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The graph above shows some specific activities that 5 to 14 year-old children do on their leisure
It is seen that all boys and girls enjoy watching TV and videos most of their free time and some
other vary, according to the gender.
Electronic and computer games are one of the males preferences, as it shows 80% compared to
70% of sports, such as Bike riding. On the other hand, females have almost the same percentage
for both of these (60%).
Skateboarding and rollerblading is also a sport that 40% of the boys prefer, compared to a 28%
percent of girls.
However, we can observe that 60% of girls prefer hand-made activities such as Art and craft,
different from only 32% of boys.
Taking into account these differences, it leads to think that not all of these infants are very
active, as they prefer more passive than active hobbies.

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