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Russerction Season 4 episode 6

Nobodys fault but mine

(Alans wear house)
The camera showed someones worn out dress shoes as they
were walking down a dirt road. The camera slowly went up the
persons body as it did it showed holes in the persons pants and
then his suit coat and vest and shirt were all ripped. As it went up
the camera reveled it was James.
As it showed his face he had a long beard and hair down to his
shoulders and it was messy hair. The camera showed he had
holes and snags in his hat and it showed that one of the licenses
in his glasses was cracked but not broken. The camera showed
the zombie bite on his right arm and as it showed it James turned
a corner on the road and he saw a ware house and the name was
Alans wear house.
The camera showed that there were 20 walkers wondering around
the outside in the parking lot of the building. In the parking lot
there were several Hondas and fords scattered about. As James
walked to the entrance of the house he opened the door and as
he did he quickly closed it as the walkers started to from around
the entrance.
As James was inside he locked the door behind him as he did he
pulled out his desert eagle XIX and he switched the safety off. As
he did he looked around the room he was in and it was dark he
saw this he tried the light switch and he switched it 3 times on
and off and the lights didnt work. As he saw this he looked on the
ground and he saw 3 glass bottles and he thought for a few

As he thought he threw the bottles across the room and they

shattered as they hit the floor he didnt hear any walkers and
runners would have come out by now.

As he waited a few seconds he whistled and he knocked on the

wall as he did he waited another few minutes and he made his
way through the store. As he did he saw the back door as he saw
he walked towards it. As he did he opened it and he saw a
generator as he saw it he saw no walkers out there.
As he saw this he walked up to the generator and as he did he
looked at the fuel and it was empty as he saw this he tried turning
it on and off and it didnt. As it didnt turn on or off he saw 3 cars
as he did he grabbed 3 gas cans as he filled the last one he
loaded 2 gas cans into the generator as he did he turned it on as
he turned it on he walked back inside with an extra full gas can.
As he got inside he closed and locked the door behind him as he
got inside the lights switched on. As they did there was one big
room that made up the ware house. As the lights stopped
flickering there were rows upon rows of boxes as he saw this he
started walking down the aisles and as he did he got to a box and
he opened it.
As he did he found a bunch of suits as he looked through them he
got a black suit, black dress pants, black shirt, red over shirt,
black socks, black dress shoes, black hat, and a black vest. As he
folded his clothes he found some hair clippers and toe nail
clippers as he found them he found a shower and as he found it
he looked around it and he could tell that was a show room
shower. As he saw this he walked over to the shower and he
turned the switch on.
He waited a few seconds and as he did it finally turned on and
after a few seconds the room was getting steamy. As it was James
cut his toe nails and finger nails as he finished that he cut his

beard off and cut his hair into a buzz cut. As he did he got in the
shower 10 minutes passed and he put on his clothes after he
finished tying his shoe the camera jumped to a scene where he
was looking at a box of percsoinesed glasses after he tried a few
pairs he found ones with black frames.
As he found them the next scene showed him with his hunting
knife sharping a long stick. As he finished he tossed it onto a pile
of about 40 sticks just like the one he just sharpened.

As he tossed the stick onto the pile the camera showed him
walking down one of the isles marked weapons and as he did he
found a katana. As he found it the next scene showed him
shoving the sticks into the ground around the ware house as he
did the camera pulled out and it showed that James cover the
entire ware house outside with the sticks and the sharp end
sticking out of the ground.
As he finished the camera showed the 20 walkers that were in the
parking lot tied with a strong chain to the building all around it.
James was attaching the last walker to the wall and as he did he
cut off its mouth and arms like the other ones on the building as
he did he walked back inside the building not locking the door
behind him.
As he was inside he was sharping his hunting knife and as he did
he didnt hear the door open and as it opened the camera was on
the people who entered feet. There were 9 people and you could
tell one of them was a little girl as they walked in the store they
stepped on the glass from the bottles James threw and as they did
the glass crunched.
As they made their way through the store the camera didnt show
the peoples faceses. As the people walked through the ware
house the camera showed James and he stopped sharping his
knife but he didnt turn around. As he stopped he heard a pump
from a shot gun and a mans voice and the man said.

Man: drop what youre doing and face me.

As he said that James put his hat that was next to him back on
and as he did he pulled out his desert eagle and as he did he
switched off the safety and he pointed it at the man. As he did the
camera reveled the man and it was Jefferson Sanders the cop who
was left behind at Lucass farm when it got over run and as he
saw James he said.
Jefferson Sanders: well Ill be a son of a bitch.
(Dirt road)
The camera showed Ryan and Madline walking down a different
dirt road then Jamess. As they were walking the camera showed
that Ryan had his pistol out and as he did Madline was talking to
Madline: why are we here?
As she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: Im just as confused as you are.
As he said that Madline looked around the road and there were no
zombies in sight and as she saw that she said.
Madline: what kind of world is this any ways?
As she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: Im pretty sure this is hell.
As he said that Madline said.

