B For D

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He uses powder to mask his gray eyebrows. The aging royalty, eh?

Those rosy
cheeks arent fooling anybody, count. His non-standard lip gloss almost looks like
freshly spilled blood. Also a memory of things that are never coming back?
Melancholic tune in the background. He even dyes his hair black. A young man
with the markings of old age. No reflection. Then why is he sitting in front of the
mirror? A force of habit? Longing for something that hes lost long ago? They will
be impressed by your title, and you will have erdin. A car and a wheelchair
will help you move around. Hes completely out of it. An utterly senile fruit with
no understanding of whats going in his surroundings. His reasoning skills are
abysmal, he cannot provide for himself or his family and needs the servant to do
everything for him. The need to feed on virgins even his eating habits are
antiquated. Take me to the vault. Stuffed birds and dusty tomes. Soothing music,
rooms full of coffins. Does he blame the current state of affairs on the other, more
gluttonous members of his family? I see a lot of tits flashing around. Needless
softcore pornography seems to be one of Warhols trademarks. Even the newlyarrived peasant guy is disgusted by their display. Another photosensitive
vampire, eh? The sun doesnt really burn him, it just irritates his eyes. Im sure
they have no virgin meat. WHAT. We will prepare you a salad later, in your room. I
guess this is where vegetarian vamps sprang from. He can only marry a virgin.
He can only drink from virgins. Women treated like X? Food for thought. What
good is it to have tea if I cant find the right vegetable to go with it? We cant
force them to get married, we must be civilized in these matters! Its like Im
watching feminist propaganda. You let them walk all over you! They never do
anything they dont want to do. We have to get his cash! This place is crumbling
to dust in front of our very eyes! Why should we force them! These delicate
flowers will lose their fragrance! He sees himself as intelligent and poetic, but in
reality hes not even aware of how screwed up his own family is. These two Italian
(?) oddballs represent royalty as well. The marquis and the marquise
(marchioness). Yes, they are very beautiful, but they are still children! Dra-cu-la!
Three syllables! That sounds so intriguing! I think I like that name! A piece of
bread soaked in the blood of a virgin. Symbolic? Probably. How old was she? 1213 years old. He devours the bread in an instant. A bunch of cold-blooded,
calculating whores. Lesbian undertones. I dont need a job as a butler because
pretty soon there wont be any butlers. All you got is a title to your name. One
day thats not gonna count. Its gonna be just like Russia. A revolution. Id like to
rape the hell out of her. Shes only fourteen! Yup, I called it. Lesbian incest.
Religion is very important to the girls! We have our private chapel! I thought the
words worker and servant mean the same thing! Just dont make that
mistake again. Uppity bastard, isnt he? After the revolution hell be a disgusting
person with no money. Im tired of you, you bitch! Yep, hes respectful as all get
out. You girls think youre so frightfully modern. The act of feeding is presented as
sexual/sacred, with soothing music playing in the background. He turns green
and pukes up all of the blood. It was just a stage I was going through. Very
modern indeed. A lot of hate fucking going on. People dont care about that class
stuff anymore, its a thing of the past. I read books too! The scene that takes
place on the way to his room (on the stairs) is highly symbolic as well. The youth,
standing tall and proud, observes Draculas highly depressing convulsions. Two

down, two to go. Nah, he wont get that far. That virginity of yours is a liability.
Lets get rid of it. Then he proceeds to rape her. At first she tries to fight back, but
she soon starts enjoying herself. Holy symbols are an eyesore too, but he can get
closer to them or even pick them up. The count gets chopped up and staked. The
old spinster dies with him. THE END. Pedophile. Sexually liberated seventies.

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