Russerction Season 4 Episode 10

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Russerction season 4 episode 10 Shit happens

(James's group)
(side of dirt road)
James and Jack were sitting by a small fire on a dirt road and while Tony was keeping
watch at the end of the group. As James and Jack were sitting by the fire they were
talking about what happened to them in the past few months.
Jack: since you left all we've been doing is running from state to state and Anthony has
been taking everyone he's lost like it was his fault. It's been a rough life since we left the
As he said that James said.
James Dixon: well shit happened to me as well since we left the prison.
As I said that we laughed and as we did Jack said.
Jack: I'd say so.
As he said that I looked around and I noticed that everyone was asleep and as I did I
kicked some dirt on the small fire and as I did it went out and as it did me and Jack stood
up and as we did James said.
James Dixon: well once you've died and came back to life you can complain about how
tough life I...
As I said that I was cut off by a Berretta being put against my check and as I heard the
voice I knew who it was and it was Ross.
Ross: now look what we have here boys.
As he said that the 60 men came out of the woods and as they did Malcolm had an M416
and as he did he aimed it at Jack and Jack dropped his weapons and put them on the
floor in front of him. As he did Germey and Thomas walked out of the woods and as

they did Ross said.

Ross: and just before I was about to go to bed for the night it must be Christmas because
you boys just came into the wrong area.
As he said that one of his men grabbed Molly and another one grabbed Allie and Lilly as
they did James looked at both of them and as he pulled out his revolver Ross swiped it to
the ground. As he did Ross said.
Ross: there will be none of that around here.
As he said that the men laughed and as they did James said.
James Dixon: this is between you and me not any of them.
As I said that the camera showed the rest of the group and the girls and as it did Ross
laughed and as he did he said.
Ross: you see this is what I call irony.
As he said that Malcolm said.
Malcolm: you got that right.
As he said that Ross said.
Ross: you know for those few months were you held me and my friend Malcolm here
captive you had your friend there torture us for information.
As he said that Malcolm nodded in agreement and as he did James tried to get up and as
he did Ross held onto his shoulders and as he did he said.
Ross: you know you never even bothered to learn are names and you know what were
going to do now?
As he said that he leaned in to my ear and as he did he said.
Ross: first were going to beat Jack up to near death over there and then will have a turn
with your little cousins then the bigger girl. And after that will shoot everyone in this

group one by one until we get down to you then will decide what to do with you when
we get to that point.
As he said that he laughed and as he did the men who had Molly, Allie, and Lilly threw
them to the ground and as they did they started screaming and as they did 5 men started
to beat up Jack. As they did James was talking to him self and as he was he was saying.
James Dixon: you leave them alone you son of a bitch.
As he said that Ross said.
Ross: or your going to do what you piece of...
As he was cut off I head butted him in the stomach and as I did at the same time he fired
his gun right by my ear as it started to ring. As it did he kicked me in the side and
punched me at the same time and I dropped to the ground and I spit up blood as I did. As
I did Ross gained control over himself and as he did he aimed his gun at me and as he
did he said.
Ross: your one tough bastard I'll give you that one.
As he said that he took a breath and as he did he said.
Ross: I just wish that the rest of your group was here to see me do what I'm about to do
As he said that I glared at him and as I did I stood up and I lunged up against him but I
was to weak so I just leaned on him and as I did he said.
Ross: so what's your plan now you kill me I still have 60 men here that will take my...
As he said that I took the arm that had his gun in it and I twisted it backwards breaking it
and as I did I made him shoot his own knee and he dropped to the ground. As he did he
was screaming and as he was the people in his group stopped what they were doing to
look at me and as they did Colonel Jackson and Ryan Campbell shot the men who were
beating up Jack.
As they did Jack stared to kill the men from Rosses group as well as they were Tony
went to the ground and got his shotgun and he shot the 3 men that had him captive and

as he did he aimed his gun at the man who had Kyle and he shot him in the head and as
he did Kyle grabbed his gun and he started shooting up the men. As the others joined in
on killing the men they were finishing up killing them the camera showed that they left
the 5 men who had the kids captive still alive and Germey and Thomas were still alive
and the camera jumped back to James and as it did it showed him talking to Ross and as
it did he said.
James Dixon: this is for what you did you son of a bitch.
As I said that the gun Ross had was still in his hand and I made him pull the trigger
shooting him in the head. As he dropped to the ground dead the men who had the kids
started to run but for 2 of them I shot and killed the 3 men who ran instantly and as I did
I walked over to the 2 men and I shot one of them in the stomach and in the knees and as
I did I said.
James Dixon: you die slowly.
As I said that I walked over to the other 2 men and as I did I pulled out my knife and as I
did the man said.
Man: please don't kill me.
As he said that I just tilted my head and as I did I stabbed him in the stomach and as I
did I held it in there for a few seconds and as I did I slide my knife up to his neck and as
I did I didn't move my knife from his body when I did it to him. As I got to his neck I
stabbed him 5 times and I let him drop to the ground dead. As I did I walked over to the
other guy and as I did I said.
James Dixon: your turn.
As I said that I started to stab him the same way as I did Malcolm saw what was
happening and as he did he started to run and as he did Tony and Colonel Jackson
stopped him and held on to him. As they did the group finished killing off the men
except for Germey and Thomas as the group finished killing the men they all stopped to
look at me and as they did I finished killing the man and as I did I turned around and I
saw Malcolm.
As I did I walked up to him and I shot him in the heart as I did Tony and Colonel

