Air Force A-10 FOIA Response

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DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON, DC OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 2 December 2015 SAF/AAII (FOIA) 1000 Air Force Pentagon Washington DC 20330-0100 > ‘This is in response to your 4 September 2015, Freedom of Information Act request documents relating to “answers concerning a video project‘production from Bagram, Afghanistan, July-August 2014. The video is about A-10's and goes by the name "Grunts of the Air" or similiar verbiage. { want to know if the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs ‘worked on the video or if'a Combat Camera team came and worked on the video? I want to know the PIN #, would like 10 see the scrip, the cost/finding involved and would like to know why it was not released, I would like any and all information, guidance, emails, ete concerning said video from the 455th PA, CENTAF PA, SAF PA and any other level of PA involved with the project or having had knowledge of said project.” The attached documents have been reviewed: however, certain information bas been withheld, The authority for this exemption may be found in Title 5, United States Code, Section 552 (b) (5),(b\(6), and (b)(7)(c). FOIA Exemption (b)(3) allows the Air Forve to withhold formation that is predecisional and protect the deliberative process and prevent the chilling effect release could have on full and open discussions. Exemption (6)(6) applies to the withholding of information that could reasonably be expected to constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Exemption (b)(7)(c) recognizes that individuals have a privacy interest in information maintained in law enforcement files. If the disclosure of information could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, the information may be exempt from disclosure. Should you decide that an appeal to this decision is necessary, you must write to the Secretary of the Air Force, Thru: SAF/AAII (FOIA), 1000 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1000 within 60 calendar days from the date of this letter. Include in the appeal, your reasons for reconsideration, and attach a copy ofthis letter. + your questions to Janet Beasley at (703) 614-3025 or Janet fibeaslev.civi@mail mil and reference case number #2015-05788-F Sincerely Digitally signed by BEASLEY JANET ses38'Fin ss 1110584853 eee Mss Government Information Specialist a ‘Subject: RE: FOR DECISION// COMCAM Afghanistan CAS proposal — F-16s Exemption b-6 COA 1 Embed through 20 Oct- APPROVED —Original Message From: Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA, Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2014 3:50 PM To: Kelly, Mark D BrigGen USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/CC Ce: Alletheiligen, Nathan A Col USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/CV; Montgomery, Kenneth Col USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/COS; Brackett, Richard A CMSgt USAF AFCENT 455, ‘AEW/CCC; Wilkinson, Jon C Col USAF AFCENT 455 EOG/CC; Barker, Ryan D LtCol USAF AFCENT F-16/CC Subject: FOR DECISION// COMCAM Afghanistan CAS proposal ~ F-16s, Exemption b-5 Vir, brandon ‘Maj Brandon Lingle, USAF Chief of Public Affairs 455 Air Expeditionary Wing Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan DSN: 318-447-6682 VoSip: 447-0020 -Original Message From: Sholtis, Edward TLtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 12:18 PM To: Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 4S5 AEW/PA Cc: Huxsoll, David B LtCol USAF AFCENT AFCENT/?A; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/?A; Carty, Elizabeth M SMSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/PA; Garza, Michael A MSgt USAF AFCENT AUAB SPECIAL STAFF/PA Subject: COMCAM Afghanistan CAS proposal _ a 7 Tadd EDWARD T. SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward +974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253 Original Message- From: DAVID, GENIEVE N Maj USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PAX [ Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 7:42 AM To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Cc: MYERS, GABRIEL, GS-13 USAF HAF U S AIR FORCE HQ/PA; KARNS, CHRISTOPHER P Lt Col USAF HAF U. S AIR FORCE HQ/PAO; CLOUGHER, MICHELLE K GS-12 USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PA\; Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA; Huxsoll, David B LtCol USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; MERIDITH, MICHAEL J Maj USAF ACC ACC PA/PA; HINDERLITER, TRISTAN T Capt USAF AFCENT USAFCENT AF/PA; SINGLETON, [MALINDA C Capt USAF AFDW 11 WING WG/PA; Carty, Elizabeth M SMSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/PA; Garza, Michael A MSgt USAF AFCENT AUAB SPECIAL STAFE/PA; SCHRAG, ANDREW J Capt USAF ACC ACC/PAO; REDMAN, RANDY L MSgt USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PAO; NEWELL, BENJAMIN T GS-11 USAF ACC ACC/PAO Subject: RE: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC Exemption b-5 Very Respectfully, GENIEVE "JUDGE" DAVID, Major, USAF Chief of Media Operations Headquarters Air Combat Command Office: 757-225-8277/DSN: 225-8277 Media Ops: 757-764-5007/DSN: 574-5007 ~--Original Message—- Fromm: MERIDITH, MICHAEL J Maj USAF ACC ACC PA/PA Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:31 AM To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director (Ce: MYERS, GABRIEL, GS-13 USAF HAF U S AIR FORCE HO/PA; KARNS, CHRISTOPHER P Lt Col USAF HAF U S AIR FORCE HO/PAO; DAVID, GENIEVE N Maj USAF ACC. LANGLEY PA/PAX; CLOUGHER, MICHELLE K GS-12 USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PA\; Lingle, Brandon } Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA; Huxsoll, David & LtCol USAF AFCENT ‘AFCENT/PA; HINDERLITER, TRISTAN T Capt USAF AFCENT USAFCENT AF/PA; SINGLETON, MALINDA C Capt USAF AFDW 11 WING WG/PA; Carty, Elizabeth M SMSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/PA; Garza, Michael A MSgt USAF AFCENT AUAB SPECIAL STAFF/PA. Subject: RE: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC Mike Very respectfully, Michael J. Meridith, Major, USAF Deputy Director of Public Affairs and Integrated Delivery System Chair Headquarters, Air Combat Command 1115 Thompson St, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, VA 23665, (757) 764-5471 / DSN 574-5471 (Office) (787) 876-2624 (BlackBerry) (202) 374-2743 (Personal Cell) Original Message— From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director [] Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:09 AM ‘To: MERIDITH, MICHAELJ Maj USAF ACC ACC PA/PA, Cc: MYERS, GABRIEL J GS-13 USAF HAF U S AIR FORCE HQ/PA; KARNS, CHRISTOPHER P Lt Col USAF HAF U S AIR FORCE HO/PAO; DAVID, GENIEVE N Maj USAF ACC. LANGLEY PA/PAX; CLOUGHER, MICHELLE K GS-12 USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PA\; Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA; Huxsoll, David B LtCol USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; HINDERLITER, TRISTAN T Capt USAF