and before he did he used his machete to kill 3
walkers that were by the gate and as he did he closed the other 2
gates and then he got to the court yard and he closed that main

gate and Kailie looked at me and the others behind the barricade
and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: whats this about?
As she said that I held my colt python 6 inch barely 357 magnum
revolver at her and I said.
James Dixon: is there anyone else.
As I said that Kailie looked at me confused and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: what do you
As she said that I cut her off and I said.
James Dixon: are there others?
As I said that she looked at me and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: no there arent.
As she said that Morgan took the sniper rifle off of Gerrys back
and I climbed over the barricade and I took her berretta and I
James Dixon: welcome back.
As I said that she just stared at me and she looked at Bruce and
Bruce said.
Bruce: told you Id get them to trust me.
As he said that Kailie slid across the top of the car barricade and
Kevin and Tony grabbed Gerrys arms and legs and they helped
him over the car and we were all stopped at the new entrance to
the prison and I said.

James Dixon: can we trust you?

As I said that she looked at me confused and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: of corse you can James I havent changed.
As she said that I just glared at her and I looked at Anthony and
he looked back at me and I said.
James Dixon: ok.
As I said that we opened the door and I said.
James Dixon: Dr. Pop and Lucas can look at your man as we talk to
As I said that Lucas, Dr. Pop, and Dr. Jackson were all waiting at
the door and Gerry was passed out because of the pain and Lucas
Lucas Gavin: Ill show you to our new medical room right this way.
As he said that he and the other doctors left the room and Kailie
was in the main part of the second prison and she was in the
center of the floor. She was looking around and she saw all the
children on the second floor of the prison and she saw the people
she saved and then she saw her friends and James family and she
looked at me and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: this is how youve been living.
As she said that I looked at her and I said.
James Dixon: yes.
As I said that Bruce said.

Bruce: its a bit of a fixer upper but it ant nothin like eaden of
corse youd know that wouldnt you Kailie.
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: you would to.
As she said that I said.
James Dixon: enough arguing.
As I said that they stopped talking and I said.
James Dixon: why are you here?
As I said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: to show you this.
As she said that she reached for her phone in her pocket and she
tossed it to me and I said.
James Dixon: whats on this?
As I said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: something youll want to see.
As she said that the camera jumped to the medical room and
Gerry was waking up and Lucas was cleaning his scar and Gerry
Gerry Feston: what in the hell happened?

As he said that Lucas put down the cloth and he said.

Lucas Gavin: you were in an accident but youre all better now.

As he said that Gerry looked next to him and he saw the glass
that was in him on a tray and he said.
Gerry Feston: thank you.
As he said that Lucas said.
Lucas Gavin: its a doctors order to save people in need.
As he said that he looked around the room and then at Lucas and
Lucas had a cane with him and he said.
Lucas Gavin: come on lets go join the others youll need this to
As he said that he handed him the black cane and Lucas helped
him to his feet and as they entered the main room where
everyone else was in and Gerry saw Bruce and as they entered
the room Bruce had a smirk across his face and he said.
Bruce: hello Mr. Feston.
As he said that he focused his attention back to Kailie and James
and as he did the video just ended and I handed the phone back
to Kailie and I said.
James Dixon: is that video accurate?
As I said that Kailie nodded her head and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: yes it is.
As she said that I said.

James Dixon: your welcome to room the prison as you wish I have
to talk with Robert and Anthony and Jack about this alone.

As I said that everyone went to do their own things and as they

did I said.
James Dixon: meet me in the second guard tower at the back of
the prison.
As I said that we went outside but the camera stayed with Kailie
and she saw David among the crowd of people and he was staring
at her and as they made eye contact David went for the door that
lead to the outside court yard and Kailie chased after him and she
Kailie Kennedy: David.
As she said that the camera jumped to the second guard tower in
the court yard and James and the others were in the tower at the
top and Jack said.
Jack: so do you believe her?
As he said that I looked at him and I said.
James Dixon: those pictures and that video are the real deal yes I
believe her.
As I said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: then what do we do now.
As he said that I thought for a few seconds and I started walking
down the tower and they followed me and I said.
James Dixon: Jack does Nigel still have his pickup truck parked in
the administrative part of the prison?
As he said that Jack looked at me as we made our way to the
court yard and he said.

Jack: yeah why?

