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The Evolution of Entrepreneurship

The word entrepreneur is derived from the French entre

prendre, which means to undertake.

Thus, it began as a

concept to identify one who undertakes to organize, manage,

and assume the risks of business. The risk-bearing part dates
back to the eighteenth century when French economist Richard
Canutillo matched it with the term entrepreneur. Economics
and entrepreneurship remained closely tied through the years
as noted economists such as Jean-Baptist Say (1803) and







entrepreneurship and its impact on economic development.

Over the years various definitions have been used in an
attempt to describe entrepreneurship.

The twentieth century

has linked the term with free enterprise and capitalism, while







entrepreneurs perform: serving as an agent for change

providing creative innovative ideas for the enterprise and
helping business grow and become profitable.

An entrepreneur : is an innovator or developer who recognizes

and seizes opportunities; converts those opportunities into
workable/marketable ideas; adds value through time, effort,
money, or skills; assumes the risks of the competitive
marketplace to implement these ideas; and realizes the
rewards from these efforts.

l. Personal initiative
2. The ability to consolidate resources
3. Management skills
4. A tendency toward autonomy and risk taking
5. Competitive
6. Goal-oriented behavior
7. Aggressiveness
8. Ability to employ human relations skills

Identify a business or industry that you feel

passionate about:
I love writing and in the same time I love fashion so I will start
my business as blogger because it simple All you need is a
computer, some time, and some energy to consistently write.
So I will choose to start with instagram because I will start to
focus on my local area "the gulf". Most of the gulf people like to
use instgram. The first that I will do is to but some strategy to
get started. At the first I know I will be hard because no one
knows my page. But with time and the right opportunity my
page will became known and I my name will trademark

Assignment 1

Shaikha shaheen alnoaimi


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