AFCENT USAFCENT AF/PA; SINGLETON, MALINDA C Capt USAF AFOW 11 WING WG/PA; Carty, Elizabeth M SMISgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/PA; Garza, Michael A MSgt USAF AFCENT AUAS SPECIAL STAFF/PA, Subject: RE: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC Exemption b-5 II EDWARD T. SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) +974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253, Original Message-— From: MERIDITH, MICHAEL! Maj USAF ACC ACC PA/PA Imailto:michael] Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 3:09 PM To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Cc: MVERS, GABRIEL J GS-13 USAF HAF U S AIR FORCE HO/PA; KARNS, CHRISTOPHER Lt Gol USAF HAF US AIR FORCE HQ/PAO; DAVID, GENIEVE N Maj USAF ACC. LANGLEY PA/PAX; CLOUGHER, MICHELLE K GS-12 USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PA; Lingle, ‘Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA; Huxsoll, David 8 LtCol USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; HINDERLITER, TRISTAN T Capt USAF AFCENT USAFCENT AF/PA; SINGLETON, MALINDA C Capt USAF AFDW 11 WING WG/PA; Carty, Elizabeth M SMSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/PA; Garza, Michael A MSgt USAF AFCENT AUAB SPECIAL STAFF/PA; Negrete, Daniel A SSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/Special Staff; Bruch, ‘Matthew J ScA USAF AFCENT CAOC/Special Staff Sulbject: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC Exemption b-S Thanks, Mike Very respectfully, Michael J. Meridith, Major, USAF Deputy Director of Public Affairs and Integrated Delivery System Chair Headquarters, Air Combat Command 115 Thompson St. Joint Base Langley-Eustis, VA 23665 (757) 764-5471 / DSN 574-5471 (Office] (757) 876-2624 (BlackBerry) (202) 374-2743 (Personal Cell) Michael. meridith Original Message: From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 6:44 AM To: Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA Subject: RE: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC Tadd EDWARD T. SHOLTS, LtCol, USAF Director of Public Afairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward $974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253, ~—Original Message- From: Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA, Sent: Sunday, September 14, 20144:32 PM To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Exemption b-5 Subject: RE: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC Virb ‘Maj Brandon Lingle, USAF Chief of Public Affairs 455 Air Expeditionary Wing Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan DSN: 318-447-6682 VoSip: 447-0020 Original Message-— From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 11:00 AM Tot Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA, Subject: RE: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC Brandon, cemption b-5 Tadd EDWARD T. SHOLTS, LtCol, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward mil +974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253 Original Message-— From: Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA, Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 9:38 PM To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staf/PA Director; Myers, Gabriel J CIV USAF (US); Karns, Christopher P LTCOL USAF SAF-PA (US); MERIDITH, MICHAEL J Maj USAF ACC ACC PA/PA; DAVID, GENIEVE N Maj USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PAX; CLOUGHER, MICHELLE K GS-12 USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PAL Ce: Huxsoll, David B LtCol USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Hinderliter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Carty, Elizabeth M SMSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/PA; Garza, Michael A MSgt USAF AFCENT AUAB SPECIAL STAFE/PA\ Exemption b-6 Subject: RE: For review//A-10 documentary Via AMRDEC Exemption b-5 _ Eee V/r, brandon ‘Maj Brandon Lingle, USAF Chief of Public Affairs 455 Air Expeditionary Wing Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan DSN: 318-447-6682 VoSip: 447-0020 Original Message- From: Shots, Edward TLtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staf/PA Director Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 7:32 PM To: Myers, Gabriel J CIV USAF (US); Karns, Christopher P LTCOL USAF SA-PA (US); MERIDITH, MICHAEL Maj USAF ACC ACC PA/PA; DAVID, GENIEVE N Maj USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PAX; CLOUGHER, MICHELLE K GS-12 USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PAE Lingle, Brandon, Maj USAF AFCENT 455 REW/PA Ce: Huxsoll, David B Col USAF AFCENT AFCENT/?A; Hinderlter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Carty Elizabeth M SMSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/PA Garza, Michael A MS3t USAF AFCENT AUAB SPECIAL STAFF/PA Eésinption't6 Subject: RE: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC In addition, please delete your existing copies and any you've forwarded. Because the units supporting the project were reservists, we don't want to feed paranoia that there's some kind of rogue video project out there. We'll incorporate edits and restaf. Tadd Original Message-—- From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 1:31 PM ‘To: Myers, Gabriel, CIV USAF (US); Karns, Christopher P LTCOL USAF SAF-PA (US); MERIDITH, MICHAEL J Maj USAF ACC ACC PA/PA; DAVID, GENIEVE N Maj USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PAX; CLOUGHER, MICHELLE K GS-12 USAF ACC LANGLEY PAPA; Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA Ce: Huxsoll, David B LtCol USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Hinderlite, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Carty, Elizabeth M SMSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/PA; Garza, Michael A MSgt USAF AFCENT AUAB SPECIAL STAFE/PA\ Exemption b-6 Subject: RE: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC ‘Thanks again for your initial inputs. Based on those and inputs from the ‘AEW we'll provide you with formal coord ofa second praduct if/when that’s available. As previously discussed, given the sensitivity ofthe topic this ‘copy was for purposes of PA feedback only and should not be shared with leadership or other functionals, Thanks, Tadd EDWARD T. SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward mi 4974 4458-9555, then 436-1421, DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253 —-Original Message-—- From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special taff/PA Director Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 12:07 PM To: Myers, Gabriel CIV USAF (US); Karns, Christopher P LTCOL USAF SAF-PA (US); MERIDITH, MICHAEL Maj USAF ACC ACC PA/PA; DAVID, GENIEVE N Maj USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PAX; CLOUGHER, MICHELLE K GS-12 USAF ACC LANGLEY PA/PA\; Lingle, Brandon 3 Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA Ce: Huxscll, David 8 LtCol USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Hinderlite, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Carty, Elizabeth M SMSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/PA; Garza, Michael A MSgt USAF AFCENT AUAB SPECIAL STAFF/PA; Negrete, Daniel A SSgt USAF AFCENT CAOC/Special Staff; Bruch, Matthew J SrA USAF AFCENT CAOC/Special Staff Subject: For review//A-10 documentary via AMRDEC Exemption b-5 Tadd EDWARD. SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward sholtis@afcentaf mil 4974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN; 318-436-1421, VoSIP; 308-436-1253, Sorry, thought I hit reply all. ~ Original Message- From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AECENT Special Staff/PA Director Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:44 PM To: Kelly, Mark D BrigGen USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/CC Subject: RE: A-10 video Exemption b-S -Original Message- From: Kelly, Mark D BrigGen USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/CC. Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:41 PM To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Cc: Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA Subject: RE: A-10 video Exemption b-5 Brig Gen kelly Original Message— From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 2:52 PM. To: Kelly, Mark D BrigGen USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/CC Cc: Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA. Subject: A-10 video Peete Exemption b-S vir, Tadd EDWARD. SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT} edward 4974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP; 308-436-1253 Original Message From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Exemption b-S Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 4:12 AM To: Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA Subject: FW: info//AFCENT Combat Cameraman involved in AFG TIC FY here's the note sent to H3 abou ITI, along with CSAP response. Although they don't et deep nto any projects, senior leaders are aware and appreciative of the fact that these guys are outin the fold documenting and doing these things. Tadd EDWARDT. SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward mil +974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253, ~~ Original Message—- From: Welsh, Mark A lll GEN USAF AF-CC (US) {mailtormark.a.welsh6,mil@mailmil Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 1:15 PM To: Hesterman, John W Ill Gen USAF AFCENT USAFCENT/CC; HOSTAGE, GILMARY M Gen USAF ACC ACC/CC; Cook, Kathleen A BGEN USAF (US) Cc: ROBINSON, LORIJ LtGen USAF ACC ACC/CY; Lofgren, Jeffrey G MajGen USAF AFCENT AFCENT/DCFACC; Schneider, Kevin B BrigGen USAF AFCENT HO/ACD; MeMullen, John K Maj Gen USAF Commander HOISAF, ‘Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special StaF/PA Director Subject: RE: Info//AFCENT Combat Cameraman involved in AFG TIC You're right Kid ~ itcertainly does. r/mark Original Message-—- From: Hesterman, John W lll LtGen USAF AFCENT USAFCENT/CC mailtorjohn.hesterman@afcent af mil Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 5:35 AM To: Welsh, Mark A Ill GEN USAF AF-CC (US); Hostage, Gilmary M Ill GEN USAF (US); Cook, Kathleen A BGEN USAF (US} Ce: Robinson, Lori J LTGEN USAF (US; Lofgren, Jeffrey 6 MajGen USAF AFCENT AFCENT/OCFACC; Schneider, Kevin B BrigGen USAF AFCENT HOYACD; McMullen, John K ‘Maj Gen USAF Commander HQ ISAI Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Subject: FW: Info//AFCENT Combat Cameraman involved in AFG TIC Chief/Gen H/Kathleen, This will just make you fee! good. VR, Kid Exemption b-6 Exemption b-6 Original Message——- From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Dircetor Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 1:13 AM Subject: Info//AFCENT Combat Cameraman involved in AFG TIC General Hesterman-- Wanted to let you know that one of the Combat Cameramen assigned to AFCENT/PA III, was involved without incident in a TIC Exemption b-6 situation on 9 Aug. He was accompanying a dismounted operation outside of MERI caret tn work done yar conor and Ain support Of ground forces. At approximately 1800 local his formation started taking small arms, PKM and RPG fre from two different locations. In addition to documenting the engagement in is primary role, over the course of a 40-minute battle| fired two magazines from his W-4 to help the element gain fire superiority. There were no friendly casualties. {s a pro who took this engagement in stride. tn fact, although We've keptin touch as comms permit, we didn’t learn about the firefight Lntil the Army contacted us about filing his combat paperwork. When we got in touch with him to make sure everything was OK, he assured us he'd checked the video and audio to confirm he got good shots. Although that wasn’t exactly what we meant, his response is indicative of the spirit ofthese remarkable NCOs who are constantly criss crossing the AOR to produce top-shelf visual products for the Air Force and our joint and allied partners, recently volunteered to extend his deployment for another sb. ‘months, and we're happy to have him. vin Tadd EDWARD TT. SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward mil +974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253 ~-~Original Message—— From: Young, Cohen A MSgt USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA Sere Ths, nk LAS 8 Cer Lingle, Brandon J Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA, Subject: A-10 Documentary a ~~ We Mgt Cohen A. Young, 455th AEW Public Affairs Superintendent Cohen. young@bgab.afcent.afsmilmil DSN: 318-447-6687 VoSip: 447-0020 ‘www /photas/123560930 @NOS/sets http://www.bagram mil Exemption b-6 Tor Young, Cohen A Mgt USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA; Lingle, Brandon } Maj USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/PA Ee Exemption ‘Subject: Combat Camera footage review Exemption b-5 Bees Exemptions Commander, 455 Expeditionary Operations Group Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan VOSIP: 308-447-4553 DSN: 318-447-6119 Original Message—~ From: GILDEA, BRADLEY H GS-13 USAF AFPAA/AOX [mailto:bradley. gildea.1 mil Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12:11 PM To: CLAVETTE, LARRY D CIV USAF AFPAA/CL Cc: CLEMONS, THOMAS C CIV USAF AFPAA/AOX Subject: RE: Grunts in the Sky sit, Exemption b-3 BRAD GILDEA, GS-13, DAF Ar Force Public Affairs Agency Chief, Plans and Programs Division (210) 395-1799 DSN: 969-1799 bradley gildea.1@us.afmil US POSTAL SERVICE ADDRESS ONLY: AFPAA/AOX Sida 171 2261 Hughes Ave, Ste 157 Lackland AFB, TX 78236-9853 ‘COURIER & DELIVERY SERVICES ADDRESS (FED-EX, UPS, DHI}: AFPAA/AOK, Ste 7000 35155, General McMullen Dr. San Antonio TX 78226-9853 Caution: This message may contain competitive or other non-public information protected by federal law from disclosure and net intended for disclosure outside official government channels. Do not disseminate this message without the approval ofthe originating office. Ifyou received this message in error, please notify the sender by reply email and delete all copies of the message. Original Message--- From: CLAVETTE, LARRY D CIV USAF