Mortal Kombat II - 1994 - Acclaim Entertainment

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Litt ee | ro Pet hes NOT io pac coc Samra serone 7 Pah Nea SNe OR ERE esd ST LSU eee uC en) CO Cuma wu og teem Lm Connie Tice teeny Peer eae ag unbalancing the furies of the realm, allowing eos cme Sus enter the dominion and rule forever. He was defeated. RC RCE UC RUC eR Pee eee eae aut Shao Kahn™, supreme ruler of the ‘Outworld, the Astral Planes of Shokan and the surrounding kingdoms. With the apparent OT ORC CE Cu CU iy AMO CMe unm Cacn iat so evil and twisted even Kahn” was persuaded to grant him one final opportunity to redeem SMU Ee R ULL bizarre Outworld where they would face a new Cetera cng ae a e AOC Te ee re AEM Cre ras tue 1. Make sure the power switch is OFF. ec Ges cout DT ee Secu Ea Poe a Pcie pera Rea press the START button Peer Ones Meee ret tc eee ce Ceara a P en ral) press the PR rec ec or | press START. The OPTION Peneee tet ary rar ith the following options: De eure 5 “ CONTROL PAD ARRO! e y, a Prieta eee ta ere ers amd) : a ord uy De : will be Very Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard or Very Hard. ao Sarg AR ce Ce CCE CIEL Lae ni oe a \crease or decrease your handicap by mov- ot 2) i UP and F Ty as eRe at layer 2) and press UP an Peete art ame 2 ‘works when in 2-player mode. } SIMRO MUL OS CLG which buttons will operate which moves. To select a move, use the UP and DOWN CONTROL PAD ARROWS. BU CPR UCR sR OCR a CC UU BULL POC Cm CC Ra Lt LLL LD used that button is also switched. To leave BUTTON ee UL ae cee} Do eee ee oy eT screen, press the START BUTTON. Should a second player desire to join the tournament, he may do so at any time by pressing his START BUT- Peo my Your Fighter” screen where they again must choose their warriors. Both players may choose the same warrior. When this happens, the two will be dis- \ Cima cee eee kc } Cre ee ‘onward in the tournament, and the loser's Pes Bala ==] a) fais a a2 Sumo PM EPS wagered their very lives upon their skills, in Shao Lelia] POET PET meee i eu en Pie a ee ae * ee eM Ee |b h battles, meters in the upper-left and py ccs Rees ‘warrior with less injury is declared the victor. The Deca cco Sour Ly Ce Lee sci Ogee b Once awarriorhas | without a match winner, both defeated the other | Kombatants will be disqualified Peter be tournament, he then takes on the first of his Outworld hosts, ; Coreen restored by his master Shao Kahn”, Se means Jt eet cr te ts Hi ‘Should a warrior defeat Tsung’; his next i Reese ceca Pe aed Pear a cod death at the hands of a mere mortal, Kintaro™ Re eek uC CCC LC UME CUCU URUIS privilege in exchange forhis servitude The meters begin each round completely green, but each time a warrior is hit, an ee te er ee re a er ae riors bar becomes completely red, he is Se nt een cy either kombatantis knocked out the Dee eT i} Ce SOLU aU aD {i inbattle. Defeat him to end his rule and become the Suprome Warrior in the Outworld realm! BUA 3 ) SOEs aU TE DCC Ra Teen ee 4 i in combination with strong DRPEYE a defensive tactics, these moves are enough UL a) 1a5 = offensive moves are as follows: thousands of years. A wise " as training with the art of : a al Pu Tie iat s to avoid or deflect