Madline: well Im pretty sure that were not supposed to be here

and we still remember what our reality is.
As she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: according to what happened in that purgatory place
that lady said that we werent supposed to be here.
As she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: well were here now and this is our reality since were
here so we might want to get used to this life.

As he said that they heard some rustling in the forest next to

them and as they did Madline said.
Madline: it cant be more of those creatures.
As she said that there were moaning sounds and as they heard
them 4 walkers came from forest. As they did Ryan looked at
Madline and he said.
Ryan Fantin: Ive got this.
As he said that he fired his pistol at the walkers knees and as he
fired it at all 4 of them they dropped to the ground. As they did
they started crawling towards them and as they did Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: theres no stopping them isnt there?
As he said that they started at the walkers and as they did
Madline said.
Madline: lets go.
As she said that Ryan reloaded his pistol and he said.

Ryan Fantin: Im down with that.

As he said that he started walking faster down the dirt road first
and Madline followed behind him as they made their way down
the dirt road.
(Alans ware house)
Jefferson put down his gun and he said.
Jefferson Sanders: guys its ok its my old group leader.
As he said that one of they all lowered their weapons and as they
did one of the men in their 40s his name was Rick and he said.
Rick: he looks like he was doing real well doesnt he.
As he said that James kept his gun pointed at him and as he did
Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: its ok James dont you remember me?
As he said that James said.
James Dixon: I dont know who the hell you are or how you know
my name but somebody better start talking and give me answers
As he said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: this is bad.
(Ryan and Madline)
Ryan and Madline were walking down the road and as they were
they werent talking. As they walked Madline said.

Madline: stop I need a break.

As she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: ok 5 minutes well start walking again we need to
stay on this trail because we saw James traveling down this road.
As he said that Madline said.
Madline: can you give me a water bottle from your bag.
As she said that they both sat down on the side of the dirt road
and as they did Ryan opened his bag and he gave her a bottle
and he pulled one out for himself along with some crackers.
As they sat on the side of the road Ryan heard a twig snap and as
he did Madline said.
Madline: not again.
As she said that 5 people stepped out of the woods and as they
did the camera showed that it was 5 survivors from the cannibals
group. As they saw Ryan and Madline stand up they had their
M16s pointed at them and the older male of the group said.
Man: looks like we found us a little snack boys.
As he said that they all grinned and as they did Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: can I help you nice gentlemen and one young lady?
As he said that the man said.
Man 1: why yes you can.
As he said that the man pulled out a hunting knife and he said.

Man 1: Ive got the girl.

As he said that Ryan pulled out his pistol and he said.
Ryan Fantin: back up.
As he said that 2 of the other men kicked his pistol out of his hand
and as they did they threw him to the ground. As they did the one
man and the women held down Madline and she was screaming
and as she was the man held his hunting knife to her face and he
Man: this will only hurt you a lot.

As he said that they all laughed and as they did Madline was
screaming and Ryan was saying no over and over again. As he
said that the man was about to bite Madline and as he was a
gunshot was heard and the man was shot in the head and blood
was on her face and barley touched her eye. As the man died the
women in the group shouted.
Women: Jimmy no.
As she said that she was shot and as she hit the ground dead the
other 3 guys were shot. As they dropped to the ground dead Ryan
looked around and he grabbed his pistol. As he did he crawled
over to Madline and he said.
Ryan Fantin: are you okare you hurt?
As he said that Madline was still freaked out and she said.
Madline: no Im fine.
As she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: ok thats good.

As he said that Madline said.

Madline: who saved us?
As she said that they both looked up and the camera reveled
Frank Sirwits, Ryan Campbell, and Austin and they all had colt law
enforcements and as they saw them Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: well Ill be a son of a bitch.
(Alans ware house)

Jefferson and his group lowered their guns and as they did James
kept his raised and as he did James said.
James Dixon: Ill ask this again how do you know my name.
As he said that one of the men in Jeffersons group who was in his
30s said.
Jack: so this is the guy that you kept praising about how well at
being a leader.
As he said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: shut up Jack.
As he said that one of the other guys in the group said.
Christopher: Jacks right Jeff he doesnt look right in the head you
sure this is the guy?
As he said that Jefferson said.

Jefferson Sanders: when we came here you saw what he did to

the place he made it more livable then what we had it when we
first got hereno offense Alan.
As he said that Alan said.
Alan Smith: none taken he just made it safer for us to stay in for a
few more days until them zombies come down this road.
As he said that James pointed the gun again and he said.
James Dixon: Im counting to 3 and if one of you dont give me an
answer Ill shoot.
As I said that I looked around and I saw a 9 year old girl hiding
behind one of the 2 women in the group and Jack said.
Jack: Jefferson since you know the guy I guess you should start
As he said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: ok Ive got this.
As he said that he held up his hand towards James and he slowly
started walking towards him and he said.
Jefferson Sanders: my name is Jefferson Sanders Jameswere all
friends here and you know me.
As he said that James said.
James Dixon: if thats true then how come I dont remember you.
As he said that Jefferson looked at Jack then at Alan and then back
at James and he said.

