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GROVER WASHINGTON, JR. Rect o¢ Vol. A od GROVER WASHINGTON, JR. BIO Asearly asthe first week of August 8, the Winelight album by Philadelphia-based sasophonisticomposer/producer Grover Wash- ington, Jr. had locked up honors as the year's hottest jazz LP. Released by Elektra/Arylom in October 1980, Winelight had held the #isloton the jaz2 LP charts since December (in Billboard, Cash, Box and Record World), » record-breaking eun of more than six ‘months (itoutlasted the previous record-holder, Street Life by The Crusaders, by more than 2 month) But i's not like Washington hasnt had #1 jazz albums inthe past, Winelight, the 1ithsoloLPofhiscareer, was theseventh foachieve the topspot his personalrecord previous to Winelight was22 weeks aU #LIn 75 with his Mister Magic LP) What sparked Winelight’spenetrationintothe TopSpopandR&B albumsand theLP's subsequent platinum-plus pesformance was the Winelight single “Just The Two OF Us" with vocals by Bll Withers ‘The single made it 10 #2 00 the pop, R&B and adult contemporary lists in May 81. And not only did Winelight and "Just The Two OF Us"emerge Washington’salltimebiggesthits,but theirsuccessalso revitalized Withers" career ‘After a summer of writing, recording and myriad activities, Washington returnedinlate November’81 with Come Morning his, third LP for ElekiralAsylum, Like Winelight, Come Morning 25 produced by Washington and. percussionisticomposer Ralph MacDonald st Rosebudy Studios in New York, with instrumental backing from basically the same lineup that helped make Winelight suchasuccess. Onthis LP, the guest vocalstisGrady Tate, whosings 4 pairof tunes including "Be Mine (Tonight), released asthe first ‘Come Morning single in early November ‘81 Washington's success comes fromacombinationof integrity, hard work and alent. Born in Buffalo, New York on December 12,1943, Washington had (andhas)amusicalfamily. "My mohter usedtosing, Inchurch choirs," herecalls,"and my father used to play saxophone and hasamextensivecollectionofjaz278s, Now. my brother Michael is the organist for e gospel group in Buffalo called The Varsons they're in the process of completing ther second LP. My brother Darrylis drummer who'splayed withthe ikeof Angela Boll Gato Barbier, Charles Earland, Groove Holmes, Jimmy Owens and myself, just to name afew. We came out ofthe ghetto, but despite that fact and despite Bulfalo's cold winter climate, the city had a warm creative atmosphere, as far a8 1 was concerned. "My fatherbought me asaxophone when was 10 yearsold. After! started playing, Id sneak into clubs and see guys like Jack McDuff, Harold Vick and CharlesLloyd. My professionalifebeganat theage Of 12 Iplayedelotof RBwhen was witha singing group, and also played with blues band — even funkier than the blues, welled it {gut bucket We played in every key every night — it was a perfect training ground. playin a club until three oclock in the morning, then be at school at quarter to eight. “intheafternoon, dstay outdoors aslongasl could,” Washington continues, Tdplay basketballall afternoon, getmy clothesdity,and did I get my ase beat! Twas always into anything that invelved ‘movement, whether it was riding a bike, playing marbles, handball whatever.” ora while, Washington was torn between acareer asa musician andoneasabasketball player, but when hestopped growing at S815 hhedecided music wasthe more promising alternative. Now,as faras basketballisconcerned, Washington scontent withbeing a Philadel hia 6ersseason ticket holder; he also plays the National Anthem at nany DeersandPhiladelphia Eagleshome games, jullusErvingof the TeersandWashingtonhave become good friends, Erving wasamong {he many Philadelphiens who gathered at City Hain spring 81 10 hhonor Washington with the city’s prestigiout Liberty Bell award, equivalent to the Key to the City. ‘Although he studied classical music, developing his sight-reading ablity and that distinctive tone, Washington's first love was jazz."T Still Usten tothe ‘lassics — Coleman Havhins, Ben Webster, Don Byas, Lester Young, Charlie Parker, John Coltrane. Those are the smastersandthey lleiwaysberelevant havesomethingtosay. What Strive forin my own music isto always tell story, f0 portray my inner Feelings” Whenhe wss 16andjust graduated from highschool, Washington leftBuffalotoplay witha bunchof friendeina groupealled The Four Clefs. "When {left home," he recalls, "I found myself playing piano fone night, axophone one night, playing bass one night. And {was behind everything from singing proups tosnake charmers.1did just bout everything but play ina burlesque house.” ara Al Maat ‘Afew years ater, he was drafted ito the Army and stationed a Fort Dix New jersey” After completed radio school inthe Army he auditioned for and landed a spot inthe 19th Army Band,» twhich