As he said that I kept walking and I said.
James Dixon: were going to need 3 stereos and speakers in the
trunk of the car.
As I said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: what are you thinking?
As I said that the camera zoomed in on Jamess face and I said.
James Dixon: the president destroyed half of our prison with
walkers, runners and mutated walkers. I thought its our time to
get our revenge.
As I said that the camera jumped to David and Kailie and they
were by themselves by the fencing on the side of the court yard
and David said.
David Pegouske: you chose to stay when you could of came here
with me why?
As he said that Kailie waited for a few seconds and then she said.
Kailie Kennedy: I need a break from all this.
As she said that David glared at her and he said.
David Pegouske: oh Im sorry did your feet hurt or did you want
youre back rubbed.
As he said that Kailie didnt answer him and David said.
David Pegouske: there is no break from hell.
As he said that Kailie said.

Kailie Kennedy: I know that now from just walking 10 miles here.
As she said that David said.
David Pegouske: oh and I bet you didnt know thatthat boyfriend
of yours did that to the second half of the prison.
As he said that he pointed to the destroyed half of the prison and
as he did Kailie tried to explain herself to David.
Kailie Kennedy: I thought by staying I could change him.
As she said that David said.
David Pegouske: bull shit.
As he said that he walked away and as he did she stared at him
as he walked away and the camera jumped to inside the prison
and Gerry and Bruce were sitting on a bench and they were
talking to each other.
Gerry Feston: so I see you made friends with this new group.
As he said that Bruce said.
Bruce: I was a part of this group before it was officially the group
some ass whole tried to kill me and he failed at it and thats when
I found the president. It just took them a while to trust me.
As he said that Gerry said.
Gerry Feston: ohI see.
As he said that Bruce saw the whole in his shirt and the stitches
and he said.

Bruce: so youre on the presidents kill list now.

As he said that Gerry sighed and he said.
Gerry Feston: yeah.
As he said that Bruce stood up and as he did he slapped his back
and he said.
Bruce: welcome to the party.
The camera jumped to where James and his small group of friends
were staring at Nigels 1967-1972 GMC C/K grey colored truck and
I said.
James Dixon: this is perfect.
As I said that Nigel was with us and Anthony and Jack were
putting the speakers on the truck next to the stero and Nigel said.
Nigel Weston: so tell me again you want to do what?
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: you, Jack, Bruce, and Tony and Kevin will all drive
this tuck slowly to eaden while I blast a song into the speakers
from my IPod and while Im doing that me, Anthony and Robert
will destroy the main gate of the city and as we do you guys will
draw the attention of hundreds of walkers and runners and all
sorts of zombies and as you get there theyll destroy the city so
we dont have to.
As I said that Nigel looked at them as they were getting ready and
Nigel said.
Nigel Weston: when are we launching the attack?
As he said that I said.

James Dixon: tomorrow night.

As I said that Nigel said.
Nigel Weston: doesnt leave us a lot of time to evacuate everyone
to the buses.
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: thats where youre wrong.
As I said that the camera jumped to Kailie and it showed Maria
was standing in the back round and Kailie was watching the
fences and she turned around and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Maria oh my god its been a while.
As she said that she walked up to her and she hugged her and
Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: hows it been?
As she said that they finished their hug and Maria said.
Maria Garcia: its been good.
As she said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: good.
As she said that Maria said.
Maria Garcia: you know the presidents attack on the prison put
Savanna into a coma.
As she said that Kailie said.

Kailie Kennedy: oh my god is she ok?

As she said that Maria stared at her and she said.

Maria Garcia: yeah shes fine Dr. Pop and Dr. Jackson have been
watching her until she wakes up.
As she said that Kailie was thinking for a few minutes and then
she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Ill have to talk to the president about this.
As she said that they were both quiet and Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: so what did you want to talk about?
As she said that Maria said.
Maria Garcia: we need the president dead and youre the only one
that is ever close enough to get to him.
As she said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: what are you suggesting I do?
As she said that Maria said.
Maria Garcia: hes a heavy drinker right?
As she said that Kailie looked at her and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: yeah why?
As she said that Maria said.
Maria Garcia: get him drunk tonight and as hes passed out on his
couch or his bed slit his throat in his sleep.

As she said that Kailie said.