Jackson let him go and let his body drop to the ground dead. As they did they just looked
at me and as they did I saw that Thomas and Germey were still alive and as I did Robert
and Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: what should we do with them?
As they said that I looked at them and I made them stand up and as I did I handed them
there weapons back and as I did I said.
James Dixon: they need to deliver a message to the rest of the world for me.
As I said that I looked both of them in the eye and they were afraid and as I did I said.
James Dixon: let this be an example to anyone who tries to hurt or capture another
member of our group.
As I said that I stopped and I looked at them and as I did I said.
James Dixon: get the hell out of my sight.
As I said that they both got up and they ran for the woods as they did Kyle walked up to
Anthony and he whispered into his ear. As he did Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: there still alive.
As he said that I looked at him as I picked up my revolver and as I did I said.
James Dixon: who's still alive?
As he said that I walked with Anthony and Kyle to see who they were talking about and
as I did the camera showed Randle and Stu. As it did Anthony walked up to them and as
he did he said.
Anthony Allen: what in the hell happened to you guy's?
As he said that Randle said.
Randle: after the bus exploded back when that horde hit us we ran as fast as we could as

far away as we could. After a few hours of running we ran into these guy's we had no
idea that they were enemies of your's.
As he said that the whole time they were talking I was looking at them confused and as I
was Stu said.
Stu: we thought that they were good people until we heard what happened to them.
As he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: they were part of a group who's leader called himself the president even
though he has nothing to do with the government. He's the reason were always on the
run we ran into them about 2 years back when they were attacking us on there supply
run for no reason.
As he said that they were silent and as they were I said.
James Dixon: I don't care who you 2 are but since Anthony say's your good people your
one of us.
As I said that I walked away and as I did they all just looked at me and as they did I said.
James Dixon: we start moving first thing in the morning.
As I said that Stu said.
Stu: who in the hell is that?
As he said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: that was James our group's original and now currently our leader.
As he said that the camera showed them looking at James as he sat down with his
cousins and Molly and as he did he started to sleep as he did Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: well we better get some sleep if were going to make it to the safe zone in
the next 2 days.

(James's group)
(Side of dirt road)
The group was walking down the dirt road when they decided to travel in the forest in
case they came across another group like the one they just ran into. As they were in the
forest they were all quiet when all of a sodden they heard signing. As they did Randle
Randle: is that singing?
As he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: I do believe it is.
As he said that they looked along the dirt path they were traveling and as they did Alexis
Alexis: do you think it could be people from our group?
As she said that Jack walked ahead of everyone els and Anthony was behind him and
they had there crossbow's out and as they did Jack said.
Jack: only one way to find out.
As he said that they all started walking and as they did the senator said.
Senator Ronald Davis: are you sure we should go that way it could be a trap?
As he said that everyone just ignored him and as they did he looked left and right and
behind him and as he did he said.
Senator Ronald Davis: I should have stayed at the white house.
As he said that the camera showed the group coming out of the forest to a field
surrounded by trees with a big empty front yard and no fencing and a big back yard with
no fencing and there was an old wooden church in the middle of the field that the
singing was coming from. As they saw this the group slowly walked in line formation
going up to the church with Jack leading the line and Savanna ending the line and

Anthony behind Jack.

As they entered the church the music was louder and as it was the song the people were
singing This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine as they heard it they all walked
faster till they found the center of the church and as they did they stopped by the doors
that lead into the main part of it. As they did Maria and Savanna got up against the side
of the doors and Jack and Anthony got there bows ready and James pulled out his
As he did he nodded his head and as he did Jack and Anthony grabbed the handles to the
doors and they opened inwards and as they did Maria and Savanna went in after them
and as they did James walked right down the main isles of the church benches in the
middle of the room and course kept singing the same song and as they did the priest was
turned around and as he was James kept his revolver pointed at him. As he did the priest
turned around and as he did he said.
Priest: welcome back James.
As he did the group was stunned and as they were the camera zoomed in on the priest's
face and it was Steve. As he said that the people stopped singing and as they did Tony
Tony Gabba: how can this be you died 2 years ago.
As he said that Steve said.
Steve: who here hasn't died in this room at least once.
As he said that they all looked at James and as they did James said.
James Dixon: what I went to purgatory I wasn't really dead and since I was there you
know that there would be life after death.
As he said that Steve said.
Steve: the wholy lord brought us the group here to save us.
As he said that the entire people in the church said.

