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CP 24: 1999 SINGAPORE STANDARD | (Ics 91.040) CODE OF PRACTICE FOR Energy efficiency standard for | building services and | ‘vgs eared. Une eeu specie opr of Sigspore permission nvwritng trom PSB atthe adcress below Stegaor rodutvy and stanoaas Bons 1 Seence Pa Dr ISBN 9971-67-674.5 oP 24 1999 This Singapore Siascats hang deen approved by the Constuclen Inds Pracice Gommutlee was dread by tne Standards Coun on 28 anuary 1000 Fst putlisned, 1982 ‘The Conswution Icusty Practes Conuite appointed by tho Standards Counel consists ofthe totewng members ome rganication Cchaleman MrLam Siew Wah Standards Counc Secretary Ms Tan Sack Chang ‘Singapore Peauetty ana Standarss Board Members Assan Prot Ang Chae Keong _Insiubn af ances Singapore Yar 800 G02k Kwang Singapore Goi Datree Free Me Chee Keng Yam Aesociton of Coneuling Enginaors, Srga0oe Mr Gam Sang Ha ‘Singapare Contractors Association Lise Ne Ho Song Hin Deparmen or ingusta Stary Er Hui Bang Hong Inattton of Engneoss Singapore Meal ew Khoon Hook Singopre isto of Archos Meco Pom Kok Housing & Development Boa -ssce Prt GaryOng Kos Chye—_‘Notona Universi of Singapore Mr Glue Tan Peng Cheng Sigapare Confederation of Indus Mev Teor Choe tam ube Woree Deparment ‘Assoc Pat Yip Weon Kwong Nanyang Technological Univers co-optos Members: Or immy Chen we Yog Init Capaety Melon Lancer Inv Capacty Detau vat sun Imad! Capacity ‘The Tecmical Commitee on Buking Services appcinied by the Consructon Inausty Pracice Commies ans response forthe preparation of th standart, consists epresantatiee: om Se fotonng axgansatons Name Organisation Cchaman = brn Chen We Ying vias Capacity Secretary = MrGhiscpher Ow Mun Kt Singapore Productivity and Stars Board Members = Me Abdul Rashis in brain Plc Uiiee art Mc Gon Peng watt ousig & Doveopnent Boars Me Ho Creag Hoon Mii of Ensronmont ‘pt Jee SuGiam Fi Setety Bureau Er Lee Keon Feog ‘Associaton of Corsoing Engineers, Singapore Me Seow to Hag ‘trong Town Carparaton Seow Kee Han ‘Singapore Contactors Assocation Lid De Tham Kok Wat atin! University of Singapore Me anand Th Kn Aun Singapore instute ef Architects Mr Toh Yeng Hua Pubtic Works Departnent cP 24: 1999 Members: €¢.Tan Hua G0 co-opted Bambee = Assoc Prof ong Tet Yin Mr Wong Wai Ching Inston of Engineers Singapore Nonyang Technological University stonat Univesity of Singapore Putte Works Daparimont The Working Group appointed by the Technical Commitee to asst the preparation of the Sandotd comprises the hauing merbers Chatman MrWong Wai Ching Members Mr Abdul Rash bin rahi Metah Peng Sum Mek Sasha Tan Hua Oo 1 Tram Kwok Wo Me Richard Ta Kah Aun ‘Assoc Prof Weng Yeu Wah organisation ute Werks Ospatmant Marie of Tecnica! Cormier Inco) Capaciy Jeaveus)Capacty Momber of Technical Commitee Meniver of Technica! Convnites omber of Tachet Commits ember of Technet Commitee cP 24: 1999 (ean page) oP 24: 1999 Contents Foreword 6 (CODE OF PRACTICE + Scope > 2 Deftions,ebbeevetons and aronymd 7 3 Re-condoning eaupment so 4 Woter heaters 6 8 Bec motors ° © Ugg nome oasget 9 aoLes Unita ait canstoners and condensing unt, elec operated smu etxncy requirements “ ‘Water citing packages. Minimum otiiencyrequrements 15 Peckaped termina i cotiones ap rom a condonors, lect ersten Min ees) fequrorbans 16 4 Gavand aod bates - Mim alceney equines 7 5 Water heating equpment- Performance rquroments 18 © General purpose design sand design 8 meors inn noma! elency a 1 Aaximum tihng power budget (huang bast oss) 2 oP 24: 1999 Foreword ‘This Singapore Standard Cove of Practise was prepared by the Techical Commitee on