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SmartBoard Integration Mini-Grant

 Windsor Central Supervisory Union teachers

 Develop a unit of studies that effectively integrates SmartBoard technologies
through student-centered instruction. Selected units will be published on

 $750 for Technology Materials
 $100 Stipend

 April 15th—Applications Due
 April 26th—Grants are awarded (One grant will be awarded to each of WCSU’s eight
schools. If an application is not received from a school, the remaining money will be
evenly distributed as an additional materials stipend to each of the participating
 May 3rd—Recipients submit completed requisition forms for requested materials
 May 31st—Completed units are due
 June 11th—Stipends Released

 Complete the grants on-line application. The application can be accessed from the
bottom right-hand corner of (hint: Type the answers in a word processor
and then paste them into the form.)
 Successful applicants will receive a cumulative score of 6 on the following rubric.
 Applicants are not required to address each of the rubrics four domains.
Teacher Centered Mixed Student Centered
1 2 3
Active Technology is used The teacher directs The teacher creates a
to deliver curriculum students in the rich learning
content to students. conventional use of environment in
Students do not technology. Tasks which students
directly interact with can be completed regularly engage in
the technology. without the use of activities that would
technology (i.e. using have been
a word processor to impossible to
type and print a achieve without
report). technology.
Collaboration Students primarily Students and Technology is used
work alone. teachers select to enable students to
technology tools and collaborate with
projects that peers and experts
facilitate irrespective physical
collaborative work. distances.
Relevance Students use Students use Students use
technology to technology to technology to
complete teacher- complete teacher- complete projects
generated activities. generated projects and solve-problems
and solve teacher- that are personally
generated problems. meaningful for them
and the community.
Assessment Learning goals and Learning goals and Learning goals and
assessments focus assessment focus assessment focus
upon the recall primarily upon the upon the application,
knowledge. recall and evaluation and
application of synthesis of
knowledge. knowledge.

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