Church People: Amen.

As they said that Steve said.
Steve: this isn't just any ordinary group no.
As he said that he paused and as he did he said.
Steve: this is the Michigan Group Survivors and you know what were going to do to
them today.
As he said that everyone was quiet and as they were Steve looked at James and as he did
he said.
Steve: look around this room.
As he said that we all looked around the room and as we did Jack said.
Jack: these are all people we've killed.
As he said that Steve said.
Steve: your right my crossbow wielding friend.
As he said that he focused his attention to the church people and as he did Steve said.
Steve: were going to punish them for there sins.
As he said that the church people said.
Church People: Amen.
As they said that everyone started to get nerves and as they did Tony pumped his shot
gun and as he did he said.
Tony Gabba: I don't like the sound of this.
As he said that everyone got there weapons ready and as they did James said.

James Dixon: were leaving now.

As he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: I'll follow your lead.
As he said that I looked right at Steve as he did to me and as he did I said.
James Dixon: go...go.
As I said that we rushed to the door and as we did Steve snapped his fingers and the
doors shut and locked as they did everyone turned around and as they did Steve said.
Steve: no you don't.
As he said that the people from the church pews started to stand and stare at the people
from James's group as they did James said.
James Dixon: Open fire.
As he said that James aimed his revolver at Steve and he unloaded it on him as the rest
of the group did to the people in the church. As they all finished shooting they reloaded
and as they did the gun shots did nothing not even left a scratch on the people. As we
reloaded James said.
James Dixon: what the fuck.
As he said that Steve said.
Steve: you really didn't think you could kill a ghost now did you.
As he said that Steve said.
Steve: get them.
As he said that all the people in the church jumped at James's group and as they did
Maria went for Molly, Allie, and Lilly, and as they did James said.

James Dixon: NO.

As he said that the room went dark as it did the camera showed a dark room with one
light that was dim light the room and it showed James running and as he did he hit the
wall in the room. As he did he said.
James Dixon: son of a bitch.
As he said that Steve's voice was heard in the room but you couldn't see him.
Steve: welcome to your new jail cell you might find it quite unconformable for your stay
As he said that James reloaded his revolver and he pulled it out and as he did he said.
James Dixon: show yourself you bastard.
As he said that Steve showed himself and as he did James fired his revolver at him twice
and as he did Steve said.
Steve: you can do that till you run out of ammo for all I care because when I realize you
before the boys upstairs realize that I'm down here doing this to you there'll be a boat
load of walkers awaiting for you once you get out of this place.
As he said that the camera jumped to Maria and she was with the kids and as she was in
a room just like James was when she heard a women's voice.
Women: welcome to your dungeon.
As she said that Maria fired her M4-A1 at the ceiling and as she did she said.
Maria Garcia: who in the hell are you?
As she said that the women appeared and as she did she said.
Women: you don't remember the first person that you killed back in redford.

As she said that Maria looked at her and as she did she said.
Maria Garcia: Alice.
As she said that Alice said.
Alice: surprised to see me bitch.
As she said that the camera jumped to Anthony and he was in the same kind of room as
the others were in and as he was he heard several different voices of the people he left
behind in the hotel back in California. As he heard the voices one of the ghost's showed
themselves to him and it was a kid and as he looked at him Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: what the hell.
As he said that the camera jumped to Jack and he was in the same dark one light room as
the others and as he was he had his crossbow ready and as he did a ghost formed around
behind him. As it did the ghost was a man and he said.
Man: hello.
As he said that Jack turned around and as he did he lowered his crossbow and as he did
he said.
Jack: who in the hell are you?
As he said that the man said.
Man: you mean you forgot that one night in Boston right before the outbreak did you.
As he said that Jack said.
Jack: Abraham.
As he said that Abraham said.
Abraham: well done my old friend.

As he said that Jack said.

Jack: what in the hell is going on here?
As he said that Abraham said.
Abraham: your being punished for what you did to me.
As he said that Jack said.
Jack: that was 4 years ago I'm a changed man this plague does things to you.
As he said that Abraham said.
Abraham: then I guess that's what was going through your mind when you stabbed me in
the back with that knife of your's.
As he said that Jack said.
Jack: I had a family to protect and I had my children to look after.
As he said that Abraham looked at him and he said.
Abraham: your wife was a whore and your son and daughter were going to die sooner or
later anyway.
As he said that Jack just glared at him and as he did Abraham walked up to him and as
he did he said.
Abraham: I've been waiting for this since I got to purgatory.
As he said that he was right by Jack and as he was he kicked him in the side and Jack
dropped to the ground and as he did Abraham said.
Abraham: not so tough now are you.
As he said that he started to punch Jack while he was on the ground as he did the camera
jumped to James and as it did Steve punched him and he was spitting up blood and as he

was James said.