Bulsng ‘Senvees under he direction of tie Consracton istry Pracioe Comrade. I's sevion of CP 2a Par 11982, Pat 2 1983 30a Pa 81082 “Tw concept of proving enegy etieney slandards for eeuipmen, embodied in Par 1 of te {eploced e's expanced wor sccanatonng eaigmen' to elude ober Dulding egvpmert ‘lun a9 woter heats, moor eves od igang Tk esabisnes 9 iota approach towares enetay ‘anaerveon in aig serves. Iwill serve 98 releenee for he ulking Como! Dison’ proposed aulaing energy partormance Shanda as wol 3b srw & bes ov meaaunng energy etfceney lr equipment to Be artes ‘ecaerted deprecation. {ables 1 10 6 in hs cove are procuses by permission fom ASMRAENES Standard 90.1-1889R, 2 roposes revision of ASHRAENES Standard 9011089 publshed by Amerean Socety of Hest, Rengeraton and Ai-condiening Engineers, Ine (wae ashvao ra). Acknowledgement made Tor the use of informatie om te above pusesion 1. Sgapore Sones a ste! ose uct hogy see! of etnoga changes ana oom {ecncalcevuanerts The revsens of Sngapre Slodads sro ontouced ough he oe | ‘Sneromandnen! aps orreedens 2 Complance win 3 Seaspore Sanaa does nat exempt uzes tom goats. cP 24 : 1999 Code of practice for energy efficiency standard for building services and equipment 1 Scope 1A Ts coe proves: nim enerayeicincy eeaurements or: 6) vewinstalaion of systems in dulngs {ih placemont of sysome musings and (i) placement a componens of systems mn buligs (0) estar or ateriningcomplionce wih ese equrorents 4.2. The provisions is cade apply oho flown systems and equipment used in conjunction sn ulin (0 slecondtioning eavpment;* (i) ater nesta, {ity moteraris, ans (i) Sahelian thing. 4.3. The code shall not bo used ta ceumvant any safety, heath er environmental requrements ‘Sraseoe Sanco Case fates CP 13 NOTE 2 ~ For guidance cn teiturnances recommended deren apietons, rare st be made ‘Shasbee Sando Cade of racs se. 2 Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms 2.4 General Cartan terms, abbreviations and scronyms are dofined in tis soton forthe purpose of is cose “ise detinene are apotrabito al secon of tus code. Terms theta nt dined shall have oi dnerty accepted meanings wan the contri wisch fey aroused 22 Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms 224 Airconditioning {ie provess of treating a to conl simultaneously as temperate, numsoty, eeartnass and Ssiebton to moet te comfort equrements ofthe accupans otha coniones space, 2.2.2 Annual fel utilization eticloncy (AFUE) N he rao of annual ouput energy to anual input energy, wich nudes any ofeye pt np oss snd cing eect i oP 24: 1990 222° goiter Alon-pressnt, sl contained appliance ited for use n heating war roduc lea, 224 Check me Measurement insinumentain fer he supplement montring of ecupment and nan! energy use (else gas ol et} n adston othe reverse mctaring urshod by he uty. 2.25. Coofcient of perfermence (COP) -Cooting “The rato ofthe rte of heal ceva to te eale of anergy inulin canst uns fora complete Ieisgeraling system ot sane specie porion al fin yet under designated operat oonctons, 2.26 Cooticiont of performance (COP) - Heat pump The rao oh ae of nea ved fo te rae of eneray input in consistent us for complete nas, ‘ump aysem oF sore specie pation of ht system unde: Sesgnatd aseaing contions 221 Colovrrendeting 1 general expression fo the appearance of objet cous when iuminalad by baht fam 9 gies Source cempared, conecouny unconscausy, wih ther appearance und Ig tem Some feteonce source, 2.28 Colour temperature ‘ips temperate (in Keine) of 2 fl rato which emits radon of he same creat a¢ the 229 Control Toraguate te operation of eaviment 22.40. Control device -Aspecaaed deve used to roulate tne sprain of equprent. 