Kailie Kennedy: isnt there any other way or plan that doesnt
result in death of a person.
Maria Garcia: no there isntnot with this man you got close to
him so hell trust you.
As she said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: not after today he wont.
As she said that Maria said.
Maria Garcia: why not?
As she said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: never mind.
As she said that Maria said.
Maria Garcia: if you want us or at least me to trust us again thats
what you gotta do.
As she said that she walked away leaving Kailie to think about
what she was going to do with the president. After a few moments
she was alone the camera panned to show who was behind her
and it was James and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: Jamescome here to insult me now like everyone
else has.
As she said that I said.
James Dixon: no.

As I said that she said.

Kailie Kennedy: thank god.

As she said that we were quiet for a few moments and then I said.
James Dixon: youve grown strong since the last time you were
with us.
As I said that she said.
Kailie Kennedy: that I havethat I haveand so have you.
As she said that I said.
James Dixon: you know Im kind of glad that your back after you
and David dissapred I lead a small team to go and get you and
David and after we got David back here to the prison and we
didnt have you we went right back and tried to rescue but we
thought you were dead so we just left.
As I said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: well here I am.
As she said that I laughed and I said.
James Dixon: there you are.
As I said that we were quiet again and then I said.
James Dixon: for my advice if you plan on going back to eaden or
staying here or starting a group of your own I just wanted to tell
you this.

As I said that I paused for a few seconds and she looked at me

and I said.
James Dixon: from leader to leader whatever decision you make
dont hesitate if you made itit was your call. Dont let the other
members of your group hold you back but dont take the time to
listen to what they have to say.
As I said that I paused again and I took a sip from the water bottle
I had with me and I held it up and she nodded her head and I
tossed the bottle to her and I said.
James Dixon: what Im trying to say is trust your gut in what you
As I said that we were interrupted and Anthony and Robert were
standing by the fence and Robert knocked on the fencing and
Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: the car is ready for Kailie and Gerry James.
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: well I guess its time for you to go.
As I said that she walked in front of me and me, Anthony and
Robert walked behind her and as she entered the main court yard
all the people were in it and she stared at Lucas and he said.
Lucas Gavin: Larry Baker will bring it around.
As he said that 1999 ford crown Victoria #2 prison car navy blue
and he pulled up to the center of everyone and he got out of the
car but he left it running and he saw her and as he got out he
hugged her and she got in the drivers seat and Gerry got in the
seat next to her and he put his cane in the back seat. Before she
was about to go Robert gave Gerry the sniper rifle and Gerry said.

Gerry Feston: thanks.

As he said that Robert didnt respond to him and I was by Kailies
window and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: it was nice talking with you.
As she said that I pulled out her berretta and I gave it to her and
she stared at me and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: thanks.
As she said that I said.
James Dixon: your still one of us no matter where you go.
As I said that she smiled and she put her seat belt on and so did
Gerry and as she started to drive Morgan already had all gates
open and as Kailie drove away she looked at the guard tower with
Josh and Brent in it and they nodded their heads towards her and
she rolled up all the car windows.
As she drove away she looked in her review mirror and as she did
she James ahead of everyone else as she saw Morgan closing the
gates and locking them. As she was watching them she drove
further and further away until she couldnt see the prison
anymore and just as she was driving away the sun was starting to
set. Gerry looked at Kailie and he said.
Gerry Feston: so where do we go now?
As he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: well we cant go back to eaden with the president
waiting to kill us so we need a better place to go.
As she said that Gerry said.

Gerry Feston: well Im up for anything but here and eaden.

As she said that she said.
Kailie Kennedy: there are a few people that I need to get in eaden
before we leave it for good.
As she said that Gerry said.

Gerry Feston: who?

As he said that Kailie didnt answer him and she just kept on
driving leaving him in suspense. The camera jumped back to the
prison and everyone was watching where Kailie left and people
started making their way inside Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: do you think we can trust them?
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: I think we can.
As I said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: youre sure?
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: yeah Im sure.
As I said that I looked at where Kailie left and I said.
James Dixon: come on its 10pm we have a big day tomorrow lets
go to bed.

As I said that I started to make my way towards the prison and

Anthony followed behind me. The camera jumped back to Kailie
and she was driving in the forest and not on the dirt road and she
Kailie Kennedy: 5 more minutes and well be at Eaden.
As she said that she turned parked the car and as she did she
turned off the lights on the car and she looked over at Gerry and
he was asleep and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: ok Im gonna need a day or 2 to get the people I
need so you can stay here.
As she said that she got out of the car but before she did she left
the key in the ignition and she wrote on a piece of paper and she
left it in her seat and before she left she locked all the doors
before she started making her way towards eaden.
(Screen goes black)
(End Scene)

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