James Dixon: please stop...please.
As he said that Steve said.
Steve: I don't think so.
As he said that he continued to punch him and as he did the camera jumped to Anthony
as he punched him the 3rd time.
In Anthony's room the kid was a boy around age 10 and as he saw him Anthony
recgonized him and as he did he said.
Anthony Allen: hey I remember you I rescued you from that house with Randle and Stu
from those runners.
As he said that the boy said.
Boy: yes you did but you left me behind at the hotel back in California and that made me
very angry after I died.
As he said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: well that wasn't my...
As he said that he was cut off by the boy who held up his hand in a twisting motion and
as he did Anthony bent forward and he gripped his stomach and as he did he said.
Anthony Allen: what the fuck are you doing to me?
As he said that the boy didn't answer him and as he didn't Anthony started to spit up
blood and he dropped to the floor. As he did the camera jumped to Maria and she was
the same way as Anthony and as she was Alice was talking to her and as she was she
was saying.
Alice: you could have saved me when you were leaving that school 4 years ago but you

As she said that Maria was on the ground and as she was she was looking at the kids
across the room huddled together and as she saw them nothing was happening to them
and as she saw this she said.
Maria Garcia: I didn't have any weapons at the time and I was only 14 now I'm 17 and I
know what the walkers and runners can do to you if I knew what I know now then I
would have saved you...
As she said that she was cut off and as she was she said.
Alice: could of but you didn't,
As she said that Maria started to through up blood and as she did the camera jumped to
James again.
As it did Steve was still punching James and as he was James looked like he was near
death and as he was picked up by Steve he said.
Steve: were almost done.
As he said that he was choking me and as he was I was saying please stop over and over
again and as I was about to die there was a bright flash of light and as there was Joe was
in the room and as he was he tackled Steve to the ground and as he did Steve disapered
but Joe didn't. As Joe looked around the room I saw him and as I did I said.
James Dixon: Joe.
As he saw me he said.
Joe: everything is ok were here now.
As he said that he touched my forehead with 2 fingers and I was instantly healed and as I
was the camera jumped to Anthony and he was standing and as he was he saw a bright
flash of light and as he did Kevin appeared in the room and as he did he fought the ghost
boy for a few seconds unil he was gone and as he was gone Kevin walked over to
Anthony who was on the ground now and looking up at him as Kevin held up 2 fingers
to Anthony's forehead he said.
Anthony Allen: Kevin...I thought you were dead.

As he said that Anthony was fully healed and as he was Kevin grabbed him and there
was another flash of bright light and Anthony was out of the room he was in. The
camera jumped to Maria and she was close to death like James was and as she was about
to black out she saw a bright flash of white light and Jessica appeared. And she fought
off Alice for a few minuets and as she did Alice disapered with a bright flash of light and
as she did Jessica looked around the room and she saw the kids and she walked over to
them and she touched Molly who held onto Allie and Lilly. As she did they also
disapered with a bright flash of light and as they did she looked around the room again
and she saw Maria.
As she saw Maria she walked over to her and as she did Maria said.
Maria Garcia: Jessica.
As she said that Jessica said.
Jessica: don't die on me.
As she said that she touched her forehead and as she did Maria was healed and as she
was she held onto Maria and they both disapered from the room they were in. The
camera jumped to Jack and as he was about to die he looked up at Abraham and as he
did he saw 3 flashes of light and 2 people came out from it. A blond women in her late
40's and a little boy at age 4 and a 10 year old girl appeared and as they fought Abraham
and as he lost he disapered with a bright flash of light and the women walked over to
Jack and as she did Jack said.
Jack: your alive?
As he said that the women touched his forehead and as she did she said.
Women: everything will be alright now honey.
As she said that they all disapered from the room and as they did they were all in the
main church room. As they were everyone was in full health as they were all a group
again James looked at Robert and the others and as he did he said.
James Dixon: where in the hell were you guy's?

As he said that Robert said.

Robert Seton: we were all in a holding cell in a dark room wondering where you guy's
As he said that Tony said.
Tony Gabba: till we saw a flash of bright light and then we saw John Clarkson's wife
appear out of know where and she saved us.
As he said that the senator said.
Senator Ronald Davis: can someone please tell me what in the hell is going on here
because I'm very confused right now.
As he said that Lisa Clarkson, Joe, Kevin, Jessica, and Jack's wife and kids showed up
in the front of the church. As they did Lisa Clarkson said.
Lisa Clarkson: all will be explained soon senator but for now you all must go.
As she said that Colonel Jackson said.
Colonel Jackson: but there are walkers out there like Steve said.
As he said that Joe said.
Joe: he was lying we will set you on a trail that should take you right to the safe zone
that you are heading to. That is safe and walker and group traveling free.
As he said that Jack was just glaring at his wife and as he was Alexis saw this and as she
did she said.
Alexis: who is that?
As she said that Jack said.
Jack: not important.

