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Q-1 And what all strategies they employ for different customers ?

Q-2 How they calculate cltv ?

Q-3 What is their relationship strategy
Q-4 What softwares re used
Q-5 What is the success rate of the software. How useful it is.
Q-6 How has it impacted their working outcome
Q-7 How it is used to cross sell and for the purpose of relationship building ?

In HSBC the same CRM tool is used by both sales and service staff under different names
sales staff - Relationship Manager Platform (RMP)
service staff - Customer Relationship Management System (CRMS)
All the RM's customers can be seen RMP. Service staff update CRMS for any customer that they
meet and to refer customers to RMs.
1. On RMP the sales staff can segment customers according to demographics such as age, family
details, annual income and location. It is a helpful tool in engaging with customers and also
suggesting products to them according to their life stage. RMP also has data on which products have
been availed by each customer so that the same data can be used to build strategies before a
customer meeting or presentation.
3. The strategy is to be able to offer the entire spectrum of products with a customer and take them
through a 'strategic financial planning' exercise in order to uncover their financial needs and to
recommend suitable products. RMP is a great tool as it stores data of previous SFPs done by the staff
and the discussions that have been had with the customer.
4. Softwares used are all internal, there is a Risk profiling software and a Strategic financial planning
software that are used alongwith CRMS and RMP.
5. The software is very useful in engaging with customers as the questions are designed to help the
customer uncover the needs. It also suggests suitable products based on the customer's financial
details, risk profile and time horizon.
6 and 7 you can build on the above and let me know in case you need more info

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