Robotics UNIT 3

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Saresh MSKCET/Mcch/ME}0061/A stomommoran/IRAWH}-5 SRI KRISHNA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS UNIT HiT ROBOT KINEMATICS Dr.M.SURESH wz zs. >2 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sri Krishne College of Engineering and Technology Kuniamuthr, Coimbatore. kym-su AA anata eadad 5 5 it itt AASAAARAI ARR a Forward KINEMPTICS OF A FREEDOM (RR CONFIGULATION ) : ROBOT WITH TWO DEFRREES OF AAIAADSBS soeddeatdy 4 “4 ong Hea BR ie AAO AN 4 : Gy Abe fexward Kmemahes , we are given wilh Joie angles and we lave to find out the — position of end dyfceter the vector & for link | aud tink 20 are ye (hr cos, Ly 8in@s) Mae ( fycos (14M), Ly Si (Ort 6,)) Hence the end arm tn Space is dlefived as, Ke LCoS) + Ly (8 (O482) Ye dy) sme, 422.8% (6178) Reverse Transformahou 09 kinelics of Robot wit Two Degrees of Feeedow = mf tay bs ond , and ; be the length aa pxientation of the Links t aud 2° yespeelively , thew ae LCOS, t do COs CO/tH) Ye dt) 8inB 4 dy Sin (Ort8a) Sqmaring aud adding the c4mations , ada yes HP Coa, A Ay* CCR, AMg) 4 Aida Cos, Cos/gQ Ro y 4 LP Sin? @, % 1) Siv? (BrtO2> 1 Qs SIN, CHNCOHE,) = LP (caste, 4 Si? BPs” | oer OB) 4 Sin? (r+ Od] 4 Adis [cosmos (@4as) 1 Sin Or MH Cenes)) eHG) 414 2Uu feese, (cose, C€iB 4 Sif, 8108) + SinB, (Sin By Cos6, ~ ers Sin.)) Fh 4 ty 2b } (0520, C050, 4 (056,Sind, Sines | + Sire, Case, - cos6,Sin6,Sinb] | e LP 4h? 4 atils [ cose, (costo, +8i070,)] Se Die = waye = Uteld 4 atte [ cose, (0) ej eetbetiech G 1 cg (A482 Cosh (OSB Pay? -Ur-Le= AU Ly Cos O, . a8 = ae|ey?—J2- bt 7. Sin CA4B) = Sinnges8- cai => |tos6,- yr-Le- b Seta — aul eI Resor wer TREE Dieu: Hl forwerty Kineranys oF oe FREE DIZ ERD CoNFrGbeATON - GpheRorpAal RepoT- egiddaaa ANN v (f i FORWARD KINEMPTICS OF A poBCT wri THREZ DEGREES cf FREEDOM * , REP CONFIGURATION - SpHERoT DAL RoBoT Comider the is Joken fox the ay: cose (1 Cos >) 4 = Cino(L Cos $) In oY co-vvdinals base to end Lffector the value xz cos a (Les 9) 6 ye d+ Sing (Losg) ye d,s Sing Ch eas $) —> © Saprording aud adding, + (y-h)? = (arab Cos + Sinro Leos = (cosro-+ sivroy f L? cos? 9) : 2 (os? 9) aaa gay V4 (yay = 2 tos? Cos? he Late (yy?) Va oso Dividivy epvations DO 2 ©, ay) > Y-1, . Sine me lose AAAI i ¥ | co-ordinates WS BiS2 Ma whicr she value REVERSE KINEMPTICS OF ROBOT WITH THREC DEGREES OF FREEDOM: x= cose ( Leosg) + Ls Cos Sind (Lcosg) + dy 4h 3 (5941) Ye X13 = t- Ls wosg Ys = Y- 13 (ose Substituting ay tn the above equations , Ay (ose (Lesd)t datos g - bates f Ya- Sine CL toe f) th, tha @F - Llesyilg Ys = Sine (1 Osh) +413 Ya - bi-da = Sin @ (LCos g) Samacing aud adding , ast4 J Ya- (tts) = Cos? 120s y + Sino Leos" Least ( C00? 6+ sir) = Pcs IRAROD AIR ddannddd MA Ve t+ (Ya- Citta ]* oy ils [+(ys-(nsyy % =a | Ou dividing dhe above tonations , Sine (hw py yy - (itt) (ose Ch wos) say tano = Y3- (htls) x3 - Sing = Yy- Cy tea) a FOPWARD AND REVERSE TRANSFORMATION of ROBOT Wim fouR DEGREE oF FREEDOM! aan af at allows rotaHon about Zanes (81) Joint 1 anis Ly te the Joint a allows gz-ants (&2) Aintar movement Ly and fy wtaron abut oan Tot 3 allows Font 4 allows station about an ants pereallel to the foint 2 (Oy) - Foaward Transformation : The position of the and effector P In world Space Ts given by a: ( tos d,+ Ly Cos y)* (O56, Ys (£82 + Ay Cosby) ¥ Sind, ay ‘ m Ri Ze 2, + LSIMO, + Ly Siny i b+ REVERSE TRANSFORMATION: Pitch angle (Bu) and the wond Co-ordinates Jove posto (% 4,2) Of the point P are given, the can be determined in the following way . det the