Jefferson Sanders: ok we meat about 4 years ago when the dead

first started to walk. And we formed a group and after a year
together we decided to call it the Michigan group survivors even
though there are some people in the group are not from Michigan.
Do you remember any of that?
As he said that James suddenly had a flash back of him meeting
Jefferson for the first time along with his partners Officer Cooper.
As he saw this he put the back of his hand where he had his gun
and the camera jumped to his face and James said.
James Dixon: this isnt possible.
As he said that the camera showed James talking with Anthony
and Robert and showing Jessica getting bit by a walker. Then it
showed them all coming onto Lucass farm and it getting attacked
and them leaving it. And then it showed the group entering the
prison and James talking with Anthony and then it showed the
president entering the prison with his 3 tanks.
As it showed the tanks entering the camera excited Jamess mind
and his eyes went big and as they did Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: do you remember any of that?
As he said that James said (With eyes still wide).
James Dixon: I remember.
As he said that he passed out and fell backwards on the mattress
that he set up behind him and as he did Jefferson, Alan, and Jack
all ran up to him and as they did Jack took Jamess desert eagle
XIX and his katana and as he said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: you might want to check for more knifes
knowing him.

As he said that Alan took Jamess hat off and set it next to the
mattress and as he did Jefferson laid James out on the mattress
and as he did Alan said.
Alan Smith: so this is James.
As he said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: yeah it is.
As he said that Alan looked James up and down and he said.
Alan Smith: he looks like hes only 17 years old.
As he said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: thats because he is.
As he said that one of the 2 women that were looking James for
any marks or him being hurt came across his arm and as they did
she saw his bite mark and as she did she jumped up and she said.
Marie Sklinder: hes bite everyone hes bit.
As he said that everyone jumped up from the bed and as they did
Jack pumped his shot gun and as he did Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: no dont.
As he said that Jack said.
Jack: that kids a time bomb Jeff and if you dont get out of the
way Ill shoot you to.
As he said that Jefferson looked at the bite mark and he said.
Jefferson Sanders: that bite mark looks like its almost 2 years old
I dont think hell turn.

As he said that Alan said.

Alan Smith: how can you know for sure?
As he said that Jefferson looked at the little girl and at her wrist
band on her wrist and he said.
Jefferson Sanders: because he might be like Molly he might hold
the cure thats the whole reason why were making our way to
D.C. isnt it.
As he said that everyone looked at each other and as they did
Marie knelt down and felt Jamess for head and as she did Jack
lowered his gun and he said.
Jack: well if he turns and hurts somebody its on you.
As he said that Marie said.
Maria Sklinder: well hes out cold for now and he doesnt have a
fever so well find out in a few hours if he turns.
As he said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: ok in the mean time we should start packing
things up into our cars so we can be ready to roll by morning.
As he said that Jack said.
Jack: ok Ill get first watch on our new friend here.
As he said that everyone started to separate and as they did
Jefferson saw Jack sit down and as he did Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: dont shoot him before he wakes up am I
As he said that Jack glared at him and he waited a few seconds
and he said.

Jack: fine I wont kill him.

As he said that Jefferson started to walk away leaving Jack to
guard James as he slept on the mattress on the floor.
(Ryans and Madlines group)
Madline and Ryan were still on the ground and as they were Ryan,
Austin, and Frank were all looking at them and as they did Ryan
Ryan Fantin: who are you?
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: my name is Ryan Campbell and Im here with the
surviving members of the Michigan group survivors who are you?
As he said that Frank helped up Ryan Fantin and Austin helped up
Madline and Ryan grabbed his gun and as he did Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: Im Ryan Fantin and this is Madline Barone and this
might sound odd to you but were not from this dimension.
As he said that Ryan, Frank, and Austin looked at each other and
as they did they heard a group of walkers approaching fast and as
they did Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: come on we dont have time for this.
As he said that he and Frank pulled out 2 grenades in each of
their hands and as they did they tossed them into the forest and
they exploded and as they did the camera jumped to the opening
of the dirt road. As they did Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: ok we can explain we arent from this world.

As he said that Frank said.

Frank Sirwits: and how arent you from this world exactly again.
As he said that Madline said.
Madline Barone: we were in this place where we dont exactly
know where it was but it was full of people that were dead and we
were with one of our friends who were trying to track now what
was his name Ryan?
As she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: James Dixon that was his name.
As he said that Madline said.
Madline Barone: yeah James Dixon and when we last saw and
heard of him was along this dirt road here weve been following
his gun blast and these light foot prints in the ground here.
As he said that they all were still walking and as they were Austin
looked at Frank and Ryan and he said.
Austin: is this your old leader I kept hearing Anthony talking
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: yes it is but theres one problem.
As he said that Ryan and Madline said.
Ryan Fantin: whats the problem?
Madline Barone: whats the problem?
As they said that at the same time Ryan said.