2.2.44 Direct tighting Lighting in which the greater pan of tne fx tom the lrinares reaches a surface (usualy he twenng plan) orate whet retection Hom suroundg suraces 2.242 Electre meter A mecuanialelacical device that can measure consumes ect 2.219 Eneroy The capaci for doing weeks aking ruber of fas which may be anslonmes Kom one in {nother suchas erat (eal, macsanesl (wok), eloebsal ad cremca in ST UMS, measured [pulse (where oule=1 Watt second: in customary unde, measured klowalhoues (1). 2.2.14 Energy ofiioney rll (EER) ‘Te ratio of et cooing capaci Walt) ol te of lactic input fm Wats) under casignted ‘operating condibon. [See cosficantofpeimance- 90k) 5p 24: 1999 2.2.45. nergy factor (EF) _Amaasurs af water hestr over iene as specfed in OOF 10CFR Par 630) 2218 Equipment DDovices for confor condoning, elueie pomer, Ightng, wanepottion, or seriee water haating ‘cus but not imted to, fracas, Boer, sieconeners, Hea pUMpS, Chet, Wels Neaa, (Sipe balosts,sovatrs, excaletors oraher devises orinsaaions 2247 Fan system energy demand (or fan systom power) ‘he sum of he nominal power demand (ameplte horsepower at nominal mete etleny) or motor Tai fans that ee aquired ta operte ot design condita to suply ar fom te Healing or coking Sours ho canciones spac) andl retin ff the source oc eaust Rt he autos “The frm of energy nats ransfone by means of conducton, convecian or radon, and may ot ‘hay nt be acsompaniod by 8 lenperture etlrencs. 2219. Hot water supply bolle ‘closea vessel (boter) completely fad wth water hat ueriahos hot wai be used extemal Jo carat pressure nat exceeding 11032 a [160 poe) or at 3 temperatixe nt exceeding 121.1 [B50] Soren tno toler ete, 2220 tluminance “Te inous tax density a a suas, te te luminous fut eldon per uni tes fx oI). Te ‘hustty wes formerly kun a ha lumina ive or uranation evel) Lax = Lumens per square 2221 Indivect Hghting ‘Ugnting a which the geatr par fhe x reaches the surface (usually ho working plane) ony aftr ‘elena other surfaces 2 patra he oot cg, 2222 Integrated part load value (PLY) A single-numbor foure of mentor partoes EER, COP expressing part load eiiency fora Contarang sn heat pup equine on he base of weighted operation st varus lod eapacsies forte eaupment 2223 ‘Kilovoltampere (kVA) ‘a produto te line current lampere) Ses the nonina stem vatage (bows) tes 1.732 er ihe ee-phore eurenta For angiophase appteatone, HVA % product of the Ine caren (arenes) times the nora sytem voage flvots) 2.2.24 Kiowa (ki) ‘The babe unto lecc power, Equa! 1000 %, 2225 Kilowatt-hour (ah) ‘Te basic uit electric eneigy. Equal to t000 Wh 2226 Labelled Equipment o meres o whieh a symbol or ober sdeniying mark has boon atacted by the feanutacurr desing cempanca wi speci standards perfomance ma specied manner, 2.2.21 Light oss factor (Matntenance Factor) “Te ratio of the iuinarce povided by the instalation a 2 glvan time, wi respect othe inl 100 Toor irsnance, Tne lant les fcr ithe product ofthe lam linen mantenance taco, he [ina nlnenanes Facer an Ue foam surface mainlonancefator. 2.2.28 Light output aio “Te aio ofthe total ight ouput oa laminate under sates praccalconions Yo that fhe lamp or Tons onde relevance condtons measured at 25 amen enpeetre 22.29 Lumen Tha SI uit (in) of taminous fax, used in dasorbing the quaetly of ight omits by a source ox secived ya sedate, Asal source bie has unter lumina intensity of one candela emis {buot 12 Sac man all roctons and amie one kanen nano sole angle. 