lo-ovdinates of the Joint 4 be CX Yur) 7 ie Mins yy 1-050, (Ly Cosby) Yy = Y-SinG, (hy Csbu) © = is asd en Jd pSin By “Se DD aud L ton be Now tne values of 1/82 = . Cos Bie Uy md =” Sin®s= Zy- Ay A y he y tar yy? + (au Ay? J ae Sar ar oa 9 | Bl -aI> ai doomed t “4 pppppp P liaity 2 { yy ae anh Hi CHAPTER FOUR ROBOT MOTION ANALYSIS AND CONTROL nntrol of a single robot joint. In In the preceding chapter we discussed the cor sist order for a robot to perform useful work it is necessary for the arm to co of a number of joints. The typical commercial industrial robot hhas five or six joints. Its also necessary to control the path which the end of the arm follows, as opposed to merely controlling the final positions of the joints. In this chapter we will discuss the problems of robot motion control and the mathe- matical techniques used to analyze manipulator positions and motions. Later in the chapter we explore the dynamics of robot manipulators. Highly motivated readers may wish to pursue the subject of this chapter in more detail, and we tecommend Paul’s book [9] which has become the standard reference in this area, 4-1 INTRODUCTION TO MANIPULATOR KINEMATICS In order to develop a scheme for controlling the motion of a manipulator it is ~ necessary to develop techniques for representing the position of the arm at points in time, We will define the robot manipulator using the two basic Qlements, joints and links, Each joint represents 1 degree of freedom. As discussed in Chap. Two, the joints may involve either linear motion (joint-type ‘L) of rotational motion (joint-types R, T, and V) between the adjacent links. ‘According to our definitions in Chap. Two, the links are assumed to be the rigid structures that connect the joints ‘Joints are labeled J, where n begins with 1 at the base of the manipulator, and links are labeled L,, again with | being’the link closest to the base. Figure {4-1 illustrates the labeling system for two diffrent robot arms, each possessing 2 degrees of freedom. By the joint notation scheme described in Chap. Two, 7 ROROT MOTION ANALYSIS AND CONTROL 89 Figure 4-1 Two lifferent 2-jointed nanipulators. (a) two rotatonal joints (RR), (b) two linear jomts wm (LL), i) the manipulator in Fig. 4-1(a) has an RR notation and the manipulator in Fig. 4-1(b) has an LL notation. | We will also use the symbol L, to indicate the length of the link in some of our equation derivations carly in the chapter. Later in the chapter, we define a “standard” notation system used for computing joint-link transformations, This notation system uses the symbol ay to denote the length of a manipulator link. Position Representation The kinematics of the RR robot are more difficult to analyze than the LL robot, and we will make frequent use of this configuration (and extensions of i throughout the chapter. Figure 4-2 ilustrates the geometric form of the RR manipulator. For the present discussion, our analysis will be limited to the two-dimensional case. The position of the end of the arm may be represented in a number of ways. One way is to utilize the two joint angles @ and G3, This is known as the representation in “joint” space and we may define it as - P= (04, 0) Another way to define the arm position is in “world” space. This involves the use of a cartesian coordinate system that is external to the robot. The origin of AG) at Figure 4-2 A two-dimensional 2 degree-of- od freedom manipulator (type RR). SEUSS SESE papsrrsrersere FO iSSEECERRECECECEEEAECLGAALLUA see

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