them, eee ater rir De coer eee Oa AU Cad Des kU ieam cs corna Press the Lor R BUTTON peracid Press the CONTROL PAD DOWN. cea Cee ro Ud Dasa eee Un ears ae Loken pret L Ta edge EC) Prema TO KICK (LOW) Peet r ac dui) Cr eC THE ADVANCED MOVES: RUAN TUL UU ‘The advanced moves use t Teo cee attack, then counterattack hen he is most vulnerable. Soa Cus Der ero De ee ee Lo Be ae [ . | which allow a warrior to hit his opponent atau Y eis ‘several times before he has an opportunity to defend Pune aaa F cam Sener) psig a? Soe eee CUM aati re weaknesses in terms of speed and movement. 5 eel Discovering these styles allows youto both use IAL, MOVES: ‘ J . a eterno eat es While being a master of Kombat m ) i Tau mec Outworld requires more of a warrior. In preparation " ‘ for this tournament, every warrior has perfeoted oe etm ret et ad ~ Peete cee ents Prec ned — their effectiveness, and can be especially tA , 3 potent, often devastating an oppone UT ee lias i NORMAL | +TOWARDS) +AWAY i fea PTT iy ati | ETM ome MGC g | wcha\eiad y Cie aie BUTTON Late TU Punch s BUTTON — it 9 i Kick Sc 4 Pr ee BUTTON Kick ca ie ad aii Pl nea Block | Block 4 +UP ay arte) Flying atti tal) aT} Lad cyt Kick Litto Sey ec aii) Uppercut Bente AL Cal eect) mae Bis aR CONTRA Ce etd Cee Shaolin Toumament OR) . SACs Serr descendant ofthe great Kung Crees i Perey ses tr ee eres Ore cme toe og east eee us ey cd allowing the tournament to fall into Shang , oii a Peet eto Perera : vicious battle with a horde of i fs Sr td Outworld warriors, 2 parting | ay salvo from Toung” and his min- | 4 ee foes ro es Pee ee i Cn AURAL Nae | Se HHET Us STANDARO FIREBALL: TELEPORT: Soy pen) cred Pat Ctra ene Ped ie i een s Pe ren ft ee eee Se irra Peters Poy Pees retai co 7 } ar NAAT PRUE Ca Chen Pocrcnic Canaan Halt circle Towards Ervan ry Arone Lacs fear) Era ag COCA rn Ng Poet sD ol COU ee Coe ea) ee Cee CT one ey te CCR ec) eeu ier n cs eed Le) ey protect ce RY GREP UALS fora cores ee roars cats Lac ih Panch pe otis Pana crt a ie ry ere SONS _Aiterlosing control of the Shaolin DS u E eee Ala Est? Mr oa Ry the Shaolin Outworld in disgrace, the Se shapeshifter Shang Tsung Zero” mysterious- romisod his ruler, Shao Kahn’ that ed eu a ety eens Sree ona “ CR Seer ec! pO at Kuei, a legendary clan Scr aoa Penni) Peart DOO uy ee ies an assassination of Shang Ce ce’ kts "% fight his way through Shi pens NP AA RVR CE AS Deas Learn boc fart) rears rae paras is roe en sony eos bE SPECIAL, MOVES: ou Pecan cry asl Ea ears crit two) Frente pent on cre (ee) SUE r OMB ph itana’s” beauty hides her ri Seo ‘a a MORPHS: ris i eee Cay Seon ted aed eo Er ae eee Rien eee oe aan Kitana” knows ae te eS Pr intentions. Pen ae i Red Arras cc d actin Pane beers BYU AHR A Pees Cnc En perce High Purch Berry fae Cn way, crt Saami Holt Circe Towards to Away, High Punch re E ND HUVAI Conca pte ee SS coe come co crs Peas Cee po b> FS} yo Major Jackson Briggs” was CR ria) ee Lecce RE Sd eC US BURT Sorving as an assassin along with her twrin sister Kitana”, ey Tete ad Cea ey Ce ee Oa Ce ae CRO CUR e Cd Te BUR SER UES CESS UCL og Pree ccc feo ued ed criminal and leader ofthe be Con See er ea | Reni ars P Pea i use) Kano” to be held prisoner. RUKH VN Mages Se rey enc con on CoN ny