As he said that Kevin said.

Kevin: you all need to leave now so we can finish up doing what we need to do here.
As he said that all of them snapped there fingers and we were all transported outside the
church and as we were we all stared at it and as we did Kyle said.
Kyle Butler: what do we do now?
As he said that James said.
James Dixon: we go to the safe zone.
As I said that we all started to turn around and walk and as we did I said.
James Dixon: I've got first point.
As he said that he walked ahead of everyone else and as he did we were halfway to the
forest when the church lifted up in the air and it crumbled up into a ball and it went into
a portal like circle in the air. As it did we all saw it and as we did I said.
James Dixon: we don't tell anyone els what happened today.
As I said that everyone said Agreed at the same time and as they did we all started
walking in the forest. A few hours of walking we got to the rail road sign's that said the
name of the safe zone's on it and as we got to it I said.
James Dixon: we travel through the forest so they don't see us coming.
As I said that we all entered the forest and as we did we were all walking and Anthony
was talking to me.
Anthony Allen: you know what just happened the other night you can always talk about
it with me.
As he said that I looked around the group and saw how they were looking at me and as
he said that I said.

James Dixon: yeah let's just say I never did any of that and just keep it a secret between
the 22 of us here.
As I said that I noticed that the forest was ending and as I did I said.
James Dixon: we need to spread out so we know what were dealing with before we go
right in there.
As he said that everyone split up in groups of 2 except for me and as I saw this I said.
James Dixon: we'll meet back here.
As I said that it took 10 minuets for everyone to rejoin together and as we did I said.
James Dixon: drop the bag of guns if you have them and dig a whole big enough and
remember where we burred them.
As I said that everyone with a duffel bag started to dig a small whole and as they did we
lined up the bag's and as we did I took out my revolver and I opened the last duffel bag
and I put it in and as I did Anthony and Jack looked at me and I took out my desert eagle
and as I did I said.
James Dixon: just in case.
As I said that we put dirt over the bag's and we all walked up to the back fencing of the
train yard and as we did we all stared into it and we saw know one on the roof or
walking on the ground and as I saw this I said.
James Dixon: let's make this quick.
As I said that I was the first one to climb over the fence and as I was the next scene
showed us entering the back entrance to the main budging as we entered Anthony and
Jack entered first because of there crossbow's and I entered behind them. As we walked
down the hallway we heard a man's voice.
Man: Sangaw Bay train station terminus safe zone...we have food, water, and what ever
else you need to have to survive...those who arrive...

The person was cut off when he looked up and he saw Jack, Anthony, and James Dixon
enter first. As we did there were 10 people in the room and they were all dressed nice
and they looked like they have showered previously and they didn't smell. As they saw
us there was a women in her mid 20's who looked more like a teenager who had black
died hair and as she saw us she walked up to us and as she did she said.
Marcy Phill: my name is Marcy and I am the leader of this fine Establishment.
As she said that we just looked at her and we lowered our weapons and as we did she
Marcy Phill: you kid's look like you've been through hell.
As she said that Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: we have.
As he said that she looked at Jack and as she did she said.
Marcy Phill: your the only adult with them.
As she said that Jack said.
Jack: I am.
As he said that Alexis, Molly, Allie, Lilly, Senator Ronald Davis, Jefferson Sanders,
Marie, and Alan Smith were all outside the fencing in the forest watching the main
building and as they were Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: this plan better work.
Back inside the building Marcy said.
Marcy Phill: ok if you follow me I'll take you to our outside faculty it's a much more
nicer welcome wagon then back here.
As she said that Robert said.

Robert Seton: your not going to search us?

As he said that she said.
Marcy Phill: do we need to?
As she said that there was no answer and as there was she said.
Marcy Phill: just follow me.
As she said that we all followed her out of the room and as we did there were no guards
that followed us with her. As we saw this Kyle said.
Kyle Butler: no guards.
As he said that Marcy said.
Marcy Phill: we've never needed them since all the people who've joined us just join our
group right after they see this place. There are a lot of kids your age and some adults that
are his age to.
As she said that she pointed to Jack and as she did we all walked outside the main
courtyard and as we were outside we noticed how quiet it was and there were no kids
and as we got to the center of the yard she stood in it and as she did Braeden asked.
Braden Whitlaw: where are all the people?
As he said that Marcy said.
Marcy Phill: there inside let me tell them.
As she said that she pulled out her walkie talkie radio and she started to turn it on and as
she did she started to flip through the channels on it. As she did we were talking in a
huddle formation.
Conner Stabnick: this could be the real deal guy's I say we screw the rocky Mt's and live
out this apocalypse here.