2.230 Laminaire ‘kn apparatus which contol the dttaton of ight gten by 2 fp clamps and whi ncuoes al fhe cenponents necessaty fo ng and protecting te lars and fr connectg ther ote supply 2251 Luminous et “The ro fnlconsc ofthe nous x ented bya amp toe power eansumed by the lamp {nd ls gear is else sonatines inown as erat efeacy 2232 Manuacturer Te compeny engaged inthe oie! peeducton and assembly of soducts or equipment oF 3 Comgany tna purchases Such poduts and equipment manufactured i accordance wih company Spooteatons 2.2.9: Marked (nameplate) rang ‘Te design lo operating condiions of a devica as shown by he manufac on tho names OF ier ake on he doce. 2234 metering Insruments iat measwe lectic vag, curt ome, ee: 22.5 Packaged termi si conditioner PTAC) {A tectory-slected wall 2276KW | Spitsysiom are | 240.60 Sage packoge | 220101 Arcoraiones, |< 19080 | spitsystemana | 272c0° | atu Z10200 water and Sigepacage | 2452 eee | 2 1905kW and | Split sysiemand | 308 COP. saustii | singepacoge | 264 PL | saestiwand | Spitaysiemans | 2arcor | aru saaraso s7osew | singlepaciage | 264 PLV >rosenwond | Seinaysiemand | 281 0° Ema 70M | singlepaciage | 268 FLV Condensing unis, | 29957HW 29000", anises ‘ae cooled Sze ‘Condensing unis, |__> 8957 WW 378 CoP ‘wate or 378 LW cevaporatuely roced op 24: 1999 “Table 2 — Water ching packages - Minimum eficeney requirements wiomentvos | Szaca supcatomrye | eomim, T a Essome Smcategory | Siuceteegyer | ermum, | Test procedure ‘coos win | <7 SW 210c0e | aaissn onsenea, Zee1PLV _[centhuga Meton ‘icone ae ied’ | 327 SK 250008 = 2s0itv [cosas witout] —Aveapacies 3300 sonsenae, s20iew | Seen | “Sree! [tess | at enc 33000 sieealy Sooirev | ont, onto anus Dselcerent (wecpretn) (ratorecsina) Wacol. | <5275407 3i0c0r ‘seta So01Pev ever pete ‘heacemen | 2527507 and zocor etn Screw ana} = 108.510 aso | Se oss 52008 | Sore Wiawrcoone, | 2761W and 249 COP sutured |S Sek = 506K Ban cor | canaay mean ho ted cong cpacy oe otic nA he canes ese Wen 205 KN, CEESAEEW th ctuston he ante ancy rete an #0 weet B ‘Sisaton 4 Water heaters 44 Goneral ois and waterhoating eavsment shall mee the recurenents of hs section. Aboers and water heating aaupment ena bo supped wit he nlraton necessary (9 éerminecorphanco. 42 Equipment efficiency Boders and water heating equipment shal have & minimum perfomance a5 Ist in Tables 4 & 5 ‘eapuctvely. The performance shat be atthe specie rating condone wen este aecardance ‘the speci es procedure. vere rasa vatng conden or perorance requrements are Provided, the equipment sal sts arated requremnts Equpment afclncy sal be supported by data Kenshed bythe menufacuer or shat be carted Ura rocngnised cerfeaton programe oc rating procedure. Whore components such 26 ror Sr oudoor cols from sifeent menulacurts are used. he stor ostger shal spec cornponent tcences wnogs combined efeency moot he nim oquimen elfen zeqaserents nS Storage water heaters and hot water storage lanks having more han $30 of storage eapacly are rol equesto meet the sandy la (St) requramens wen (o)thetank surface thermally insulates tor22 an (8) a stnding plight sot staid and {c}_gascr altos storage wate heaters have ae dener or an assisted combuston 6 oP 24: 1999 43, Additional equipment etiiency measures [A gastied storage wale healers insted in concioned spaces sna be equisped with a vert ‘anper Used In accordance with recognised saaly standards for vont dampers for use on 9 Spence Ihe waterheatreoos ot have an wvelable lacs supply, event dargor cmos be ‘ota type that does na ome gn exten tec supply or aperabon. The vent damp shal be ‘tetalog m accordance wth ne manusesrer=nsructone 424 Exceptions Tis requirement sha nt apy: (2) water