fortunately eomoved him fram the ranks of Vieiam-bount Soldiers "aida ltle moonlighting in New York and Piladlphia playing all Kinds of musi,” he says. "1 became friends with Bil ESbhatm and got to Know slot of important New York musicians ‘Mterthe Armny, Wathingtonsetledinhiadephia where soot aftermethiswife,Chrstine( twasloveatfirstsight!"hesays, ane ‘thin year they were marred In addition tobis regular ebat Tecord store, he worked extensively evenings and on weckend Playing withallkinds of groupein Phiadelphiaand New York areos “Phen he was hired to fils vacancy in the band led by organs CChorles Erland sndcut the Living Black! (970) Washington feputation grew after a few more albums a5 sideman recordin, teuthTland Prestigeattsts nd then ect Breakout with Joho Hammond. Released in’ tat LP become a best-seller and stab lished Washington a+ + major nev voice onthe sx Creed Taylor. Hammond «producer asso impressed by Wash ington that he offered the young musician a contract to record a Sroupleader, Washington's first saloLP maser City Blues(71 Rtthetimeofitsrleae, Washington silworkedattherecordstore sohe wasintherather unique postion of unlosdingrecords with tameon them Thatstuationdidn’rastlong. though: the LP wass Succesfulhe putaband together and hit the road He wes28 year aia ‘Washington senergy, soulfulness and sophistiation combined t mmakehimeneol the netrumentalists whose sound helped defineth trood of the 70s. His next tree albums All The King's Horse Soul Box and especially 1976 Mister Maple (which sold in th reighborhood of 1,000,000 copies) ~ enabled him to make th Ttanaiton rom theclubcircuittsheadiiningconcerthals. After tha ‘omemoretoloslbums andsesion work th helikesof Bobjame: Rondy Weston, Eric Gale, MacDonald and Dave Grusin Winelight is Grover Washington e's most succesful album t date: At the celease of Come Morning, it had sold about 1800.00 opis being certified goon March 70,1961 and platinum.on Ma hos by the RIAA fwaddition, it received Ampes's Glden Ret ward,gwentocertifiedgoldandplatinumLPsmasteredon Ampe "Winelight garnered considerable critical acai 2s well: Dow beat'sBen Sandmet noted that “Winelight had unfailing good taste,” andthat "Washington plays withexquinitetone, range nd dexterity, firingor caressing with equal aplomb and grooving always." Dennis Hunt of the Los Angeles Times called Winelight "an admirable album repletewithelegar loping pieces." The Boston Herald Amer- iean’s Tom Long called the LP true masterpiece by an artist who has the ably 10 combine the better elements of pop, soul and jazz and transform them into a form... uniquely his.” For his new Come Morning album, Washington pared doven the lineup abit From the one featured on Winelight. Among the musi clans contributing to Come Morning are co-producer Ralph MacDonald, Steve Gadd, Eric Gale, Richard Tee, Marcus Miller and Paul Griffin Lately, Washington hae been a whirlwind of activity, He's cur- rently pursuing adoctoratein musiecomposition at Temple Univer sity a8 well as taking private composition lessons. Last spring, through his G-Man Productions, Washington produced the debut album by 3 rio of Philadelphia teenagers called Peces OF A Dream. They're great,” Washington enthuses without hesitation, "They haveansirofsincerityandprafessionalismabout them. .theyknow how toletatunerealiyspesk "The resulting Pieces OF A Dream LP, released by Elektra‘Anylum in September, has been a major success forthegrouponthenation sjnzz3ng R&B chartsandwasstllin the Top a0 on both charts atthe release of Come Morning. For the past several months, Wathington has been playing gratis ‘igs inmates at various correctional fclities inthe Philly area 388 member of abandealed Dick Klein de TheFifth Amendment, headed byalocal Appeals Court hudge. Venues playedhaveincluded rater- ford Prison, site of an early November 61 hostage standoff. When askedwwhathedoes at those affairs, Washington says,"Wetry totalk With theinmates}onapersonalleveland givethemasmuchmusicas wecanin the tmeslloted Tanswer questionsandtalk with prisoners ‘who are also musicians — same of them 'sit in’ Hopefully, we're Biving them litle much-needed boost ” ‘Above and beyond his gigs with Klein & The Fifth Amendmei Washington has limited his personal appearances this past year special ive performances plus an occasional television show guest spot which allowed him time to study, practice, produce andi with Is famuly he and Christine have two chiléren Grover ll, 13and Shans, 0) Inearly May, he joined Tom Snyder on" Tomorrows" and on May 25, he performed with jazzlegend Sonny Rollins atthe Town Hall in New York City. Back in Philadelphia, he joined Stacy Lat tisaw, Ben Vereen and Sister Sledge onstage for a benefit concert to help raise funds for research into Lupus Disease. Washington per formed with Pieces OF A Dream on several ocasions