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Employee Behavior and Motivation





Theoretical Perspectives........................................................................................3


Employee Behavior............................................................................................3


Meaning of Motivation......................................................................................4


Motivation Theories...........................................................................................5


Techniques of Motivation..................................................................................8





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Employee Behavior and Motivation

1.0 Introduction

According to Ash (2015),People are definitely a companys greatest asset. It doesnt

make any difference whether the product is cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good
as the people it keeps. This statement reveals that employees play a major role in driving
a company/an organization to its peak.Hence,proper organizational culture,value system
and ethics should be implemented to shape employee behaviors and actions should be
taken to motivate the employees.
Employee behavior can be simply defined as the behaviors exhibited by employees at a
workplace.This is determined by several factors and individual elements,which will be
discussed further along with scholars and psychologists researches/evidences.And
motivation is the force that stimulate employees to behave in a certain way and directs
them in a certain path.
Motivational process is a complex activity that requires ideal leadership and management
in place.After long term observations and researches motivational theories and techniques
have been developed by scholars and psychologists to enhance employee potential and to
increase organizational performance and effectiveness.In the modern business world,it is
evident that employees and motivation have become strategic priorities for a
company/an organization when functioning.Google way of motivating employees is the
best example for this.As per Marc (2014),Google prioritize the fact "To create the
happiest,most productive workplace in the world."Organizations like Google develop
these motivating methods using the aid of the conventional/traditional motivational
theories which will be listed and discussed in this report.
The main intention of preparing this report is to provide a better and clear understanding
of employee behavior and motivation.Within this booklet broader definitions and in depth
analysis of employee behavior and motivation will be provided.

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2.0 Theoretical Perspectives


Employee Behavior

Employee behavior is the behavioral outcome of the employees at the workplace as a

response to personal/managements decisions and activites.As mentioned in the
introductory passage there are many factors affecting employee behavior in the workplace
such as individual and organizational culture,values,code of conduct,ethics,management
and etc
Employee behaviors include task performers,organizational citizenship,counterproductive
behaviors,absenteeism,employee turnover and individual differences among people.

Task Performers
Individuals who are aware of their key responsibilities and roles in line with the
organization and the management and perform their tasks on or before the set
timeframe.Task performers prefer working with collegues rather than working alone.And
they set goals and targets for themselves and want to accomplish tasks with maximum

Organizational Citizenship
As per Organ (1997) organizational citizenship behavior is defined as any form of
performance that supports the social or psychological environment in which the work
tasks are embedded. Nowadays,these kind of behaviors are recognized and rewarded by
organizations and given prominence in their organizational news networks(web page,lift
lobbies,boards,etc).Also these behaviors/activities are now included in the performance

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appraisals when providing the year-end rating,giving the employees to earn a better rating
and appraisal.


Meaning of Motivation

As per Bartol and Martin(1998) motivation is described as a power that strengthens

behavior,gives route to behavior,and triggers the tendency to continue(Farhad et al,2011).
Motivation has become the driving force of todays businesses and organizations
success.Motivation is becoming the must for a company to deliver at its best. Motivated
employees are satisfied with their jobs,they have a career path within the organization and
they help themselves and the organization to grow continuosly.These employees are an
asset to the organization and they are less likely to leave the organization leading to lower
the percentage of employee turnover.Whereas less motivated employees is an expense for
an organization.Because less motivated employees tend to leave the organization very
soon causing the employee turnover percentage of the organization to increase,which is
not good for the organizations reputation.Also these employees should be replaced by
new recruits and they should be trained which costs the organization and is a time
consuming process.
Hence,measures should be taken to motivate the workforce and yield productivity.But
also the fact that employees should be continuosly motivated instead of motivating them
once in a while,which is not that efficient.Motivational theories laid the foundation for
this and techniques have been developed by scholars which will be discussed under the
next topic.
According to Butkus & Green (1999),motivation is derived from the word
"motivate",means to move,push or influence to proceed for fulfilling a want(Kalimullah
et al,2010).
Some employees are self starters while some others need a push/influence to start.For
example,consider two data entry operators at a bank.One operator achieves the daily
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target to survive while the other operator perform at a higher rate.Lets assume that both
are equally compensated.Therefore that means one is self motivated while the other is