AFPAA/CL Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 8:05 AM To: GILDEA, BRADLEY H GS-13 USAF AFPAA/AOX (Ce: CLEMONS, THOMAS C CIV USAF AFPAA/AOX Subject: FW: Grunts in the Sky Brad, Can you check and see if we have any record of an AF production center producing a "Grunts in the Sky" video? See below for details. Thanks. vie Larry LARRY D. CLAVETTE, 65-15, DAF Director Air Force Public Affairs Agency Phone: (210) 395-7944 DSN: 969-7944 Work Cell: 210-852-3819 E-mail: larry mil larry.clavette Original Message—- ror: MRIS Col USAFR AFRC 442 06/D06 Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:44 PM To: CLAVETTE, LARRY D CIV USAF AFPAA/CL Subject: FW: Grunts in the Sky Wr, = Exemption b-6 482 0G/CD. DSN: 975-3631 Comm: 660-687-3631 SIPR: james.macaulay@whiteman.afsmilmi Original Message—~ From: PALMER, ROBERT P Col USAF AFRCHQAFRC/PA, Sent: Tuesday, Novernber 18, 2014 6:51 AM ‘To: [NM Col LISAFRAFRC 442 06/D0G Exemption b-6 Subject: RE: Grunts in the Sky Exemption b-5 ROBERT P. PALMER, Col, USAFR HQ.AFRC/PA CML: 478-327-1746 BB; 478-972-9238 —Original Message—-- From: NNN Col USAFRAFRC 42.06/06 Exemption b-6 Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 4:43 PM Te: PALMER, ROBERT P Col USAF AFR HO AFRC/PA Subject: RE: Grunts in the Sky Rob, Exemption b-5 Exemption b-3 Exemption b-6 442, 06/CD. DSN: 975-3631, ‘Comm: 660-687-3631 ~~ Original Message From: PALMER, ROBERT P Col USAF AFRCHO.AFRC/PA Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 12:28 PM To MN Col USAFR AFRC442 06/006 Exemption b-6 Subject: RE: Grunts inthe Sky Exemption b-5 Sorry. Rob ROBERT P. PALMER, Col, USAFR. HQ AFRC/PA CML: 478-327-1786 BB: 478-972-9238 Original Message-— ror: I Col USAFR AFRC442.06/006 Exemption b-6 Sent: Monday, Novernber 17, 2014 12:36 PM ‘To: PALMER, ROBERT P Col USAF AFRC HQ AFRC/PA Subject: Grunts in the Sky Exemption b-S Exemption b-6 442. 0G/CD DSN: 975-3631, Comm: 660-687-3631 TT ~--Original Message From: FAGGARD, DAVID A Maj USAF AFPAA 1 CTCS/CC {mailto:david mil] Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 7:26 PM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US); Clavette, Larry D CIV USAF AFPAA (US}; Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Hinderliter, Tristan T Capt USAF (US); Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA Ce: Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A10 video Ma'am, Sir--1 do not know the answer to this yet. Will defer to AFCENT until | hear back from my shooter, Vri/Dave ‘Major David Faggard Commander, 1st Combat Camera Squadron — Original Message From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) [ mailsnil] Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 05:20 PM To: COOK, KATHLEEN A Brig Gen USAF HAF US AIR FORCE HO/SAF/PA; CLAVETTE, LARRY D CIV USAF AFPAA/CL; Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; HINDERLITER, TRISTAN T Capt USAF AFCENT USAFCENT AF/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA ‘Ce: CALDWELL, MICHAEL G SES USAF HAF U S AIR FORCE HO/PA; FAGGARD, DAVID A Maj USAF AFPAA 1 cresyec Subject: Re: A10 video + Dave Faggard — Original Message From: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US) Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 05:19 PM ‘To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US}; Clavette, Larry O CIV USAF AFPAA (US); Sholtis, Edward TLtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Hinderliter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/P; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA, Ce: Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A10 video Copy that, thanks Chris! Original Message rom: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 05:17 PM. To: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US); Clavette, Larry D CIV USAF AFPAA (US); Shots, Edward T LtCot USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Hinderiter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA Ce: Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: AI0 video Ma'am, I'm sorry | don't have a solid answer to this one. Will need AFCENT to weigh i vR Chris -~ Original Message —- From: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US) Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 05:15 PM. To: Clavette, Larry D CIV USAF AFPAA (US); Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Hinderlter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT [AFCENT/PA; Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Ce: Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: A10 video Can anyone answer the following--who requested the A10 video be produced? CSAF's asking... Need to ‘be 100 percent on the answer... Thanks! Ke Original Message From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2014 10:46 AM To: Cassidy, Jennifer L CIV USAF SAF-PA (US}; Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: FW: A-10 video FYSA ~~~ Original Message— From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 10:45 AM To: Kreft, Elizabeth’ Subject: RE: A-10 video Elizabeth, | just tried to give you a call. | am told the video is still in coordination, Best regards, Chris Original Message— From: kreft, Elizabeth [] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 11:41 PM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A-10 video Anytime after Jam Central works for me! Thanks so much :) (On Dec 8, 2014, at 10:06 PM, "Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA [US)" christopher p.karns. mil@mail mil> wrote: Ill give you a call tomorrow. Is there a particular time that works best for you? From: kreft, Elizabeth {mailto:ekreft@] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 08:31 PM ‘To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US} Subject: A-10 video Chris. source sent me a video called "Grunts in the Sky suppressed by the Air Force. ut the rumor mill says the video was being, ''m hoping to chat with you, or another person in the office, to get line or two about the video, whether it was officially released or not, and why. Let me know if you'd have time to talk fest thing in the morning, Thanks so much! Elizabeth Kreft Intel & Tech Editor | FIR Correspondent | For The Record 202-905-7262 | @elizabethakreft (0n 2/25/15, 1:29 PM, "karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US}" christopher.p-karns.mile@> wrote Mr Care~- Thank you for the reply. | agree that the Airmen of the A-10 community deserve our greatest respect. The A-10 is and has been a highly effective platform for many years. A-10 pilots are passionate ‘about the close air support mission. However, | think other pilots share this passion. So with that said, | welcome your ideas as to what you feel should be highlighted, {As far as the information in your blog you attribute the following to me, "When you look at the percentage of sorties flown and incidents for the 2010-2014 data for civilian casualties, the most. accurate platform based on when ordnance was expended would be the F-1SE, then followed by the A-~ 10~* This was corrected and is not in any of the stories (links