before and following the release of thegroup sdebut LP, includinga show at his year's Atlantic City Jazz Festival. In late June, Washington and the Winelight band videotaped 2fullconcert at Philadelphia's Schubert “Theatee for future release on videocassette, In July, Washington appeared at the Savoy in New York with Ramsey Lewis, who wat ‘recording 4 new live LP there and including Washington's compost tion" Sassy Stew "inthe set, oWashington asthe natoralsayistfor the tune, At the request of his friend Dexter Wansel, who wat producing The Jones Girls’ Get As Much As You Can LP last Fummer, Washington made s special guest appearance playing on “Love, Don't Ever Say Goodbye.” Andin August, Washington, with Ralph MacDonald and friends, joined Stevie Wonder and others on the bill at this years Black Music Family Affair a the Rose Bowlin Pasadena, California, ‘Outside of music, Washington will ashe dd ast year, coach the Friends Central Lower School (or elementary school) basketball team, which untiltwoyearsago, counted youngGrover llamongits players the graduated to middle or junior high school in 80). When Asked why he gets involved with elementary basketball instruction, Washington says, “enjoy teaching the fundamentals to that age group, light, afterall be coaching a future Philadelphia 76er!"But Washington s ove of musicand sports combined sill surfaces even at that level — along with Dick Klein & The Fifth Amendment, Washington recently played a show at Friends Central for the students laughter Shara just began classes there). Winelight’s breakthrough success continues to open doors for Washington, even at the release of Come Morning. He's been approached to write the theme music fora new NBC sevies slated t0 ‘debut in January 82, and ta host a new hour-long syndicated jazz radio program (both arebeing negotiated) And Warner Bros. Music ‘splanmingtapublisha folioof hissongsin 1962. Bat now that Come Morning has been completed and readied for release, what musical tack does Washington plan to take next? "Maybe we'll goin a soul direction, maybe 2 gospel direction. As long as we maintain the quality ofthe Winelightslbum, Heelconfidentouraudiences willbe pleased ABOUT THIS BOOK The musical styles of Grover Washington, Jr. features some of Grover’s best compos tions arranged and transcribed in score format. JUST THE TWO OF US is scored for Tenor Sax, Trumpets, Trombones, (designated < horns in the score), Keyboard, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Steel Drums (cued in the key board), Vocal Lead, Vocal Group and Percussion I and II. The solo section at 33 may t extended for additional solos. WINELIGHT is scored for Alto Sax, Guitar, Clarinet, Keyboard, Synthesizer (cued i keyboard), Bass, Drums and Percussion. The solo section at 58 may be extended fc additional solos. BRIGHTON BY THE SEA is scored for Soprano Sax, Guitar, Keyboard, (Rhode Acoustic, Synthesizers are cued in keyboard), Bass, Drums, and Percussion. The so section at 47 may be extended for additional solos. EASY LOVIN’ YOU is scored for Soprano Sax, Flugelhorn, Trumpet, Keyboard, Bas Drums and an extended Percussion section which includes: Tin Whistle, Police Whistl Ratchet, Syndrum, Conga, Orchestra Sticks, Bongos and Tamborine. The solo sectic at 25 may be extended for additional solos. LET IT FLOW (for Dr. J) is scored for Alto Sax, Guitar (overdub Guitar includec Synthesizer, Keyboard (Synthesizer is cued in keyboard), Bass, Drums and Percussio The solo section at 58 may be extended for additional solos. SNAKE EYES is scored for Soprano Sax (Tenor overdub included), Guitar (overdt Guitar included), Keyboard, Bass, Drums and Percussion. The solo section at 26 may | extended for additional solos. TAKE ME THERE is scored for Tenor Sax, Guitar, Synthesizer, Keyboard, Bas Drums and Percussion. The solo sections at 26 and 34 may be extended for addition solos. MR. MAGIC is scored for Tenor Sax, Trumpets, Trombones, Strings (cued in Guit part) Guitar (overdub Guitar included), Keyboard, Bass, Drums, and Percussion. T] solo section at 37 may be extended for additional solos. MAKE ME A MEMORY (Sad Samba) is scored for Alto Sax, Guitar, Keyboard, Ba: Drums and Percussion. The solo section at 49 may be extended for additional solos isnt $n. dO OML SHL Ist a ga Ap __. ~ ded GG a —— ~ be Pieea| b EASY LOVIN’ YOU c By GROVER WASHINGTON TR anor SHAd SIVNS ____ TAKE ME THERE 1 GROVER WASHINGTON - aj == inva _ om - = #8 = SS aS ae so ae Seay fe = ba ~, — i= OS lone = meg Se wigs tee MR. MAGIC SS = SSS SS ——— ag “ SSS es - — fas = Ppt pee eh tne Seep = — Sot fe GROVER WASHINGTON, JR. JUST THE TWO OF US WINELIGHT BRIGHTON BY THE SEA EASY LOVIN’ YOU LET IT FLOW (For Dr. }) SNAKE EYES TAKE ME THERE MR. MAGIC MAKE ME A MEMORY (Sad Samba) $8.95 usa. 1F0057

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