Ryan Campbell: James did a little over 2 years ago because he

was bit while he was attacking the president and his group.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: then how do you explain these?
As he said that he held up the bullet shells that Jamess desert
eagle XIX held and he put them in Ryans hands and s he did
Madline knelt down and she said.
Madline Barone: and what about these?
As she said that they all knelt down and looked along the dirt road
and as they did they saw heave foot prints that werent walker
foot prints and as they saw them Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: well if your right and telling the truth about this
then I guess well just have to follow these tracks and if there
right James is at the end of them.
As he said that Frank looked at him and he said.
Frank Sirwits: Id like to have a word with you please.
As he said that they both stepped off to the side of the road
leaving Austin, Madline, and Ryan in the center of the road and
Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: are you insane you heard what Tony sawhe saw
James put a gun in his mouth and pull a trigger and we all heard it
to and Jack even saw it before we left the prison.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: he didnt tell us exactly what happened to him.
As he said that Frank said.

Frank Sirwits: but he was bitten and we have no cure even then
hed be killed by the virus.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: well 4 or so years ago if you told me the dead
could walk then Id call you a liar and look whats happened to us
so far. And besides its the least craziest thing this group including
us has heard of.
As he said that Frank looked at Ryan and Madline and as he did
Frank looked back at Ryan and he sighed and as he did Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: Im still calling bull shit but since were separated
from the others we mine as well look for James along the way.
As he said that Ryan patted him on the shoulder and as he did he
Ryan Campbell: and if and when we find him and we find the
others theyll be happy as hell hes back and we all know
Anthonys had it at leading us with that decision he made a few
days ago with leaving us at the hotel and besides this
adventure could be fun.
As he said that he turned towards Ryan, Madline, and Austin and
as he did he said.
Ryan Campbell: its on.
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: ok but after a few days and we dont find him were
going to go back to our original mission of going to D.C. and
finding out who sent that broad cast a few weeks ago.
As he said that Ryan said.

Ryan Campbell: say what you want Frank but well find him.
As he said that the camera showed them as they all walked down
the same dirt road that James walked down to get to Alans wear
(Alans warehouse)
(Inside Jamess mind)
The camera showed what was happening in the purgatory and it
showed all the people in Jamess group and as it did the scene
jumped to James inside the prison and as it showed him talking to
Anthony and he said.
James Dixon: take this.
As he said that James held out his .357 magnum revolver colt
python and as he did Anthony took it and as he did he said.
Anthony Allen: is there anything else you want me to do?
As he said that James looked at Anthony and he said.
James Dixon: I want you to survive till the end Anthonyjust
survive for me.
As he said that the camera showed a bright white screen but it
showed a still of Jamess entire group except James and everyone
was smiling at the screen and Anthony was knelling down in the
center of the screen and as he did James voice was in the
background and he said.
Jamess voice over: just survive Anthonyjust survive.
(End Jamess mind)

As the dream ended James jumped up from his bed and he pulled
out a small revolver from the back of his pants and as he did Jack
Jack: Dam it I knew I should have checked the back of his pants.
As he said that I looked around the room and I saw Molly the little
girl brushing the hair of a doll and as I saw her she just waved to
me and I didnt do anything. As Jack saw this Jack said.
Jack: Jeffersonyour friend is awake.
As he said that everyone in the group got in the room and as they
did Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: James do you remember anything?
As he said that I looked at him and as I did I said.
James Dixon: Sanderswhat in the hell are you doing alive?
As I said that Marie walked up to me and she put the back of her
hand against my for head and as she did she said.
Marie: his fever is gone.
As she said that Alan said.
Alan Smith: thats goodthat means that hes not infected after
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: Sanders do you mind telling me what the hell
happened to you and where in the hell I am.
As I said that Sanders said.

Jefferson Sanders: its a long story Ill tell you when were on our
way to D.C. when we leave in a few the way what
happened to you and why are you here in California?
As he said that I looked at him confused and as I did I said.
James Dixon: Californiathe last state I remember is being in
South Dakota the current survivors from our group were living at a
prison before it was attacked.
As I said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: attackedby whom?
As he said that I looked at him and I said.
James Dixon: long story Ill tell you when were on our way to D.C.
why exactly are we going there?
As I said that Alan stepped forward and he said.
Alan Smith: thats also a long story that well tell you on the way
to now lets get going.
As he said that we headed out to the back door and as we did
Jack handed me all my weapons and as he did I saw a broad
sword on my way out and I said.
James Dixon: sweet.
As I said that I grabbed it and I put it in its sword belt around my
waist along with my katana as I did we saw a line of 3 Honda
Tuscans 2011 and there was a green one in the middle and as I
saw it Alan got in the driver seat of it and Sanders got in the seat
next him. As he did Alan rolled down the window and as he did he
Alan Smith: hop in the back seat.

