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Introduction: In gathering information for this paper/assignment I reviewed the rules we created
in class and the rules I had written prior to class. I plan on teaching Kindergarten and felt the
rules my partner and I gathered collectively were appropriate. However, when it came time to put
pen to paper (or rather hand to keyboard) I conducted a little research on Kindergarten rules. I
liked the ones below best and felt that considering the age I plan on teaching these
rules/statements would convey the room environment best as they specific and are stated in a
positive manner.
1. We raise our hands to speak.
2. We work quietly in our seats.
3. We use voices soft and sweet.
4. We are careful with our hands and feet.
5. We are helpful, friendly and fair.
6. We take turns and always share.
1. By raising your hands this lets me know that you have something you want to contribute to the
lesson or that you have a question or concern for another matter. This shows patience, self
control and respect to the teacher and your fellow classmates
2. When you work quietly this allows others to concentrate on their assignment and show them
that you respect their learning environment.
3. Speaking softly/sweet shows that you respect the voice of others and your teacher. When you
speak loudly or out of turn it is difficult to be heard and hear those around you.
4. If you are bothering others by poking them, pulling their hair or kicking the back of their chair
they will not be able to listen to the lesson. Please show respect to their space and learning
5. When you are friendly, helpful and fair this shows respect to your classmates and yourself not
only in actions but in words too. An example may be picking up a pencil which has rolled off a
desk or letting them know that their shoe is untied.
6. When you take turns and share this shows your fellow classmates that you value their wants
and needs and that you can wait patiently for your turn. An egg timer can be used to help with
this especially when two students want the same book. For example, I will use the egg timer to
let them know how much time they each get to read/look at the book. Learning this skill involves
patience and self control.

Consequences: Again considering the age of the child the following consequences I feel would
be appropriate.
1. Verbal/Nonverbal warning
2. Change seats
3. Teacher/student conference
4. Note place in folder Please help me to do better tomorrow)
5. Teacher/parent conference
6. Conference with Principal
Rewards: Now in reviewing this section in class we discussed the sticker reward system and I
happen to love the it as it seems to work. That being said, the question that I think of is what
happens when a sticker is no longer given out? Does this mean that the teacher is spending the
whole day handing out stickers? So I have come up with the following rewards.
1. Verbal praise
2. Postcard sent home to parents (explanation in the procedure section)
3. Computer time
4. Quite time to read library book
5. Lunch with me
Procedure: The classroom book and the discussions in class provided information as to how to
convey this message not only to the students but to the parents. I plan on sending the attached
letter home to all parents to sign and return that they have received a copy of the rules,
consequences and rewards that will take place in my classroom environment.

Mrs. Deborah Carriles

Classroom Management Plan
While your child is in my classroom I will ensure a pleasant and positive learning environment.
Before your childs first day I will have postcards filled out with their names and addresses
which I will use during our school year to send to you the positive behaviors/actions your child is
displaying in the classroom/school environment. The following convey just how I plan on doing
so. If you have any questions/concerns just let me know.
Classroom Rules:
1. We raise our hands to speak.
2. We work quietly in our seats.
3. We use voices soft and sweet.
4. We are careful with our hands and feet.
5. We are helpful, friendly and fair.
6. We take turns and always share.
1. By raising your hands this lets me know that you have something you want to contribute to the
lesson or that you have a question or concern for another matter. This shows patience, self
control and respect to the teacher and your fellow classmates
2. When you work quietly this allows others to concentrate on their assignment and show them
that you respect their learning environment.
3. Speaking softly/sweet shows that you respect the voice of others and your teacher. When you
speak loudly or out of turn it is difficult to be heard and hear those around you.
4. If you are bothering others by poking them, pulling their hair or kicking the back of their chair
they will not be able to listen to the lesson. Please show respect to their space and learning
5. When you are friendly, helpful and fair this shows respect to your classmates and yourself not
only in actions but in words too. An example may be picking up a pencil which has rolled off a
desk or letting them know that their shoe is untied.
6. When you take turns and share this shows your fellow classmates that you value their wants
and needs and that you can wait patiently for your turn. An egg timer can be used to help with
this especially when two students want the same book. For example, I will use the egg timer to
let them know how much time they each get to read/look at the book. Learning this skill involves
patience and self control.
1. Verbal/Nonverbal warning
2. Change seats
3. Teacher/student conference
4. Note place in folder Please help me to do better tomorrow)
5. Teacher/parent conference
6. Conference with Principal

1. Verbal praise
2. Postcard sent home to parents
3. Computer time
4. Quite time to read library book
5. Lunch with me
Return the signed bottom portion with your child in the Homework folder.
I have read the Mrs. Deborah Carriles Classroom Management Plan and have discussed it with
my child.
Parents Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________________
Childs signature: _________________________________ Date: ___________________

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