As he said that Jack said.

Jack: what about the senator we just can't stop in the middle of our mission and besides
this place is creeping me out.
As he said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: yeah I don't get it either Marcy seems to nice and no guards come on who
doesn't have guards in a zombie apocalypse.
As he said that James said.
James Dixon: all right guy's calm down I agree with you just stay on alert and if
anything goes bad make a b line to the forest to join up with the other's.
As I said that we faced Marcy and as we did she said.
Marcy Phill: if you follow me I'll bring you to the rest of our community.
As she said that she started walking to a fenced area and as she did she opened it and as
she did we all walked in the area with her. As we did we saw 25 people half kids half
adults the adults had weapons and the kids didn't as we walked further in Marcy said.
Marcy Phill: well here you are make your self's at home.
As we walked further into the area we saw where they parked there car's as we looked at
them I noticed Robert's escalade with the boat still attached to it. As I saw this we
scanned the car line and we came across our Winnebago and as we went to the buses
part we saw the prison bus that had the Michigan group survivors painted on it as we
saw this Marcy was closet's to me and as she was I grabbed her and I pulled out my
desert eagle and as I did everyone that was with me in my group got there weapons
ready and as they did I put the end of the gun up to her check and as I did I said.
James Dixon: where in the hell did you get that prison bus?
As I said that Marcy just looked at me as the adults in the group got there weapons out
and we were at a standoff.

(Flash Back)
(17 months ago)
(Side of dirt road)
(Anthony's group)
The group was on the side of the dirt road and they were all in front of the cars and as
they were Robert, Tony, and Anthony were all blind folded and Ralph and Timon were
leading them to the cars that were lined up. As they were being walked to the car's
Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: this better not be another early birthday surprise like last year guys.
As he said that Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: it's not trust me you'll like it.
As he said that they stopped walking and as they did Timon said.
Timon Sherman: you can take the blindfolds off now.
As he said that they all took off there blindfolds and as they did Anthony and the others
smiled and as they did Anthony said.
Anthony Allen: you didn't have to do this.
As he said that the camera showed that they had the words Michigan group survivors
painted in black along the prison bus as well as the Winnebago as well as the rest of the
cars and as they saw this John Clarkson said.
John Clarkson: half this group is from Michigan and that's where we formed our group
in Michigan 3 years ago at the begging of this outbreak. It was the least we could do and
most groups have a name if there surviving this long just like the President's town was
named eaden.
As he said that Anthony said.

Anthony Allen: then it's official we are the Michigan group survivors.
As he said that the whole group started to clap and cheer.
(End Flash Back)
The camera went back to the train terminus and James still had his gun to Marcy's face
and he asked the same question again.
James Dixon: I'll ask one more time where in the hell did you get that bus?
As he said that he was interrupted by a man's voice and his name was Markus and as he
walked through the gate with 15 other men with high powered guns he said.
Markus Phill: one of the survivors in the group had the bus that the used to escape a city
full of zombies.
As he said that I looked at him still holding Marcy and I said.
James Dixon: why is the bus have Michigan spray painted on it?
As I said that Markus said.
Markus Phill: one of the survivors was from Michigan and he wanted to ride out in style.
As he said that I looked at the winnebago and as I did I said.
James Dixon: what about the Winnebago and the Escalade with the boat attached to it.
As I said that Markus said.
Markus Phill: the truck was from a fishermen from lake Michigan and the Winnebago
was a gift to us that was already here. Any other questions?
As he said that we didn't answer him and as we didn't he said.
Markus Phill: would you please hand over my sister I wouldn't want to kill kid's today.

As he said that I saw 4 snipers come onto the roof in front of me and as they did I said.
James Dixon: enough of this bull shit.
As I said that I nodded at Jack and as I did he fired his crossbow killing the man on the
roof and as I did I shot Marcy in the hip and I let her go and as I did I said.
James Dixon: go run.
As I said that everyone started to run and as they did I waited to run last as Jack ran first
and I fired my gun at the adults who had guns. As I did I closed the gate behind me and I
locked it with the lock that was on it. As I did Markus ran to his sister and as he did he
Markus Phill: please don't die on me now.
As he said that she started to speak to him and as she did she whispered into his ear and
with her last breath she died and as she did the camera zoomed in on his face and he was
pissed. As he was he looked at one of his guards and as he did he said.
Markus Phill: give me your side arm.
As he said that the guard gave him a glock 17 and as he did he walked up to the gate that
8 other guards were trying to find the key's to open it and when he walked up to it he
Markus Phill: out of my way.
As he said that he aimed his glock at the lock and as he did he fired it and the lock broke
and as it did he was the first through the gate and as he was he said.
Markus Phill: everyone follow me.
As he said that the camera jumped to James and the others were now inside the building
running around and being locked in cretin areas. As they all came to a room to catch a
breath Robert said.