As he said that I opened the door and as I did Molly pushed pass
me and as she did she sat in the seat next to the other window
behind Sanders. As I saw this Christen her mother walked up to
the door and as she did she said.
Christen: Molly thats rude.
As she said that I looked at her and as I did she said.
Christen: sorry about her.
As she said that I said.
James Dixon: no problem I have a 3 year old and a 2 year old
cousin back in my old group that I used to love hanging out with
so Im used to being with kids.
As I said that Christen said.
Christen: ok.
As she said that she looked at Molly and she said.
Christen: you behave and listen to Mr. Sanders while were
As she said that Molly said.
Molly: ok mommy.
As she said that Christen backed away from the car and got into
her own in the line and as she did I got in the seat and as I did I
closed the door behind me. As I did I pulled out a bandana a
green one and as I did I tied it around the bite mark on my arm
and as I did Molly looked at me and I said.
James Dixon: wondering if it hurts arent you.

As I said that she shook her head yes and I said.

James Dixon: well it did for a while but thanks to Mr. Sanders here
Im all better.
As I said that Jefferson looked back at me and as he did he smiled
and chuckled as he did Alan poked his head out the window and
as he did he said.
Alan Smith: we ready to go?
As he said that Jack was in the drivers seat of the first car in the
line of 3 cars total and he said.
Jack: yep were ready to go.
As he said that Alan said.
Alan Smith: ok lets get going we have a long 3 days drive ahead
of us.
As he said that he honked his horn 3 times and as he did Jack
started to drive and as he did Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: off to D.C. we go.
As the cars left the back entrance the camera zoomed to the
front of the warehouse and as it did it showed Ryan, Frank, Austin,
Ryan and Madline all coming towards the entrance of the dirt
(Ryan and Franks group)
As they saw the warehouse Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: well Ill be a son of a bitch again.

As he said that he saw the walkers chained to the building and all
the sharpened sticks as he saw them Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: well I think we know now that James is alive for
As he said that Ryan ran up to him and so did the others and Ryan
Ryan Campbell: how can you be sure?
As he said that Frank was staring at the neck of a dead runner
body and as he was he put the barrel of the gun at the knife mark
in the neck and he said.
Frank Sirwits: James uses his knife that way Ive seen how
differently he does it from anyone else that has survived this far.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: your right but we just cant take looking at a dead
runner body to point out if this is James or not.
As he said that he looked at Frank and then the building and he
Ryan Campbell: come on lets check inside the building.
As he said that the next scene showed them all inside the building
and as they entered it Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: just what exactly are we looking for?
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: anything that James might wear or used bullets on
the ground.

As he said that Madline looked on the ground and she saw broken
glass from the bottles that James threw when he entered the
house and as she saw them she said.
Madline Barone: I think I found something.
As she said that everyone walked over to her and as they did
Austin looked at the glass and as he did he said.
Austin: he threw the bottles to make sure there werent any
walkers or runners in the room.
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: that is something James would do.
As he said that Austin said.
Austin: its something that Id do.
As he said that Ryan found the shower that James used and he
Ryan Campbell: guys come have a look at this.
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: come on.
As he said that they all left the glass and as they did they joined
Ryan by the shower and as they did Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: Dam Ryan I guess you were right.
As he said that Ryan saw Jamess hat and he picked it up and he

Ryan Campbell: he must of gotten a new hat.

As he said that he looked at all the holes and tears in the hat and
he said.
Ryan Campbell: Dam.
As he said that he walked over to the shower and as he did Frank
was by him and he said.
Frank Sirwits: the inside of the shower is still we and the
generator is still running.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: guys you might want to come look at this.
As he said that Ryan and Frank walked outside the back door and
as they did they joined Ryan and Madline and they all knelt down
and they were looking at the tire marks in the cement of the back
parking lot and as they were Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: if this was James he didnt stay here that long thats
for sure.
As he said that Ryan touched the mark with one hand and as he
did Madline stood up and walked towards the wall of the building
and she said.
Madline Barone: you guys should come look at this as well.
As she said that they all walked over to the wall she was staring
at and there was a piece of paper that was big and tapped to the
wall and it said. Not safe here theres a sanctuary in D.C. good
luck James. As they saw that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: thats Jamess handwriting.

As he said that the camera zoomed in on Ryan Campbells face

and as it did the next scene showed them inside the warehouse
and they had several back packs on a table and Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: ok James is not that far away from us maybe a
day or 2 ahead of us.
As he said that Madline said.
Madline Barone: what are we going to do now?
As she said that Ryan looked around and he said.
Ryan Campbell: were going to pack up as many food, water, fuel,
and weapons into that station wagon out there thats the only
working looking car there.
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: we better hurry its almost night fall the walkers and
runners are more active at this time of night.
As he said that they all went in separate directions in the
warehouse as they did Ryan was walking down one of the isles
and as he did he stopped and walked backwards. As he did he
saw a sign and as he did it read Weapons as he read it he
smiled. As he did he walked down the aisle and as he did he got
to 4 different set of boxes.
As he did he opened the first box as he did he saw the box that
was a size of a large crate was filled with hunting knifes all in
different sizes. As he saw this he said.
Ryan Fantin: sweet.
As he said that he put the lid back on the box and as he did he
walked over to the second box out of the 4. As he opened itit
was filled with grenades, flash bangs, and tazers. As he saw this