below). ‘The AF Times story actually reflects: “"When you look at the number of sorties flown where ordnance was expended and civilian casualty incidents resulted during the 2010-2014 time period, the platform with the top incident free rate was the F-15E, then followed by the A-10," Karns said, When ! saw what was posted by AF Times | asked them to make the adjustment to the story. I aught it early enough where they made the correction to the story itself to ensure it reflected what | sald, ‘As [said below, raw numbers do not provide a complete story ar the necessary context. This fact was ‘communicated in interviews | conducted, | agree with you on that point, Unfortunately, this fact was ‘not incorporated into many of the stories. There are ongoing efforts to positively highlight the A-10 community. For instance, several pressers in Europe highlighted the A-10s arrival/eole, After the USA Today article was posted, there were a number of inquiries. When answering each reporter, we explained the need to place numbers in the appropriate context. Not al reporters included this point. Here are the articles: ‘Washington Times: force-on-scrapping-a-10-/ AF Times: http://www Ir-force- statistics-casualties-fratricide/23177501/ ‘The Hill:, skewed-data-in-a-10-smear- campaigny/imore-24522 Washington Times: http://www 10/a10-pogo-a ir force-statistics-casualties-fratricide/23177501/ Washington Examiner: http://www. 20/article/2560090 At the same time | was answering queries om the civ-cas/fratricide data, | was trying to highlight the A- 10 deployment to Europe. Stories on 4-10 deployment to EUCOM theater highlighted: http://www military com/daily- ‘news/2015/02/10/us-deploys-a10s-to-europe-amid-debate-to-arm-ukraine.html eploy-to-europe-on- taining-mission/23179739/ hitp:// http://www. 1814792 While | may not agree with some of the things you post, ! would never attack you personally. | have to provide facts based on a range of issues and a range of questions pertaining to the A-10. VR, Chris -Original Message- From: Tony Carr Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 8:08 AM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Discussion Chris: Appreciate you reaching out. Background: It pains me to say it, but I've lost confidence in the Air Force's willingness to communicate honestly when it comes to the A-10 {and I'm not alone). It's not enough, in my opinion, to provide individual statements that are strictly true. It's also about what doesn't get communicated at all (e.g. the "Grunts in the Sky" video, which has never been released) and what is alowed to stand unchallenged despite being obviously misrepresentative (e.g. the Vanden Brook article). I could list a dozen facts that support the proposition of a deliberate SC campaign, but | won’ try to pull you into that argument. Just know that that is the impression created in minds of many, and | believe only a change of tone at your level can re-establish trust in the HAF message on this subject, | realize you're just trying to do your job as it's been defined. But | share the widely held view that a ‘community actively battling ISIS deserves better than the portrayal t has been given in this latest series of articles and statements. I you'll point out for me which statement you corrected, Ill be happy to post a correction of my own. t don't recall noting at the time any statement that had been corrected for the record. 1H be happy to reach out to you in the future for your input before | use your name or statements in an article. | will also continue to watch closely, and when useful truth data* is provided by the headquarters, I'l happily help re-transmit I. Best, Tony (On 2/24/15, 10:53 PM, “Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US)" «christopher.> wrote: Mr Care--A few of your postings have been brought to my attention. | have read several of your critiques and thought they could benefit from a different perspective. [As a matter of background, | want you to know that this whole fratricide and civilian casualty discussion {as it relates to Air Force platforms initially resulted from remarks made by someone outside the Air Force to the reporter, apparently on background, Civilian casualties and fratricide were not issues we sought to discuss. Anytime a discussion about data has been directed towards me, 've continued to stress that the incident free rate of the A-10, B-1, F-1SE, and F-16 are all relatively comparable. | stressed with each reporter that of the four platforms mentioned in my previous sentence, the incident free rate is better than 99 percent. Each of the platforms mentioned are capable in the hands of the well-trained and, talented Airmen accomplishing the mission. \"ve also told reporters that raw numbers do not provide a complete story or the necessary context. This fact was communicated in interviews | conducted. Not all the reporters decided to use the information. However, the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and Air Force Magazine did capture this fact. n almost every interview | mentioned that to provide greater context, it requires a look at incident rates, why an incident occurred, and even then, circumstances surrounding each event and other factors should be considered. One of the statements you included in your critique of my remarks was corrected immediately by the reporter at my request. However, you fall to mention this point. welcome having a discussion with you. In fairness, | wish you would have taken the time to reach out to ‘me and provide a more objective critique based an fact. Feel free to contact me anytime. You have my contact information. f memory serves, | even provided you my personal phone and blackberry number. chris (CHRISTOPHER P. KARNS, Lt Col, USAF Chief, Media Operations, SAF/PAO DSN: 225-0640 COMM: 703-695-0640 Email: Original Message— From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 1:26 PM To: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US) Cc: Caldwell, Michael G ES USAF SAT-PA (US); Heritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US); ‘Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Orland, Uriah L Maj USAFSAF-PA (US); Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Subject: Hot! Time Sensitive: Push Note on A-10 Video that may land on JQP blog pT a as Exemption b-5 va Chris CHRISTOPHER P, KARNS, Lt Col, USAF Chief, Media Operations, SAF/PAO DSN: 225-0640 COMM: 703-695-0640 Email: Original Message— From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 2:05 AM To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) it Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Video Exemption b-5 From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director [maitto:edward mill Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 01:35 AM. To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce; Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Video = Exemption b-5 EDWARD T. SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward mil +974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VosiP: 308-436-1253 Original Message—~ From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) [ mil] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 7:35 AM. To: Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) LTCOL USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA US}; Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Subject: (UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A-10 Video WARNINGI! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING! ‘This video was never cleared, | am perplexed as to how Tony Carr received it. Itwas an AFCENT product and was supposedly being reworked to tell larger CAS mission, | was told it would nat be released, From: Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 10:56 PM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Fw: A-10 Video Chris, Hope you had a good Turkey Day. Know anything about the the video and supposed embargo? wa Allen From: Tony Carr Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 09:49 PM To: Heritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Subject: A-10 Video Allen: Hope you're having a great Thanksgiving. Snow on the ground here in New England already. Reaching out because I've obtained a 21-minute video produced by Combat Camera showcasing the A- 110 mission in Afghanistan. The information | have indicates that after the video was produced, It wes ordered embargoed. 'm wondering if you're familiar with this product and might be able to shed some light on why it hasn’t been released by the USAF. 'm interested in sharing this video with my audience, but 'm also interested in respecting the decisions of involved commanders ifthey restricted this video for valid reasons that might not be readily apparent. Can you help? This video is certainly newsworthy and I believe an important addition to the ongoing conversation about budget priorities. Thanks, Tony Original Message-—- From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Sent: Friday, November 28, 20149:13 AM To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special taff/PA Director; Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) LtCol USAF HAF-CK (US) Cc: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Hinderliter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; Faggard, David A Maj USAF (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Video Thanks, Tadd. Exemption b-5 VR chris - Original Message —~ From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director [maitto:edward mil] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 02:43 AM. To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Hinderlter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; Faggard, David Maj USAF (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Video Exemptionb-5 Tadd EDWARDT. SHOLTS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edwardsholtis@afcentaf mil +974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSiP: 308-436-1253 Original Message—- From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) [] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 10:05 AM ‘To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Hervitage, Timothy A (Allen} LTCOL USAF HAF-CX (US) CC: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A-10 Video WARNING! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIORTO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING! Exemption b-5 From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director [mailto:edward.sholtis@afcent.afmil] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 01:35 AM ‘To: Karns, Christopher P LtCol USAF SAF-PA (US); Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) CC: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Video Cheis, Exemption b-5 Tadd EDWARD T. SHOLTIS, LtCol, USAF Director of Public Affairs US lr Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward +974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253, ~~ Original Message-— From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) [ Sent: Friday, Noverber 28, 2014 7:35 AM To: Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) LTCOL USAF HAF-Cx (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Sholts, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A-10 Video WARNINGII THE EMAIL MESSAGE VOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE, PLEASE ‘VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING! This video was never cleared. | am perplexed as to how Tony Carr received it. Itwas an AFCENT product and was supposedly being reworked to tel larger CAS mission, Iwas told it would not be released. From: Heritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 10:56 PM ‘To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Ge: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Fw: A-10 Video Ohris, Hope you had a good Turkey Day. Know anything about this WR Allen bot the the video and supposed embargo? From: Tony Carr ‘Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 09:49 PM ‘To: Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Subject: A-10 Video Allen: Hope you're having a great Thanksgiving, Snow on the ground here in New England already. Reaching out because I've obtained a 21-minute video produced by Combat Camera showcasing the A- 10 mission in Afghanistan, The information | have indicates that after the video was produced, it was ordered embargoed. I'm wondering if you're familiar with this product and might be able to shed some. light on why it hasn't been released by the USAF. Im interested in sharing this video with my audience, bbut I'm also interested in respecting the decisions of involved commanders if they restricted this video for valid reasons that might not be readily apparent, Can you help? This video is certainly newsworthy ‘and | believe an important addition to the ongoing conversation about budget priorities. Thanks, Tony Original Message From: FAGGARD, DAVID A Maj USAF AFPAA 1 CTCS/CC [ mil] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 10:29 AM or Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF- PA (US); Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) lt Cot USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US} Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Hinderliter, Tristan T Capt USAF (US); Craig, Adriane 8 Col USAF ACC PA (US); Meridith, Michael! Maj USAF ACC PA (US; Clavette, Larry D CV USAF AFPAA (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Video Exemption b-5 Major David Faggard Commander, 1st Combat Camera Squadron ~ Original Message. From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director [maitto:edward mil] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 09:03 AM ‘To: KARNS, CHRISTOPHER P Lt Col US Air Force HAF U S AIR FORCE HO/PAQ; HERITAGE, TIMOTHY Alt Col USAF HAF HQ USAF DIR SPT ELHS/PA Ce: STEFANEK, ANN M GS-14 USAF HAF US AIR FORCE HO/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT ‘AFCENT/PA; HINDERLITER, TRISTAN T Capt USAF AFCENT USAFCENT AF/PA; FAGGARD, DAVID A Maj USAF AFPAA 1 CTCS/CC; CRAIG, ADRIANE B Col USAF ACC ACC/PA; MERIDITH, MICHAELJ Maj USAF ACC ‘ACC PA/PA Subject: Re: A-10 Video Exemption b-5 po i Es Tadd EDWARD T. SHOLTIS, LtCol, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward 4974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253, —~Original Message—- From: Karns, Christopher P LtCol USAFSAF-PA (US) [] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 5:13 PM To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Herritage, Timothy & (Allen) LTCOL USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefonek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA US}; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/EA; Hinderiter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; FAGGARD, DAVID A Maj USAF AFPAA 2 CTCS/CC Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A-10 Video WARNINGI! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE, PLEASE \VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING! a Exemption b-5 fl — = —~ Original Message From: Sholtis, Edward TLtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director [mmailto:edward mill Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 02:43 AM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Heritage, Timothy A (Allen) LtCol USAF HAF-Cx (US) a: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Hinderlter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; Faggard, David A Maj USAF (US) Subject Re: A-10 Video : Exemption b-S EDWARD T, SHOLTIS, LeCol, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward +974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN; 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253, Original Message- From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) [] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 10:05 AM. ‘To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) LTCOL USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A-10 Video ‘WARNINGI! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE, PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING! Exemption b-5 Thank you. Chris Original Message From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Imailto:edward mill Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 01:35 AM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Video Exemption b-5 EDWARD T. SHOLTIS, LtCol, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) edward 974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253, Original Message-—~ From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) [] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 7:35 AM To: Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) LTCOL USAF HAF-Cx (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Sholtis, Edward TLtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Subject: (| INSIGNED MSG] Re: A-10 Video \WARNINGI! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE, PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY KYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS, WARNING! This video was never cleared. | am perplexedas to how Tony Carr received it. was an AFCENT product and was supposedly being reworked to tell larger CAS mission. Iwas told it would not be released, From: Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Ut Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 10:56 PM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US} Ce: Stefanek, Ann MI CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Fw: A-10 Video Chris, Hope you had a good Turkey Day. Know anything about the the video and supposed embargo? WR Allen Exemption b-5 Tadd EDWARD T. SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Ar Forces Central Command (AFCENT) mil +974 4488-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253 Original Message- From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-Pa (US) [ Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 5:13 PM To: Shotis, Edward TLtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) LTCOL USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Hinderliter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HO/PA; FAGGARD, DAVID A Maj USAF AFPAA 1 CTCS/CC Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A-10 Video \WARNINGII THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE, PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING! Thanks, Tad Exemption b-5 VR Chris ~~ Original Message: From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director {maittozedward] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 02:43 AM ‘To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Herrtage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann MCIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Hinderiter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HQ/?A; Fapzard, David A Miaj USAF (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Video Exemption b-5 EDWARD T, SHOLTIS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command {AFCENT) edward $974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSW: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253 Original Message- From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) [mailto:c Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 10:05 AM ‘To: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) LTCOL USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A-10 Video mil] ‘WARNING!I THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE ‘VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING! Exemption b-5 Thank you. ve Chris Original Message From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director [] Sent: Friday, Novernber 28, 2014 01:35 AM ‘To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann Mi CIV USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A-10 Video chris, Exemption b- Tadd EDWARD T, SHOLTS, Lt Col, USAF Director of Public Affairs US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) ‘ 4974 4458-9555, then 436-1421 DSN: 318-436-1421, VoSIP: 308-436-1253, —Original Message From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) [] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 7:35 AM To: Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) {TCOL USAF HAF-CX (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Ditector Subject: {UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A-10 Video \WARNINGI! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE, PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING! This video was never cleared. 