Robert Seton: why in the hell are they not killing us you just killed the man's sister.
As he said that James said.
James Dixon: I don't know and I don't really care right now we need to regroup with
Sanders and the others and figure out a way to get the rest of our people out of here if
the bus is here and the Winnebago that means half our people might be still alive.
As I said that I finished reloading my revolver and as I did I looked at a door that was
unlocked and as I did I said.
James Dixon: follow me.
As I said that we all left that room and as soon as we did there was a sniper on the roof
and he fired at our feet and as we did we started to run in the other direction and as we
did I said.
James Dixon: this way.
As I said that there were snipers at every turn and as there were we were running Robert
got shot in the back of the leg and as he was he dropped to the ground but Conner and
Braeden grabbed him as he fell and as they did I looked back at him and as I did I said.
James Dixon: are you all right?
As I said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: the bullet went right through I'll be fine.
As he said that I said.
James Dixon: good let's keep moving were almost there.
As I said that the camera jumped to the forest and as it did Sanders was looking through
a pair of binoculars and as he was Alexis said.
Alexis: we've been hearing gun fire for the past 20 minuets I say we go in there and help

As she said that Alan said.

Alan Smith: we stick to the plan because if they get captured we can get them out.
As he said that Alexis said.
Alexis: so were just supposed to wait here then till they get captured.
As she said that Sanders was still looking through his binoculars and as he was he said.
Jefferson Sanders: yes.
As he said that Alexis said.
Alexis: well that's a stupid plan.
As she said that Sanders said.
Jefferson Sanders: well it's a plan.
As he said that Alexis looked around and as she did she said.
Alexis: where is the senator?
As she said that the camera showed the senator and as it did he had his hands held up
like a gun was being pointed at him and as they all turned to see him he said.
Senator Ronald Davis: I've brought a friend with me to.
As he said that there was a man with his face covered in a light blanket mask with a
revolver pointing at his back and he pulled back the ammo trigger and as he did the
senator said.
Senator Ronald Davis: he wants all of our stuff.
As he said that Sanders was still looking through his binoculars while this was all

Back in the train yard James and his group were still running and as they were they got
to the corner that they need to get to to get to the fencing where they entered the area. As
they turned the corner James said.
James Dixon: look we've made it.
As I said that we started to move faster towards the back fences as we did we were
stopped by a gun shot right by my feet and as I stopped the camera showed Markus with
the 25 adults with him right in front of us where we needed to go. As we saw him 15
more people came from out behind the bushes and as they did Markus said.
Markus Phill: I only see 2 options for you and your people.
As he said that I looked at him and as I did he said.
Markus Phill: 1: I know that you are the Michigan Group Survivors and I know that your
name is James Dixon and you are there leader and since you killed my sister I kill you.
As he said that he paused and as he did I said.
James Dixon: what's your second option?
As I said that Markus said.
Markus Phill: we capture you and make you our trophies like we did with the rest of
your crew and we make a museum out of your history in this apocalypse and who ever
survives till the end can come see you and your group and I'll make some side money on
that and you'll get to live.
As he said that I looked at Jack and Anthony and Robert and they all shook there heades
no and as they did I looked back at Markus and as I did I said.
James Dixon: we'll do it your way.
As I said that the camera zoomed in on Markus and as it did he smiled and as he did he
Markus Phill: I'd new you'd chose life over death.

The camera jumped back to Jefferson and his small group and as it Sanders turned to the
guy who had senator Davis captive and as he did he saw his face and he said.
Jefferson Sanders: oh my god it's David Pegouske one of the original Michigan group
As he said that David looked at him and as he did he said.
David Pegouske: oh my god it's Jefferson Sanders.
As he said that they both looked at each other and as they did David lowered his gun and
as he did he said.
David Pegouske: are these people with you?
As he said that Sanders said.
Jefferson Sanders: yes they are.
As he said that David said.
David Pegouske: ok then your with me and the 2 people that you should remember.
As he said that he looked at the direction that James and the people that he was with and
as he did he said.
David Pegouske: oh no.
As he said that the group turned back to the building and as they did they saw that James
was outnumbered by 40 men. As they saw this David said.
David Pegouske: this is bad.
As he said that Alan asked.
Alan Smith: why is this bad?
As he said that David said.