he picked up one of the tazers and as he did he turned it on. As it

did it made a sound and it tazed as it did he said.
Ryan Fantin: cool.
As he said that he put that box lid back on and as he did he
moved to the 3 box and he took the lid off and it was filled with
broad swords, katanas, and machetes. As he saw this he put the
lid back on and he moved to the last box. As he opened it the
camera showed that there were UZIS, AUGS, Colt Law
enforcements, and AK-47s as he saw this he said.
Ryan Fantin: Ive got to show Ryan this.
As he said that he ran towards the table that Ryan was packing
the last of the food into their back packs. As Ryan saw this he
Ryan Fantin: how much food do we have?
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: enough to last us for the next 7 months there
mostly canned goods to.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: good.
As he said that they were quiet for a few seconds and as they
were Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: wheres Frank?
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: getting the car ready for us.

As he said that Ryan said.

Ryan Fantin: good I have something to show you.
As he said that he took him away from the table and as he did he
took him to the weapons aisle.
As he did Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: what do you want to show me?
As he said that Ryan lifted all the lids off of all the boxes and as he
did Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: Dam.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Fantin: you like.
As he said that Ryan walked up to the gun box and he said.
Ryan Campbell: I do.
As he said that he set down his Colt Law enforcement and as he
did he picked up a black AUG and as he did he checked the ammo
and it was full. As he checked it he used the scope to look through
it and as he did he said.
Ryan Campbell: good job Ryan well load all of these onto the top
of the car and tie them down.
As he said that they heard the front door open and as they did
they heard the bell ring. As they did Ryan looked at Ryan and he
whistled quietly as he did he reached into the box and took out an
AK-47 and he tossed it to Ryan and Ryan turned off the safety and
he said.
Ryan Fantin: I dont know how to fire a fully automatic.

As he said that Ryan said.

Ryan Campbell: just watch me its easy.
As he said that they made their way to the front of the store and
as they did they meat up with Austin.
As they did Austin nodded his head at them and as he did they all
were backed up against a row of boxes that were at the front of
the store. As they did Ryan held up his fingers 12...3. As he did
they all turned from behind the box and as they did Ryan and
Austin had surprised looks on their faceses. As they did the
camera reveled that it was James Watkins, Braeden, Conner
Stabnick, Kyle butler, and Michael Kennan. As they saw each other
Kyle said.
Kyle Butler: Ryan Campbell.
As he said that they were silent for a few seconds and as they
were Ryan lowered his gun and he said.
Ryan Campbell: high.
As he said that they all lowered their weapons and as they did the
camera showed that everyone in Kyles small group had
Remington and Richardson pump compact shot guns. As they saw
this Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: what the hell happened to you guys?
As he said that Braeden said.
Braeden: we escaped the hotel before the horde got to us.
As he said that Conner looked at him and he said.
Conner Stabnick: what happened to you guys and how did you

As he said that Ryan looked over at Austin and as he did Austin

Austin: we escaped through the basement the hotel was old it had
underground tunnels so we used those to get away unfortinally
me, Ryan and Frank were the only ones to get away.
As he said that Kyle said.
Kyle Butler: well Im sorry to hear that but Im glad that we found
each other and that we have one more new person on our team.
As he said that Madline came running into the front of the room
with a shovel and as she did she swung it and she said.
Madline Baron: all right drop them.
As she said that everyone looked at her and Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: its all right there friends from our old group.
As he said that Madline looked at Kyle and his group confused and
as she did she said.
Madline Barone: I came up here to tell you that Frank is ready to
start loading up the car with supplies.
As she said that James said.
James Watkins: supplies?
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: even though were split up from everyone else
were still going to D.C. to get to the sanctuary.

As he said that they all started walking towards the back of the
store and as they did Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: besides we could use your help loading up the
(Jamess group)

It was pitch black on the road and as it was Jack who was driving
the first Honda in the line of 3 cars and as he was Jack said.
Jack: I cant see a dam thing.
As he said that he tried to turn the head lights on higher but they
were already as high as they could go. As he did that he said.
Jack: Dam.
As he said that Christen was in the car with him and she sat next
to him and she said.
Christen: maybe we should pull over.
As she said that Jack said.
Jack: no well lose traveling time.
As he said that he started swerving and as he was in the second
green Honda Alan said.
Alan Smith: what the hell is that boys problem swerving all over
the place hell kill somebody.
As he said that Jefferson said.