cot bo} er eee Ree ates “ cee ean family atthe hands Cr Co NUHORVAN UTS CERU AI LIs reas ca ‘way + High Punch Ce Pi Clie Dawa ty Away, fon ca orld ees cra Front Sire mod re Perera Trak SCL er iy Pec poorer Cre oe oy corny as 2a bd SPECIAL MOVES: Poets Cena) Pera a i ees Lon id CP od pa Set ‘unfold from high above the Ce Lo rg Cnty Cua arcs Fe) ee eu) Pema Rayde ea ern Td Ce NERD With Goro” missing, Kintaro” steps up to take Pc) Rees Sd De Dea Clr es Co totake revenge on the Eerth Re Cy Soe et ees Ce Pe Gey Archies Se ee at into the Mother Realm (Earth) Ca a Tsung” was to unbalance the Se Ce Ca Cee el allow Kalin” and his minions to See) plagueits inhabitants to a dark See em es aot er Cees erties St, Walk Weak al WITH MORTAL KOMBAT: fala ise ee C45) Te If you think you're tough enough to hit the next level in hand-to-hand Kombat, check out: *JOHNNY CAGE” «LIU KANG™ *RAYDEN™ *SUB-ZERO™ Action Figures with shooting weapons and “Ninja Action” moves! Fight back with KANO’S” KOMBAT CYCLE” & “REPTILE’S"DRAGON MK-1" ATTACK BOAT! Fach with a shooting launcher! ‘ACCLAIM ENTERTAINMEAT, IN, LIMITED WARRENTY 200.AN DITERTANWENT, NC (ALAM) wares oe gh purchase ani fs ALA sctvare pot tate du cn whic hs stare noon secre se fom ees ‘aia and wri mari or ap fin 0) dc fo od of ucts, “ns FCCLA sofa poy ic se “ac i," who exes oped waranty ay ne, nc ACCLAN i ot abe for any Iss 1 duages ct any Kind outing fom ue of is pre- ‘gam. ACCLAW sores fora pete of nny (0) days to eter repair of eprom, fe of care, ary ACCLAM seftware pot, pestage pai, wth pot of oof partes, st is Fata Serce Cate ealacerert of fe gae pak eof charge tte orginal purchaser (except ior the cos ofresmng te game pat isthe ul exon of city, ‘his waranty fot applzele wo vomal ear and wa, Ts waranty sal rote anpeable ana Stal be cdf the doc nf ACCLAIM sfvare oduct nas arisen tough abuse, urease Able we, nsroaimont ot neglct. THIS WARRANTY & IN LEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTS AND TN OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR CLAMS DF AY NATURE SRALL BE BIOING OX OF OBUGATE CLAIM, ANY INPLED VNFRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS SOFTWARE PEODUCT, NELUDINS WARRAITES OF MERCKAITABLITY AVO TESS FOR A PARTOULAR PURPOSE, ARE LATED “10 THE NE") DAY PERO DESCRIBED ABD: INN EVENT LL ACCLAM BE LABLE FOR ‘NY SPECAL, NODENTAL, 0% CONSEQUENTIAL DAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE {ORMAL-UNCTON OF THS ACOLAM SOFTWARE PRODUCT. Sone ss de rot alow lito as to ho jeg an ipl waranty als andr ecusions Aion oct consequent daraes she above lntalons anc excsors Katy may nc py to you This waranty ges you spect gts, ané you ay as Fave ihe ichts which vary fom sta tat ‘is waranty shal rote appeal te extent tt any provid of ik waranty ie prohoe by Ay fetal Sak: muri! i whch caolbepre-enple FogiSovio afer Epon f Waren your game pak require opr after expan of the tay Lines Wray Pd, you my vac Cans Senos Depariert Ne mabe [Seah Yor willbe ant theese o ear an he stigorghetins, ACCLAIM Hotine/Conssmer Serco Oop. (515) 624-9300 ist and marotod by ACZLAIM ENTERTAINMENT, IC. 71 Ao Avenue, Oyster Bay, NY. 11771 isu ue ngs san Wacom be Een marin A

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