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INDIAN INCOME TAX RETURN VERIFICATION FORM. [Where the data ofthe Return of fncome in Form ITR-t (SAMAJ), ITR-2,ITR-2A, ITR-3, TTRA4S (SUGAM),ITR-4, ITR-S, ITR7 transmitted electronically without digital signature] . (ease se Rae 12 ofthe Income-tas Ral, 1962) ‘Assessment Year 2015 - 16 nee PAN INDIA SUDAR FDUCATIONAL AND CHARTEARLE TRUST 2 [AaaTuosse Sy | Maoortioa No Tame Of Premise ulding Viage Fon No wick 285 | swoaorpea [ DCAKSHMTSREE APARTMENTS ———fearbeen [ie ecg franomited B28 | Rnasiccrni ome “areal 25) | vio scan CHRAVANACAR STNG Samm AOPTS zee = SEF | Tommcimamie State ‘adhaay Number 3° | caennar i “TAMILNADU Designation of AO (Ward Circle) EXENIPTIONS WARD 3 CHENNAT Original or Revnsd flag Acknowledgement Number [IESTIMTBOIIS Tlnsiconpearrey [eaeranrs T[ Gross Total fncome i n all ineaenea ana Cxapeeoreat - fi TI 3 Toul income 3 0, : [Current Year Toss fanp 3 ——* 8_ |[a[NataPmabe a ° 2S | 5] terest Payable 3 i 3B |e) roa ax ana icra Payable é a 25 [itmeraia Ze a | Advance Tax Te o fs | ep 7 2 : < [res 7 A a [Ser Areca Tax 7a n | Total Taxes Paid av 7HFTE Ta) 7. ° 3 | Tax Payable 70 3 Retnd Ge) : 2 0 10] Exempt income [a e ou u =, ‘VERIFICATION , VAIDHAYAKUMAR __so dager of VARADARAJAN F,__ oldngPomanentAcount Number _AASPUIIQ__ fmnly declare to the best of my KnowTedge ad bei, the information given inthe return and the Schedules thereto which have beeatrnsmited ectroniealy by me vide acknowledgement number mentioned above is erret and complete a that the amount of otal income and oer particulars own therein are tly stated and are in accordance wit the provisions ofthe Income-tax Act, 1961, in respect of income chargeable to ince fe fc previous year relevant othe assessment yea 2015-16 | further decave that | am making this et in my eapacity 28 MANAGING TRUS nd Lam also competent o make this turn and verity it here [Date 30-12-2015 Place CHENNAI ibe return tas en phcpared by aC Retr earer CHRP) ive further deta 35 below: entiation No of THF Name of TRF Counter Sigaatare of TRP For Office Use Only a A rt , ESET oeecieses 1] RSPEI AUER, co Lls receiving oficial case send the duly signed Form ITR-V to “Income Tax Department ~ CPC, Post Bag No-T, Elestronle City Post Ofice, Bengaluru S00100, arnataka”, by ORDINARY POST OR SPEED POST ONLY, within 120 days from date of ansmniing the dat eletronically. Foor ITR-V hall not be received in ay othe office ofthe Income-tax Department o in any oer manner. The eonimation of receipt ofthis Form (TR-V at ID-CPC will be sent to the e-mail address ‘ur asojoq poonpaud spuoaas 7p Sy00q sad sy “L10009-reuaND ‘BEN Teas WED "Oe 884970 :0N dryssoquayy rejunoDoy pasty) Nave TUOHRNES HAs Brompnaegurnwes ‘wvons Vion! sna TiBvUEWHO 8 TwHOUvINNR ASML ITAVINAVHD NV TYNOLLYonaa wt stocr'sc ra oUUEYE) ORIG, aS VIGNI 403, [Esse108 jovarrer ——[ue1e99r [svete Jose T —_[LeresoT TOL lceisrt lcetser secee - wea 19101] sires od 66821 -0ea 19101] ‘SOUTTEE SURO) ezs9611 ezs961 weiBoug uoneonp euuoy uoN pur xwapeoy| siz08 sezos looesi9 loosseo ooor looori sesuadg Aresgyy sepng e1pull p76 sexe lecet onjoooy wsaxru levose lerrse sjooyos 405 asmonnsemutfeezev6z | gciseei 191 anisoaq uosreu0q| lossez losoez uues8014 3317 pooD)| looosz loocosz . 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MANAGING TRUSTEE Place : Chennai Date: 28.12.2015 INDIA SUOAR EDUCATIONAL & CHARITABLE TRUST wor inasudocor

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