Jefferson Sanders: we should pull over Ill try contacting him and
then Marie behind us.
As he said that he reached for the walkie talkie and as he did he
Jefferson Sanders: this is Sanders over.
As he said that there was just radio silence and as there was he
Jefferson Sanders: this is Sanders over.
As he said that there was still no answer and as there wasnt he
Jefferson Sanders: maybe there on a different station.
As he said that he started flipping through channels as he did the
camera jumped to the back 2 seats. Molly was waking up and she
saw how dark it was and she got scared and she leaned in on
James. As she did I said.
James Dixon: its ok if anything happens Ill protect you.
As I said that the camera jumped in front of us to Jacks car and as
it did he said.
Jack: the weathers not getting any better.
As he said that he said.
Jack: shit.
As he said that there were 3 walkers in the road and he hit the
one in the middle and as he did he tried to stop the car but it took
him a while to. As he swerved as he was stopping he hit 4 more

walkers till he hit a tree in the road. As he hit the tree a branch
fell through the windshield and it pierced his heart and he died
instantly. As he did Christen was knocked out and she started to
come to as she did she said.
Christen: oh my god.
As she said that she pushed hard on the door to open and as it
did she fell to the ground. As she did Alan came to a stop and so
did Marie in the car behind us as we all stopped Alan stayed in the
car. But Marie, and the 3 other guys in the car with her got out
and they started firing their weapons at the horde of walkers
surrounding them.

As they fired off their shots Sanders looked at the car wreck and
he saw Christen on the ground trying to get up. As he saw here he
started to unbuckle his seat belt as he did Alan said.
Alan Smith: if you go out there youre a dead man.
As he said that Jefferson looked at him and he said.
Jefferson Sanders: I already am.
As he said that he got out of the car and he started firing his
pistol as he did James looked out the window and as he did he
James Dixon: ok Molly Im going to leave you alone just for a little
bit ok I promise Ill come back to get you ok just dont look outside
the window Im going to go help your mommy.
As I said that she nodded her head in agreement and as she did I
James Dixon: lock the doors.

As I said that Alan locked the doors and I rolled down my window
half way and as I did I slid out it. As I got outside I saw Sanders
and I said.
James Dixon: Sanders the other 2 got this lets get to her.
As I said that Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: all right.
As I said that the camera jumped to Christen who was leaning
against the car that was in the tree and as she was she didnt see
the walker that was on the ground and had no legs. As it crawled
over to her it bit her right on the leg and tore a piece of flesh right
out of her. As it did she dropped to the ground screaming.

As she did the walker took another bite out of her as I saw this I
James Dixon: ChristenNo.
As I said that I shot 2 walkers in the head and I walked over to her
and I pulled out my hunting knife and I stabbed my knife right in
the walkers head and it dropped to the ground dead.
As it did I knelt down to Christen and as I did all she said was.
Christen: youre a strong survivor I know youll make it to the end
please take car of my little girl.
As she said that she started gasping for air and as she did she
Christen: Please.
As she said that she died and as she did I said.

James Dixon: shit.

As I said that I shot her in the head and I turned around and I shot
5 walkers that were surrounding me in the head. As I did I walked
around the car and I saw that Jack turned and as I saw this I shot
him in the head. As I did I looked to Sanders and I said.
James Dixon: Sanders.
As I said that Jefferson looked at me and he said.
Jefferson Sanders: yeah.
James Dixon: time to go.
As I said that we ran to the Honda and as we did the camera
showed the 2 men who were firing their guns.
As it did the first guy got bit in the neck and a piece of flesh got
tore out of him then the second guy got his arm and leg bit at the
same time by 2 different walkers and he got his flesh torn off as
well. As we saw this I got in the back seat of the car and as I did
the camera showed Marie and she was still in the drivers seat of
her car. As she was she grabbed a big hunting knife and a
berretta 92FS and as she did she started to make a dash for the
Just as she did Jefferson got in the car and as he did I said.
James Dixon: drive.
As I said that he stepped on the gas pedal all the way and we
spead out of there as we drove away I looked behind us and as I
did the horde of walkers started to drift off in the distance.
As they did Alan said.
Alan Smith: what do we do now?

As he said that I said.

James Dixon: we keep traveling for a few more hours until were
clear of the horde and then we stop the car and park it in the
woods and we all can get some sleep.
As I said that Sanders said.
Jefferson Sanders: good I need some sleep now.
(Alans warehouse)
Everyone was by the station wagon and Frank closed the back
door and he said.
Frank Sirwits: well finally were done.
As he said that Ryan finished up tying the boxes to the car and he
Ryan Campbell: and I just finished up with the last of the weapons
as well.
As he said that they both looked at Kyle and his group and Kyle
had a clip board and he said.
Kyle Butler: ok weve got 3 months wreath of water, 6 months of
food, an unlimited supply of guns with extra ammo for each gun
and we have enough medical supplies to last us till December of
next year and we have enough to get us from here to D.C. and
back again.
As he said that Ryan looked at the car and he said.
Ryan Campbell: that sounds about right.
As he said that the other Ryan looked at the sky and he said.

Ryan Fantin: its already night we should hit the road.

As he said that Conner said.
Conner Stabnick: yeah we should get more road between us and
here as soon as possible so that horde doesnt catch up with us.
As he said that James said.
James Watkins: Im with you on that one.
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: Im driving.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: Ive got shot gun.