Motivation Theories

Motivational theories developed by psychologists and scholars are implemented

successfully throughout the business world.Some of them are :

Classical theory
Hawthorne effect
McGregors Theories X and Y
Maslows hierarchy of needs model
Herzbergs two factor theory
McClellands three needs theory
Goal-setting theory
Reinforcement theory
Equity theory
Expectancy theory

Widely used motivational theories could be discussed further as follows.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Model

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Source :- Maslow

According to Abraham Maslow,human needs are categorized to five levels as indicated in

the above diagram.As per Robbins and Coulter (2012, p.432) described the theory
stating,Maslow argued that each level in the needs hierarchy must be substantially
satisfied before the next need becomes dominant.An individual moves up the needs
hierarchy from one level to the next. Therefore employers must motivate employees to
fulfill their needs.This can be done through proper communication between the
management and the employees individually and recognizing their needs, and
creating/giving them the opportunities to fulfill them.

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Employee Behavior and Motivation

Expectancy Theory


Reward Issue

Personal Goals

Source : - Figure 8.5 Expectancy Theory Model (Business Essentials,p.117)

Expectancy theory is one of the most widely accepted explanations of motivation.As per
Vroom (1964),this theory emphasizes the needs for organizations to relate rewards
directly to performance and to ensure that the rewards provided are those rewards
deserved and wanted by the recipients.
Therefore the management must understand this key relationship and tie performance
criteria with rewards.And these rewards should be aligned to satisfy personal goals of the

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Techniques of Motivation

Competitive compensation
If employees are not provided with a competitive compensation/benefits
scheme the tendency of the employees to loose interest in their work and
become unmotivated is high.Therefore employers should conduct a proper
market research inorder to provide a fair pay and benefits scheme.

Rewards and Recognition

As humans tendency to expect rewards and appreciation have become a part of
life.Employees expectations to achieve awards and certificates has become a
trend in the working world, as a appreciation for their efforts and hard
work.This is to encourage employees and gives the message to work harder
the next time.

Open door policy

This allows employees to communicate with the management and share their
grievances,issues and ideas,which will lead to better job satisfaction.

Work-Life balance concept

Implement work-life balance concept in the workplace valuing employees
personal life and other commitments outside work.Employees will have a
better chance to accomplish their life goals and feel their importance to the

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Employee empowerment and responsibility sharing
This gives employees a chance to take decisions and they are granted with
power.This may lead to more employee exposure and moulding which makes
them motivated.

Flexi-working schedules
Giving employees the opportunity to work at the time they prefer and which
ease performing their commitments outside work without compromising.This
makes employees to work with a stress free mind instead of working a normal
shift,ultimately making them motivated happy employees loving the
organization they work for.

3.0 Conclusion

This report was prepared to provide the readers with a better understanding about
employee behavior and motivation.
Employee behavior and motivation play an essential part in an organizations
success.This fact was proven in the report and there are best practices that were discussed
and could be implemented by the management.
Many employee behaviors were described and it was explained how the best behaviors
can be retained and valued through the motivation process.Innovative methods were
included among the traditional ways of motivating employees to enhance readers
knowledge.This report reveals how complex and delicate motivational process is.And this
report is presented in a simpler way to make the reader understand the broader and in
depth analysis of employee behavior and motivation.

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4.0 References






(Accessed: 20 February 2015).
Daft, R.L (2010) Management,9th Edition,USA : South-Western Cengage
Marc (2014) Entrepreneurial Insights.Available at: (Accessed: 15 February 2015).
Robbins, S P. and Coulter, M (2012) Management,11th Edition, USA: Prentice

Vroom, V.H Wikipedia.Available at: (Accessed: 20 February 2015).

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