heaters equipped wit fan assisted combustion 3 power venting deve (e) tater neatrs equpoed wa ue damper ‘Table 4 - Gas and old bolas -tinkmum afiiency requirments Ecuomoncupe | sawcatagoy | Tingconston’ | ancangy- | Tesecnre sons, | 732.5 KW Hot water wwe | Sraasin | Stam awe, Geiss, | resew | __skem BE. ones | 2erokw [oxmumcoposty | 63%, | Hl Hoang Gar (Rese) Neen ee | eece | San Srasiw | Horna sme, rian | Stam CHE. co a pocadre, ain ho Feared imum ne msm ings provid fr nd allowe bythe unt’ eo = Canton frony (10% sso sss). Soe reference doce esta inert. Ate pce ed the oars pnw N21 and SHE PTCA cP 24: 1999 ‘Table 5 — weter heating equpment- Performance requirments Faure Subeaepay er | Parimarge 2 iv ‘aingeordioe | "raured™ ‘Test poceae Beers er Ressance | 058-0006VEF | DOE TOOFRPata3o HeatPunp | 198-000843VEF | DOE 10 CFR Pan asd | Giemese | earseun Bari _| om acraver | BOE WOR Pata. veer tears Fay senav ana | ata. 75 wh 76% ASHRAE 11 ease 23s'palvet 134 25.u¥st ‘Go| stasenwana | ewoarswians | 062-o0orzver | DOE wor Pan aie f wotenes TS sgezar | emazewired | SOE RSwAE V7 Seer | vSiazswiend |, TRE hangs | sense Disease | _san7eW 27s7) | bs0-anaraver | DOE CHRP RD | reerestrs [San ra ana | e300 re wr 7%, ‘ASHRAE 181 | Eason sar Sorov st | sasanv | a asnWana | vooorswume | mE roars sapetvoaies | “esganrsaw’ | *"sazes7 etwaie Taarawirend | TRE, ‘apiece Greer | 2s trast pelos Bras | alert Poahenee ro Tae, mane ‘ties a Tawra. | ABHRAE TOT _strage ans 7 Setn 7 conan conga pecan hdl th year aren, oe elraood el wear Snag ator EF an tal tency) are mien eres, whe stan ste (SL a mouth sasecrant IEF etoton, Vike reovaune riven, Semon = Trtetancoue wala win slo hi i mut amy wih ee event he Nor nste& sangaate hot wna orperauros encoun 827°C 4 Voethe sandy fe ot ath tsacana °C wala pra rene, 5 Electric motors 54 General _ peemaneniy wed elect moos shal matte requcemens of his secon, 52. Electric motors efficiency ‘Al peernanonty.ied general purpose single-spae poyphsts suire-ge induction motars of he ‘atonal Elecnca Maruiactrers Assocson (NEA, USA) claseicsion Designo Design Bohs pave anomaalaffeney notase han thal shown in Table 8. These fogurements opi fo moors of (075-1492 hw (t= 200H%9) wth synehonous spend of 2000, 1600, 900 and 759 rpm. 521 Exceptions “his requtement shal not apply to molors used 88 a component af the equpmant mos rnimum equgmentetaency fequrements of Mectancal Equpmen! Etsy. rovded ‘hot nputs includes when detenrining tne equipment eficionsy 53° Bolts Allbels operate by elcte motors shal be Vibes, syncrenaus bets Nat bes 534 Exceptions Tis requierert shal ot apt: (0) Botts used a8 2 component ofthe equipment meeting the minimum equipment ffcency Fequrements of Mecnanteal Equpment Cieerey, po¥eod thst he mole Inputs nuded teen daterssng the equomerteficencr. (0) Bets inialeg in systems where Yoh sheaves have 8 lamer of 200 mm Ginjormere 6 Lighting power budget 61 General ‘The material nba secton should nc be tested as» Fahtng dig procecore. The purpose of ie ‘estan st indeata gucetnes for determing tne maximum power usage for ighing’ The designer ‘Stncaurogedio use more elicient mgs, minetes ad proper tihng cons, For exargle sr Condon bullng, ther adivoal saving of energy de to to foducton the cooling oad reeg fem he ice fa wage alas, hen Heh reaiecy eco oe 6.2 Building interior lighting “The maximum ining power bute! (sung bast os) for vaseus teas shal be in sccoence oP 24: 1999 63 Building exterior lighting Inexteorsp99es the ighng power budge sal be bases on the Use for whic espace slnenod (ask sorlnmance, sally or securty argon affcant energy ulation The