As he said that Frank got in the drivers seat and Ryan got in the
seat next to him and Ryan and Madline got in the far back seat.
And Kyle, Conner, James, Austin, and Michael all got in the middle
seats. As they did Frank looked at the tire marks in the ground
and he said.
Frank Sirwits: lets go find our leader.
As he said that he started driving in the section that Jamess
group was in and that was through the dirt (back roads). The next
scene showed the wreck that James and his group was in. The
camera showed the Honda that Marie was parked in still parked
and the door open that she left open. As Frank pulled up to the
spot he slowly stopped and he said.
Frank Sirwits: son of a bitch.

As he said that he stopped the car and he saw the 2 guys that
had the snipers in Jamess group and both had 3 walkers eating
them. As he saw this he looked at Ryan and he said.
Frank Sirwits: you dont think.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: only one way to find out.
As he said that they both took their seat belts off and as they did
they started opening their doors. As they did Frank got out and
Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: only the people on the outside seats get out and
help us with these walkers and move the car.
As he said that Kyle and Austin were the 2 people in the outside
seats so they got out as well. Frank left the car running as he got
out and as they got out Kyle had a sword and there were 2
walkers that were by him and he cut their heads in half and they
dropped to the ground dead.
As they did Austin pulled out his hunting knife and there were 2
walkers just randomly walking by him and he stabbed both of
them in the head. As they drooped to the ground dead Ryan
pulled out his katana and the 3 walkers that were eating the guys
body stared at him and one of them started to stand up. As it did
he swung it and he cut all 3 of their heads in half.
As they dropped to the ground Ryan stabbed the guy in the head
that the walkers were eating. As he did Frank pulled out his
hunting knife and as he did he stabbed 2 of the 3 walkers. His
knife got stuck in the head of the second walker and as it did he
dropped to the ground and the 3rd walker saw him and it started
to walk towards him. As it did there was a gunshot heard and as it
was the walker dropped to the ground dead.

As it did Frank stood up and he pulled the knife out of the walkers
head and as he did everyone stared at the person who made the
gunshot. As they did the camera showed that it was Marie and
she had her hunting knife out along with her berretta 92FS. As she
did Austin and Kyle pointed there colt law enforcements at her
and as they did Austin said.
Austin: drop the gun and the knife and kick it over to us.
As he said that Ryan looked at him and he said.
Ryan Campbell: theres 4 of us and one of her and theres 15 of us
total in the car so she wont be able to jump us if she tried.
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: and since she fired that bullet more walkers and
runners will come towards us. And if they do shell need those
weapons so whats the point of taking them when she needs our
As he said that Marie looked at him and she said.
Marie: howd you know I needed help?
As she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: by that scrap on your arm it looks like it needs
stitches and since youre just randomly here Im guessing that
this must have been your group.
As he said that Marie said.
Marie: yes we were staying at Alans warehouse just down the
road and we ran into a kid with a black hat who made our base a
bit more protected and after we meat him we all decided to go to
D.C. because we all heard that voice on the radio telling us that
its safe there.

As she that Ryan and Frank looked at each other and as they did
Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: and this kid was he around 17 years old and a bit
full of himself and sarcastic.
As he said that Marie said.
Marie: yes why?
As she said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: thats James all right.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: thank god.
As he said that Marie said.
Marie: whats so important about him?
As she said that Ryan said.

Ryan Campbell: were also going to D.C. we heard the same radio
broad cast and James is are leader.
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: or he was.
As he said that Kyle said.
Kyle Butler: still is.
As he said that Austin said.

Austin: who in the hell is James?

As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: shut up.
As he said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: ok since you knew these people and you know
James and where he and them are going.
As he said that Marie said.
Marie: what are you suggesting?
As she said that Ryan looked at Frank and then back at Marie and
he said.
Ryan Campbell: you just became the most important person in
this world right now welcome to the Michigan group survivors
As he said that Marie said.
Marie: my names Marie.
As she said that Ryan said.
Ryan Campbell: Marie welcome to the Michigan group survivors
well personally escort you to your friends and D.C. all at the
same time.
As he said that Marie said.
Marie: great better than staying in this dump.

As she said that Austin and Kyle lowered their weapons and as
they did they all started walking towards the car. As they did
Marie said.
Marie: so boys whats your story?
As she said that Kyle said.
Kyle Butler: well tell you on the way to D.C.
As he said that Frank said.
Frank Sirwits: we have a 2 week drive weve got plenty of time to
catch up with each other.
As he said that he got in the drivers seat of the car and Ryan got
in the seat next to him. Kyle, Austin, and Marie got in the middle
seats and they closed and locked their doors. As they did the
camera stayed panned out on the back of their car and as it did
Marie said.
Marie: so why do you call them walkers?
As she said that everybody sighed and Kyle said.
Kyle Butler: this is going to be a long trip.
(Screen goes black)
(End Scene)

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