David Pegouske: do you see those 6 train cars there in the back.
As he said that they all saw them and as they did Jefferson said.
Jefferson Sanders: yeah the ones that are physically put together to make one big car
As he said that David said.
David Pegouske: I saw the others get put into the cart as well but for some reason they
take military personal somewhere else I saw them take General Herman myself.
As he said that he saw 5 of the 15 guards outside the fencing start to come there way and
as they did David said.
David Pegouske: follow me there's a safe place where I've been staying.
As he said that they all starte to leave following David and as they did the camera
jumped back to James group. They had all there weapons laid out on the floor and as
they did Markus said.
Markus Phill: I'm going to have you go to that train car one by one till your all there and
I want you all to walk understand if you try to run you wont even make it after your first
As he said that I nodded my head and as I did he said.
Markus Phill: I want the Mexican girl followed by the white girl to go first.
As he said that he was talking about Maria and Savanna and as he was they looked at me
and as they did I nodded for them to go and as I did they slowly started walking and as
they did Markus said.
Markus Phill: we don't have all day.
As he said that they waited in line at the entrance of the car door and as they did Markus

Markus Phill: I want the the 5 of you to go one by one.

As he said that he was talking about Kyle, James Watkins, Braeden, Conner, and
Michael Kennan to go and they all walked slowly to the car door and they all got in line
behind the other's as they did. As they were in line me, Anthony, Jack, Robert, Tony, and
Colonel Jackson were the only one's left and as he saw us he looked at Tony and as he
did he said.
Markus Phill: ok I want you and the archer to go.
As he said that Jack glared at him and then looked at me and so did Tony as they did I
looked back at them and as I did Jack walked first and Tony walked behind him as he
did they both got in line as well as they did Markus looked at Anthony and Robert and as
he did he said.
Markus Phill: I want the second and third in command to go next.
As he said that Anthony had Robert leaning on him and as he did he walked slowly and
they both got in line. As they did it was down to me and Colonel Jackson and as it was
we looked at each other and as we did Markus said.
Markus Phill: now I want ring leader.
As he said that I looked at him and then at Colonel Jackson and as I did I said.
James Dixon: good luck.
As I said that Colonel Jackson said.
Colonel Jackson: see you on the inside.
As he said that I started to walk and I joined the line and as I did Markus said.
Markus Phill: I want the Mexican to open the door and I want all of you to enter as you
are now.
As he said that Maria unlocked the car and as she did Markus said.

Markus Phill: now go up to the car one at a time and like I said before don't triy anything
As he said that we started to enter the car and as we did I was almost to the front and as I
was about to go inside the car as I was I said.
James Dixon: not with out him.
As I said that I was looking at Colonel Jackson and as I was Markus said.
Markus Phill: if you don't go follow my directions now we'll shoot him right here in
front of you.
As he said that I looked back at Colonel Jackson and as I did he said.
Colonel Jackson: go James I'll be fine.
As he said that I looked at him and as I did he said.
Colonel Jackson: we've been through worse.
As he said that I nodded my head at him for luck and as I did I looked at the darkness of
the train car and as I did I looked back at Colonel Jackson one more time and as I did I
saw 10 guards come up to him and take him inside the building we were by. As I saw
this I was inside the car and as I was I looked outside the open door and as I did I saw 20
guards start to circle the cart and as I did 4 of them came up to the sliding car door and
they closed it and I heard chains and locks being put on it.
As I saw Anthony, Robert, Tony and the others I said.
James Dixon: good were all here.
As I said that Robert said.
Robert Seton: where's Colonel Jackson?

As he said that I just glared at him and everyone understood what I meant and as they
did they saw movement in the shadows of the car as we did we got in our group
formation. As we did we saw a person walk up to us and as we saw was Larry
Baker and Abigail Gavin as we saw them Larry said.
Larry Baker: James.
As he said that the others stepped forward and everyone from James's family were there
and so were the surviving Gavin family members and John Clarkson and his son and the
ogdens and the abelas and so were all of the teachers. As Cherrie saw me she said.
Cherrie Coe: are my girls safe?
As she said that I looked at her and I said.
James Dixon: yes they are there with a friend.
As I said that I looked around the room and I said.
James Dixon: the only thing that matters is that were all here and were all alive and well.
As I said that the president of the united states was behind my dad and he said.
President Allestar: for how ever long that is.
As he said that we all looked at him and as we did Kailie was there and she said.
Kailie Kennedy: long story.
As she said that Lucas Gavin was there as well and as he was he said.
Lucas Gavin: what are we going to do now?
As he said that I looked at the group and then at the door that we were locked in from
and as I did the camera zoomed in on my face the dark half my hat was covering and I

James Dixon: there going to feel pretty stupid when they find out.
As I said that one of the 5 secret service men who was with the president asked.
Secret Service Man 1: when they find out what?
As he said that my body faced the door and my head faced the group and I said.
James Dixon: There Fucking with the wrong people.
(Screen goes black)
(End scene)

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