Part-3Advancedinformationonproperties: 6 .3.1 Co Rrelatio N Equatio Ns of D Esign Properties W Ith

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Part - 3 A dvanced inform atio n o n P roperties

6 .3.1

Co rrelatio n

Equatio ns

of D esign

properties w ith

Com pressive srrengrh

6.3.2 Developm enc of 5trengrh w ith Tim e
6.3.3 Effect of H igh Tem perature on 5trength
6.3.4 Basic fquations for Creep Co- efficient
6 .3.5 Basic Eq uatio ns for D eterm in ing the D rying Sh rinkage

6.3.6Stress Strain Relation for N on- Linear A nalysis

6.3.7 M ulriAxialSrresses

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