1am perplexed as to how Tony Carr received it Itwas an AFCENT product ‘and was supposedly being reworked to tel larger CAS mission. ! was told it would not be released. From: Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US) Sent: Thursday, Novernber 27, 2014 10:56 PM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Ce: Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA [US] Subject: Fw: A-10 Video ~~ Original Message From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Sent: Friday, Noverber 28, 2014 3:58 PM ‘Tor Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US); Sholtis, Edward T L1Col USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Ce; Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: RE: // MEDIA//JOP and A-10 video Ma'am, Exemption b-5 Exemption b-5 ve Chris ~--Original Message-——- From: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US) Sent: Friday, Navenber 28, 2014 2:41 PM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Ce: Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: FW: //MEDIA//JOP and A-10 video Chris, Tadd, Exemption b-3 : Original Message: From: James, Deborah L HON (US} Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 2:34 PM To: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US); Welsh, Mark A Ill Gen USAF AF-CC(US} Subject: Re: //MEDIA//JQP and A-10 video Exemption b-5 Original Message - From: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US) Sent: Friday, Novernber 28, 2014 02:25 PM. To: James, Deborah | HON (US); Welsh, Mark Ill Gen USAF AF-CC (US) Cc; Fanning, Eric K HON USAF (US}; Spencer, Larry O Gen USAF AF-CV (US}; Hoog, Stephen L Lt Gen USAF (US); Hesterman, John W Ill t Gen USAF (US}; Burne, Christopher F LtGen USAF AF-IA (US); Bergeson, Thomas W Maj Gen USAF SAF-LL (US); Nolta, Noel Christina (Christy) SES USAF SAF-LL (US); Harrigian, Jeffrey | Maj Gen USAF AF-A3 (US); Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US); Weida, Johnny & SES USAF AF-CVA (US); Pierce, Eric A SES USAF S/F-CS Se (MEN (207s, Christopher PL Cot USAF SAF-PA (US); Clavette, Larry CIV USAF Exemption b-6 AFPAA (US); Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Herritage, Timothy A (Allen) Lt Col USAF HAF-CX (US); Shots, Edward TLtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Subject: //MEDIA//JQP and A-10 video Exemption b-5 Exemption b-5 s a z z g KATHLEEN A. COOK, Brig Gen, USAF Director, Air Force Public Affairs 703.697.6061 wwwat mill Original Message-—- From: Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director [ mil] Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:27 AM ‘To: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US); Faggard, David A Maj USAF (US); Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Clavette, Larry D CIV USAF AFPAA (US); Hinderliter, Tristan T Capt USAF (US); Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA, Ce: Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: RE: [UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A10 video Ma'am, Exemption b-5 From: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US) [] Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 3:47 AM To: FAGGARD, DAVID A Maj USAF AFPAA 1 CTCS/CC; Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US}; CCLAVETTE, LARRY D CIV USAF AFPAA/CL; Sholtis, Edward T LtCal USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; HHinderliter, Tristan T Capt USAF (US); Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA Ce: Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] Re: A10 video WARNING! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE, PLEASE \VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING! Thanks! Original Message From: FAGGARD, DAVID A Maj USAF AFPAA 4 CTCS/CC {mailto:david.faggard@us.afmil] ‘Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 07:25 PM ‘To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US); Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US); Clavette, Larry D CIV USAF AFPAA (US); Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Hinderliter, Tristan ‘T Capt USAF (US); Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA Ce: Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A10 video ‘Ma'am, Sir~ Ido not know the answer to this yet. Will defer to AFCENT until I hear back from my shooter. Vi//Dave ‘Major David Fagard Commander, 1st Combat Camera Squadron ~~ Original Message -—~ From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) {] Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 05:20 PM To: COOK, KATHLEEN A Brig Gen USAF HAF U S AIR FORCE HO/SAF/PA; CLAVETTE, LARRY D CIV USAF AFPAA/CL; Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; HINDERLITER, TRISTAN T Capt USAF AFCENT USAFCENT AF/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA Cc: CALDWELL, MICHAEL G SES USAF HAF US AIR FORCE HO/PA; FAGGARD, DAVID A Maj USAF AFPAA 1 cresyec, Subject: Re: A10 video ++ Dave Fagard Original Message — From: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US) Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 05:19 PM To: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US}; Clavette, Larry D CIV USAF AFPAA (US); Sholtis, Edward T LiCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Hinderlter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HQ/PA;, Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA, Ge: Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAFPA (US) Subject: Re: A10 video Copy that, thanks Chris! Original Message From: Karns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 05:17 PM ‘To: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US); Cavette, Larry D CIV USAF AFPAA (US); Sholtis, Edward T L1Col USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Hinderlter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT H/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA Ge: Caldwell, Michae! G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: Re: A20 video Ma'am, I'm sorry Idon't have a solid answer to this one. Will need AFCENT to weigh in. ve Chris ~ Original Message From: Cook, Kathleen A Brig Gen USAF (US) Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 05:15 PM To: Clavette, Larry D CIV USAF AFPAA (US); Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director; Hinderliter, Tristan T Capt USAF AFCENT HQ/PA; Singleton, Malinda C Capt USAF AFCENT AFCENT/PA; Katns, Christopher P Lt Col USAF SAF-PA (US) Ce; Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US) Subject: A10 video Can anyone answer the following--who requested the A10 video be produced? CSAF isasking... Need to be 100 percent on the answer... Thanks! Kc James, Deborah L HON (US); Welsh, Mark A Ill Gen USAF AF-CC (US) Fanning, Ec K HON USAF (US); Spencer, Larry © Gen USAF AF-CV (US); Hoog, Stephen LLt Gen USAF (US); Hesterman, John W ill Lt Gen USAF (US}; Burne, Christopher F Lt Gen USAF AF-IA (US); Bergeson, Thomas W Maj Gen USAF SAF-LL (US); Nolta, Noel Christina (Christy) SES USAF SAF-LL (US); Harrigian, Jeffrey | MAIGEN USAF AF-A3-5 (US); Caldwell, Michael G SES USAF SAF-PA (US); Weida, Johnmy A SES USAF AF-CVA (US); Pierce, Eric A SES USAAF SAF-CS (US|; (MRR (217, €istopher P LTCOL USAF SAF-PA (US); Clavette, Larry DIV USAF ‘AFPAA (US}; Stefanek, Ann M CIV USAF SAF-PA (US); Herritage, Timothy A (Allen} LTCOL USAF HAF-CX (US); Sholtis, Edward T LtCol USAF AFCENT Special Staff/PA Director Exemption b-5 bs Exemption b-S s = 5 KATHLEEN A. COOK, Brig Gen, USAF Director, Air Force Public Affairs 703.697.6061 www.afnl

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