lohing power budget for loomlghting ofthe fave of a building stall nat Be greater than 5 percent of ha toa ilar Iiiing lon fe easing. "he igtng power bude for external car Paks, cie-noy, pedestrian mals, lngacaped areas, ec ‘all sotenceed OWT tea hat be th ne heart exuding the batty are 64 Lighting control Lugming contre oxuits minimise energy usage. Theteloe,cteutag switching or aming sols be powded 2 that (2) Lighting in task areas larger than 10m” can be reduced 10 atleast Ralf when ne task snot being ptr ce when he ask locate, (©) Uphting cane reduces when 2 soace is empty ane ne being uses Lighting con be reduead or turned ff manualy or aulomatiesty) where deviating fadequate ans can bw ured without cece (8) Extere igting shoud be cotose byte siehes, photsals or other devices oun tft ‘fry hore whens iging i ot necessary. 2» cP 24: 1999 Table 6 ~ General purpose Design A and Design 6 motors Minimum nominal ffcancy Minimum nominal aed etieny () (pen Motors Enclosed Notre ‘ember of pois zfe+tTe[sef[szf[s«feTa Spams eed | sooo | vs00 [ so [750 | soon | vsc0 [3000 | a0 oor power RW) 08 (thp) ~ [ws | mo [v0 | t55 | ws | #0 | 70 sicsne) | eas [seo | oxo | 755 | o25 | 00 | ass | ro 15 (2n9) xo | eo | o55 | 055 | eo | exo | aos | cas 22139) so | wos | ws | aos | eos | ws | ars | sao 37180) ess | ars | ors | avs | ars | 7s | ars | sao Seirshe) | ers | ass | o65 | an | os | aos | ans | aos 75(10r) | s88 | ass | o02 | as | wos | sos | aos | ass suishey | se8 | 910 | soz | 99s | v02,| 10 | s02 | ons sa9@orm) | 902 | 910 | oxo | 002 | 902 | 910 | so2 | eos weresre) | 910 | or7 | 97 | 02 | 902 | o10 | ona | cos za cone) | oro | oa | sea | oro | ono | gaa | ovr | ono zeuvno) | suz_| v0 | sso | vio | ovr | oso | oso | so s7a.son) | s24 | sa0 | s30 | 910 | 7 | «30 | 930 | 810 | 30 | m6 | ose | 24 | oo | oan | ove | or es.0(75m | e30 | or | osx | 36 | sso | oar | os6 | sa0 Taeci0on) | 930 | 961 | 941 | a6 | 36 | sas | oar | oxo weaciasne) | aa6 | as | ges | a6 | ons | oas | oat | cas 111.9 (050h) | 996 | 950 | ves | 936 | o4s | o50 | o50 | 036 1492 (200%) | 945 | 950 | 95 | 936 | 950 | 950 | o50 | 941 a op 24: 1990 ‘Table 7 ~ Maximum ighting power budget (eluding Balas 058) [—ypocivsegs——SS*S*S*@~S:C«N gg] ta ties 8 Clsesnore 5 Leaure neaies 5 | Austorums Concer nas 10 “Shops | Supermarkets! Onparmertal stores (nliding genera, seeent & - splay igrng) Resowents % Loabis (Alums | Concourse 10 ‘Stes / Corrs 0 a parks s | Eleevenic manufacturing and na deta Asser nutes 2 ‘asian apa nea naustian 5 ‘iorehoures Storage ares rn 1. Betign seca diana, lmp fics apd gop aso onnaves shall be nace srarSgopre Sania ose Pacha Ost 198. | ete ur cncescnt gn ei ascuege la Ine ot Hah eiesy rect tng Sti recon © aL Qo Hace 4 pny ong ane poise ghing re lo bended in hcl of ating omar bu Shy Dethinontn sen cnt tta'ca gota nahi beresdenartouoge 2 1999 Standards referred to: 1. ANGUAHAM RAC-187 ANSUASHRAE Stancars 1351-1989 ANSIZ71 135-95 ani 221 56-94 ARI 2r0r40.89 agi s1a0.99 ARI s401360.95 8 ARIs65-07 3 ARisso-2 10 ASME PTCA-1968 1 Ht Meating Boiler Ss a8 12, DOE 10CER Pa 430 Matneds of estng for rating commercial gas, elecle and ot ler eaters Goes ow prossur los and ho wer bers (G26 fred poo heaters LUntoryae-constionng and ns scurce hea pump eauioment Packages termi s-conationets ana nat pumps Commerc sa ncusta unary sir-candioing and heat Commer! en indus unitary air-conditioning condensing Commer and rotary sew water-chillng packages ‘Steam generating unis ‘Testing andrating anda for heating boars LUnioen test metro fr measuring fumaess 2

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